Alexandre CHAGNES

- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Professeur
- Tutelle de rattachement : Université de Lorraine
- Adresse professionnelle : GEORESSOURCES - ENSG - Bât A
- Email :
- Téléphone : 03 72 74 45 44
- CV en téléchargement : CV
- Equipe : AXE MATIERES PREMIERES - Valorisation des ressources et des résidus
Responsabilités scientifiques
Dr. Alexandre Chagnes is Professor at the University of Lorraine, Director of Industrial Partnerships at the National School of Geology, Director of the French Network of Hydrometallurgy Promethee and Scientific Director of the Labex Ressources21. After a PhD thesis on thermodynamics and electrochemistry of lithium-ion batteries, he moved to the University of Sherbrooke (Canada) to work on the preparation of materials for the electrocatalysis of organic molecules. Back in France, he was a Associate Professor at the University of Tours where he investigated thermal and electrochemical properties of mixtures of ionic liquids and aprotic dipolar solvents for lithium-ion batteries applications. After a year spent at the French Center of Nuclear Energy in Paris, he joined the Engineering School of Chemistry in Paris to develop research on the physicochemistry of hydrometallurgical processes. In parallel, he contributed to the development of the 'lithium-ion battery' topic at this school. Currently, its research activities at the University of Lorraine aim to improve existing hydrometallurgical processes or develop new hydrometallurgical processes for the recovery of strategic metals from primary and secondary resources.
On the 8th of June 2019, Prof. Alexandre Chagnes has published 109 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 5 books, 7 book chapters, 2 patents and he has given 122 talks in national and international meetinfs.
A1 |
A. Chagnes, B. Carré, D. Lemordant, P. Willmann, “Ion transport theory of nonaqueous electrolytes. LiClO4 in g-butyrolactone : The quasi lattice approach”, Electrochimica Acta 46 1783-1791 (2001). |
A2 |
A. Chagnes, C. Mialkowski, B. Carré, D. Lemordant, V. Agafonov, P. Willmann, “Phase diagram of Lactone - Carbonate mixture”, Journal de Physique IV, 11 10-27 (2001). |
A3 |
A. Chagnes, B. Carré, D. Lemordant, P. Willmann, “Modeling viscosity and conductivity of lithium salts in g-butyrolactone. Application of the Quasi-Lattice theory”, Journal of Power Sources 109 203-213 (2002). |
A4 |
I. Geoffroy, A. Chagnes, B. Carré, D. Lemordant, P. Biensan, S. Herreyre, “Electrolytic characteristics of asymetric alkyl carbonates solvents for lithium batteries”, Journal of Power Sources 112 (1) 191-198 (2002). |
A5 |
C. Mialkowski, A. Chagnes, B. Carré, P. Willmann, D. Lemordant, “Excess thermodynamic properties of binary liquid mixtures containing dimethyl carbonate and g-butyrolactone”, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 34 (11) 1845-1854 (2002). |
A6 |
A. Chagnes, S. Nicolis, B. Carré, P. Willmann, D. Lemordant, “Ion-dipole interaction in concentrated organic electrolytes.”, ChemPhysChem 4 559-566 (2003). |
A7 |
A. Chagnes, H. Allouchi, B. Carré, G. Oudou, P. Willmann, D. Lemordant, ”g-Butyrolactone-Ethylene carbonate based electrolytes for lithium batteries.”, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33 589-595 (2003). |
A8 |
A. Chagnes, B. Carré, P. Willmann, R. Dedryvère, D. Gonbeau, D. Lemordant, “Cycling ability of BL-EC based electrolytes.”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (9) A1255-A1261 (2003). |
A9 |
A. Chagnes, A. Tougui, B. Carré, N. Ranganathan, D. Lemordant, “Temperature effect on the viscosity in binary liquid mixtures containing ethylammonium nitrate and methanol”, Journal of Solution Chemistry 33 (3) 247-255 (2004). |
A10 |
A. Chagnes, F. Laplante, F. Kerdouss, P. Proulx, H. Ménard, “Experimental and computational investigation of the electrocatalytic hydrogenation of phenol in an electrochemical cell.”, Canadian Journal of Chemistry 82 (5) 641-648 (2004). |
A11 |
G. Saint Pierre, A. Chagnes, N-A. Bouchard, P. Harvey, L. Brossard, H. Ménard, “Rational design of new materials for electrocatalytic hydrogenation reactions : concept, preparation, characterization and theoretical analysis”, Langmuir 20 (15) 6365-6373 (2004). |
A12 |
A. Chagnes, H. Allouchi, B. Carré, D. Lemordant, “Phase diagram of imidazolium-butyrolactone binary mixtures”, Solid State Ionics 176 1419-1427 (2005). |
A13 |
R. J. Papoular, H. Allouchi, A. Chagnes, A. Dzyabchenko, B. Carré, D. Lemordant, V. Agafonov, “X-ray Powder Diffraction Structure Determination of g-butyrolactone at 180 K. Phase problem solution from the lattice energy minimization with two independent molecules”, Acta Cristallography Section B, B61 312-32 (2005). |
A14 |
A. Chagnes, M. Diaw, B. Carré, P. Willmann, D. Lemordant, “Imidazolium-Organic Solvent Mixtures as Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries”, Journal of Power Sources 145 82-88 (2005). |
A15 |
M. Diaw, A. Chagnes, B. Carré, P. Willmann, D. Lemordant, “Mixed Ionic Liquid as Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries”, Journal of Power Sources 146 682-684 (2005). |
A16 |
L. Gzara, A. Chagnes, B. Carré, M. Dhahbi, D. Lemordant, “Is 3-Methyl-2-Oxazolidinone a suitable solvent for lithium-ion batteries?", Journal of Power Sources 156 634-644 (2006). |
A17 |
H. Maachou, K.E. Bal, Y. Bal, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, and D. Alliouche, “Characterization and In Vitro Bioactivity of Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite Composite Scaffold Prepared by Freeze-Gelation Method”, Trends in biomaterials and artificial organs 22 (1) 15-24 (2008). |
A18 |
S. Collet, A. Chagnes, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, G. Cote, “Solvent Extraction of Uranium from Acidic Sulfate Media by Alamine®336: Computer Simulation and Optimization of the Flowsheets”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 84 1331-1337 (2009). |
A19 |
A. Chagnes, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, G. Cote, “Computer Simulation of Flow Sheets for the Solvent Extraction of Uranium: A New Route to Delay the Effect of the Chemical Degradation of the Organic Phase on Uranium Recovery from Acidic Sulfate Media”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 84 1899-1907 (2009). |
A20 |
A. Chagnes, M-N. Rager, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, G. Cote, “Speciation of vanadium (V) extracted from acidic sulfate media by trioctylamine in n-dodecane modified with 1-tridecanol”, Hydrometallurgy 104 20-24 (2010). |
A21 |
A. Prestianni, L. Joubert, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, M.N. Ohnet, C. Rabbe, M.C. Charbonnel, C. Adamo, “IR fingerprints of uranium (VI) Nitrate Monoamides Complexes : a joint experimental and theoretical study”. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114 10878-10884 (2010). |
A22 |
A. Chagnes, C. Fossé, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, G. Cote, “Chemical degradation of the mixture of trioctylamine (extractant) and 1-tridecanol (phase modifier) in acidic sulfate media in the presence of vanadium (V)”, Hydrometallurgy, 105 (3-4), 328-333 (2011). |
A23 |
J. Swiatowska, V. Lair, C. Pereira-Nabais G. Cote, P. Marcus, A. Chagnes, “XPS, XRD and SEM characterization of a thin ceria layer deposited onto graphite electrode for application in lithium-ion batteries”, Applied Surface Science 257 9110-9119 (2011). |
A24 |
A. Prestianni, L. Joubert, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, C. Adamo, “A Density Functional Theory Study of Uranium (VI) Nitrate Monoamides Complexes”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13, 19371-19377 (2011). |
A25 |
A. Chagnes, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, J. Bayardon, S. Jugé, G. Cote, “Influence of phase modifiers on the degradation of tri-n-octylamine/ dodecane extracting mixture by an acidic solution of vanadium (V)”. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 30, 67-76 (2012). |
A26 |
D. Cholico Gonzalez, M. Avila-Rodriguez, J. Antonio Reyes-Aguilerad, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, “Rheological behaviour of Cyphos IL101-Cyanex 272 binary mixtures between 288.15K and 343.15 K”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Journal of Molecular Liquids 169, 27-32 (2012). |
A27 |
K.E. Bal, Y. Bal, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, “Morphology and antimicrobial properties of Luffa cylindrica fibres/chitosan biomaterial as micro-reservoirs for silver delivery”, Materials Letters 79, 238-241 (2012). |
A28 |
H. Maachou, K. Bal, Y. Bal, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, D. Aliouche, “In Vitro Biomineralization and Bulk Characterization of Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite Composite Microparticles Prepared by Emulsification Cross-Linking Method: Orthopedic Use”, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology Part A: Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology 168 (6), 1459-1475 (2012). |
A29 |
D. Beltrami, G. Cote, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, A. Chagnes, “Modelling of the extraction of uranium (VI) from concentrated phosphoric acid by synergistic mixtures of bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-phosphoric acid and tri-n-octylphosphine oxide”, Hydrometallurgy 129-130, 118-125 (2012). |
A30 |
D. Beltrami, A. Chagnes, M. Haddad, H. Laureano, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, S. Jugé, G. Cote, “Development of new cationic exchangers for the recovery of uranium (VI) from wet phosphoric acid”, Separation Science and Technology 48, 480-486 (2013). |
A31 |
C. Pereira-Nabais, J. Światowska, A. Chagnes, F. Ozanam, A. Gohier, C.-S. Cojocaru, M. Cassir, P. Marcus, “Interface Chemistry of Si electrodes used as anodes in Li-ion batteries", Applied Surface Science 266, 5–16 (2013). |
A32 |
B. P. Hay, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, “On the Metal Ion Selectivity of Oxoacid Extractants”, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 31, 95-105 (2013). |
A33 |
A. Chagnes, B. Pospiech, "A brief review on hydrometallurgical technologies for recycling spent lithium-ion batteries”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 88, 1191-1199 (2013). |
A34 |
A. Chagnes, A. Moncomble, G. Cote, “In-Silico calculations as a helpful tool for designing new extractants in liquid-liquid extraction”, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 31 (5), 499-518 (2013). |
A35 |
D. Cholico-Gonzalez, M. Avila-Rodrigues, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, « »Chemical properties of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride and bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid mixtures : interactions study by FT-IR and NM spectroscopies », Journal of Molecular Liquids 187, 165-170 (2013). |
A36 |
D. Beltrami, A. Chagnes, M. Haddad, A. Varnek, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, G. Cote, “Recovery of uranium (VI) from concentrated phosphoric acid by mixtures of new bis(1,3- dialkyloxypropan-2-yl) phosphoric acids and tri-n-octylphosphine oxide”, Hydrometallurgy, 140, 28-33 (2013). |
A37 |
D. Beltrami, F. Mercier-Bion, G. Cote, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, E. Simoni, A. Chagnes, “Investigation of the speciation of uranium(VI) in concentrated phosphoric acid and in synergistic extraction systems by time resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) “, Journal of Molecular Liquids 190, 42–49 (2014). |
A38 |
E. Nanini-Maury, J. Swiatowska, A. Chagnes, S. Zanna, P. Tran-Van, P. Marcus, M. Cassir, “Role of sebaconitrile as a cosolvent in the formulation of high-potential electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries”, Electrochimica Acta 115 223-233 (2014). |
A39 |
C. Pereira-Nabais, J. Światowska, A. Chagnes, A. Gohier, S. Zanna, A. Seyeux, P. Tran-Van, C. S. Cojocaru, M. Cassir, P. Marcus, “Insight on the Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) onto Si nanowires in lithium-ion battery: chemical and morphological modification upon cycling”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (6) 2919–2928 (2014). |
A40 |
D. Beltrami, A. Chagnes, M. Haddad, H. Laureano, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, S. Jugé, G. Cote, “Solvent extraction studies of uranium(VI) from phosphoric acid: role of synergistic reagents in mixture with bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid” Hydrometallurgy 144-145, 207-214 (2014). |
A41 |
B. Pospiech, A. Chagnes, “Highly selective extraction of Zn(II) and Cu(II) from aqueous chloride solutions by mixture of Cyanex 272 and Aliquat 336”, Separation Science and Technology 50 (9), 1302-1309 (2014). |
A42 |
D. Beltrami, G. Cote, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, B. A. Moyer, A. Chagnes, “A review on the recovery of uranium(VI) from wet phosphoric acid by solvent extraction processes”, Chemical Reviews 114 (24) 12002–12023 (2014). |
A43 |
G. J-P. Deblonde, A. Moncomble, G. Cote, S. Belair, A. Chagnes, “Experimental and computational exploration of the UV-visible properties of hexaniobate and hexatantalate ions“, RSC Advances 5, 7619-7627 (2015). |
A44 |
V. T. Nguyen, J.-C. Lee, J. Jeong, B.-S. Kim, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, “Extraction of gold(III) from acidic chloride media using phosphonium based ionic liquid as a novel anion exchanger”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (4), 1350-1358 (2015). |
A45 |
D. Cholico-Gonzalez, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, M. Avila-Rodriguez, "Separation of Co(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous solutions by bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)-phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272) using trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride (Cyphos IL 101) as solvent”, Journal of Molecular Liquids 209, 203-208 (2015). |
A46 |
G. J-P. Deblonde, A. Chagnes, S. Bélair, G. Cote, “Solubility of niobium(V) and tantalum(V) under mild alkaline conditions”, Hydrometallurgy 156, 99-106 (2015). |
A47 |
G.J-P. Deblonde, N. Delaunay, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, P. Gareil, “First investigation of polyoxoniobate and polyoxotantalate aqueous speciation by capillary zone electrophoresis”, RSC Advances 5, 64119-64124 (2015). |
A48 |
A. Dartiguelongue, E. Provost, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, W. Fürst, “Experimental determination and modeling of the speciation of Uranium (VI) in phosphoric acid medium”, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 34 (3), 241-259 (2016). |
A49 |
R. M. Rios-Vera, J. Sirieix-Plénet, L. Gaillon, C. Rizzi, M. Avila-Rodríguez, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, "Physicochemical properties of novel cholinium ionic liquids for the recovery of silver from nitrate media", RSC Advances 5, 78268-28277 (2015). |
A50 |
A. Dartiguelongue, A. Chagnes, E. Provost, G. Cote, W. Fürst, “Modelling of uranium(VI) extraction by D2EHPA/TOPO from phosphoric acid within a wide range of concentrations”, Hydrometallurgy 165, 57–63 (2016). |
A51 |
G.J-P. Deblonde, A. Chagnes, V. Weigel, G. Cote, “Direct recovery of niobium and tantalum from alkaline solutions using calcium-bearing reagents”, Hydrometallurgy 165 (2), 345–350 (2016). |
A52 |
G.J-P. Deblonde, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, J. Vial, I. Rivals, N. Delaunay, "Development of a capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis in alkaline media of two strategic metals: niobium and tantalum", Journal of Chromatography A 1437 (11), 210–218 (2016). |
A53 |
G. J-P. Deblonde, C. Coelho-Diogo, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, M. E. Smith, J. V. Hanna, D. Iuga, C. Bonhomme, "Multinuclear solid state NMR investigation of hexaniobate and hexatantalate compounds", Inorganic Chemistry 55 (12), 5946–5956 (2016). |
A54 |
V. T. Nguyen, J.-c Lee, A. Chagnes, Min-seuk Kim, J. Jeong, G. Cote, "Highly Selective Separation of Individual Platinum Group Metals (Pd, Pt, Rh) from Acidic Chloride Media using Phosphonium-based Ionic Liquid in Aromatic Diluent", RSC Advances 6, 62717-62728 (2016). |
A55 |
S. Gmar, A. Chagnes, I. Ben Saleh Sayedi, J-F. Fauvarque, M. Tlili, M. Ben Amor, "Modelling of water desalination by electrodialysis processes", Separation and Purification Technology 52 (3), 574–581 (2017). |
A56 |
G. J-P. Deblonde, A. Chagnes, M.-A. Roux, V. Weigel, G. Cote, “Extraction of Nb(V) by quaternary ammonium-based solvents: toward organic hexaniobate systems”, Dalton Transactions 45, 19351-19360 (2016). |
A57 |
O. Larbi-Bouamrane, Y. Bal, S. Aliouche, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, “Preparation and Characterization of Cross-linked Chitosan Microcapsules for Controlled Delivery of Oxytetracycline”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Indian J Pharm Sci 78 (6), 715-724 (2016). |
A58 |
K. Omelchuk, P. Szczepański, A. Shrotre, M. Haddad, A. Chagnes, "Effects of structural changes of new organophosphorus cationic exchangers on solvent extraction of cobalt, nickel and manganese from acidic chloride media", RSC Advances 7, 5660-5668 (2017). |
A59 |
M. Campos Assuncao, G. Cote, M. Andre, H. Halleux, A. Chagnes, “Phosphoric acid recovery from concentrated aqueous feeds by a mixture of di-isopropyl ether (DiPE) and tri-n- butylphosphate (TBP): Extraction data and modelling”, RSC Advances 7, 6922-6930 (2017). |
A60 |
G. Yang, V. Pointeau, E. Tevissen, A. Chagnes, "A review on clogging of recirculating steam generators in Pressurized-Water Reactors", Progress in Nuclear Energy Progress in Nuclear Energy 97, 182-196 (2017). |
A61 |
B. Flamme, G. Rodriguez Garcia, M. Weil, M. Haddad, P. Phansavath, V. Ratovelomanana-Vidal, A. Chagnes, “Guidelines to Design Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries: Environmental Impact, Physicochemical and Electrochemical Properties”, Green Chemistry 19, 1828-1849 (2017). |
A62 |
V. T. Nguyen, J.-c. Lee, M.-s Kim, J. Jeong, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, “Sustainable Extraction and Separation of Precious Metals from Hydrochloric Media using Novel Ionic Liquid-in-Water Microemulsion”, Hydrometallurgy 171, 344-354 (2017). |
A63 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, "Chemical Degradation of a Mixture of tri-n-Octylamine and 1-Tridecanol in the Presence of Chromium(VI) in Acidic Sulfate Media”, Metals 8, 57 (2018). |
A64 |
B. Flamme, M. Haddad, P. Phansavath, V. Ratovelomanana-Vidal, A. Chagnes, “Anodic stability of new sulfone-based electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries”, ChemElectroChem 5, 2279-2287 (2018). |
A65 |
K. Omelchuk, M. Stambouli, A. Chagnes, “Investigation of aggregation and acid dissociation of new cationic exchangers for liquid-liquid extraction”, Journal of Molecular Liquids Journal of Molecular Liquids 262, 111–118 (2018). |
A66 |
C. Tran, B. Flamme, A. Chagnes, M. Haddad, P. Phansavath, V. Ratovelomanana-Vidal, “A Practical Access to Functionalized Alkyl Sulfinates”, Synlett 29 (12): 1622-1626 (2018). |
A67 |
B. Simon, C. Bouyer, S. De Sio, C. Berthon, N. Boubals, F. Miserque, E. Brackx, N. Raymond, A. Chagnes, L. Berthon, "Characterization of palladium species after g-irradiation of a TBP-alkane-Pd(NO3)2 system”, RSC Advances 8, 21513-21527 (2018). |
A68 |
K. Omelchuk, A. Chagnes, “New cationic exchangers for the recovery of cobalt(II), nickel(II) and manganese(II) from acidic chloride solutions: Modelling of extraction curves”, Hydrometallurgy 180, 96-103 (2018). |
A69 |
A. Hubau, M. Minier, A. Chagnes, C. Joulian, C. Perez, A.-G. Guezennec, "Continuous production of a biogenic ferric iron lixiviant for the bioleaching of printed circuit boards (PCBs)", Hydrometallurgy 180, 180–191 (2018). |
A70 |
G. Deblonde, D. Bengio, D. Beltrami, S. Belair, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, "A fluoride-free liquid-liquid extraction process for the recovery and separation of niobium and tantalum from alkaline leach solutions”, Separation and Purification Technology 215 634–643 (2019). |
A71 ) |
A. Hubau, A. Chagnes, M. Minier, S. Touzé, S. Chapron, A.-G. Guezennec, “Recycling-oriented sampling and characterization of metal composition of spent Printed Circuit Boards”, Waste Management 91, 62-71 (2019). |
A72 |
G. Marcou, B. Flamme, G. Beck, A. Chagnes, O. Mokshyna, D. Horvath, A. Varnek, “In Silico design of novel electrolytic solvents”, Molecular Informatics 38, 1900014 (2019). |
A73 |
A. Chagnes, “Simulation of solvent extraction flowsheets by a global model combining physicochemical and engineering approaches – Application to cobalt(II) extraction by D2EHPA”, Separation and Purification Technology 226, 209-217 (2019). |
A74 |
J.P. Gauthier Deblonde, D. Bengio, D. Beltrami, S. Bélair, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, “Niobium and tantalum processing in oxalic-nitric media: Nb2O5·nH2O and Ta2O5·nH2O precipitation with oxalates and nitrates recycling”, Separation and Purification Technology 226 (2019) 209–217. |
A75 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, “Utilisation de Milieux Atypiques pour la Séparation de Cations Métalliques par Extraction par Solvant", La Technique de l’Industrie Minérale 32 (2), p. 6-8 (Décembe 2006). |
A76 |
A. Chagnes, D. Lemordant, “Détermination par calorimétrie de l’enthalpie standard de formation de l’ion tétrahydroxoaluminate” (article à but pédagogique), L’Actualité Chimique 297, p. 44-48 (mai 2006). |
A77 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, “Nouveaux Enjeux de la Chimie dans la Production d’Uranium Primaire”, Chimie Paris 325, p. 6-8 (Juin 2009). |
A78 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, “Séparation du Cobalt et du Nickel à l’aide du Cyanex® 272 par extraction liquide-liquide” (article à but pédagogique), L’Actualité Chimique N°346, p. 29-347 (Novembre 2010). |
A79 |
A. Chagnes, “La technologie Lithium-ion”, La Revue 3EI 69, p. 69-74 (Juillet 2012). |
A80 |
A. Chagnes, "Les sels de lithium à la base du stockage d’électricité", Géosciences, La revue du BRGM pour une terre durable N°22, p. 72 (Juillet 2018). |
A81 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, “Role of Vanadium(V) on the Ageing of the Organic Phase in the Extraction of Uranium(VI) by Alamine®336 from Acidic Sulfate Leach Liquors”, Proceedings of The International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008, Tucson, Arizona (USA), p.275-280 (2008). |
A82 |
A. Favre-Réguillon, D. Murat, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, J. Foos, M. Draye, "Comparison of Cloud Point and Solvent Extraction of Gd(III) from Aqueous Solutions”, Proceedings of The International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008, Tucson, Arizona (USA), p.1057-1062 (2008). |
A83 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, J. Thiry, B. Courtaud, “Implementation of New Flowsheets in Uranium Solvent Extraction Plants: Enhancement of the Production and the Sturdiness against Extraction Solvent Ageing”, Proceeding of The 11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Belek-Antalaya (Turquie), p.573-578 (2008). |
A84 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, J. Thiry, B. Courtaud, “Chemical Degradation of Trioctylamine in n-Dodecane modified by Tridecanol in Presence of Chromium(VI)”, Proceeding of The 11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Belek-Antalaya (Turquie), p.579-584 (2008). |
A85 |
Y. Bal, K.E. Bal, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, “Biosorption Of Cu(II) Onto Encapsulated Streptomyces Biomass”, Proceeding of The 11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, Belek-Antalaya (Turquie), p. 527-532 (2008). |
A86 |
G. Cote, A. Chagnes, “Potentialities and limits of QSPR and molecular modeling in the design of the extraction solvents used in hydrometallurgy”, Proceeding of Symposium on Emerging Trends in Separation Science and Technology (SESTEC 2010), India Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, I, Kalpakkam (Inde), p. 69-77 (2010). |
A87 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, B. Courtaud, N. P. Syna, J. Thiry, “Influence of the chemical dégradation of trioctylamine dissolved in n-dodecane modified with tridecanol on uranium extraction procès in a plant located in Niger”, Uranium 2010, 3rd conference on uranium, 40th Annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting, Saskatoon, Canada (SK), p. 15-18 (Août 2010). |
A88 |
A. Chagnes, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, G. Cote, XIX International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2011 (October 3-7, 2011), Santiago (Chile) “Molecular modelling for designing new extractants in hydrometallurgy”, p. 199-205 (October 2011). |
A89 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, N. Syna, B. Courtaud, J. Thiry, “Review on Uranium Recovery from Cominak Ores: Problems and Assessments”, XIIIth International Mineral Processing Symposium, IMPS 2012 (10-12 Octobre 2012), Bodrum (Turquie). ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI University, p. 465-474 (2012). |
A90 |
D. Beltrami, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, “Extraction of uranium (VI) from concentrated phosphoric acid by D2EHPA/TOPO, BiDiBOPP/di-n-HMOPO and new phosphorus extractant/TOPO synergistic systems”, XIIIth International Mineral Processing Symposium, IMPS 2012 (10-12 Octobre 2012), Bodrum (Turquie) ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI University, p. 451-454 (2012). |
A91 |
A. Dartiguelongue, E. Provost, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, W. Fürst, “Modélisation thermodynamique des systèmes H3PO4-H2O et U(VI)-H3PO4-H2O à 25 °C”, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, Numéro 104 - 2013. ISSN: 1775-335X ; ISBN: 978-2-910239-78-7, Ed. SFGP, Paris, France, p. sfgtp2013120030-1 - sfgtp2013120030-10. |
A92 |
D. Beltrami, A. Chagnes, H. Mokhtari, B. Courtaud, G. Cote, “Physicochemical Phenomena Involved in the Recovery of Uranium from Phosphate by BiDiBOPP/di-n-HMOPO and Development of New Cationic Extractant”, Procedia Engineering 83 (2014) 259-264. |
A93 |
V. Pointeau, E. Tevissen, P. Schindler, G. Yang, A. Chagnes, J.-L. Bretelle, S. Delaunay, Nuclear Plant Chemistry Conference 2016 (Brighton, UK), 2-7 Octobre 2016, "Synthesis and characterization of magnetite deposits on tube support plate in COLENTEC diphasic loop dedicated to the study of steam generator’s clogging", article 145. |
A94 |
G. Deblonde, S. Belair, V. Weigel, G. Cote, A. Chagnes, IMPC 2016, XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (Québec, Canada), 11-15 Septembre 2016, "Brief overview and recent highlights on niobium and tantalum chemistry"", p. 1-9 (ISBN: 978-1-926872-29-2). |
A95 |
G. Yang, V. Pointeau, E. Tevissen, A. Chagnes, 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (Xi’an, Shaanxi, Chine), 3-8 Septembre 2017, “Experimental and numerical investigation of PWR Tube Support Plate (TSP) clogging formation mechanisms”, p. XX-XX (2017). |
A96 |
A. Chagnes, K. Omelchuk, “Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Manganese(II) from Acidic Chloride Media”, Extraction 2018, Davis B. et al. (eds), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, p. 2027-2032 (2018). |
A97 |
A. Chagnes, “Recent advances in hydrometallurgy for the development of sustainable production of lithium-ion batteries”, Proceedings of Alta 2019, 18-25 Mai, Perth (Australie), p. XX-XX (2019). |
A98 |
A. Chagnes, “Les batteries lithium-ion: formulation de l’électrolyte”, Editions Universitaires Européennes, Sarrebruck (Allemagne), 121 pages (2010) |
A99 |
Çengel, Yunus A., Cimbala, John M., “Mécanique des fluides”, Traduit par A. Chagnes, S. Griveau, V. Lair, A. Ringuede. De boeck Edition, 2017, 972 pages (ISBN : 9782804164836). |
A100 |
A. Chagnes, J. Swiatowska (Editeurs), “Lithium Process Chemistry : Resources, Extractions, Batteries and Recycling”, Elsevier, 2015, 313 pages (ISBN: 978-0-12-801417-2). |
A101 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, C. Ekberg, M. Nilson, T. Retegan, “Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Research, Development and Policies”, Elsevier, 2016, 212 pages (ISBN : 9780128033630). |
A102 |
Co-éditeur de l’ouvrage: Extraction 2018 - Proceedings of the First Global Conference on Extractive Metallurgy, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, Springer (2018), (ISBN 978-3-319-95021-1). |
A103 |
D. Lemordant, B. Montigny, A. Chagnes, M. Caillon-Caravannier, F. Blanchard, G. Bosser, B. Carré, P. Willmann. “Viscosity-conductivity relationship in concentrated lithium salt organic solvent electrolytes”. In: N. Kumagai et S. Komaba, éditeurs, Material chemistry in Lithium Batteries, 1ère ed. India : Research SignPost, 2003. p. 343-367 (2003). |
A104 |
D. Lemordant, F. Blanchard, G. Bosser, M. Caillon-Caravannier, B. Carré, A. Chagnes, B. Montigny, R. Naejus, “Physicochemical properties of fluorine-containing electrolytes for lithium ion batteries”. In: Tsuyoshi Nakajima et Henri Groult, éditeurs, Fluorinated Materials for Energy Conversion, 1st Ed. Paris : Elsevier. p. 137-171 (2005). |
A105 |
A. Chagnes, J. Swiatowska, “Electrolyte and solid-electrolyte interphase layer in lithium-ion batteries”. In: Lithium Ion Batteries - New Developments, Ilias Belharouak, éditeur, 1st Ed : InTech. p. 145-172, ISBN 978-953-307-900-4 (2012). |
A106 |
A. Chagnes, Chap. 5, “Lithium battery technologies: Electrolytes”. In: A. Chagnes, J. Swiatowska, éditeurs, Lithium Process Chemistry: Resources, Extractions, Batteries and Recycling. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015 (ISBN: 978-0-12-801417-2). p. 167-189. |
A107 |
A. Chagnes, "Fundamentals in electrochemistry and hydrometallurgy". In: A. Chagnes, J. Swiatowska, éditeurs, Lithium Process Chemistry: Resources, Extractions, Batteries and Recycling. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015 (ISBN: 978-0-12-801417-2). p. 41-80. |
A108 |
A. Chagnes, G. Cote, "Introduction". Dans: A. Chagnes, G. Cote, C. Ekberg, M. Nilson, T. Retegan, “Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Research, Development and Policies”, 2016, (ISBN : 9780128033630). p. ix-xiv. |
A109 |
J. B. Love, M. Miguirditchian, A. Chagnes, Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction: A Series of Advances, B. Moyer (Ed.), “New Insights into the Recovery of Strategic and Critical Metals by Solvent Extraction: The Effects of Chemistry and the Process on Performance”, 2019, p. 2-44. |
A110 |
J.P. Deblonde, M.A. Roux, V. Weigel, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, Procédé de séparation et de purification du niobium et du tantale, Patent 3083696 (2017). |
A111 |
D. Beltrami, H. Mokhtari, J. Thiry, A. Chagnes, G. Cote, S. Jugé, J. Bayardon, H. Laureano, E. Remond, Bifunctional compounds containing thiophosphine function of use as extractants of uranium(VI), processes for the synthesis thereof and uses thereof, Patent WO2019025714 (A1) (2019). |
Encadrement de thèses
Nom |
Titre de la thèse, type de bourse |
Diana Cholico Gonzalez |
Caractérisation physicochimique du Cyphos IL 101 et Cyphos IL 104 pour l’extraction liquide-liquide du cobalt et du nickel |
Denis Beltrami |
Nouveaux extractants pour la récupération de l’uranium contenu dans l’acide phosphorique obtenu par voie humide, bourse CIFRE |
Adrien Dartiguelongue |
Etude de la spéciation de l’uranium(VI) dans les solutions d’acide phosphorique et de sa récupération par extraction liquide-liquide, Chaire Areva |
Raphael Rios Vera |
Etude des propriétés physicochimiques de mélanges de liquide ionique et d extractants et leurs applications pour la récupération de l'argent |
Gauthier Deblonde |
Physicochimie de l’extraction sélective du niobium et du tantale en présence d’aluminium, de titane et de fer par extraction liquide-liquide, CIFRE Lauréat du prix de thèse René Dabart de l’Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (13 Mai 2016) |
Mariana Campos Assuncao |
Procédé de purification de l’acide phosphorique, CIFRE |
Benjamin Flamme |
Nouveaux électrolytes à base de sulfones pour les batteries lithium-ion, ANR DEVEGA |
Guangze Yang |
Détermination des mécanismes gouvernant la formation de dépôts colmatant sous ébullition – Application aux générateurs de vapeurs des (REP), bourse CEA |
Katherina Omelchuk |
Etude physicochimique de nouveaux agents d’extraction pour la récupération du cobalt, du nickel et du manganèse en milieu chlorure par extraction liquide-liquides, bourse Ecole doctorale Paris Sciences et Lettres |
Agathe Hubau |
Recyclage par biolixiviation de déchets de circuits imprimés, bourse de la Chaire Mines Urbaines |
Bénédicte Simon |
Spéciation du palladium dans les opérations de traitement des combustibles usés, bourse CTCI (CEA-Areva), Ecole doctorale Sciences Cjimiques Ballard – Montpellier 2 (ED 459) |
Lucas Mangold |
Étude physicochimique de l’extraction liquide-liquide des impuretés dans le procédé PRAYON de purification de l’acide phosphorique, bourse Prayon (CIFRE). |
Mohamed M’Hamed |
Mixed Collector Systems for Ultrafine Pyrite Particle Flotation, these en co-tutelle avec l’Université de Nouakchott (Mauritanie), bourse bilatérale de l’ambassade. |
Wen Xuan |
Développement d’opérations de lixiviation et d’extraction liquide-liquide assistée par micro-onde en système milli-fluidique pour le recyclage de métaux contenus dans les batteries lithium-ion, ANR MireLiB |
Bruce Musariri |
Advanced chloride route for lithium extraction from spodumene ores, bourse Lorraine Université d’Excellence (LUE) |