Marie-Christine BOIRON

- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Chargé de recherche
- Tutelle de rattachement : CNRS
- Adresse professionnelle : FST - Bur A502
- Email :
- Téléphone : 03 72 74 55 42
- Equipe : AXE MATIERES PREMIERES - Ressources minérales
- Section CNRS : 18
Thématiques de recherche
Main Research Activities
- Transfers of elements by geological fluids (paleofluids or present day fluids) in the crust.
- Mineral resources and conditions of ore deposit formation - Gold deposits in western Europe, U ores Canada, Ag Morroco, MVT deposits, REE Sweden, Nb, Ta, W, Spain.
- Trace elements in minerals and in geological fluids as indicators of geochemical processes, applications to strategic metals.
- Development of new analytical techniques (LIBS, LA-ICPMS, Raman spectroscopy) for the determination of paleofluids chemistry (ions, gas, pH)
Reserach Projects
Participation to 7 european projects on ore deposits (Britte Euram, Joule 2, Human Capital and mobility, EraMin…) and to ANR programs
Project leader for research programs with exploration Mining and Petroleum Companies (Orano, Total)
Responsabilités scientifiques
Excellence Laboratory LABEX R21, Scientific responsible for the study of concentrations of strategic metals
Scientific in charge of LA-ICPMS laboratory at GeoRessources
Responsabilités pédagogiques
Person in charge of the Master 2 “Mineral Resources” at “Université de Lorraine” 2010-2018
Scientific production (1989-2023)
152 publications, around 300 scientific communications, 21 invited lectures
H indice : 44, Number of citations : 4830 (web of Science)
H indice : 49, i10: 119, Number of citations: 6480, (Google Scholar)
152- Manceau A., Mathon O., Lomachenko K.A., Rovezzi M., Kvashinina K.O., Boiron M.C., Brossier R., Steinmann S.N., 2023. Revealing the Incorporation of Cerium in Fluorapatite. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
151- Dugamin E.J.M., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Richard A., Despinois F., 2023, Lithium enrichment processes in sedimentary formation waters. Chem. Geol., 635, 121626.
150 – Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Grimaud J.L., Favier S., Teitler Y., Golfier F., 2023, Pseudo-Karst Silicification Related to Late Ni Reworking in New Caledonia. Minerals, 13, 4.
149 - Fahimi A., Bontempi E., Fiameni L., Guedes A., Guimarães R., Moreira K., Santos A.C., Valentim B., Predeanu G., Bălănescu M., Olgun H., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2022, Incineration of aviary manure: The case studies of poultry litter and laying hens manure. Waste Biomass Valor 13, 3335–3357.
148 - Martins I., Mateus A., Cathelineau, M., Boiron, M.C., Ribeiro da Costa I., Dias da Silva I., Gaspar, M., 2022, The Lanthanide “Tetrad Effect” as an Exploration Tool for Granite-Related Rare Metal Ore Systems: Examples from the Iberian Variscan Belt. Minerals, 12, 1067.
147 - Bertauts M., Janots E., Rossi M., Duhamel-Achin I, Boiron M.C., Airaghi L., Lanari P., Lach P., Peiffert C., Magnin V., 2022, A new Alpine metallogenic model for the Pb-Ag orogenic deposits of Macôt-la Plagne and Peisey-Nancroix (Western Alps, France). Geosciences, 12, 331.
146 – Marin Rivera R., Chagnes, A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., 2022, Conditioning of poultry manure ash for subsequent phosphorous separation and assessment for a process design. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 31, e00377.
145- Quesnel B., Truche L., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Lempart M., Rigaudier T., Derkowski A., Gaucher E.C., 2021, Significance of H2 and CO release during thermal treatment of natural phyllosilicate-rich rocks. Chemical Geology.
144 – Blaise T., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Techer I., Boiron M.C., Tarantola A., Brigaud B., Landrein P., 2021, Origin of 87Sr enrichment in calcite cements in Jurassic 1 limestones (Eastern Paris Basin, France). Applied Geochemistry,
143 - Dugamin E.J.M., Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Despinois F., Brisset A., 2021, Groundwater in sedimentary basins as potential lithium resource: a global prospective study. Scientific Reports, 11, 21091.
142- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Peiffert C., 2021. Evaporitic brines and copper-sulphide ore genesis at Jbel Haïmer (Central Jebilet, Morocco): A reply. Ore Geology Reviews.
141 – Harlaux M., Marignac C., Mercadier J., Poujol M., Boiron M.C., Kouznamov K., Camacho A., Alikouss S., Roméo B., Mouthier B., Cuney M., 2021.Multistage development of a hydrothermal tungsten deposit during the Variscan late-orogenic evolution: the Puy-les-Vignes W breccia pipe (Massif Central, France). Bulletin de la société geologique de France,
140 – Abu Fatima M., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., 2021. Metallogeny of a Pan-African oceanic arc: VHMS and gold deposits in the Ariab-Arbaat belt, Haya terrane, Red Sea Hills (Sudan). Gondwana Research,
139 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Jakomulski H., 2021. Triassic evaporites: a vast reservoir of brines mobilised successively during rifting and thrusting in the Pyrenees. Journal of the Geological Society of London, DOI:
138 – Pokrovski G., Escoda C., Blanchard M., Testemale D., Hazemann J.-L., Gouy S., Kokh M.A., Boiron M.-C., de Parseval F., Aigouy T., Menjot L., de Parseval P., Proux O., Rovezzi M., Béziat D., Salvi S., Kouzmanov K., Bartsch T., Pöttgen R., Doert T., 2021. An arsenic-driven pump for invisible gold in hydrothermal systems. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 17, 39-44. Doi : 10.7185/geochemlet.2112
137 - Kokh M. A., Luais B., Truche L., Boiron M.C., Peiffert C., Schumacher A., 2021. Quantitative Measurement of rare earth element in brines : Isolation from charged matrix versus direct LA-ICP-MS measurements – a comparative study. Geostandards and Geonalystical Research,
136- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Peiffert C., 2021. Evaporitic brines and copper-sulphide ore genesis at Jbel Haïmer (Central Jebilet, Morocco). Ore Geology Reviews,
135 – Verlaguet A., Bonnemains D., Mével C., Escartín J., Andreani M., Bourdelle F., Boiron M.C., Chavagnac V., 2021, Fluid circulation along an oceanic detachment fault: insights from fluid inclusions in silicified brecciated fault rocks (Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13°20’N). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
134 - Nteme Mukonzo J., Boiron M.C., Lagabrielle Y., Cathelineau M., Quesnel B., 2021, Fluid-rock interactions along detachment faults during continental rifting and mantle exhumation: the case of the Urdach lherzolite body (North-Pyrenees). Journal of the Geological Society of London.
133 - El Korh A., Boiron M.C., Cividini D., 2020, A multi-isotope study (Fe, Ge, O) of hydrothermal alteration in the Limousin ophiolite (French Massif Central). Lithos,
132 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Dour M., Dejean M., Carocci E., Truche L., Pinto F., 2020, High pressure and temperatures during the early stages of tungsten deposition at Panasqueira revealed by fluid inclusions in topaz. Ore Geology reviews,
131 -Carocci E., Marignac C ;, Cathelineau M., Truche L., Poujol M., Boiron M-C., Peiffert C., Pinto F., 2020, Incipient deposition stage of Wolframite: W-Rutile and Tourmaline chemistry as proxies for early fluids at Panasqueira (Portugal). Economic Geology, sous presse.
130 - Fahimi A., Bilo F., Assi A., Dalipi R., Federici S., Guedes A.,Valentim B., Olgun H., Ye G., Bialecka B., Fiameni L, Borgese L, Cathelineau M, Boiron M.C., Predeanu G, Bontempi E., 2020, Poultry litter ash characterisation and recovery. Waste Management 111, 10–21.
129- Ouattara Z., Coulibaly Y., Boiron M.C., 2020. Shear-hosted gold mineralization in the Oumé-Fettèkro greenstone belt, Côte d’Ivoire: the Bonikro deposit. The geological Societey of London,
128- El Korh A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Deloule E., Luais B., 2020. Tracing metallic pre-concentrations in the Limousin ophiolite and Variscan granites (French Massif Central). Lithos, 356-357,
127 - El Korh A., Deloule E., Luais B., Boiron M.C., Bastian L., Vigier N., 2019, Lithium behaviour and isotope fractionation during fluid-rock interactions in Variscan oceanic suture zones: Limousin ophiolite and Ile de Groix high-pressure terrane (France). Journal of Petrology, 60,1963-1990. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egz060
126 - Quesnel B., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Rigaudier T., Bardoux G., Agrinier P., de Saint Blanquat M., Masini E., Gaucher E.C., 2019, Nature and origin of mineralizing fluids in hyper-extensional systems, the case of Cretaceous Mg-metasomatism in the Pyrenees. Geofluids, in press.
125 - Moussa N., Boiron M.C., Grassineau N.V., Asael D., Fouquet Y., Le Gall B., Rolet J.,Etoubleau J., Delacourt C., 2019, Mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotope study of epithermal Au-Ag-Bi-Te mineralization from the SE Afar Rift (Djibouti). Ore Geology reviews,
124 - Merkulova M., Mathon O., Glatzel P., Batanova V., Marion P., Boiron M.C., Manceau A., 2019, Revealing the chemical form of "invisible" gold in natural arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite with high energy-resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, in press.
123 - Choulet F., Richard J., Boiron M.C., Dekoninck A., YansJ., 2019, Distribution of trace elements in willemite from the Belgium non-sulphide deposits. European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 983-997.
122 - Pokrovski G. S., Kokh M.A., Proux O., Hazemann J.L., Bazarkina E., Testemale D., Escoda C., Boiron M.C., Blanchard M., Aigouy T., Gouy S., De Parseval P., Thibaut M., 2019, The nature and partitioning of invisible gold in the pyrite-fluid system. Ore Geology reviews, 109, 545-563.
121- Belissont R., Munoz M., Boiron M.C., Luais B., Mathon O., 2019, Germanium Crystal Chemistry in Cu-Bearing Sulfides from Micro-XRF Mapping and Micro-XANES Spectroscopy. Minerals, 9, 227; doi:10.3390/min9040227.
120 - Ulrich, M., Cathelineau, M., Muñoz, M., Boiron, M-C, Karpoff A-M. (2019) The relative distribution of critical (Sc, REE) and transition metals (Ni, Co, Cr, Mn, V) in some Ni-laterite deposits of New Caledonia, J Geochem Explor, 197, 93-113
119 - Janots E., Grand’Homme A., Bernet M., Guillaume D., Gnos E., Boiron M.C., Rossi M., Seydoux-Guillaume A.M., De Ascençao – Guedes R., 2019, Geochronological and thermometric evidence of unusually hot fluids in an Alpine fissure of Lauzière granite (Belledonne, Western Alps). Solid Earth, 10, 1–13
118 -Camprubi A., Gonzalez-Partida E., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Gonzalez-Ruiz L.E., Aguilar –Ramirez C.F., Fuentes-Guzman E., Gonzalez-Ruiz D., Legouix C., 2019, MVT-Like Fluorite Deposits and Oligocene Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluorite–Be–U–Mo–P–V Overprints in Northern Coahuila, Mexico. Minerals, 9-1, 58
117 - Hulsbosch N., Boiron M.C., Thomas R., Van Daele J., Dewaele S., Muchez P., 2019, Evaluation of the petrogenetic significance of melt inclusions in pegmatitic schorl-dravite from graphic tourmaline-quartz assemblages: Application of LA-ICP-QMS analyses and volume ratio calculations. Geochimica, Cosmochimica Acta, 244, 308-335
116 – Van Daele J. , Hulsbosch N., Dewaele S., Boiron M.C., Piessens K., Boyce A., Muchez P., 2018, Mixing of magmatic-hydrothermal and metamorphic fluids and the origin of peribatholitic Sn vein-type deposits in Rwanda. Ore Geology Reviews, 101, 481-501.
115- Berkesi M., Czuppon G., Szabo C ;, Kovacs I., Ferrero S., Boiron M.C., Peiffert C., 2019, Pargasite in fluid inclusions of mantle xenoliths from northeast Australia (Mt. Quincan): evidence of interaction with asthenospheric fluid. Chemicla Geology, 508, 182-196.
114 - Martz P., Mercadier J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Quirt D., Doney A., Gerbeaud O., De Wally E., Ledru P., 2019, Formation of U-rich mineralizing fluids through basinal brine migration within basement-hosted shear zones: A large-scale study of the fluid chemistry around the unconformity-related Cigar Lake U deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). Chemical Geology, 508, 116-143
113- Pochon A., Gloaguen E., Branquet Y., Poujol M., Ruffet G., Boiron M-C., Boulvais P., Guliaux C., Cagnard F., Gouazou F., Gapais D., 2018, Variscan Sb-Au mineralization in Central Brittany (France): A new metallogenic model derived from the Le Semnon district. Ore Geology reviews, 97, 109-142.
112 – Corre B., Boulvais P., Boiron M-C., Lagabrielle Y., Marasi L., Clerc C., 2018, Fluid circulations in response to mantle exhumationat the passive margin setting in north Pyrenean zone, France. Mineralogy and Petrology, 97, 109-142. DOI 10.1007/s00710-017-0559-x
111- Dyja-Person V., Tarantola A., Richard A., Hibsch C., Siebenaller L., Boiron M.C., Catheineau M., Boulvais P., 2018, Metamorphic brines and no surficial fluids trapped in the detachment foowall of a metmorphic core complex (Nevado – Filabride units, Betics, Spain, Tectonophysics. In press, /j.tecto.2018.02.001
110- Grand'Homme A., Janots E. , Seydoux-Guillaume A.M., Guillaume D. , Magnin V., Hövelmann J., Höschen C., Boiron M.C., 2018, Mass transport and fractionation during monazite alteration by anisotropic replacement, Chemical geology, in press,
109- Martz P., Cathelineau M., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Jaguin J., Tarantola A., Demacon M., Gerbeaud O., Quirt D., Doney A., Ledru P., 2017. C-O-H-N fluids circulations and graphite precipitation in reactivated Hudsonian shear zones during basement uplift of the Wollaston-Mudjatik Transition Zone: Example of the Cigar Lake U deposit. Lithos, 294-295, 222-245.
108 - Hulsbosch N., Thomas R., Boiron M.C., Dewaele S., Muchez P., 2017. Direct observation of boro-aluminosilicte melt compositions : insights from Raman spectroscopy of melt inclusions in pegmatitic tourmaline of Gatumba-Gitarama area Rwando. Can. Mineral., 55, 377-397.
107 - Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P., 2017. Basinal brines at the origin of the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence from LA-ICP-MS data on fluid inclusions, halogen signatures and stable isotopes (H, C, O) - A reply. Economic Geology, 112, 1273-1277.
106- El Korh A., Luais B., Boiron MC., Deloule E., Cividini D., 2016. Investigation of Ge and Ga exchange behaviour and Ge isotopic fractionation during subduction zone metamorphism. Chem. Geol.,
105- Cathelineau M., Myagkiy A., Quesnel B., Boiron M.C., Gautier P., Boulvais P., Ulrich M., Truche L., Golfier F., Drouillet M., 2016. Multistage crack seal vein and hydrothermal Ni enrichment in serpentinized ultramafic rocks (Koniambo massif, New Caledonia). Mineralium Deposita, doi:10.1007/s00126-016-0695-3
104 - Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P., Maacha L., 2016. Basinal brines at the origin of the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence from LA-ICP-MS data on fluid inclusions, halogen signatures and stable isotopes (H, C, O). Economic Geology, 111, 1753-1781.
103- Mamane Mamandou M., Cathelineau M., Bourdelle F., Boiron M.C., Brouand M., 2016, Hot fluid flows around a major fault identified by paleothermometric studies (Tom Mersoï basin, Niger). Journal of sedimentary Research, 86, 914-928.
102 - Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Hibti M., 2017, Mineralogy and ore fluid chemsitry of the Roc Blanc Ag deposit, Jebilet, Hercynian massif, Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 127, 175-193
101- Siebenaller L., Vanderhaeghe O., Jessel M., Boiron M.C., Hibsch C., 2016, Syntectonic fluid redistribution and circulation coupled to quartz recrystallisation in the ductile crust (Naxos Island, Cyclades, Greece). Journal of Geodynamics,
100- Giuliani G, Boiron M.C., Morlot C., Raoul J., Chatagnier P.Y, 2016, Demantoid garnet with giant fluid inclusion. Gems and Gemmology, 51, 446-446
99- Belissont R., Munoz M., Boiron M.C., Luais B., Mathon O., 2016, Distribution and oxidation state of Ge, Cu and Fe in sphalerite by m-XRF and K-edge m -XANES: Insights into Ge incorporation, partitioning and isotopic fractionation. Geochimica, Cosmochimica Acta, 177,298-314.
98- Blaise T., Clauer N., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Techer I., Boulvais P., 2016, Reconstructing fluid-flow events in Lower-Triassic sandstones of the eastern Paris Basin by elemental tracing and isotopic dating of nanometric illite crystals. Geochimica, Cosmochimica Acta, 176,157-184.
97- Pascal M., Boiron M. C., Ansdell K., Annesley I., , Kotzer T., Jirika D., Cuney M., Fluids preserved in variably altered graphitic pelitic schists in the Dufferin Lake zone, south-central Athabasca Basin, Canada: Implications for graphite loss and uranium deposition. Mineralium deposita, on line
96 - Hulsbosch N., Boiron M.C., Dewaele S., Muchez P., 2016, Fluid fractionation of tungsten during granite-pegmatite differentiation reveals the metal source of peribatholitic W quartz veins: evidence from the granite-associated ore province of the Karagwe-Ankole Belt (Rwanda). Geochimica, Cosmochimica Acta, 175,290-318.
95 - Chicharro E., Boiron M.C., Lopez-Garcia J.A., Barfod D.N., Vilaseca C., 2016, Origin, ore forming fluid and timing of the Logrosan Sn (W) ore deposits (Central Iberian Zone, Spain). Ore Geology Review, 72,, 896-913 DOI 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.09.020
94- Dyja V., Hibsch C., Tarantola A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Bartier D., Carillo Rosua J., Morales Ruano S., Boulvais P., 2015, From deep to shallow fluid reservoirs: evolution of fluid sources during exhumation of the Sierra Almagrera, Betic Cordillera, Spain. Geofluids, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12139
93 - Blaise T., Tarantola A., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Techer I., Rigaudier T., Boiron M.C., Pierron O., Landrein P. 2015, Evolution of porewater composition through time in limestone aquifers: Salinity and D/H of fluid inclusion water in authigenic minerals (Jurassic of the eastern Paris Basin, France). Chemical Geology, 417, 210-227.
92 - Pokrovski G., Kokh M., Guillaume D., Borisova A.Y., Gisquet P., Hazemann J. L., Lahera E., Del Net W., Proux O., Testemale D., V Haigis V., Jonchière R., Seitsonen A.P., Ferlat G., Vuilleumier R. , Saitta A.M., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J. 2015, Sulfur radical species form gold deposits on Earth. vol. 112 no. 44, 13484–13489, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1506378112
91- Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Banks D.A., Cuney M.,2015, Metal-rich fluid inclusions provide new insigths into unconformity-related U deposits (Athabasca Basin and Basement, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, DOI 10.1007/s00123-015-0601-4
90 – Jaguin J., Boulvais P., Boiron M.C., Poujol M., Gapais D., Ruffet G., Briant N. 2014, Stable isotopes (O, C) and fluid inclusion study of quartz-carbonate veins from the Antimony Line, Murchison Greenstone Belt. American Journal of Science. vol 314, p 1140-1170, sept 2014, doi:10.2475/07.2014.03
89 - Moubiya Mouélé I., Dudoignon P., El Albani A., Cuney M., Boiron M. C., Gauthier-Lafaye F., 2014, Percolation of diagenetic fluids in the Archean basement of the Franceville basin. CR Geoosciences, 346, 13-19.
88 - Blaise T., Barbarand J., Kars M., Ploquin F., Aubourg C., Brigaud B., Cathelineau M., El Albani A., Gautheron C., Izart A., Janots D., Michels R., Pagel M., Pozzi J.P., Boiron M.C., Landrein P., 2014, Reconstruction of low temperature (<100 ° C) burial in sedimentary basins: A comparison of geothermometer in the intracontinental Paris Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 71-87.
87 – Carpentier C., Brigaud B., Blaise T., Vincent B., Durlet C., Boulvais P., Pagel M., Hibsch C., Yven B., Lach P., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Landrein P., Buschaert S., 2014, Impact of basin burial and exhumation on Jurassic carbonates diagenesis on both sides of a thick clay barrier (Paris Basin, NE France). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 44-70.
86 - Eglinger A., Ferraina C., Tarantola A., Andre Mayer A.S., Vanderhaeghe O., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Richard A., Brouand M ., 2014, Hypersaline fluids generated by high-grade metamorphism of evaporites: fluid inclusion study of uranium occurrences in the Western Zambian Copperbelt. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 167, 967. DOI 10.1007/s00410-014-0967-9
85 – Belissont R., Boiron M.C., Luais B., Cathelineau M., 2014, LA-ICP-MS analyses of minor and trace elements and bulk Ge isotopes in zoned Ge-rich sphalerite from the Saint-Salvy deposit (France): Insights on incorporation mechanisms and ore deposition processes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 126,518-540.
84 - Richard A., Boulvais P., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., France – Lanord C., 2013, From evaporated seawater to uranium mineralizing brines : Isotopic and trace element study of quartz dolomite veins in the Athabasca system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 113, 38-59.
83 - Siebenaller L., Boiron M.C., Vanderhaeghe O., Hibsch C., Jessell M., France-Lanord C., André-Mayer A.S., Photiades A., 2013, Fluid inclusion record in rocks exhumed through the ductile/brittle transition (Naxos Island, Cyclades, Greece). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, 313-338.
82 - Richard A., Cauzid J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Cuney M., 2013, Synchrotron-XRF and XANES investigation of uranium speciation and element distribution in fluid inclusions from unconformity-related uranium deposits. Geofluids, 13,110-121.
81 - Cepedal A., Fuertes-Fuente M., Martín-Izard A., García-Nieto J., Boiron M.C., 2013, An intrusion-related gold deposit (IRGD) in the NW of Spain, the Linares deposit: Igneous rocks, veins and related alterations, ore features and fluids involved. Journal of Geochemical exploration, 124-101-126.
80 – Lach P, Mercadier J., Dubessy J., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., 2013, In-situ quantitative measurement of rare earth elements in uranium oxides by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 37, 277-296.
79 -Leisen M., Boiron M.C., Richard A., Dubessy J., 2012, Determination of Cl and Br concentrations in individual fluid inclusions by combining microthermometry and LA-ICPMS analysis: Implications for the origin of salinity in crustal fluids. Chemical Geology, 330-331, 197-206.
78 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Ruffet G., Clauer N., Belcourt O, Coulibaly Y., Banks D. A., Guillocheau F., 2012. A Kimmeridgian to Berriasian major fluid event at the basin/basement unconformity in western France: 39Ar-40Ar and K-Ar dating, fluid chemistry, and related geodynamic context. Chemical Geology, 322-323, 99-120.
77 - Leisen M., Dubessy J., Boiron M.C., Lach P., 2012. Improvement of the determination of element concentrations in quartz-hosted fluid inclusions by LA-ICP-MS and Pitzer thermodynamic modeling of ice melting temperature. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 90, 110-125.
76 – Lemarchand J., Boulvais P., Gaboriau M., Boiron M.C., Tartèse R., Cokkinos M., Bonnet S., Jegouzo P., 2012. Giant quartz vein formation and high-elevation meteoric fluid infiltration into the South Armorican Shear Zone: geological, fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 169, 17-27.
75 - Richard A., Rozsypal C., Mercadier J., Banks D.A., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2012. Giant uranium deposits originate from exceptionally U-rich brines. Nature Geosciences, 5, 142-146.
74 -Mercadier J., Cuney M., Lach P., Boiron M.C., Bonhoure J., Richard A., Leisen M., Kister P., 2011. Origin of uranium deposits revealed by their rare earth element signature. Terra Nova, 23, 264-269.
73- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Tuduri J., 2011, Fluides et genèses des concentrations métalliques. Géosciences, 13, 56-63.
72 - Marin J., Chaussidon M., Boiron M.C., Robert F., 2011. Constraints on fluid circulation in the Onverwacht chert (3.3 Ga, South-Africa) from oxygen and silicon isotopes and fluid inclusion study. Chem. Geol., 286, 59-71.
71 - Richard A., Banks D.A., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Cathelineau M., 2011;An evaporated seawater origin for the ore-forming brines in unconformity-related uranium deposits (Athabasca Basin, Canada): Cl/Br and d37Cl analysis of fluid inclusions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 2792-2810.
70 -Jaguin J., Boulvais P., Poujol M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2010, Stable isotope composition of quartz-calcite veins in the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa : Implication for basin-scale fluid circulation. South African Journal of Geology, 113-2, 169-182.
69 - Richard A., Pettke T., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Cuney M., Derome D., 2010. Brine-rock interaction in the Athabasca basement (McArthur River U deposit, Canada) : consequences for fluid chemistry and uranium uptake. Terra Nova, 22, 303-308.
68- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Richard A., 2010. Fluid flows and metal deposition near basement / cover unconformity: Lessons and analogies from Pb-Zn-F-Ba systems for the understanding of Proterozoic U deposits. Geofluids, 10, 270-292.
67- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., 2010, Downward penetration and mixing of sedimentary brines and dilute hot waters at 5 km depth in the granite basement at Soultz-sous-Forêts (Rhine graben, France). C R Geoscience, 342, 560-565
66 - Mercadier J., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., 2010., Migration of brines in the basement rocks of the Athabasca Basin through microfracture networks (P-Patch U deposit, Canada). Lithos, 115, 12-136.
65 - Chaussidon M., Marty B., Libourel G., Caro G., Luais B., Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., 2009. Les origines du système solaire et des planètes. Académie Lorraine des Sciences, 1, 18-29.
64- Robert P., Fabre C., Dubessy J., Flin M., Boiron MC., 2008. Optimization of micro-Laser Breakdown Spectroscopy analysis and signal processing. Spectrochimica Acta, PartB, 63, 10, 1109-1116.
63 – Coulibaly Y., Boiron M.C., Cathelinau M., Kouamelan A.N., 2008. Fluid imsicibility and gold deposition in the Birimian quartz veins of the Angovia deposit (Yaouré, Ivory Coast). Journal of African Earth Science, 50, 234-254.
62 - Le Hébel F., Fourcade S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Capdevila R., Gapais D., 2007. Fluid history during deep burial and exhumation of oil-bearing volcanics, Hercynian belt of southern Brittany, France. American Journal of Science. 307,1096-1125.
61- Cuney M., Coulibaly Y., Boiron M.C., 2007. High density early CO2 fluids in the ultrahigh-temperature granulites of Ihouhaouene , (In Ouzzal, Algeria). Lithos, 96, 402-414.
60 - Derome D, Cathelineau M., Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Lhomme T., Cuney M., 2007. Reconstitution of paleo-fluid composition by Raman, LIBS and crush-leach techniques: Application to mid-proterozoic evaporitic brines (Kombolgie formation basin, northern territories, Australia). Chemical Geology, 237, 240-254.
59- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Ruggieri G., Jeanningros A., Gianelli G., Banks D., 2007. Active contact metamorphism and CO2-CH4 fluid production in the Larderello geothermal field (Italy): the fluid inclusion data. Chemical Geology, 237, 303-328.
58- Greyling L.N., Robb L.J., Master S., Boiron M.C., Yao Y., 2005. The nature of early basinal fluids in the Zambian copperbelt: A case study from the Chambishi deposit. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 42, 159-172.
57 - Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Benaharref M., 2005. Penetration of surface – evaporated brines into the Proterozoic basement and depositon of Co and Ag at Bou Azzer (Morocco): Evidence from fuid inclusions. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 41, 25-39.
56 – Ruggieri G., Giolito C., Gianelli G., Manzella A., Boiron M.C., 2004. Application of fluid inclusions to the study of Bagnore geothermal field (Tuscany, Italy). Geothermics, 33, 675-692.
55 - Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Clauer N., Buschaert S., Rousset D., Boiron M.C., Martineau F., Meunier A., Lavastre V., Javoy M., 2004. Dating multistage paleofluid percolations : A K-Ar and 18O/16O study of fracture illites from alterd hercynian plutonites at the basement cover interface (Poitou High, France). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 2529-2542.
54 - Vallance J., Boiron M.C.,, Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Marignac C. 2004. The granite hosted gold deposit of Moulin de Cheni (St Yrieix District, massif central, France) : petrographic, structural, fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 39, 265-281.
53 - Prieto A.C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Mosser –Ruck R, Lopez Garcia J., Garcia C., 2003. Rythmic changes in crystal chemistry of trioctaedral chlorites and Cr entrapment : A SEM, EM and Raman study. Clay minerals, 38, 341-354.
52 - Pasava J., Kribek B., Dobes P., Vavrin I., Zak K., Delian F., Taa Z., Boiron M.C., 2003, Tin-polymetallic sulfide deposits in the eastern part of the Dachang tin field (South China) and the role of black shales in their origin. Mineralium Deposita, 38, 39-66.
51 - Marignac C., Diagana B., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Banks D.A., Fourcade S., Vallance J., 2003, Variscan metamorphic fluids in the South Iberian Pyrite Belt: Evidence for re- distribution of base metal and gold in the VMS deposits, the case study of Tharsis deposit. Chemical Geology, 194, 143-165.
50 - Vallance J, Cathelineau M., Boiron M. C., Shepherd T. J., Naden J. 2003, Impact of late aplitic magmatism on C-rich rocks and gold deposition at Castromil (North Portugal). Chemical Geology, 194, 201-224
49 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Fourcade S., Vallance J., 2003, Mixing of metamorphic and surficial fluids during the uplift of the Hercynian upper crust: consequences for gold deposition. Chemical Geology, 194, 119-141.
48 - Barakat A., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Bouabdelli M., 2002, Caractérisation des paragénèses et des paléocirculations fluides dans l'indice d'or de Bleida (Anti-Atlas, Maroc). C. R.Geosciences, 334, 35-41.
47 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Buschaert S., Fourcade S., Coulibaly Y, Boyce A., Michelot J.L, 2002, Fluid transfer at a basement/cover interface. Part II: Large-scale introduction of chlorine into the basement by mesozoic basinal brines. Chemical Geology 192, 121-140.
46 - Guedes A., Noronha F., Boiron M.C. ,. Banks D. A. , 2002, Evolution of fluids associated with metasedimentary sequences from Chaves - North Portugal, Chemical Geology, 190, 273-289.
45 - Dubessy J., Lhomme T., Boiron M.C., Rull. F., 2002, Determination of chlorinity in aqueous fluids using Raman spectroscopy of the stretching band of water at room temperature: application to fluid inclusions. Applied Spectroscopy, 56 (1),99-106
44 - Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Chabiron A., Charoy B., Martin Crespo T., 2002, Advances in lithium analysis in solids using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy: an exploratory study. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 66, 1401-1407.
43- Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Banks, D, 2002, Palaeofluid Chemistry of Single Fluid Event: a Bulk and In-situ multi-technique analysis (LIBS, Raman) of an alpine fluid (Mont-Blanc). Chemical Geology, 182, 249-264.
42- Freiberger, R., Boiron, M.-C., Cathelineau, M., Cuney, M., Buschaert, S. 2001, Retrograde P-T evolution and high temperature – low pressure fluid circulation in relation to late Hercynian intrusions: a mineralogical and fluid inclusion study of the Charroux-Civray plutonic complex (NW Massif Central, France). Geofluids, 1, 241-256.
41- Montomoli C., Ruggieri G., Boiron M.C, Cathelineau M., 2001, Pressure fluctuation during uplift of the northern Apennines (italy): a fluid inclusions study. Tectonophysics, 341, 121-139.
40- Cesare B., Poletti E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2001, Alpine metamorphism and veining in the Zentralgneis complex of the SW Tauern window : a model of fluid rock interactions based on fluid inclusions. Tectonophysics, 336, 121-136.
39- Vallance J., Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., 2001, Microfracturing and fluid mixing in granites : W-Sn ore deposition at Vaulry (NW french Massif Central). Tectonophysiscs, 336, 43-61..
38- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., 2001, Multistage deformation of Au-quartz veins : Evidence for late gold introduction from microstructural, Isotopic and fluid inclusion studies. Tectonophysiscs, 336, 79-99
37- Boiron M.C., Barakat A., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Durisova J., Moravek P., 2001, Geometry and P-V-T-X conditions of microfissural ore fluid migration : the Mokrsko gold deposit (Bohemia). Chemical Geology, 173, 207-225.
36 -Fuertes Fuente M., Martin Izard A., Boiron M.C., Mangas J., 2000, P-T path and fluid evolution in the Franquaeira granitic pegmatite, Central Galicia, Nortwestern Spain. The Canadian Mineralogist, 38, 1163-1175.
35- Fuertes Fuente M., Martin Izard A., Boiron M.C., Mangas J., 2000, Fluid evolution of rare-element and muscovite granitic pegmatires from central Galicia, NW Spain. Mineralium Deposita, 35, 332-345.
34- Noronha F., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Doria A., Ribeiro M.A., Nogueira P., Guedes A., 2000, A three-fluid stage moder for Au metallogenesis in granites and their metamorphic host rocks in Northern Portugal. Journal of Exploration Geochemistry, 71, 209-224.
33- Drennan G., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Robb L.J., 1999, Characteristic of post-depositional fluids in the Witwatersrand basin. Mineralogy and Petrology, 66, 83-109.
32- Noronha F., Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Doria A., Garcia E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M.C., 1999, Fluids related to tungsten ore deposits in northern Portugal and S panish Central System : A comparative study. Rev. Soc. Geol. Espana, 12-(3-4) 397-403.
31- Andre A.S., Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Leroy J., 1999, Percolation de fluides tardi-hercyniens dans le granite de Saint Sylvestre (NW Massif Central Français) : données des inclusions fluides sur un profil Razès-St Pardoux. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris , 329, 23-30.
30- Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., Coulibaly Y., Ayt Ougougdal M., 1999, Paléopercolations et paléointeractions fluides - roches dans les plutonites de Charroux-Civray. Actes des Journées Scientifiques CNRS- ANDRA, Etude du massif de Charroux – Civray, EDP Sciences 159-179.
29 - Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Moissette A., 1999, Determination of ions in individual fluid inclusions by laser ablation optical emission spectroscopy : development and applications to natural fluid inclusions. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 14, 913-922.
28 - Boiron M.C., Moissette A., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Monnin C., Dubessy J,. 1999, Detailed determination of paleofluid chemistry : An integrated study of sulphate volatile rich brines and aquo-carbonic fluids in quartz veins from Ouro Fino (Brazil). Chemical Geology, 154, 179-192
27 - Ruggieri G., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., 1999, Boiling and fluid mixing in the chlorite zone of the Larderello geothermal system, Chemical Geology, 154, 237-256
26 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1999, Les gisements aurifères : théories anciennes et nouvelles, or visible et invisible dans les gisements d'Europe de l'Ouest, Aquitania, L’or dans l’antiquité. de la Mine à l’Objet », B. Cauuet ed., Aquitania, N°9,17-30.
25 - Lespinasse M., Leroy J., Pironon J ., Boiron M.C., 1998, Paleofluids from the marginalridge of the Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana transform margin (Hole 960A) as thermal indicators. Proc. Of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, 159, 49-52.
24 - Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., El Boukhari A., Chouaidi M.Y., 1998, Brines related to Ag deposition in the Zgounder silver deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Eur. J. Mineral. 10, 1201-1214.
23 – Marignac C., Semiani A., Fourcade S., Boiron M.C., Joron J.L., Kienast J.R., Peucat J.J., 1996, Metallogenesis of the late pan-Afriacan gold bearing east Ouzzal shear zone (Hoggar, Algeria) J. Metamorphic Geol., 14, 783-801.
22 - Ayt Ougougdal M., Robb L.J., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1996, The nature of fluids associated with granulite facies metamorphism in the Okiep copper district, Namaqualand, South Africa, Journal of Geology of South Africa, 99, 197-208.
21- Dubois M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Meere P., Royer J.J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. 1996, Temperature of paleo- to modern self-sealing within a continental rift basin : the fluid inclusion data (Soultz sous Forets, Rhine graben, France). Eur. J. Mineral , 8, 1065-1080.
20 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Yardley B., Noronha F., 1996, P-T-X conditions of late Hercynain fluid penetration and the origin of granite-hosted gold quartz veins in northwestern Iberia A multidisciplinary investigation of fluid inclusions and their chemistry.Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 60, 43-57.
19 - Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Prieto A.C., 1995, P-V-T-X-fO2 evolution from wolframite to sulphide depositional stages in intragranitic W-veins. An example from the Spanish Central System. Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 675-688.
18 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., 1994, Fluid inclusion planes : a geochemical and structural tool for the reconstruction of paleofluid migration. Short course "Fluid inclusions in minerals : methods and applications", De Vivo and Frezzotti Ed., Virginia Tech, 271-282.
17- Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., 1994, Determination of fluid inclusion compositions : microanalytical techniques. Short course "Fluid inclusions in minerals : methods and applications", De Vivo and Frezzotti Ed., Virginia Tech, 45-71.
16 - Prokof'ev V.Y., Afanas'eva Z.B., Ivanova G.F., Boiron M.C., Marignac C. 1994, Study of fluid inclusion in minerals of the Olympiadinkoe Au-(Sb-W) deposit (Enisey mountain ridge). Geokymia, 7, 1012- 1029.
15 - El Jarray A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1994, Percolation microfissurale de vapeurs aqueuses dans le granite de Peny (Massif de Saint Sylvestre, Massif Central) : relation avec la dissolution du quartz. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, t.318, 1095-1102.
14 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Gianelli G., Puxeddu M.1994, Evidence of Li-rich brines and early magmatic water-rock interaction in a geothermal field : the fluid inclusion data from the Larderello field. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 1083-1099.
13 - Bril H., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Tollon F., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., 1993, Metallogenesis of the french Massif Central : Time - space relationships between ore deposition and tectono-magmatic events. In Keppie J. Ed, "Terranes in the variscan belt of France and Western Europe", Springer Verlag, 379-402.
12- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj. S., Dubessy J. Lespinasse M., Poty B., 1993, Fluid pressure variations in relation to multistage deformation and uplift : a fluid inclusion study of Au-quartz veins. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 107-121.
11 - Dubessy J., Boiron M.C., Moissette A., Monin C., Stretenskaya N. 1992, Determination of water, hydrates and pH in fluid inclusions by micro-Raman spectrometry. Eur. J. Mineral., 4, 885-894.
10 - Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., Sellier E., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Poty B., 1992, Geometric and genetic relationships between cathodoluminescent microstructural domains in quartz and fluid inclusions : Application to the reconstruction of Au-ore fluid chronology. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 56, 175-185.
9 - Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Andre N., Briand A., Lacour J.L., Mauchien P., Mermet J.M., 1991, Analysis of mono-atomic ions in fluid inclusions by laser induced plasma emission spectroscopy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 55,917-923.
8 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M., 1990, Fluids in Hercynian Au-veins from the french variscan belt. Min. Mag., Vol 54, 231-243.
7 - Cuney M., Friedrich M., Blumenfeld P., Bourguignon A, Boiron M.C., Vigneresse J.L., Poty B., 1990, Metallogenesis in the french part of the variscan orogen. Part I : U preconcentration in pre-variscan and Variscan formations - A comparison with Sn, W and Au. Tectonophysics, Vol 177, 39-57.
6 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Holliger P., Poty B., 1990, Metallogenesis of the french part of the Variscan orogen : Part II : time-space relationships between U and Au - ore deposition and tectonomagmatic events. Tectonophysics, Vol 177, 59-79.
5 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Holliger P., Marion P., Denis M., 1989, Gold in arsenopyrites : crystal chemistry, location and state, physical chemical conditions of deposition Econ. Geol., Monograph 6 , " The geology of gold deposits : the perspective in 1988", 328-340.
4 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Trescases J.J., 1989, Conditions of gold-bearing arsenopyrite crystallization in the Villeranges basin, Marche-Combrailles shear zone, France. A mineralogical and fluid inclusion study. Econ. Geol., Special monography on the Hercynian deposits in France. Vol. 84, n°5, 1340-1362.
3 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1988, Les altérations hydrothermales et les minéralisations associées des tufs viséens du bassin de Villeranges (Massif Central français). Données géothermométriques déduites de l'étude des inclusions fluides. Coll. PIRSEM, Montpellier 1986, Doc. BRGM, n° 158, 651-665.
2 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M., 1988, Contrasted behaviour of Au and U in granites at the hydrothermal stage : the role of fO2 and pH. Proceedings of the SIMP meeting, Verbania, Italia, " Granites and their surroundings", 1987, Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. de Min. e Petrol., Vol 43-2, 485-498.
1- Boiron M.C., 1987, Minéralisations à Au, As, Sb, altérations hydrothermales et fluides associés dans le bassin de Villeranges (Combrailles, Massif Central français). Geol. Geochim. Uranium, Mem. Nancy, 15, 310 p.
Encadrement de thèses
Supervison of 13 PhD thesis, on ore deposits and analytical developments related to fluid-rock interactions
Thèses soutenues
ESSARRAJ Samira, soutenue en septembre 1992, co-direction avec M. Cathelineau
Migration des fluides, microfissuration et conditions de dépôt de l’or dans les veines de quartz aurifères
BARAKAT Ahmed, soutenue en septembre 1995, co-direction avec M. Cathelineau
Percolations fluides et transferts de métaux : les gisements d’or intragranitiques d’Europe de l’Ouest.
FABRE Cécile, Soutenue le 22 septembre 2000, co-direction avec J. Dubessy
Transfert de matières par les fluides crustaux - reconstitution chimique complète de la composition des paléofluides et modélisations des équilibres entre fluides et minéraux.
VALLANCE Jean, soutenue le 15 novembre 2001, co-direction avec M. Cathelineau
Les paléofluides de la fin de la collision hercynienne : évolution P-T-X, et rôle métallogénique
JEANNINGROS A., soutenue en décembre 2003, co-direction avec M. Cathelineau et O Vanderhaeghe
Nature et origine des fluides au sein de deux « metamorphic core complexes » : Les Apenins du Nord (Italie) et le Shuswap MCC (Canada).
SIEBENALLER Luc, soutenue le 26 septembre 2008, co-direction avec O. Vanderhaeghe
Circulations fluides et migration de la transition fragile/ductile associée à l'exhumation du MCC de Naxos-Paros (Cyclades, Grèce)
MERCADIER Julien, Soutenue le 12 décembre 2008, co-direction avec M. Cuney
Conditions de genèse des gisements d’uranium associés aux discordances protérozoïques localisés dans les socles.
RICHARD Antonin, soutenue le 4 décembre 2009, co-direction avec M. Cathelineau
Circulation des saumures à la discordance socle/couverture sédimentaire et formation des concentrations uranifères protérozoiques (bassin d'Athabasca, Canada)
GIRARD Vincent, soutenue le 3 novembre 2010, co-direction avec J. Dubessy
Processus d’altération à la surface de Mars primitive : Simulations expérimentales et numériques et implications minéralogiques.
LEISEN Mathieu, soutenue le 17 novembre 2011, co-direction avec J. Dubessy
Analyse chimique des inclusions fluides par ablation laser couplée à l’ICP-MS et applications géochimiques.
LACH Philippe soutenue le 7 décembre 2012, Co dirigée avec M. Cuney et J. Dubessy
Détermination de la signature géochimique des fluides minéralisateurs à partir des spectres des éléments en traces dans les phases minérales. Application aux oxydes d’uranium et aux phases minérales associées.
BELISSONT Rémi, soutenue le 15 mars 2016, En co-direction avec M. Cathelineau et B. Luais (CRPG) (thèse financée par le Labex Ressources 21 et la région Lorraine)
Germanium et éléménts associés dans les sulfures: Cristallochimie, mode d'incorporation et fractionnement isotopique
DUGAMIN Elza - soutenue en décembre 2022, en co direction avec M Cathelineau et A Richard, Projet soutenu par Total
Caractérisation des métaux dans les eaux salines des bassins sédimentaires
Thèses en cours
Chbani Malika - Thèse en cours 2021 -2024 en co direction avec R. Michels
Importance des interactions eau-metaux-hydrocarbures dans la comprehension des gisements metalliferes et des systemes petroliers : Approches micro-analytiques et experimentales nouvelles.