SCMEM - Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis X Service
► Jean Cauzid, scientific manager
Tél. +33 (0)3 72 74 55 76
► Andreï Lecomte, technical manager
Tél. +33 (0)3 72 74 55 00
The platform in video
GeoRessources is responsible for the management of the SCMEM, the historical service of electron microscopy and X-Ray microanalysis at the University of Lorraine.
This service is open to all components of the University of Lorraine as well as to external clients, academic or industrial institutions.
Its purpose is to offer a panel of analytic tools based on electronic-matter interaction:
- a Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (Cold-FEG SEM) HITACHI S-4800 dedicated to high magnification observations. It is associated with an SDD-type EDS spectrometer and can be used in transmission mode (dark field/bright field) with a STEM detector
- a Schottky-FEG SEM JEOL JSM-7600F dedicated to quantitative analysis with an Oxford Instruments EDS 20mm2/WDS coupled system
- a TESCAN VEGA 3 LM conventional SEM (tungsten filament) associated with a Bruker XFlash6 30mm2 EDS detector and a Gatan ChromaCL2UV cathodoluminescence system. It is possible to use a Low Vacuum mode up to 150 Pa (500 Pa with diaphragm exchange)
- a CAMECA SX100 electron microprobe (EPMA) with 5 vertical WDS spectrometers
- a BRUKER M4 TORNADO µXRF with a Rh-tube and two 30mm² EDS detectors
The SCMEM also has two vacuum coaters JEOL JEE-420 and CRESSINGTON 308R used for sample coating.