le lego en CSS à ne pas supprimer

lun - 18/05/2020

Offre de post-doc : "3D structural and thermal modelling of the Permian-Carboniferous basin of Sarr-Lorraine."

We are seeking candidates with doctorate degree in geosciences, specialized in the reconstruction of tectonic and sedimentary filling history of sedimentary basins on the basis of the interpretation of seismic profiles and well data in the objective of a 3D structural reconstruction and dynamic interpretation.

Post-doc stuppend from the DEEPSURF projet (Lorraine University of Excellence) and the BRGM.

Keywords: Hercynian, Carboniferous, intra-mountain basin, 3D geological and thermal modelling

Deadline for application is June 15th, 2020. Applicants will be interviewed by an Ad Hoc Commission by July, 10th,2020.

Applications are only accepted through email. All document must be sent to Raymond.michels@univ-lorraine.fr

The complete job offer