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Hydrothermal Experimentation

Hydrothermal Experimentation

Contacts :

► Aurélien Randi, technical manager

Tél. +33 (0)3 72 74 55 20

► Jérôme Sterpenich, scientific manager

Tél. +33 (0)3 72 74 56 59

The platform in video

Studying the reactivity and stability of phases in fluid-mineral-solution-gas-organic-matter systems requires the application of geochemical techniques. For this, GeoRessources provides a set of hot- and cold-joint autoclaves for sampling under controlled pressure and redox conditions. Experiments are performed in batch-type reactors of various sizes: welded gold cells and stainless-steel and titanium chambers (with or without sapphire windows) equipped for in situ Raman and pH measurement. A secure laboratory is available for experiments using hazardous gases (SOx, NOx, H2, H2S, CO). Specific autoclaves (IMAGES, MIRAGES, COTAGES) have been designed for gas-injection applications with flow and thermal-gradient controls. Miniaturisation has enabled us to develop microchemistry capillary techniques which allow us to control volumes, pressures and temperature for the measurement of chemical solubility, kinetics and reactivity at the micrometric scale.


System Conditions In situ measurement Particularities
Batch Hydrothermal reactors (gold capsules) Tmax = 700°C, Pmax = 7 kbar   Loading and gas analysis (HC, CO2, NO, H2S, SO2, CO)
  IMAGES Tmax = 250°C, Pmax = 350 bar Raman, pH  
  COTAGES Tmax = 250°C, Pmax = 200 bar   Thermal gradient
  50 mL to 2L stainless steel and titanium autoclaves Tmax = 400°C, Pmax = 2 kbar Raman, pH Rolsi gas micro-sampling for micro-GC analysis
  Stainless steel and hastelloy autoclaves with sapphire window Tmax = 200°C, Pmax = 300 bar Raman  
Flow MIRAGES Tmax = 250°C, Pmax = 350 bar Raman Injection of supercritical CO2
  MIRAGES2 Tmax = 100°C, Pmax = 250 bar Raman, pH Injection of CO2 saturated  brine
Micro-fluid Silica capillaries Tmax = 400°C, Pmax = 2 kbar Raman Studies of dangerous gas under extreme conditions

Main applications :

  • geological storage of acid gases
  • storage of radioactive waste
  • petroleum generation through artificial maturation of the source-rock
  • petroleum thermal stability
  • transfer of metallic elements in the Earth’s crust.