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Organic Geochemistry


Contacts :

► Catherine Lorgeoux, Responsable technique

Tél : +33 (0)3 83 68 47 15

► Delphine Catteloin, Technicienne

Tél : +33 (0)3 83 68 47 11

► Raymond Michels, Responsable scientifique

Tél : +33 (0)3 83 68 47 50

Organic Geochemistry

The Organic Geochemistry Laboratory concerns itself with the analysis of solid (source rocks, soils or sediments), liquid (e.g., petroleum or water) and gas matrices. Samples are derived from in-situ sampling as well as from experiments performed in the laboratory (e.g., oxidation, biodegradation and leaching) or at our experimental facility (e.g., artificial maturation using gold cells, reactions under temperature- and pressure-controlled conditions using autoclaves).

In order to study organic matter (OM) and its reactivity in different contexts, the laboratories are equipped with an array of instruments for preparing samples for analysis: 

  • Accelerated Solvent Extraction: ASE 350 (Dionex) [A], Soxhlet extraction [B]:


  •  Manual SPE (Solid Phase Extraction) for extraction from large volumes of water [A] and an ASPEC automated system (Gilson) [B] for the purification of extracts:


  • These instruments are mostly used for extraction of OM, but can also, following carefully prepared experimental procedures, be used for investigating OM reactivity and the role of OM within simplified systems (for example, temporal variations, oxidation or leaching) for improving our understanding of real systems. The range of equipment available allows both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the organic compounds present in the matrices. 

    A number of instruments are available for characterisation of samples or extracts:

    ·    UV/Vis spectrometer(Thermo Fisher Scientific);


  •  GC/FID-FPD (Agilent) - a gas chromatograph (GC) coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) for hydrocarbon analysis and a flame photometric detector for detection of organic sulphur compounds;


[A] Chromatogram of a gas-oil obtained by FID

[B] Chromatogram of a sulphurized petrol obtained by FPD


  • HPLC/DAD-Fluo-RID (Agilent) - a liquid chromotograph (HPLC) that functions with a Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) column connected to a diode array detector (DAD), fluorescence detector (Fluo) and a refractive index detector (RID). This apparatus has been designed for the analysis of molecular distributions in water and organic extracts.  

[A] HPLC/SEC Fluo: Distribution of fluorophores in water from piezometers

[B] HPLC/GPC DAD: Distribution of molecular masses in an extract: biodegradation on contaminated soils


  • Additional  instruments are available for molecular characterisation or quantification of target compounds:

GC/MS (Agilent and Shimadzu) - Three gas chromatographs (GC) coupled to a mass spectrometer (MS) with an electron-impact ionisation source and a quadripole analyser.  One of the GC instruments is equipped with an AOC-5000 (Shimadzu) module for injection of fluids, gas, or SPME (Solid Phase MicroExtraction) fibres.

Chromatographic columns are selected according to the study requirements (for example, for the identification of non-polar, polar or sulphur compounds).

Gold-cell pyrolysis with n-octane in the presence of H2S: GC/MS identification of compounds


Injection of a soil extract derived from an industrial wasteland: quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by GC/MS


Py/GC/MS: Flash pyrolysis (CDS) coupled with GC/MS (Agilent) to enable acquisition of molecular signatures with compound identification from solid samples: raw samples or residues after extraction from a solvent (‘non extractable’ residues).

The different signatures of aquatic (algae) and terrestrial (coal) organic matter, obtained by flash pyrolysis of non-extractable residues from the solvent.


HPLC/DAD-QTOF (Dionex/Bruker): liquid chromatograph (HPLC) coupled to a diode array detector (DAD) and quadripole mass spectrometer with time-of-flight (TOF) analyser. The laboratory is equipped with three ionization sources: ESI (Electrospray), APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization) and APPI (Atmospheric Pressure PhotoIonization).

The system enables us to analyse moderately- to highly-polar molecules and molecules with high molecular weights at high mass-resolution.


Mass spectrum obtained after direct infusion of an organic-metallic complex in a methanol/dichloromethane mixture in the electrospray source, operated in positive mode (ESI+).

  • When required, specific systems are developed by the team’s researchers and engineers to study particular research themes in more depth:

Thermodesorption/GC/TCD and thermodesorption/MDGC/FID-TCD

The first system (Agilent) enables analysis of light gases such as argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

In the second system, the MultiDimension (Shimadzu) provides a resolution gain and enables simultaneous analysis of light gases (by catharometer) and C1 to C20 hydrocarbons (by flame ionization detector) in a single injection. Light gases are separated from hydrocarbons in a gas chromatography (GC) instrument and then sent to a second GC for finer separation and detection by catharometer (TCD).

The analysed gases are generated during reactions in controlled media conducted in our experimental facility. A thermodesorption oven enables work to be conducted at temperatures ranging from ambient temperature to 300°C and permits analysis of gases obtained from vessels (extracted from autoclaves) or from gold-cell piercing (artificial maturation).


ATG/GC/MS: A thermogravimetric balance (Mettler Toledo) is connected to a GC/MS (Agilent) via a heated interface (SRA), enabling up to 16 samples to be collected and stored during mass loss measurement on the ATG.

The system enables us (i) to monitor the mass loss of a solid as a function of temperature and (ii) to analyse the desorbed organic product. By combining these two approaches, we can study interactions between the organic compounds and the solid matrix (soils, sediments, source rock or other solids).


Analysis of a coking plant soil: mass loss curve (TG curve) and its derivative (DTG curve) as a function of temperature.

Chromatograms obtained at different temperatures and identification of molecules by mass spectrometry. 


Autoclave/microGC: Equipped with a Rolsi® sampling valve, this system enables us to withdraw micro-samples of gas without disturbing the pressure in the autoclave.  Changes can be monitored using very short time-steps. Equipped with three analytical compartments, two-minute analyses on the microGC (SRA R3000) are performed for quantification of the light gases and C1 to C8 hydrocarbons.


[A] Autoclave/microGC system

[B] Exploded view of one of the µGC compartments

[C] Example chromatogram obtained in the A-compartment (molecular sieve).