- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Directeur de recherche
- Tutelle de rattachement : CNRS
- Adresse professionnelle : FST - Bur A501
- Email : michel.cathelineau@univ-lorraine.fr
- Téléphone : 03 83 68 47 31
- CV en téléchargement : CV
- Equipe : AXE MATIERES PREMIERES - Ressources minérales
- Section CNRS : 18
Thématiques de recherche
See for more details: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michel_Cathelineau
Fluid rock interactions in the crust linked to hydrothermal, geothermal , metamorphic and diagenetic fluids linked or not with economic concentrations of metals, in particular:
• U (basin hosted, vein type, roll fronts),
• Au (orogenic gold, massive sulphides),
• W-Sn (peraluaminous granites),
• Ag (Pb-Zn) (MVT deposits),
• Lateritic Ni (Co, Sc) concentrations
Impact of the waste disposal on the stability of clays
Paleo-cement and paleofluid circulation in the sedimentary basins
Chlorite geothermometry
Responsabilités scientifiques
Responsible of Human and Capital mobility programme (5th PCRD), Brite Euram project on Gold exploration (1995-2005)
Leader of the Eramin project "NewOres" (2015-2017) on W-Sn-Ta-Nb deposits, responsible of the GeoRessources contribution to the Eramin project DEASPHOR (2018-2021)
Former Director of the laboratory UMR G2R 7566 (2004-2010)
Scientific Director of CREGU (since 2001)
Scientific Director of the Labex (Programme Investissement d'Avenir ANR) " Mineral resources for the 21 first century" (2011-2019)- Vice director (since 2020-)
Leader of the Mineral resources team at UMR GEORESSOURCES, Nancy- since 2013--
Responsabilités pédagogiques
One of the pillars of my activity has been to train young PhD students and to publish with them in the framework of my research projects (29 supervised and defended PhDs (no failures) and 2 in progress, 93 publications are co-authored with one of these PhD students). These doctoral students have since found positions, mostly in academia (18) or the public sector, or have found employment in industry (7). Details of theses defended: http://www.theses.fr/026772353.I have also supervised 51 DEA or Master 2I mainly took part in master 2 courses (9 to 12 hours depending on the year) in fields close to my research (geological fluids, and now lateritic Ni deposits, F-Ba-Pb-Zn deposits of the MVT type). Supervision of field trainingThe benefits for the students are to acquire training taking into account the latest scientific advances, and for me to be able to disseminate this knowledge and interact with the future researchers or engineers of tomorrow.
Responsabilités administratives
• Vice-Director and Member of the board of the Carnot Institute- ICEEL, Institut Carnot Energie et Environnement en Lorraine (2007-)
• Scientific Director of LabEx RESOURCES21 (https://ressources21.univ-lorraine.fr/)and CREGU (https://www.cregu.fr/)
• President of the Thematic committee n°5 on "Resources" at INSU (CESSUR) from 2011 to 2020
• President of the "Raw Material" mirror group (links between academics, industry, state administration, and Europe)
• Chief of the Mineral Resources team at GeoRessources
Web of Science
Number of papers : 195
h-index : 40
Citations : 5819
Mean citation number/ paper: 28,4
Number of papers /year since 2016: 10
• Google scholar
Citations all since 2016
Citations 8901 3541 (6/08/ 2021)
indice h 50 28
indice i10 163 104
Scientific papers in chronological order (a selection of papers sorted by main research area is provided at the end of the list)
1 - Cathelineau M. 1979
Caractérisations minéralogique, géochimique et structurale de l'encaissant granitique et métamorphique du gisement d'uranium du Chardon (COGEMA - Vendée).
Bull. BRGM, II, 4, 291-300.
2 - Cathelineau M. 1981
Les gisements uranifères de la presqu'île Guérandaise (Sud Bretagne) ; Approche structurale et métallogénique.
Mineral. Deposita, 16, 2, 227-240.
3 - Cathelineau M., Leroy J. 1981
Reactions between uranium veins and their host rocks in Vendée and Limousin (France).
Min. Mag., vol. 44, n° 335, 417-423.
4 - Leroy J., Cathelineau M. 1982
Les minéraux phylliteux dans les gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium. I : Cristallochimie des micas hérités et néoformés. Bull. Minéral., 105, 99-109.
5 - Cathelineau M. 1982
Les mécanismes de type "roll-front" dans les granites : un modèle de remobilisation dans les gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium.
C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 294, 865-868.
6 - Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Leroy J., Lhote F., Nguyen-Trung C., Pagel M., Poty B. 1982
Caractères minéralogiques des pechblendes de la province hercynienne d'Europe. Comparaison avec les oxydes d'uranium du protérozoïque de différents gisements d'Amérique du Nord, d'Afrique et d'Australie. in "Vein-type and similar uranium deposits in rocks younger than proterozoïc".
Proc. of IAEA, Vienne, 159-177.
7 - Cathelineau M. 1982
Signification de la fluorine dans les gisements d'uranium de la chaîne hercynienne.
Bull. BRGM, II, 4, 407-413.
8 - Cathelineau M. 1983
Les minéraux phylliteux dans les gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium. II : Distribution et évolution cristallochimique des illites, interstratifiés, smectites et chlorites.
Bull. Minéral., 106, 553-569.
9 - Cathelineau M. 1983
Potassic alteration in french hydrothermal uranium deposit.
Mineral. Deposita, 18, 89-97.
10 - Cathelineau M. 1983
Le gisement d'uranium des Bondons : un exemple typique de métallogenèse polyphasée.
C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 296, II, 985-988.
(11)- Cathelineau M. 1984
Uranium veins in Western France : Mineralogy and geochemistry of uranium deposition. Proceedings of the 2nd Intern. Cong. on Applied Mineralogy. Los Angeles, 1083-1094..
12 - Cathelineau M., Oliver R., Nieva D., Garfias A. 1985
Mineralogy and distribution of hydrothermal mineral zones in Los Azufres (Mexico) geothermal field.
Geothermics, vol. 14, n° 1, 49-57.
13 - Cathelineau M. 1985
Episyénitisation ou déquartzification hydrothermale : une typologie basée sur les successions minérales et sur le comportement différentiel de Si, Na et K.
C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 300, II, 14, 677-680.
14 - Cathelineau M. Et Nieva D. 1985
A chlorite solid solution geothermometer. The Los Azufres (Mexico) geothermal system. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 91, 235-244.
15 - Poty B., Leroy J. Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Friedrich M., Lespinasse M., Turpin L. 1986
Uranium deposits spatially related to granites in the french part of the Hercynian orogen. In : Vein type uranium deposits,
IAEA-TECDOC-361, 215-246.
16 - Nieva D., Iglesias E., Arellano V., Contreras E., Cathelineau M., Quijano L. 1986
Developments in geothermal energy in Mexico. IV : Evaluation of geothermal resources. Multidisciplinary studies of the Los Azufres field, Mexico.
Heat Recovery Systems, vol. 6, n° 3, 201-207.
17 - Cathelineau M. 1986
The hydrothermal alkali metasomatism effects on granitic rocks : quartz dissolution and related subsolidus changes.
Journal of Petrology, vol. 27, Part 4, 945-965.
18 - Holliger Ph., Cathelineau M. 1986
Le chronomètre U-Pb en milieu uranifère : application aux gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium liés spatialement au batholite de Mortagne (Vendée, France).
Chron. Rech. Min., n° 485, 33-43.
20 - Cathelineau M., Oliver R. Et Nieva D. 1987
Quaternary volcanic series of the Los Azufres geothermal field (Mexico).
Geofis. Int., 26-2, special volume on Mexican Volcanic Belt. Part. 3 (Ed. S.P. Verma), 273-290.
21 - Cathelineau M. 1987
U-Th-REE mobility during albitization and quartz dissolution in granitoïds : evidence from south-east French Massif Central.
Bull. Minéral., 110, n° 2, 249-259.
22 - Dubessy J., Ramboz C., Nguyen-Trung C., Cathelineau M., Charoy B., Cuney M., Leroy J., Poty B. Et Weisbrod A. 1987
Physical and chemical controls (fO2, T, pH) of the opposite behaviour of U, and Sn-W as examplified by hydrothermal deposits in France and Great Britain, and solubility data.
Bull. Minéral., 110, 261-281.
19 -Turpault M.P., Fouillac A.M., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Meunier A., Feybesse J.L. Et Leroy J. 1987
Circulations hydrothermales récentes et anciennesdans le Cézallier : les données des phases solides et fluides et des isotopes stables.
Géologie de la France, n° 4, 81-99.
20 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. 1988
Les altérations hydrothermales et les minéralisations associées des tufs viséens du bassin de Villeranges (Massif Central français). Données géothermométriques déduites de l'étude des inclusions fluides
Coll. PIRSEM, Montpellier 1986. Doc. BRGM n° 158 : "Gisements métallifères dans leur contexte géologique",.651-665 .
21 - Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G. 1988
Temperature - composition relationships of authigenic micaceous minerals in the Los Azufres geothermal system.
Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 100, 418-428.
22 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. , Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M. 1988
Contrasted behaviour of Au and U in french hercynian granites at the hydrothermal stage : the role of fO2 and pH.
Proceedings of the SIMP meeting, Verbania, Italie, "Granites and their surroudings", Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. Min. e Petrol., 43-2, 485-498.
23- Cathelineau M. 1988
Accesory mineral alteration in peraluminous granites at the hydrothermal stage : a review.
Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. Min. e Petrol., 43-2, 499-508.
24 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Dubessy J., Poty B., Weisbrod A., Ramboz C., Leroy J. 1988
Fluids in granitic environment.
Proceedings of the SIMP meeting, Verbania, Italie, "Granites and their surroudings", 1987, Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. Min. e Petrol., 43-2, 263-274.
25 - Cathelineau M. 1988
Cations site occupancy in chlorites and illites as a function of temperature.
Clay Minerals, 23, 471-485.
26 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Trescases J.J. 1989
Conditions of gold bearing arsenopyrite crystallization in the Villeranges basin, Marche-Combrailles shear zone, France. A mineralogical and fluid inclusion study .
Econ. Geol, Special monography on the Hercynian deposits in France.Vol. 84, n°5, 1340-1362.
27 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Holliger Ph., Marion Ph., Denis M. 1989
Gold rich arsenopyrites : crystal-chemistry, location and state of gold, physical and chemical conditions of crystallization.
Econ. Geol., Monograph 6 ,"The geology of gold deposits : The perspective in 1988", 328-340.
28 - Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G., Nieva D. 1989
Thermobarometry of hydrothermal alteration in the Los Azufres geothermal system : significance of fluid inclusion data. Proceedings of WRI-5 (Iceland).
Chem. Geol., 76, 229-238
29- Cathelineau M., Poty B. 1989
U-Th-REE mobility at the hydrothermal stage in granitic environments.
Proceedings of IAEA meeting " Metallogenesis of uranium deposits", IAEA ,Vienne, 63-77.
30 - Cathelineau M., Vergneaud M. 1989
U-Th-REE mobility and diffusion in Granitic Environments during U-ore alteration : a geochemical analogue to radioactive waste disposal.
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc, Vol 127, 941-947
31 - Alvarenga C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J. 1990
Chronology and orientation of N2-CH4, CO2-H2O and H2O rich fluid inclusion trails in intrametamorphic quartz veins from the Cuiaba gold district, Brazil.
Min. Mag. , vol. 54, 245-255.
32 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M. 1990
Fluids in Hercynian Au-veins from the french variscan belt.
Min. Mag., Vol 54, 231-243.
33 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Holliger P., Poty B. 1990
Metallogenesis of the french part of the Variscan orogen : Part II : time-space relationships between U and Au - ore deposition and tectonomagmatic events.
Tectonophysics, Vol 177, 59-79.
34 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Bastoul A, Bernard C., Leroy J. 1990
Fluid migration during contact metamorphism : the use of oriented fluid inclusion trails for a time space reconstruction.
Min. Mag. , vol. 54, 169-182.
35 - Lespinasse. M., Cathelineau M. 1990
Fluid percolations in a fault zone: a study of Fluid Inclusion Trails (F.I.T) in the St Sylvestre granite (NW French Massif Central).
Tectonophysics, Vol. 184, 173-187.
36 - Prieto A.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Rull F. 1990
Estudio y caracterizacion de cloritas trooctaedricas por espectrocopia Raman e infraroja.
Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Mineralogia, 13, 25-34.
37- Bril H., Cathelineau M., Marignac C. 1991
Le Massif Central : Eléments de métallogénie
in " Les massifs anciens de France", Sci. Géol. Bull., Strasbourg, 44, 179-185.
38- Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G., Vasquez G.R., Guevara M. 1991
Deep geothermal wells in the Los Azufres (Mexico) caldera : volcanic basement stratigraphy based on major element analysis.
J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 47, 149-159.
39- Prieto A.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M. 1991
Structure - composition relationships in trioctaedral chlorites : a vibrational spectroscopy study. Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol 39, n°5, 531-539.
40 - Respault J.P., Cathelineau M., Lancelot J.R. 1991
Multistage evolution of the Pierres plantées uranium ore deposit (Margeride, France) : evidence from mineralogy and U-Pb systematics.
Eur.J. Mineral., 3, 85-103.
41- Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., Sellier E., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Poty B., 1992
Geometric and genetic relationships between cathodoluminescent microstructural domains in quartz and fluid inclusions : Application to the reconstruction of Au-ore fluid chronology.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 56, 175-185.
42 - Valori A., Cathelineau M., Marignac C. 1992
Early fluid migration in a deep part of the Larderello field : a fluid inclusion study of the granite sill from well Monteverdi 7.
J. Volcano. Geotherm.Res. , 51, 115-131
43- Bril H., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Tollon F., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., 1992
Metallogenesis of the french Massif Central : Time - space relationships between ore deposition and tectono-magmatic events.
In Keppie J. Ed, "Terranes in the variscan belt of France and Western Europe", Springer Verlag,
44- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj. S., Dubessy J. Lespinasse M., Poty B., 1993
Fluid pressure variations in relation to multistage deformation and uplift : a fluid inclusion study of Au-quartz veins.
Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 107-121
45- Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Gianelli G., Puxeddu M., 1994
Evidence of Li-rich brines and early magmatic water-rock interaction in a geothermal field : The fluid inclusion data from the Larderello geothermal field.
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 58, 1083-1099
46- El Jarray A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1994
Percolation microfissurale de vapeurs aqueuses dans le granite de Peny (Massif de Saint Sylvestre, Massif Central) : relation avec la dissolution du quartz.
C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, t.318, 1095-1102.
47 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C. 1994
Use of fluid inclusions for a better understanding of intracontinental geothermal activities.
Short course "Fluid inclusions in minerals : methods and applications", De Vivo and Frezzotti Ed., Virginia Tech, 309-326.
48 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., 1994
Fluid inclusion planes : a geochemical and structural tool for the reconstruction of paleofluid migration.
Short course "Fluid inclusions in minerals : methods and applications", De Vivo and Frezzotti Ed., Virginia Tech, 271-282.
49 - Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., 1995
Paleaostress magitudes determination by using fault slip and fluid inclusions planes (F.I.P.) data.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 3895-3904
50 - Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Prieto A.C., 1995
P-V-T-X-fO2 evolution from wolframite to sulphide depositional stages in intragranitic W-veins. An example from the Spanish Central System.
Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 675-688.
51 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Yardley B., Noronha F., Miller M., 1996
P-T-X conditions of late Hercynian fluid penetration at the origin of granite-hosted quartz veins in northwestern Iberia : A multidisciplinary study of fluid inclusion and their chemistry.
Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta, 60, 43-57.
52 - Bakker R., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M. 1996
Improvements in clathrate modeling : the H2O-CO2 system with various salts.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , 60, 1657-1681.
53 - Dubois M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Meere P., Royer J.J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. 1996
Temperature of paleo- to modern self sealing within a continental rift basin : the fluid inclusion data (Soultz sous Forets, Rhine graben, France).
Eur. J. Mineral., 8, 1065-1080
54 - Ayt Ougougdal M., Robb L.J., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1996
The nature of fluids associated with granulite facies metamorphism in the Okiep copper district, Namaqualand, South Africa,
Journal of Geology of South Africa, 99, 197-208.
55 - Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., El Boukhari A., Chouhaidi M., 1998
Brines related to Ag-deposition in the zgounder silver deposit (Anti-Alas, Morocco).
Eur. J. Mineral, 10, 1201-1214.
56 - Savoye S., Aranyossy J.F., Beaucaire C., Cathelineau M., Louvat D., Michelot J. L., 1998
Fluid inclusions in granites and their relationships with present day groundwater chemistry.
Eur. J. Mineral. 10,
56b- T Ensepbaev, A Izart, M Cathelineau, G Joltaev, D Vachard, Z Boulekbaev 1998
La bordure Est du bassin Précaspien et le bassin d'avant-pays de l'Oural (Kazakhstan) au Carbonifère et Permien inférieur
Geodiversitas, 20, 4, 687-700
57 - Ruggieri G., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., 1999
Boiling and fluid mixing in the chlorite zone of the Larderello geothermal system,
Chemical Geology, 154, 237-256.
58- Boiron M.C., Moissette A., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Monnin C., Dubessy J. 1999
Detailed determination of paleofluid chemistry : An integrated study of sulphate volatile rich brines and aquo-carbonic fluids in quartz veins from Ouro Fino (Brazil).
Chemical Geology, 154, 179-192
59 - Ruck-Mosser R., Cathelineau M., Baronnet A., Trouiller A. 1999
The hydrothermal reactivity of K-smectite at 300°C and 100 bars : evidence of non expandable deshydrated smectite formation
Clay Minerals, 34, 277-292.
60- Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., Coulibaly Y., Ayt Ougougdal M., 1999
Paléopercolations et paléointeractions fluides - roches dans les plutonites de Charroux-Civray.
Actes des Journées Scientifiques CNRS- ANDRA, Etude du massif de Charroux – Civray, EDP Sciences 159-179.
61- Andre A.S., Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Leroy J., 1999
Percolation de fluides tardi-hercyniens dans le granite de Saint Sylvestre (NW Massif Central Français) : données des inclusions fluides sur un profil Razès-St Pardoux.
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 329, 23-30.
62- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 1999
Les gisements aurifères : théories anciennes et nouvelles, or visible et invisible dans les gisements d'Europe de l'Ouest, “ L’or dans l’Antiquité, de la Mine à l’Objet ”, B. Cauuet ed.,
63- Noronha F., Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Doria A., Garcia E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M.C., 1999
Fluids related to tungsten ore deposits in northern Portugal and S panish Central System : A comparative study. Rev. Soc. Geol. Espana, 12-(3-4) 397-403.
64- Drennan G., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Robb L.J., 1999
Characteristic of post-depositional fluids in the Witwatersrand basin.
Mineralogy and Petrology, 66, 83-109.
65- Noronha F., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Doria A., Ribeiro M.A., Nogueira P., Guedes A., 2000
A three-fluid stage moder for Au metallogenesis in granites and their metamorphic host rocks in Northern Portugal.
Journal of Exploration Geochemistry, 71, 209-224.
66- R. Mathieu, M. Cuney, M. Cathelineau 2000
Geochemistry of palaeofluids circulation in the Franceville basin and around Oklo natural nuclear reaction zones (Gabon).
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 245-249, 2000.
(67)- Cathelineau M. Ruck R. et Charpentier D. 2000
Evolution des argiles en conditions de stockage.
Proc. J. Sci ANDRA . Colloque Nancy 1999-35p
68- Boiron M.C., Barakat A., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Durisova J., Moravek P. 2001
Geometry and P-V-T-X conditions of microfissural ore fluid migration : the Mokrsko gold deposit (Bohemia).
Chemical Geology, 173, 207-225.
69- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., 2001
Multistage deformation of Au-quartz veins : Evidence for late gold introduction from microstructural, Isotopic and fluid inclusion studies.
Tectonophysiscs, 336, 79-99
70- Cesare B., Poletti E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2001
Alpine metamorphism and veining in the Zentralgneis complex of the SW Tauern window : a model of fluid rock interactions based on fluid inclusions.
Tectonophysics, 336, 121-136, 2001.
71- Mosser-Ruck R., Pironon J., Cathelineau M., Trouiller A. 2001
Experimental illitization of smectite in a K-rich solution.
Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 829-840, 2001.
72- Charpentier D. , Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Bruno G. 2001
Evolution minéralogique des argilites en zone sous-saturée oxydée : exemple des parois du tunnel de Tournemire (Aveyron, France).
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, 332, 601-607, 2001
73- Vallance J., Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., 2001
Microfracturing and fluid mixing in granites : W-Sn ore deposition at Vaulry (NW french Massif Central). Tectonophysiscs, 336, 43-61.
74-Freiberger R., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Buschaert S.- 2001
Retrograde P-T evolution and high temperature – low pressure fluid circulation in relation to late Hercynian intrusions : a mineralogical and fluid inclusion study of the Charroux-Civray granitoids (NW Massif Central, France).
Geofluids 1, 241-256.
75- Montomoli C., Ruggieri G., Boiron M.C, Cathelineau M., 2001
Pressure fluctuation during uplift of the northern Apennines (Italy): a fluid inclusions study.
Tectonophysics, Tectonophysics, 341, 121-139.
76- Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Banks, D, 2002
Palaeofluid Chemistry of Single Fluid Event: a Bulk and In-situ multi-technique analysis (LIBS, Raman) of an alpine fluid (Mont-Blanc),.
Chem. Geol., 182, 249-264.
77- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Buschaert S., Fourcade S., Coulibaly Y, Boyce A., Michelot J.L, 2002
Fluid transfer at a basement/cover interface. Part II: Large-scale introduction of chlorine into the basement by mesozoic basinal brines.
Chemical Geology 192, 121-140.
78- Fourcade S., Michelot J.L., Buschaert S., Cathelineau M., Freiberger R., Coulibaly Y, Aranyossy J.F. 2002
Early introduction of carbon in plutonic rocks and its successive remobilizations during subsurface fluid-rock interactions : the case study of the Vienne granitoïds (France)
Chem. Geol. 192, 99-120.
79- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Fourcade S., Vallance J., 2003
Mixing of metamorphic and surficial fluids during the uplift of the Hercynian upper crust: consequences for gold deposition.
Chemical Geology, 194, 119-141.
80- Vallance J, Cathelineau M., Boiron M. C., Shepherd T. J., Naden J. 2003
Impact of late aplitic magmatism on C-rich rocks and gold deposition at Castromil (North Portugal)
Chemical Geology, 194, 201-224
81- Marignac C., Diagana B., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Banks D.A., Fourcade S., Vallance J., 2003
Variscan metamorphic fluids in the South Iberian Pyrite Belt: Evidence for re- distribution of base metal and gold in the VMS deposits, the case study of Tharsis deposit.
Chemical Geology, 194, 143-165.
82- Charpentier D., Tessier D., Cathelineau M. 2003
Shale microstructure evolution due to tunnel excavation after 100 years and impact of tectonic paleo-fracturing Case of Tournemire, France.
Engin. Geol, 70, 1-2, 55-69
83- Derome D., Cuney M., Cathelineau M., Fabre C., Dubessy J., Bruneton P., Hubert A. 2003
A detailed fluid inclusion study in silicified breccias from the Kombolgie sandstone (Northern Territory, Australia): application to the genesis of middle-Proterozoic unconformity-type uranium deposits
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 80, 259-275.
84- Guillaume D., Neaman A., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Peiffert C., Abdelmoula M., Dubessy J., Villiéras F., Baronnet A., Michau N. 2003
Experimental synthesis of chlorite from smectite at 300°C in the presence of metallic iron.
Clay Minerals, 38, 3, 281-302
85- Mosser-Ruck R., Pironon J., Guillaume D., Cathelineau M. 2003
Experimental alteration of Mg-vermiculite under hydrothermal conditions: formation of mixed-layered saponite-chlorite minerals
Clay Minerals, 38, 3, 303-314
86- Prieto A.C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Lopez Garcia J., Garcia C. 2003
Rythmic changes in crystal chemistry of trioctahedral Cr-chlorites and Cr entrapment : a SEM, EM and Raman study.
Clay minerals, 38, 341-354.
87- Surma F., Geraud Y., Pourcelot L., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Clavaud J.B., Zamora M., Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M. 2003
Structures d'un grès affecté par une faille normale: Anisotropie de connectivité et de perméabilité.
Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 174, 3, 295-303
88- André G., Beaudoin B., Hibsch C., Carpentier C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Élion P. 2004
Filons sédimentaires oxfordiens : implications tectoniques et diagénétiques pour l'Est du Bassin de Paris.
Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., 175, 6, 595-605.
89- Buschaert S., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Deloule E., Martineau F., Ayt Ougougdal M. Trouiller A. 2004
Widespread cementation induced by inflow of continental water in the eastern part of the Paris basin: O and C isotopic study of carbonate cements ,
Applied Geochemistry, 19, 8, 1201-1215.
90- Cathelineau M., Fourcade S, Clauer N., Buschaert S., Rousset D., Boiron M-C., Meunier A., Lavastre V., Javoy M. 2004
Dating multistage paleofluid percolations: A K-Ar and 18O/16O study of fracture illites from altered Hercynian plutonites at the basement/cover interface (Poitou High, France).
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 11, 2529-2542.
91- Charpentier D., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Guillaume D. 2004
Oxidation of argillites in a tunnel (Tournemire, France) : consequences on mineralogy and crystal chemistry of clays.
Clay Minerals, 39, 2, 135 – 149.
92- Guillaume D., Neaman A., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Peiffert C., Abdelmoula M., Dubessy J., Villiéras F., Michau N.. 2004
Experimental study of the transformation of smectite at 80 and 300°C in the presence of Fe oxides.
Clay Minerals, 39, 1, 17-34.
93- Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M. 2004
Experimental transformation of Na,Ca-smectite under basic conditions at 150°C.
Applied Clay Science, 26,1-4, 259-273.
94- Rousset D., Leclerc S., Clauer N., Lancelot J., Cathelineau M., Aranyossy J.F., 2004
Age and origin of albian glauconites and associated clay minerals inferred from a detailed geochemical analysis.
J. Sed. Research, 74,5,631-642.
95- Vallance J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Varlet M., Marignac C. 2004
The granite hosted gold deposit of Moulin de Chéni (Saint-Yrieix district, Massif Central, France): petrographic, structural, fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope constraints.
Mineralium Deposita, 39, 3, 265-281.
96- Essarraj, A., Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Banks, D.A. Benharref, M. 2005
Penetration of surface-evaporated brines into the Proterozoic basement and deposition of Co and Ag at Bou Azzer, Morocco: Evidence from fluid inclusions. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 41,25-39.
97- Derome D., Cathelineau, M., Cuney M., Fabre C., Lhomme T., Banks D. A. 2005
Mixing of Sodic and Calcic Brines and Uranium Deposition at the McArthur River, Saskatchewan, Canada. A Raman and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Study of Fluid Inclusions. Economic Geology, 100, 8, 1529-1545
98- Mosser-Ruck R., Devineau K., Charpentier D., Cathelineau M. 2005
Effects of ethylene glycol saturation protocols on XRD patterns: a critical review and discussion. Clays and Clay Minerals, 53, 6, 631-638
99- Charpentier D., Devineau K., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Viellieras F. 2006
Bentonite-iron interactions under alkaline condition: an experimental approach. Applied Clay Science, 32, 1-13.
100- Clauer N., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Girard J.P., Vincent B., Elie M., Buschaert S., Rousset D. 2006
A review of studies on the diagenetic evolution of the Dogger to Tithonian sedimentary sequence in the eastern Paris Basin - Impact on the physical and chemical rock properties.
Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., 178, 59-71.
101- Marignac C., Cathelineau M. 2006
Comment on the paper by Sanchez-Espana et al. : source and evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids in the northern Iberian pyrite belt massive sulphide deposits (SW Spain) : evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes.
Mineralium Deposita, 40, 742-748.
102- Traoré D., Beauvais A., Augé T.,. Chabaux F, Parisot J.C., Cathelineau M., Peiffert C., Colin F. 2006
Platinum and palladium mobility in supergene environment: The residual origin of the Pirogues River mineralization, New Caledonia.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Volume 88, Issues 1-3, January-March 2006, Pages 350-354.
103- Clauer N., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Girard J.P., Vincent B., Elie M., Buschaert S., Rousset D. 2007
A review of studies on the diagenetic evolution of the Dogger to Tithonian sedimentary sequence in the eastern Paris Basin - Impact on the physical and chemical rock properties.
Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., 178, 59-71
104- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Ruggieri G., Jeanningros A., Gianelli G., Banks D.A. 2007
Active contact metamorphism and CO2-CH4 fluid production in the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) At depth between 2.3 and 4 KM.
Chemical Geology, 237, 303-328
105- Derome D., Cathelineau M., Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Lhomme T., Cuney M. 2007
Paleo-fluid composition determined from individual fluid inclusions by raman and libs: application to mid-proterozoic evaporitic Na-Ca brines (alligator rivers uranium field, northern territories australia). Chemical Geology, 237, 3-4, 240-254
106- Le Hébel F., Fourcade S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Capdevila R., Gapais D., 2008
Fluid history during burial and exhumation of an oil paleo-reservoir (mylonitic metavolcanics, Vendée, France) American Journal of Science, 307,9, 1096-1125.
107- Coulibaly Y., Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Kouamelan A.N. 2008
Fluid immisicibility and gold deposition in the Birimian quartz veins of the Angovia deposit (Yaouré, Ivory Coast).
Journal of African Earth Science, 50, 234-254.
108- Traore D., Beauvais A., Auge T., Parisot J.C., Colin F., Cathelineau M. 2008
Chemical and physical transfers in an ultramafic rock weathering profile: Part 2. Dissolution vs, accumulation of platinum group minerals.
Am. Miner., 93, 31-38.
109- Cazala C, Andres C. Decossas J-L, Cathelineau M., Peiffert C. 2008
Impact of uranium mines water treatment on the uranium and radium behaviour.
Uranium, Mining and hydrogeology, Springer ed. , B. Merkel and A. Hasche-Berger eds.p 830-837
110- Jaguin J., Boulvais P ., Poujol M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2010
Stable isotope composition of quartz-calcite veins in the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa : Implication for basin-scale fluid circulation.
South African Journal of Geology, 113-2, 169-182.
111- Mercadier J., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M. 2010
Brine migrations in the basement rocks of the Athabasca Basin through microfracture networks (P-Patch U deposit, Canada).
Lithos, 115, 121-136
112- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., 2010
Downward penetration and mixing of sedimentary brines and dilute hot waters at 5 km depth in the granite basement at Soultz-sous-Forêts (Rhine graben, France).
C R Geoscience, 342, 560-565.
113- André G., Hibsch C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Buschaert S. 2010
Chronology of fracture sealing under a meteoric fluid environment : microtectonic and isotopic evidence of major Cainozoic events in the eastern Paris Basin (France).
Tectonophysics, 490, 214-228
114- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Richard A. 2010
Fluid flows and metal deposition near basement/cover unconformity : lessons and analogies from Pb-Zn-F-Ba systems for the understanding of proterozoic U deposits.
Geofluids, 10, 270-292.
115- Richard A., Pettke T., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Cuney M., Derome D. 2010
Brine-rock interaction in the Athabasca basement (McArthur river U deposit, Canada) : consequences for fluid chemistry and uranium uptake.
Terra Nova, 22, 303-308, 2010.
116- Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Guillaume D., Charpentier D., Rousset D., Barres O., Michau N. 2010
Effects of temperature, pH, and iron/clay and liquid/clay ratios on experimental conversion of dioctahedral smectite to berthierine, chlorite, vermiculite, or saponite.
Clays and Clay Minerals, 58, 2, 280-291.
116bis- Jodin-Caumon, M-C; Mosser-Ruck, R; Rousset, D; Randi, A; Cathelineau, M, Michau, N. 2010
Effect of a thermal gradient on iron-clay interactions
Clays and Clay Minerals, Volume 58, Number 5, October 2010, pp. 667-681(15)
117- Mercadier J., Cuney M., Cathelineau M., Lacorde M. 2011
U redox fronts and kaolinisation in basement-hosted unconformity-related U ores of the Athabasca basin (Canada) : late U remobilisation by meteoric fluids.
Mineralium Deposita, 46, 105-135.
118- Ferrage E., Vidal O., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Cuadros J. 2011
A reinvestigation of smectite illitization in experimental hydrothermal conditions : results from X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy.
American Mineralogist, 96, 207-223.
119- Richard A., Banks D. Mercadier J, Boiron M-C, Cuney M, Cathelineau M. 2011
An evaporated seawater origin for the ore-forming brines in unconformity-related uranium deposits (Athabasca Basin, Canada): Cl/Br and d 37Cl analysis of fluid inclusions.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. Volume 75, Issue 10, 15 May 2011, 2792-2810
120- Blaise T., Izart, A., Michels, R., Suarez-Ruiz, I., Cathelineau, M., Landrein, P., 2011
Vertical and lateral changes in organic matter from the Mesozoic, eastern Paris Basin (France): Variability of sources and burial history.
International Journal of Coal Geology 88, 163-178.
121- Richard A., , Rozsypal C., Mercadier J., Banks D., Cuney M., Boiron MC, Cathelineau M. 2012
Giant uranium deposits formed from exceptionally uranium-rich acidic brines
122- Mercadier J. , Richard A. Cathelineau M. 2012
Boron- and magnesium-rich marine brines at the origin of giant unconformity-related uranium deposits: 11B evidence from Mg-tourmalines,
Geology, published online 23 January 2012, doi: 10.1130/G32509.1
123- Cathelineau M., Boiron M-C, Fourcade S., Ruffet G., Clauer N., Belcourt O., Coulibaly Y., Banks D.A., Guillocheau F. 2012
A major Late Jurassic fluid event at the basin/basement unconformity in western
France: 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar dating, fluid chemistry, and related geodynamic context
Chemical Geology 322–323 (2012) 99–120.
123bis-Jodin-Caumon, M-C; Mosser-Ruck, R, Randi, A, Pierron, O. Cathelineau, M., Michau, N. 2012
Mineralogical Evolution of a Claystone After Reaction with Iron Under Thermal Gradient,
Clays and Clay Minerals, Volume 60, Number 5
124- Richard A., Boulvais P., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., France – Lanord C., 2013
From evaporated seawater to uranium mineralizing brines : Isotopic and trace element study of quartz dolomite veins in the Athabasca system.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 113, 38-59.
125- Richard A., Cauzid J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Cuney M., 2013
Synchrotron-XRF and XANES investigation of uranium speciation and element distribution in fluid inclusions from unconformity-related uranium deposits.
Geofluids, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12009
126- Blaise T., Barbarand, J., Kars M., Ploquin F. Aubourg Ch. Brigaud B., Cathelineau M. 2013
El Albanid, A., Gautheron C., Izart A., Janots D., Michels R., Pagel M., Pozzi JP, Boiron MC, Landrein Ph.
Reconstruction of low burial (< 100 °C) in sedimentary basins: A comparison of geothermometer sensitivity in the intracontinental Paris Basin,
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 71-87
127- Pignatelli, I., Mugnaioli, E. Hybler, J. Mosser-Ruck, R. Cathelineau M., Michau N., 2013
A multi-technique characterization of cronstedtite synthesized by iron–clay interaction in a step-by-step cooling procedure,
Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 61, No. 4, 277–289, 2013
128- Quesnel, B., Gautier, P., Boulvais, P., Cathelineau, M., Maurizot, P.., Cluzel, D., Ulrich, M., Guillot, S., Lesimple, S., Couteau C. 2013
Syn-tectonic, meteoric water-derived carbonation of the New Caledonia peridotite nappe, Geology 41, 10 (2013) 1063-1066
129- Lecomte, A., Cathelineau, M, Deloule, E., Brouand, M., Peiffert, C., Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K., Pohjolainen, E., Lahtinen, H. 2014
Uraniferous bitumen nodules in the Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co deposit (Finland): influence of metamorphism on uranium mineralization in black shales.
Min. Dep. Vol. 49 Issue 4, p513-533.
130- Ulrich M., Munoz, M. Guillot, S., Cathelineau, M., Picard, C., Quesnel, B., Boulvais , P., Couteau C. 2014
Dissolution–precipitation processes governing the carbonation and silicification of the serpentinite sole of the New CaledoniaOphiolite.
Contrib Mineral Petrol (2014) 167:952 DOI 10.1007/s00410-013-0952-8
131- Belissont, R., Boiron, M-C., Luais, B., Cathelineau, M., 2014
LA-ICP-MS analyses of minor and trace elements and bulk Ge isotopes in zoned Ge-rich sphalerites from the Noailhac – Saint-Salvy deposit (France): Insights on incorporation mechanisms and ore deposition processes.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 126 , 518–540.
132- Blaise T., Barbarand, J., Kars M., Ploquin F. Aubourg Ch. Brigaud B., Cathelineau M. El Albanid, A., Gautheron C., Izart A., Janots D., Michels R., Pagel M., Pozzi JP, Boiron MC, Landrein Ph. 2014
Reconstruction of low burial (< 100 °C) in sedimentary basins: A comparison of geothermometer sensitivity in the intracontinental Paris Basin,
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 71-87.
133- Carpentier C., Brigaud B., Blaise T., Vincent B., Durlet C., Boulvais P., Pagel M., Hibsch C., Yven B., Lach P., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Landrein P., Buschaert S. 2014
Impact of basin burial and exhumation on Jurassic carbonates diagenesis on both sides of a thick clay barrier (Paris Basin, NE France).
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 44-70.
134- Bourdelle F. and Cathelineau M. 2015
Low-temperature chlorite geothermometry: a graphical representation based on a T-R2+-Si diagram, European
Eur. Journal of Mineralogy 27(5):617-626
135- Cathelineau , M., Quesnel B., Gautier P., Boulvais P., · Couteau ·C., Drouillet M.
Nickel dispersion and enrichment at the bottom of the regolith: formation of pimelite target-like ores in rock block joints (Koniambo Ni deposit, New Caledonia)
Mineralium Deposita 07/2015; DOI:10.1007/s00126-015-0607-y
136- Cathelineau M., Caumon, M-C, Massei F., Brie D. and Harlaux M. 2015
Raman spectra of Ni–Mg kerolite: effect of Ni–Mg substitution on O–H stretching vibrations.
J. Raman ; Spectroscopy, DOI 10.1002/jrs.4746
137- Blaise T., Tarantola A., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Techer I., Boiron M.C., Landrein P. 2015
Evolution of porewater composition through time: Salinity and D/H of fluid inclusion water in authigenic minerals (Jurassic limestones, eastern Paris Basin, France).
Chemical Geology 417, 210-227.
138- Richard, A., Montel, J. M., Leborgne, R., Peiffert, C., Cuney, M., Cathelineau, M. 2015
Monazite Alteration in H2O±HCl±NaCl±CaCl2 Fluids at 150 ºC and psat: Implications for Uranium Deposits.
Minerals, 5(4), 693-706
138b- Lach, P., Cathelineau M., Brouand M., Fiet N. (2015)
In-situ Isotopic and Chemical Study of Pyrite from Chu-Sarysu (Kazakhstan) Roll-front Uranium Deposit-
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 13:207-210, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.07.049
139- Richard, A, Cathelineau, M, Boiron, M-C et al. 2016
Metal-rich fluid inclusions provide new insights into unconformity-related U deposits (Athabasca Basin and Basement, Canada)
Min. Dep, 2, 249-270
140- Dyja, V. Hibsch, C., Tarantola, A. Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Bartier D., Carillo Rosua J., Morales Ruano S., Boulvais P. 2016
From deep to shallow fluid reservoirs: evolution of fluid sources during exhumation of the Sierra Almagrera, Betic Cordillera, Spain
GEOFLUIDS, 16, 1: 103-128 Published: FEB 2016
141- Blaise, T, Clauer, N, Cathelineau, M., Boiron M.C., Techer I., Boulvais P. 2016
Reconstructing fluid-flow events in Lower-Triassic sandstones of the eastern Paris Basin by elemental tracing and isotopic dating of nanometric illite crystals
Geoch. Cosmochim. Acta, 176 : 157-184 Published: MAR 1 2016
142- Quesnel, B, Boulvais, P, Gautier, P, Cathelineau, M, John C. M., Dierick M, Agrinier P, Drouillet M 2016
Paired stable isotopes (O, C) and clumped isotope thermometry of magnesite and silica veins in the New Caledonia Peridotite Nappe.
Geoch. Cosmochim. Acta,: 183 : 234-249.
143- Quesnel, B, Gautier, P, Cathelineau, M., Boulvais P, Couteau C, Drouillet M. 2016
The internal deformation of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia: A structural study of serpentine-bearing faults and shear zones in the Koniambo Massif
J. Struct. Geol., 85, 51-67 Published: APR 2016
144- Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Hibti M., 2016
Mineralogy and ore fluid chemsitry of the Roc Blanc Ag deposit, Jebilet, Hercynian massif, Morocco.
Journal of African Earth Sciences, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.07.020.
145- Mamane Mamandou M., Cathelineau M., Bourdelle F., Boiron M.C., Brouand M., 2016
Hot fluid flows around a major fault identified by paleothermometric studies (Tom Mersoï basin, Niger).
Journal of sedimentary Research, 86, 914-928.
146- Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P., Maacha L., 2016
Basinal brines at the origin of the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence from LA-ICP-MS data on fluid inclusions, halogen signatures and stable isotopes (H, C, O).
Economic Geology, 111, 1753-1781.
147- Mosser-Ruck, R; Pignatelli, I; Bourdelle, F; Abdelmoula, M; Barres, O; Guillaume, D; Charpentier, D; Rousset, D; Cathelineau, M; Michau, N. 2016
Contribution of long-term hydrothermal experiments for understanding the smectite-to-chlorite conversion in geological environments.
Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology., 171, 1-21. DOI: 10.1007/s00410-016-1307
148- Gautier, P., B. Quesnel, P. Boulvais, and M. Cathelineau 2016
The emplacement of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia and its bearing on the tectonics of obduction, Tectonics, 35, doi:10.1002/2016TC004318.
149- Cathelineau, M., Myagkiy, A., Quesnel, B., Boiron, M.-C., Gautier, P., Boulvais, P., Ulrich, M., Truche, L., Golfier, F., Drouillet, M., 2016
Multistage crack seal vein and hydrothermal Ni enrichment in serpentinized ultramafic rocks (Koniambo massif, New Caledonia).
Mineralium Deposita. doi:10.1007/s00126-016-0695-y
150- Ballouard, C.; Poujol, M.; Boulvais, P.; Mercadier, J.; Tartèse, R. Cathelneau M. et al. 2017
Magmatic and hydrothermal behavior of uranium in syntectonic leucogranites: The uranium mineralization associated with the Hercynian Guérande granite (Armorican Massif, France)
Ore Geology Reviews January 2017 80:309-331 DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.06.034
151- Mathieu, M., Roy, R., Launeau, P., Cathelineau, M., Quirt, D. 2017
Alteration mapping on drill cores using a HySpex SWIR-320m hyperspectral camera: Application to the exploration of an unconformity-related uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Journal of Geochemical Exploration January 2017 172:71-88 DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.09.008
152- Essarraj, S; Boiron, M-C; Cathelineau, M; Tarantola, A; Leisen, M. 2017
Mineralogy and ore fluid chemistry of the Roc Blanc Ag Deposit, Jebilet Hercynian Massif, Morocco
Journal of African Earth Sciences, March, 2017, 127,175-193 DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.07.020
153- Hoummady E., Golfier F., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Durupt N., Blanvillain, JJ, Neto J. Lefevre E. 2017
A multi-analytical approach to the study of uranium-ore agglomerate structure and porosity during heap leaching Hydrometallurgy 171, April 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2017.04.011
154- Myagkiy A., Truche L., Cathelineau M., Golfier F. 2017
Revealing the conditions of Ni mineralization in the laterite profiles of New Caledonia: Insights from reactive geochemical transport modelling
Chemical Geology, 466, 274-284 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.06.018
155- Quesnel, B, Le Carlier de Veslud, C., Boulvais, P, Gautier, P, Cathelineau, M, Drouillet, M. 2017
3D modeling of the laterites on top of the Koniambo Massif, New Caledonia: refinement of the per descensum lateritic model for nickel mineralization.
Mineralium Deposita, doi:10.1007/s00126-017-0712-1.
156- Lecomte, A., Cathelineau, M., Michels, R., Peiffert, Ch., Brouand M. 2017
Uranium mineralization in the Alum Shale Formation (Sweden): Evolution of a U-rich marine black shale from sedimentation to metamorphism,
Ore Geology Reviews , 88, 71-98.
157- Essarraj S., Boiron M-C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P. 2017
Basinal Brines At The Origin Of The Imiter Ag-Hg Deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence From LA-ICPMS Data On Fluid Inclusions, Halogen Signatures, And Stable Isotopes (H, C, O)—A Reply
Economic Geology, August 2017 - 112 (5)
158- Ballouard, C.; Poujol, M.; Mercadier, J , Boulvais, P., Baele, JM . Cuney M, Cathelineau M.. 2017
Uranium metallogenesis in the peraluminous leucogranites from the Pontivy-Rostrenen magmatic complex (French Armorican Variscan Belt): the result of long term oxidized hydrothermal alteration during strike-slip deformation.
Mineralum Deposita DOI: 10.1007/s00126-017-0761-5
159- Martz M., Cathelineau M., Mercadier, J., Boiron M-C, Jaguin J., Tarantola A., Demacon M., Gerbeaud O., Quirt, D., Doney A., Ledru P. 2017
C-O-H-N fluids circulations and graphite precipitation in reactivated Hudsonian shear zones during basement uplift of the Wollaston-Mudjatik Transition Zone: Example of the Cigar Lake U deposit
Lithos 294–295, 222–245
(159b) – Orberger B., Cathelineau M. 2017
Preface for thematic issue on “Supergene ore deposits”
Mineralium Deposita, 52, 943–944
160-Hoummady E., Golfier F., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Durupt N., Blanvillain J.J., Neto J., Lefevre E. 2018
A study of uranium-ore agglomeration parameters and their implications during heap leaching,
Minerals Engineering, 127,22-31.
161- Martz M., Mercadier, J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M-C, Quirt, D., Doney A., Gerbeaud O., De Wally E., Ledru P. 2018
Formation of U-rich mineralizing fluids through basinal brine migration within basement-hosted shear zones: A large-scale study of the fluid chemistry around the unconformity-related Cigar Lake U deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). Chemical Geology doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.05.042
162- Truche, L., Joubert G., Dargent M., Martz P., Cathelineau M., Rigaudier T., Quirt D. 2018
Clay minerals trap hydrogen in the Earth’s crust: Evidence from The Cigar Lake uranium deposit, Athabasca.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493, July 2018, 186-197
163- Dyja-Person, V., Tarantola A., Richard A., Hibsch C. Siebenaller L., Boiron M-C., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P. 2018
Metamorphic brines and no surficial fluids trapped in the detachment footwall of a Metamorphic Core Complex (Nevado-Filábride units, Betics, Spain)
Tectonophysics 727 56–72.
164- Hoummady E., Golfier F., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Durupt N., Blanvillain J-J., Neto J. Lefevre E.
An integrated multiscale approach to heap leaching of uranium-ore agglomerates, 2018
Hydrometallurgy, 178, June 2018, 274-282 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2018.05.011
165-Carocci E., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Lecomte A., Pinto F. 2019
Rutile from Panasqueira (Central Portugal) : an excellent pathfinder for wolframite deposition.
Minerals, 9, 9.
166- Farrokhpay S., Cathelineau M., Blancher S., Laugier O., Filippov L. 2019
Characterization of Weda Bay nickel laterite ore from Indonesia.
J. Geochem Explor. 196, 270-281
167- Quesnel, B. , Boiron, M-C., Cathelineau, M., Truche, L.,Rigaudier, T., Bardoux, G., Agrinier, P., de Saint Blanquat, M. Masini, E., Gaucher, E. 2019
Nature and Origin of Mineralizing Fluids in Hyperextensional Systems: The Case of Cretaceous Mg-Metasomatism in the Pyrenees.
Geofluids, doi.org/10.1155/2019/7213050
168- Martz P., Mercadier J., Perret J., Villeneuve J., Deloule E., Cathelineau M., Quirt D., Doney A., Ledru P. 2019
Post-crystallization alteration of natural uraninites: implications for dating, tracing, and nuclear forensics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 249, 138-159.
169- Myagkiy A., Golfier F., Truche L., Cathelineau M. 2019
Reactive transport modeling applied to Ni laterite ore deposits in New Caledonia : role of hydrodynamic factors ans geological structures in Ni mineralization.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 3, 1425-1440.
170 - Rallakis D., Michels R., Brouand M., Parize O., Cathelineau M. 2019
The role of organic matter on uranium precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia.
Minerals, 9(5), 310; https://doi.org/10.3390/min9050310
171 - Teitler Y., Cathelineau M., Ulrich M., Ambrosi J.P., Sevin B. 2019
Petrology and geochemistry of scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co laterites.
J. Geochem. Explor., 196, 131-155.
172 - Ulrich M., Cathelineau M., Munoz M., Boiron M.C., Karpoff A.M. 2019
The relative distribution of critical (Sc, REE) and transition metals (Ni, Co, Cr, Mn, V) in some Ni-laterite deposits of New Caledonia.
J. Geochem. Explor., 197, 93-113.
173 - Muñoz M., Ulrich M., Cathelineau M., Mathon O. 2019
Weathering processes and crystal chemistry of Ni-bearing minerals in saprock horizons of New Caledonia ophiolite. J. Geochem. Explor., 198, 82-99.
174- Boulesteix T., M. Cathelineau, E. Deloule, M. Brouand, H. Toubon, P. Lach, N. Fiet, 2019
Ilmenites and their alteration products, sinkholes for uranium and radium in roll-front deposits after the example of South Tortkuduk (Kazakhstan)
J. Geochem. Explor., 106343,ISSN 0375-6742,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106343.
175- Boulesteix T., Solé J., Pi T., Cathelineau M. 2019
Reappraisal of the GL‐O Reference Material for K‐Ar Dating: New Insight from Microanalysis, Single‐Grain and Milligram Ar Measurements,
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44, 2, doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12306
176- Mamane Mamadou, M., Cathelineau, M., Deloule, E. et al. 2019
Cenozoic oxidation episodes in West Africa at the origin of the in situ supergene mineral redistribution of the primary uranium orebodies (Imouraren deposit, Tim Mersoï Basin, Northern Niger).
Mineralium Deposita, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-019-00945-w
177-El Korh A., Boiron M-C., Cathelineau M., Deloule E., Luais B. 2020
Tracing metallic pre-concentrations in the Limousin ophiolite-derived rocks and Variscan granites (French Massif Central).
Lithos, 356–357, 105345, doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105345
178 - Lecomte A., Michels R., Cathelineau M., Morlot C., Brouand M., Flotté N. 2020
Uranium deposits of Franceville basin (Gabon): Role of organic matter and oil cracking on uranium mineralization
Ore Geology Reviews, 123, doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103579
179 - Rallakis D., Michels R., Brouand M., Parize O., Cathelineau M. 2020
Dolomite cements in Cenomanian continental sand deposits: Time evolution and significance (Zoovch Ovoo U-deposit, East Gobi Basin, Mongolia),
Sedimentary Geology, 405, 105688 doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105688
180- Mosser-Ruck, R., Sterpenich, J., Michau, N., Jodin-Caumon, M.-C., Randi, A., Abdelmoula, M., Barres, O., Cathelineau M. 2020
Serpentinization and H2 production during an iron-clay interaction experiment at 90C under low CO2 pressure Applied Clay Science191, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2020.105609
181 - M. Ballini, C. Chautard, J. Nos, V. Phrommavanh, C. Beaucaire, C. Beaucaire , C. Besancon, A. Boizard , M. Cathelineau , C. Peiffert , T. Vercouter , E. Vors , M. Descostes 2020
A multi-scalar study of the long-term reactivity of uranium mill tailings from Bellezane site (France).
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 218, 106223. ⟨10.1016/j.jenvrad.2020.106223⟩.
182 - Fahimi A, Bilo F, Assi A, et al. 2020
Poultry litter ash characterisation and recovery.
Waste Manag. 111, 10-21. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2020.05.010
184 - Ulrich M., Munoz M., Boulvais P., Cathelineau M., Cluzel D., et al.. 2020
Serpentinization of New Caledonia peridotites: from depth to (sub-) surface.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, In press. (HAL Id : insu-02890835, version 1)
185- Cathelineau, M., Boiron M-C., Marignac C., Dour M., Dejean M., Carocci E. (2020)
High pressure and temperatures during the early stages of tungsten deposition at Panasqueira revealed by fluid inclusions in topaz.
Ore Geol. Rev., 103741, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103741
186- Pignatelli, I., Giuliani, G., Morlot, C., Cathelineau M.
Flower-Shaped Trapiche Ruby from Mong Hsu, Myanmar: A Revised Growth Mechanism.
Journal of Gemmology 37 (4)
187- Essarraj, S., Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Peiffert C.
Evaporitic brines and copper-sulphide ore genesis at Jbel Haïmer (Central Jebilet, Morocco)
Ore Geology Reviews, 103920
188-Cathelineau, M. , Boiron M.-C. and Jakomulski H. (2021)
Triassic evaporites: a vast reservoir of brines mobilised successively during rifting and thrusting in the Pyrenees. Journal of the Geological Society, 1 June 2021, https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2020-259
189- Abu-Fatima, M., Marignac, C., Cathelineau, M., Boiron M.-C. (2021)
Metallogeny of a Pan-African oceanic arc: VHMS and gold deposits in the Ariab-Arbaat belt, Haya terrane, Red Sea Hills (Sudan).
Gondwana Research 98, 76-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.06.001
190-Montserrat Navarrete Gutiérrez D., Pollard A.J., van der Ent A., Cathelineau, M., Pons, M.-N., Cuevas Sánchez J.A. and Echevarria G.(2021)
Blepharidium guatemalense, an obligate nickel hyperaccumulator plant from non-ultramafic soils in Mexico. Chemoecology, Springer Verlag, ⟨10.1007/s00049-021-00338-4⟩. ⟨hal-03179875⟩
191- Carocci, E., Marignac, C., Cathelineau, M., Truche, L., Poujol, M.et Pinto F. (2021)
Incipient wolframite deposition at Panasqueira (Portugal): W-rutile and tourmaline compositions as proxies for early fluid composition.
Economic Geology, 116 (1): 123–146 ⟨insu-02965235⟩
192- Combes, V., Teitler, Y., Eglinger, A., Andre-Mayer, A.-S., Heuret, A., Pochon, A., Cathelineau M., and Gibert P.
Diversity of supergene gold expressions and implications for gold targeting in an equatorial regolith (AMG’s Couriège exploration prospect, French Guiana)
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 516, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP516-2021-40
193- Mukonzo, J.N. , Boiron, M.-C., Lagabrielle, Y. , Cathelineau, M. , Quesnel B.
Fluid–rock interactions along detachment faults during continental rifting and mantle exhumation: the case of the Urdach lherzolite body (North Pyrenees)
Journal of the Geological Society 178 (2) : jgs2020-116., https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2020-116
194 Lacroix, E., Cauzid,J., Teitler Y and Cathelineau M. (2021)
Near real-time management of spectral interferences with portable XRF spectrometers: Application to Sc quantification in nickeliferous laterite ores,
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/geochem2021-015
195- Rallakis D., Michels,R., Cathelineau, M., Parize, O., Brouand,M. (2021)
Conditions for uranium biomineralization during the formation of the Zoovch Ovoo roll-front-type uranium deposit in East Gobi Basin, Mongolia,
Ore Geology Reviews,138,104351,ISSN 0169-1368,, doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104351.
Scientific contributions sorted by main research area
Crustal fluids and geothermal energy
G16 - Nieva D., Iglesias E., Arellano V., Contreras E., Cathelineau M., Quijano L. (1986) Developments in geothermal energy in Mexico. IV : Evaluation of geothermal resources. Multidisciplinary studies of the Los Azufres field, Mexico. Heat Recovery Systems, vol. 6, n° 3, 201-207.
G19 -Turpault M.P., Fouillac A.M., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Meunier A., Feybesse J.L. Et Leroy J. (1987)Circulations hydrothermales récentes et anciennesdans le Cézallier : les données des phases solides et fluides et des isotopes stables. Géologie de la France, n° 4, 81-99.
G20 - Cathelineau m., Oliver R , Nieva D. (1987) Quaternary volcanic series of the Los Azufres geothermal field (Mexico). Geofis. Int., 26-2, special volume on Mexican Volcanic Belt. Part. 3 (Ed. S.P. Verma), 273-290.
G38- Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G., Vasquez G.R., Guevara M. (1991) Deep geothermal wells in the Los Azufres (Mexico) caldera : volcanic basement stratigraphy based on major element analysis. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 47, 149-159.
G42 - Valori A., Cathelineau M., Marignac C. (1992) Early fluid migration in a deep part of the Larderello field : a fluid inclusion study of the granite sill from well Monteverdi 7, J. Volcano. Geotherm.Res. , 51, 115-131
G45- Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Gianelli G., Puxeddu M. (1994) Evidence of Li-rich brines and early magmatic water-rock interaction in a geothermal field : The fluid inclusion data from the Larderello geothermal field. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 58, 1083-1099
G47-Cathelineau M., Marignac C. (1994) Use of fluid inclusions for a better understanding of intracontinental geothermal activities. Short course "Fluid inclusions in minerals : methods and applications", De Vivo and Frezzotti Ed., Virginia Tech, 309-326.
G53 - Dubois M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Meere P., Royer J.J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (1996) Temperature of paleo- to modern self sealing within a continental rift basin : the fluid inclusion data (Soultz sous Forets, Rhine graben, France). Eur. J. Mineral., 8, 1065-1080
G56 - Savoye S., Aranyossy J.F., Beaucaire C., Cathelineau M., Louvat D., Michelot J. L. (1998) Fluid inclusions in granites and their relationships with present day groundwater chemistry. Eur. J. Mineral. 10,
G57 - Ruggieri G., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C. (1999) Boiling and fluid mixing in the chlorite zone of the Larderello geothermal system, Chemical Geology, 154, 237-256.
G87- Surma F., Geraud Y., Pourcelot L., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Clavaud J.B., Zamora M., Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M. (2003) Structures d'un grès affecté par une faille normale: Anisotropie de connectivité et de perméabilité. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 174, 3, 295-303
G104- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Ruggieri G., Jeanningros A., Gianelli G., Banks D.A. (2007) Active contact metamorphism and CO2-CH4 fluid production in the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) At depth between 2.3 and 4 KM. Chemical Geology, 237, 303-328
G112- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., (2010) Downward penetration and mixing of sedimentary brines and dilute hot waters at 5 km depth in the granite basement at Soultz-sous-Forêts (Rhine graben, France). C R Geoscience, 342, 560-565.
Fluid-rock interactions, alterations, REE
I13 - Cathelineau M. (1985) Episyénitisation ou déquartzification hydrothermale : une typologie basée sur les successions minérales et sur le comportement différentiel de Si, Na et K. C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 300, II, 14, 677-680.
I17 - Cathelineau M. (1986) The hydrothermal alkali metasomatism effects on granitic rocks : quartz dissolution and related subsolidus changes. Journal of Petrology, vol. 27, Part 4, 945-965.
I21 - Cathelineau M. (1987) U-Th-REE mobility during albitization and quartz dissolution in granitoïds : evidence from south-east French Massif Central. Bull. Minéral., 110, n° 2, 249-259.
I22 - Dubessy J., Ramboz C., Nguyen-Trung C., Cathelineau M., Charoy B., Cuney M., Leroy J., Poty B. Et Weisbrod A. (1987) Physical and chemical controls (fO2, T, pH) of the opposite behaviour of U, and Sn-W as examplified by hydrothermal deposits in France and Great Britain, and solubility data.Bull. Minéral., 110, 261-281.
I23- Cathelineau M. (1988) Accesory mineral alteration in peraluminous granites at the hydrothermal stage : a review. Proceedings of the SIMP meeting, Verbania, Italie, "Granites and their surroudings", 1987, Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. Min. e Petrol., 43-2, 499-508.
I24 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Dubessy J., Poty B., Weisbrod A., Ramboz C. And Leroy J. (1988) Fluids in granitic environment. Proceedings of the SIMP meeting, Verbania, Italie, "Granites and their surroudings", 1987, Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. Min. e Petrol., 43-2, 263-274.
I29- Cathelineau M., Poty B. (1989) U-Th-REE mobility at the hydrothermal stage in granitic environments. Proceedings of IAEA meeting " Metallogenesis of uranium deposits", IAEA ,Vienne, 63-77.
I30 - Cathelineau M., Vergneaud M. (1989) U-Th-REE mobility and diffusion in Granitic Environments during U-ore alteration : a geochemical analogue to radioactive waste disposal. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc, Vol 127, 941-947
I31 - Alvarenga C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J. (1990) Chronology and orientation of N2-CH4, CO2-H2O and H2O rich fluid inclusion trails in intrametamorphic quartz veins from the Cuiaba gold district, Brazil. Min. Mag. , vol. 54, 245-255.
I34 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Bastoul A, Bernard C., Leroy J. (1990) Fluid migration during contact metamorphism : the use of oriented fluid inclusion trails for a time space reconstruction. Min. Mag. , vol. 54, 169-182.
I35 - Lespinasse. M., Cathelineau M. (1990) Fluid percolations in a fault zone: a study of Fluid Inclusion Trails (F.I.T) in the St Sylvestre granite (NW French Massif Central).Tectonophysics, Vol. 184, 173-187.
I37- Bril H., Cathelineau M., Marignac C. (1991) Le Massif Central : Eléments de métallogénie in " Les massifs anciens de France", Sci. Géol. Bull., Strasbourg, 44, 179-185.
I43- Bril H., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Tollon F., Cuney M., Boiron M.C. (1992) Metallogenesis of the french Massif Central : Time - space relationships between ore deposition and tectono-magmatic events. In Keppie J. Ed, "Terranes in the variscan belt of France and Western Europe", Springer Verlag,
I44- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj. S., Dubessy J. Lespinasse M., Poty B. (1993) Fluid pressure variations in relation to multistage deformation and uplift : a fluid inclusion study of Au-quartz veins. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 107-121
I48 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C. (1994) Fluid inclusion planes : a geochemical and structural tool for the reconstruction of paleofluid migration. Short course "Fluid inclusions in minerals : methods and applications", De Vivo and Frezzotti Ed., Virginia Tech, 271-282.
I49 - Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., (1995)Paleaostress magitudes determination by using fault slip and fluid inclusions planes (F.I.P.) data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 3895-3904
I52 - Bakker R., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M. (1996) Improvements in clathrate modeling : the H20-CO2 system with various salts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , 60, 1657-1681.
I54 - Ayt Ougougdal M., Robb L.J., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (1996) The nature of fluids associated with granulite facies metamorphism in the Okiep copper district, Namaqualand, South Africa, Journal of Geology of South Africa, 99, 197-208.
I58- Boiron M.C., Moissette A., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Monnin C., Dubessy J. (1999) Detailed determination of paleofluid chemistry : An integrated study of sulphate volatile rich brines and aquo-carbonic fluids in quartz veins from Ouro Fino (Brazil). Chemical Geology, 154, 179-192
I60- Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., Coulibaly Y., Ayt Ougougdal M. (1999) Paléopercolations et paléointeractions fluides - roches dans les plutonites de Charroux-Civray. Actes des Journées Scientifiques CNRS- ANDRA, Etude du massif de Charroux – Civray, EDP Sciences 159-179.
I61- Andre A.S., Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Leroy J. (1999) Percolation de fluides tardi-hercyniens dans le granite de Saint Sylvestre (NW Massif Central Français) : données des inclusions fluides sur un profil Razès-St Pardoux. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 329, 23-30.
I70-Cesare B., Poletti E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (2001) Alpine metamorphism and veining in the Zentralgneis complex of the SW Tauern window : a model of fluid rock interactions based on fluid inclusions. Tectonophysics, 336, 121-136, 2001.
I74-Freiberger R., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Buschaert S. (2001) Retrograde P-T evolution and high temperature – low pressure fluid circulation in relation to late Hercynian intrusions : a mineralogical and fluid inclusion study of the Charroux-Civray granitoids (NW Massif Central, France).Geofluids 1, 241-256.
I75- Montomoli C., Ruggieri G., Boiron M.C, Cathelineau M. (2001) Pressure fluctuation during uplift of the northern Apennines (Italy): a fluid inclusions study. Tectonophysics, Tectonophysics, 341, 121-139.
I76- Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Banks, D (2002) Palaeofluid Chemistry of Single Fluid Event: a Bulk and In-situ multi-technique analysis (LIBS, Raman) of an alpine fluid (Mont-Blanc),. Chem. Geol., 182, 249-264.
I106- Le Hébel F., Fourcade S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Capdevila R., Gapais D., (2007) Fluid history during burial and exhumation of an oil paleo-reservoir (mylonitic metavolcanics, Vendée, France) American Journal of Science, 307,9, 1096-1125.
I131- Belissont, R., Boiron, M-C., Luais, B., Cathelineau, M., (2014) LA-ICP-MS analyses of minor and trace elements and bulk Ge isotopes in zoned Ge-rich sphalerites from the Noailhac – Saint-Salvy deposit (France): Insights on incorporation mechanisms and ore deposition processes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2013), 126 (2014) 518–540.
I138- Richard, A., Montel, J. M., Leborgne, R., Peiffert, C., Cuney, M., & Cathelineau, M. (2015). Monazite Alteration in H2O±HCl±NaCl±CaCl2 Fluids at 150 ºC and psat: Implications for Uranium Deposits. Minerals, 5(4), 693-706
I140- Dyja, V. Hibsch, C., Tarantola, A. et al. (2016) From deep to shallow fluid reservoirs: evolution of fluid sources during exhumation of the Sierra Almagrera, Betic Cordillera, Spain GEOFLUIDS : 16 , 1: 103-128 Published: FEB 2016
I163- Dyja-Person, V., Tarantola A., Richard A., Hibsch C. Siebenaller,L., Boiron M-C., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P. (2018) Metamorphic brines and no surficial fluids trapped in the detachment footwall of a Metamorphic Core Complex (Nevado-Filábride units, Betics, Spain) Tectonophysics 727 (2018) 56–72.
I167- Quesnel,B, Boiron,M-C., Cathelineau,M., Truche,L.,Rigaudier,T., Bardoux,G., Agrinier,P., de Saint Blanquat,M., Masini,E., and Gaucher E. (2019) Nature and Origin of Mineralizing Fluids in Hyperextensional Systems:The Case of Cretaceous Mg-Metasomatism in the Pyrenees. Geofluids Volume 2019, Article ID 7213050, doi.org/10.1155/2019/7213050
I177-El Korh A., Boiron M-C., Cathelineau M., Deloule E., Luais B. (2020) Tracing metallic pre-concentrations in the Limousin ophiolite-derived rocks and Variscan granites (French Massif Central). Lithos, 356–357, 105345, doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105345
Orogenic Gold deposits
A20 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (1988) Les altérations hydrothermales et les minéralisations associées des tufs viséens du bassin de Villeranges (Massif Central français). Données géothermométriques déduites de l'étude des inclusions fluides Coll. PIRSEM, Montpellier 1986. Doc. BRGM n° 158 : "Gisements métallifères dans leur contexte géologique",.651-665 .
A22 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. , Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M. (1988) Contrasted behaviour of Au and U in french hercynian granites at the hydrothermal stage : the role of fO2 and pH. Proceedings of the SIMP meeting, Verbania, Italie, "Granites and their surroudings", Rendi Conti della Soc. Ital. Min. e Petrol., 43-2, 485-498.
A26 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Trescases J.J. (1989) Conditions of gold bearing arsenopyrite crystallization in the Villeranges basin, Marche-Combrailles shear zone, France. A mineralogical and fluid inclusion study Econ. Geol, Special monography on the Hercynian deposits in France.Vol. 84, n°5, 1340-1362.
A27 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Holliger Ph., Marion Ph., Denis M. (1989) Gold rich arsenopyrites : crystal-chemistry, location and state of gold, physical and chemical conditions of crystallization. Econ. Geol., Monograph 6 ,"The geology of gold deposits : The perspective in 1988", 328-340.
A32 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M. (1990) Fluids in Hercynian Au-veins from the french variscan belt. Min. Mag., Vol 54, 231-243.
A33 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Holliger P., Poty B. (1990) Metallogenesis of the french part of the Variscan orogen : Part II : time-space relationships between U and Au - ore deposition and tectonomagmatic events. Tectonophysics, Vol 177, 59-79.
A41- Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., Sellier E., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Poty B. (1992) Geometric and genetic relationships between cathodoluminescent microstructural domains in quartz and fluid inclusions : Application to the reconstruction of Au-ore fluid chronology. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 56, 175-185.
A51 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Yardley B., Noronha F., Miller M. (1996) P-T-X conditions of late Hercynian fluid penetration at the origin of granite-hosted quartz veins in northwestern Iberia : A multidisciplinary study of fluid inclusion and their chemistry. Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta, 60, 43-57.
A62- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (1999) Les gisements aurifères : théories anciennes et nouvelles, or visible et invisible dans les gisements d'Europe de l'Ouest, “ L’or dans l’Antiquité, de la Mine à l’Objet ”, B. Cauuet ed., Aquitania,N°9,17-30.
A64- Drennan G., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Robb L.J. (1999)Characteristic of post-depositional fluids in the Witwatersrand basin. Mineralogy and Petrology, 66, 83-109.
A65- Noronha F., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Doria A., Ribeiro M.A., Nogueira P., Guedes A. (2000) A three-fluid stage moder for Au metallogenesis in granites and their metamorphic host rocks in Northern Portugal. Journal of Exploration Geochemistry, 71, 209-224.
A68- Boiron M.C., Barakat A., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Durisova J., Moravek P. (2001), Geometry and P-V-T-X conditions of microfissural ore fluid migration : the Mokrsko gold deposit (Bohemia). Chemical Geology, 173, 207-225.
A69- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S. (2001) Multistage deformation of Au-quartz veins : Evidence for late gold introduction from microstructural, Isotopic and fluid inclusion studies. Tectonophysiscs, 336, 79-99
A79- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Fourcade S., Vallance J., 2003, Mixing of metamorphic and surficial fluids during the uplift of the Hercynian upper crust: consequences for gold deposition. Chemical Geology, 194, 119-141.
A80- Vallance J, Cathelineau M., Boiron M. C., Shepherd T. J., Naden J. 2003, Impact of late aplitic magmatism on C-rich rocks and gold deposition at Castromil (North Portugal). Chemical Geology, 194, 201-224
A81- Marignac C., Diagana B., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Banks D.A., Fourcade S., Vallance J., 2003, Variscan metamorphic fluids in the South Iberian Pyrite Belt: Evidence for re- distribution of base metal and gold in the VMS deposits, the case study of Tharsis deposit. Chemical Geology, 194, 143-165.
A95- Vallance J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Varlet M., Marignac C. (2004) The granite hosted gold deposit of Moulin de Chéni (Saint-Yrieix district, Massif Central, France): petrographic, structural, fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 39, 3, 265-281.
A101- Marignac C., Cathelineau M. (2006) Comment on the paper by Sanchez-Espana et al. : source and evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids in the northern Iberian pyrite belt massive sulphide deposits (SW Spain) : evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita, 40, 742-748.
A107- Coulibaly Y., Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Kouamelan A.N. (2008) Fluid immisicibility and gold deposition in the Birimian quartz veins of the Angovia deposit (Yaouré, Ivory Coast). Journal of African Earth Science, 50, 234-254.
Uranium deposits and basin-basement unconformity
D66- R. Mathieu, M. Cuney, M. Cathelineau (2000) Geochemistry of palaeofluids circulation in the Franceville basin and around Oklo natural nuclear reaction zones (Gabon). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 245-249, 2000.
D77- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Buschaert S., Fourcade S., Coulibaly Y, Boyce A., Michelot J.L, 2002, Fluid transfer at a basement/cover interface. Part II: Large-scale introduction of chlorine into the basement by mesozoic basinal brines.Chemical Geology 192, 121-140.
D78- Fourcade S., Michelot J.L., Buschaert S., Cathelineau M., Freiberger R., Coulibaly Y, Aranyossy J.F. (2002) Early introduction of carbon in plutonic rocks and its successive remobilizations during subsurface fluid-rock interactions : the case study of the Vienne granitoïds (France).Chem. Geol. 192, 99-120.
D83- Derome D., Cuney M., Cathelineau M., Fabre C., Dubessy J., Bruneton P., Hubert A. (2003) A detailed fluid inclusion study in silicified breccias from the Kombolgie sandstone (Northern Territory, Australia): application to the genesis of middle-Proterozoic unconformity-type uranium deposits, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 80, 259-275.
D90- Cathelineau M., Fourcade S, Clauer N., Buschaert S., Rousset D., Boiron M-C., Meunier A., Lavastre V., Javoy M. (2004) Dating multistage paleofluid percolations: A K-Ar and 18O/16O study of fracture illites from altered Hercynian plutonites at the basement/cover interface (Poitou High, France).Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 11, 2529-2542.
D96- Essarraj, A., Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Banks, D.A. Benharref, M (2005) Penetration of surface-evaporated brines into the Proterozoic basement and deposition of Co and Ag at Bou Azzer, Morocco: Evidence from fluid inclusions. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 41,25-39.
D97- Derome D., Cathelineau, M., Cuney M., Fabre C., Lhomme T., Banks D. A. (2005) Mixing of Sodic and Calcic Brines and Uranium Deposition at the McArthur River, Saskatchewan, Canada. A Raman and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Study of Fluid Inclusions. Economic Geology, 100, 8, 1529-1545
D105- Derome D., Cathelineau M., Fabre C., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Lhomme T., Cuney M. (2007) - Paleo-fluid composition determined from individual fluid inclusions by raman and libs: application to mid-proterozoic evaporitic na-ca brines (alligator rivers uranium field, northern territories australia). Chemical Geology, 237, 3-4, 240-254.
D111- Mercadier J., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M. (2010) Brine migrations in the basement rocks of the Athabasca Basin through microfracture networks (P-Patch U deposit, Canada). Lithos, 115, 121-136
D114- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Richard A. (2010) Fluid flows and metal deposition near basement/cover unconformity : lessons and analogies from Pb-Zn-F-Ba systems for the understanding of proterozoic U deposits. Geofluids, 10, 270-292.
D115- Richard A., Pettke T., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Cuney M., Derome D. (2010) - Brine-rock interaction in the Athabasca basement (McArthur river U deposit, Canada) : consequences for fluid chemistry and uranium uptake. Terra Nova, 22, 303-308, 2010.
D117- Mercadier J., Cuney M., Cathelineau M., Lacorde M. (2011) U redox fronts and kaolinisation in basement-hosted unconformity-related U ores of the Athabasca basin (Canada) : late U remobilisation by meteoric fluids. Mineralium Deposita, 46, 105-135.
D119- Richard A., Banks D. Mercadier J, Boiron M-C, Cuney M, Cathelineau M. (2011) An evaporated seawater origin for the ore-forming brines in unconformity-related uranium deposits (Athabasca Basin, Canada): Cl/Br and d37Cl analysis of fluid inclusions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. Volume 75, Issue 10, 15 May 2011, 2792-2810
D121- Richard A., , Rozsypal C., Mercadier J., Banks D., Cuney M., Boiron MC and Cathelineau M. (2012) Giant uranium deposits formed from exceptionally uranium-rich acidic brines NATURE GEOSCIENCE DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1338
D122- Mercadier J. , Richard A. and Cathelineau M. (2012) Boron- and magnesium-rich marine brines at the origin of giant unconformity-related uranium deposits: 11B evidence from Mg-tourmalines, Geology, published online 23 January 2012, doi: 10.1130/G32509.1
D123- Cathelineau M., Boiron M-C, Fourcade S., Ruffet G., Clauer N., Belcourt O., Coulibaly Y., Banks D.A., Guillocheau F. A major Late Jurassic fluid event at the basin/basement unconformity in western France: 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar dating, fluid chemistry, and related geodynamic context, Chemical Geology 322–323 (2012) 99–120.
D124- Richard A., Boulvais P., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., France – Lanord C., 2013, From evaporated seawater to uranium mineralizing brines : Isotopic and trace element study of quartz dolomite veins in the Athabasca system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 113, 38-59.
D125- Richard A., Cauzid J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Mercadier J., Cuney M., 2012, Synchrotron-XRF and XANES investigation of uranium speciation and element distribution in fluid inclusions from unconformity-related uranium deposits. Geofluids, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12009
D129- Lecomte, A. , Cathelineau, M, Deloule, E., Brouand, M., Peiffert, C., Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K., Pohjolainen, E., Lahtinen, H. (2014 ) Uraniferous bitumen nodules in the Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co deposit (Finland): influence of metamorphism on uranium mineralization in black shales.Min. Dep. Vol. 49 Issue 4, p513-533.
D139- Richard, Antonin, Cathelineau, Michel, Boiron, Marie-Christine et al. (2016) Metal-rich fluid inclusions provide new insights into unconformity-related U deposits (Athabasca Basin and Basement, Canada) Min. Dep, , 2 : 249-270
D144- Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Hibti M., 2016, Mineralogy and ore fluid chemistry of the Roc Blanc Ag deposit, Jebilet, Hercynian massif, Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.07.020.
D145- Mamane Mamadou M., Cathelineau M., Bourdelle F., Boiron M.C., Brouand M., 2016, Hot fluid flows around a major fault identified by paleothermometric studies (Tim Mersoï basin, Niger). Journal of sedimentary Research, 86, 914-928.
D151- Mathieu, Magali; Roy, Régis; Launeau, Patrick; Cathelineau, Michel; Quirt, David (2017) Alteration mapping on drill cores using a HySpex SWIR-320m hyperspectral camera: Application to the exploration of an unconformity-related uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada) Journal of Geochemical Exploration January 2017 172:71-88 DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.09.008
D156 Lecomte, A., Cathelineau, M., Michels, R., Peiffert, Ch., Brouand M. (2017) Uranium mineralization in the Alum Shale Formation (Sweden): Evolution of a U-rich marine black shale from sedimentation to metamorphism, Ore Geology Reviews , Volume 88, August 2017, Pages 71-98
D159- Martz M., Cathelineau M., Mercadier, J., Boiron M-C, Jaguin J., Tarantola A., Demacon M., Gerbeaud O., Quirt, D., Doney A., Ledru P. (2017) C-O-H-N fluids circulations and graphite precipitation in reactivated Hudsonian shear zones during basement uplift of the Wollaston-Mudjatik Transition Zone: Example of the Cigar Lake U deposit Lithos 294–295 (2017) 222–245
D161- Martz M., Mercadier, J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M-C, Quirt, D., Doney A., Gerbeaud O., De Wally E., Ledru P. (2018) Formation of U-rich mineralizing fluids through basinal brine migration within basement-hosted shear zones: A large-scale study of the fluid chemistry around the unconformity-related Cigar Lake U deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). Chem. Geol. doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.05.042
D162- Truche, L., Joubert G., Dargent M., Martz P., Cathelineau M., Rigaudier T., Quirt D. (2018) Clay minerals trap hydrogen in the Earth’s crust: Evidence from The Cigar Lake uranium deposit, Athabasca. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 493, July 2018, 186-197
D168- Martz P., Mercadier J., Perret J., Villeneuve J., Deloule E., Cathelineau M., Quirt D., Doney A., Ledru P. (2019) - Post-crystallization alteration of natural uraninites : implications for dating, tracing, and nuclear forensics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 249, 138-159.
D176- Mamane Mamadou, M., Cathelineau, M., Deloule, E. et al. Cenozoic oxidation episodes in West Africa at the origin of the in situ supergene mineral redistribution of the primary uranium orebodies (Imouraren deposit, Tim Mersoï Basin, Northern Niger). Miner Deposita (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-019-00945-w
D178- Lecomte A., Michels R., Cathelineau M., Morlot C., Brouand M., Flotté N. (2020) Uranium deposits of Franceville basin (Gabon): Role of organic matter and oil cracking on uranium mineralization, Ore Geology Reviews, 123, doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103579
Ag deposits
M146- Essarraj S., Boiron M. C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P., Maacha L., 2016 Basinal brines at the origin of the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence from LA-ICP-MS data on fluid inclusions, halogen signatures and stable isotopes (H, C, O). Economic Geology, 111, 1753-1781.
M152- Essarraj, Samira; Boiron, Marie-Christine; Cathelineau, Michel; Tarantola, Alexandre; Leisen, Mathieu (2017) Mineralogy and ore fluid chemistry of the Roc Blanc Ag Deposit, Jebilet Hercynian Massif, Morocco [Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 127, pp. 175-193 DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.07.020
M157- Samira Essarraj, Marie-Christine Boiron, Michel Cathelineau, Alexandre Tarantola, Mathieu Leisen, Philippe Boulvais Basinal Brines At The Origin Of The Imiter Ag-Hg Deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence From La-Icp-Ms Data On Fluid Inclusions, Halogen Signatures, And Stable Isotopes (H, C, O)—A Reply August 2017 - 112 (5)
M55 - Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., El Boukhari A., Chouhaidi M. (1998) Brines related to Ag-deposition in the Zgounder silver deposit (Anti-Alas, Morocco). Eur. J. Mineral, 10, 1201-1214.
Basins and diagenesis
B56b- T Ensepbaev, A Izart, M Cathelineau, G Joltaev, D Vachard, Z Boulekbaev (1998) La bordure Est du bassin Précaspien et le bassin d'avant-pays de l'Oural (Kazakhstan) au Carbonifère et Permien inférieur Geodiversitas, 20, 4, 687-700
B88- André G., Beaudoin B., Hibsch C., Carpentier C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Élion P. (2004) Filons sédimentaires oxfordiens : implications tectoniques et diagénétiques pour l'Est du Bassin de Paris. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 175, 6, 595-605.
B89- Buschaert S., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Deloule E., Martineau F., Ayt Ougougdal M. Trouiller A.(2004) Widespread cementation induced by inflow of continental water in the eastern part of the Paris basin: O and C isotopic study of carbonate cements , Applied Geochemistry, 19, 8, 1201-1215.
B94- Rousset D., Leclerc S., Clauer N., Lancelot J., Cathelineau M., Aranyossy J.F., (2004) Age and origin of albian glauconites and associated clay minerals inferred from a detailed geochemical analysis. J. Sed. Research, 74,5,631-642.
B100- Clauer N., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Girard J.P., Vincent B., Elie M., Buschaert S., Rousset D. (2006) A review of studies on the diagenetic evolution of the Dogger to Tithonian sedimentary sequence in the eastern Paris Basin - Impact on the physical and chemical rock properties. Mém. Soc. géol. France, 178, 59-71.
B102- Traoré D., Beauvais A., Augé T.,. Chabaux F, Parisot J.C., Cathelineau M., Peiffert C., Colin F. (2006) Platinum and palladium mobility in supergene environment: The residual origin of the Pirogues River mineralization, New Caledonia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Volume 88, Issues 1-3, January-March 2006, Pages 350-354.
B103- Clauer N., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Girard J.P., Vincent B., Elie M., Buschaert S., Rousset D. (2007) A review of studies on the diagenetic evolution of the Dogger to Tithonian sedimentary sequence in the eastern Paris Basin - Impact on the physical and chemical rock properties. Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., 178, 59-71
B110- Jaguin J., Boulvais P ., Poujol M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., 2010, Stable isotope composition of quartz-calcite veins in the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa : Implication for basin-scale fluid circulation. South African Journal of Geology, 113-2, 169-182.
B113- André G., Hibsch C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Buschaert S. (2010) Chronology of fracture sealing under a meteoric fluid environment : microtectonic and isotopic evidence of major Cainozoic events in the eastern Paris Basin (France). Tectonophysics, 490, 214-228
B120- Ensepbaev T., Izart, A., Michels, R., Suarez-Ruiz, I., Cathelineau, M., Landrein, P., 2011.Vertical and lateral changes in organic matter from the Mesozoic, eastern Paris Basin (France): Variability of sources and burial history. International Journal of Coal Geology 88, 163-178.
B126 - Blaise T., Barbarand, J., Kars M., Ploquin F. Aubourg Ch. Brigaud B., Cathelineau M. El Albanid, A., Gautheron C., Izart A., Janots D., Michels R., Pagel M., Pozzi JP, Boiron MCand Landrein Ph. (2014) Reconstruction of low burial (< 100 °C) in sedimentary basins: A comparison of geothermometer sensitivity in the intracontinental Paris Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 71-87.
B132- Blaise T., Barbarand, J., Kars M., Ploquin F. Aubourg Ch. Brigaud B., Cathelineau M. El Albanid, A., Gautheron C., Izart A., Janots D., Michels R., Pagel M., Pozzi JP, Boiron MC and Landrein Ph. (2014) Reconstruction of low burial (< 100 °C) in sedimentary basins: A comparison of geothermometer sensitivity in the intracontinental Paris Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 71-87.
B133- Carpentier C., Brigaud B., Blaise T., Vincent B., Durlet C., Boulvais P., Pagel M., Hibsch C., Yven B., Lach P., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Landrein P., Buschaert S., 2014, Impact of basin burial and exhumation on Jurassic carbonates diagenesis on both sides of a thick clay barrier (Paris Basin, NE France). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 53, 44-70.
B137- Blaise T., Tarantola A., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Techer I., Boiron M.C., Landrein P. (2015) Evolution of porewater composition through time: Salinity and D/H of fluid inclusion water in authigenic minerals (Jurassic limestones, eastern Paris Basin, France). Chemical Geology 417, 210-227.
B141- Blaise, Thomas, Clauer, Norbert, Cathelineau, Michel et al. (2016) Reconstructing fluid-flow events in Lower-Triassic sandstones of the eastern Paris Basin by elemental tracing and isotopic dating of nanometric illite crystals Geoch. Cosmochim. Acta, 176 : 157-184 Published: MAR 1 2016
B170- Rallakis D., Michels R., Brouand M., Parize O., Cathelineau M. (2019) - The role of organic matter on uranium precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia. Minerals, 9(5), 310; https://doi.org/10.3390/min9050310
B175- Boulesteix T., Cathelineau M., Deloule E., Brouand M., Toubon H., Lach P., Fiet N., (2019) Ilmenites and their alteration products, sinkholes for uranium and radium in roll-front deposits after the example of South Tortkuduk (Kazakhstan) Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 206, 106343, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106343
B179- Rallakis D., Michels R., Brouand M., Parize O., Cathelineau M. (2020) Dolomite cements in Cenomanian continental sand deposits: Time evolution and significance (Zoovch Ovoo U-deposit, East Gobi Basin, Mongolia), doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105688
Vein-type Uranium deposits
U1 - Cathelineau M. (1979) Caractérisations minéralogique, géochimique et structurale de l'encaissant granitique et métamorphique du gisement d'uranium du Chardon (COGEMA - Vendée). Bull. BRGM, II, 4, 291-300.
U2 - Cathelineau M. (1981) Les gisements uranifères de la presqu'île Guérandaise (Sud Bretagne) ; Approche structurale et métallogénique. Mineral. Deposita, 16, 2, 227-240.
U3 - Cathelineau M. et Leroy J. (1981) Reactions between uranium veins and their host rocks in Vendée and Limousin (France). Min. Mag., vol. 44, n° 335, 417-423.
U4 - Leroy J. , Cathelineau M. Les minéraux phylliteux dans les gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium. I : Cristallochimie des micas hérités et néoformés. Bull. Minéral., 105, 99-109.
U5 - Cathelineau M. (1982) Les mécanismes de type "roll-front" dans les granites : un modèle de remobilisation dans les gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium.C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 294, 865-868.
U6 - Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Leroy J., Lhote F., Nguyen-Trung C., Pagel M. Et Poty B. (1982) Caractères minéralogiques des pechblendes de la province hercynienne d'europe. Comparaison avec les oxydes d'uranium du protérozoïque de différents gisements d'Amérique du Nord, d'Afrique et d'Australie. in "Vein-type and similar uranium deposits in rocks younger than proterozoïc". Proc. of IAEA, Vienne, 159-177.
U7 - Cathelineau M. (1982) Signification de la fluorine dans les gisements d'uranium de la chaîne hercynienne. Bull. BRGM, II, 4, 407-413.
U8 - Cathelineau M. (1983) Les minéraux phylliteux dans les gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium. II : Distribution et évolution cristallochimique des illites, interstratifiés, smectites et chlorites. Bull. Minéral., 106, 553-569.
U9 - Cathelineau M. (1983) Potassic alteration in french hydrothermal uranium deposit.Mineral. Deposita, 18, 89-97.
U11- Cathelineau M. (1984) Uranium veins in Western France : Mineralogy and geochemistry of uranium deposition. Proceedings of the 2nd Intern. Cong. on Applied Mineralogy. Los Angeles, 1083-1094.
U10 - Cathelineau M. (1983) Le gisement d'uranium des Bondons : un exemple typique de métallogenèse polyphasée. C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 296, II, 985-988.
U40 - Respault J.P., Cathelineau M., Lancelot J.R. (1991) Multistage evolution of the Pierres plantées uranium ore deposit (Margeride, France) : evidence from mineralogy and U-Pb systematics. Eur.J. Mineral., 3, 85-103.
U46- El Jarray A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., (1994) Percolation microfissurale de vapeurs aqueuses dans le granite de Peny (Massif de Saint Sylvestre, Massif Central) : relation avec la dissolution du quartz. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, t.318, 1095-1102.
U15 - Poty B., Leroy J. Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Friedrich M., Lespinasse M., Turpin L. (1986) Uranium deposits spatially related to granites in the french part of the Hercynian orogen. In : Vein type uranium deposits, IAEA-TECDOC-361, 215-246.
U18 - Holliger Ph., Cathelineau M. (1986) Le chronomètre U-Pb en milieu uranifère : application aux gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium liés spatialement au batholite de Mortagne (Vendée, France). Chron. Rech. Min., n° 485, 33-43.
U109- Cazala C, Andres C. Decossas J-L, Cathelineau M., Peiffert C. Impact of uranium mines water treatment on the uranium and radium behaviour. Uranium, Mining and hydrogeology, Springer ed. , B. Merkel and A. Hasche-Berger eds.p 830-837
U150- Ballouard, C.; Poujol, M.; Boulvais, P.; Mercadier, J.; Tartèse, R. Cathelineau M. et al.(2017) Magmatic and hydrothermal behavior of uranium in syntectonic leucogranites: The uranium mineralization associated with the Hercynian Guérande granite (Armorican Massif, France) Ore Geology Reviews January 2017 80:309-331 DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.06.034
U153- Hoummady E., Golfier F., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Durupt N., Blanvillain, JJ, Neto J. Lefevre E. (2017) A multi-analytical approach to the study of uranium-ore agglomerate structure and porosity during heap leaching, Hydrometallurgy 171, April 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2017.04.011
U158- Ballouard, C.; Poujol, M.; Mercadier, J , Boulvais, P.;.; BAele, JM . Cuney M et Cathelineau M.. Uranium metallogenesis in the peraluminous leucogranites from the Pontivy-Rostrenen magmatic complex (French Armorican Variscan Belt): the result of long term oxidized hydrothermal alteration during strike-slip deformation.Min Dep. DOI: 10.1007/s00126-017-0761-5
U160-Hoummady E., Golfier F., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Durupt N., Blanvillain J.J., Neto J. and Lefevre E. 2018, A study of uranium-ore agglomeration parameters and their implications during heap leaching, Minerals Engineering, 127:22-31.
U164- Hoummady E., Golfier F., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Durupt N., Blanvillain J-J., Neto J. Lefevre E. (2018) An integrated multiscale approach to heap leaching of uranium-ore agglomerates, Hydrometallurgy, 178, June 2018, 274-282 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2018.05.011
W-Sn deposits
W50 - Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Prieto A.C., (1995) P-V-T-X-fO2 evolution from wolframite to sulphide depositional stages in intragranitic W-veins. An example from the Spanish Central System. Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 675-688.
W63- Noronha F., Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Doria A., Garcia E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M.C. (1999) Fluids related to tungsten ore deposits in northern Portugal and Spanish Central System : A comparative study. Rev. Soc. Geol. Espana, 12-(3-4) 397-403.
W73- Vallance J., Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S. (2001) Microfracturing and fluid mixing in granites : W-Sn ore deposition at Vaulry (NW french Massif Central). Tectonophysiscs, 336, 43-61.
W165-Carocci E., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Lecomte A., Pinto F. (2019) - Rutile from Panasqueira (Central Portugal) : an excellent pathfinder for wolframite deposition. Minerals, 9, 9.
Ophiolite, laterite and Ni-Co-Sc deposits
N108- Traore D., Beauvais A., Auge T., Parisot J.C., Colin F., Cathelineau M. (2008) - Chemical and physical transfers in an ultramafic rock weathering profile: Part 2. Dissolution vs, accumulation of platinum group minerals Am. Miner., 93, 31-38.
N128- Quesnel, B., Gautier, P., Boulvais, P., Cathelineau, M., Maurizot, P.., Cluzel, D., Ulrich, M., Guillot, S., Lesimple, S., Couteau C. (2013) Syn-tectonic, meteoric water-derived carbonation of the New Caledonia peridotite nappe, Geology 41, 10 (2013) 1063-1066
N130- Ulrich M., Munoz, M. Guillot, S., Cathelineau, M., Picard, C., Quesnel, B.Boulvais , P., et Couteau C. (2014) Dissolution–precipitation processes governing the carbonation and silicification of the serpentinite sole of the New CaledoniaOphiolite.Contrib Mineral Petrol (2014) 167:952 DOI 10.1007/s00410-013-0952-8
N135- Cathelineau , M., Quesnel B., Gautier P., Boulvais P., · Couteau ·C., Drouillet M. (2015) Nickel dispersion and enrichment at the bottom of the regolith: formation of pimelite target-like ores in rock block joints (Koniambo Ni deposit, New Caledonia) Mineralium Deposita 07/2015; DOI:10.1007/s00126-015-0607-y
N136- Cathelineau M., Caumon, M-C, Massei F., Brie D. and Harlaux M. (2015) Raman spectra of Ni–Mg kerolite: effect of Ni–Mg substitution on O–H stretching vibrations. J. Raman ; Spectroscopy, DOI 10.1002/jrs.4746
N142- Quesnel, Benoit, Boulvais, Philippe; Gautier, Pierre, Cathelineau, Michel, John Cédric M., Dierick Malorie, Agrinier Pierre, Drouillet Maxime (2016) Paired stable isotopes (O, C) and clumped isotope thermometry of magnesite and silica veins in the New Caledonia Peridotite Nappe. Geoch. Cosmochim. Acta,: 183 : 234-249.
N143- Quesnel, Benoit, Gautier, Pierre, Cathelineau, Michel Boulvais Philippe, Couteau Clément, et Drouillet Maxime. (2016) The internal deformation of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia: A structural study of serpentine-bearing faults and shear zones in the Koniambo Massif Journ. Struct. Geol. : 85 , 51-67 Published: APR 2016
N148- Gautier, P., B. Quesnel, P. Boulvais, and M. Cathelineau (2016) The emplacement of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia and its bearing on the tectonics of obduction, Tectonics, 35, doi:10.1002/2016TC004318.
N149- Cathelineau, M., Myagkiy, A., Quesnel, B., Boiron, M.-C., Gautier, P., Boulvais, P., Ulrich, M., Truche, L., Golfier, F., Drouillet, M., 2016. Multistage crack seal vein and hydrothermal Ni enrichment in serpentinized ultramafic rocks (Koniambo massif, New Caledonia). Mineralium Deposita. doi:10.1007/s00126-016-0695-y
N154- Myagkiy A., Truche L., Cathelineau M., Golfier F. (2017) Revealing the conditions of Ni mineralization in the laterite profiles of New Caledonia: Insights from reactive geochemical transport modelling Chemical Geology Volume 466, 5 September 2017, Pages 274-284 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.06.018
N155- Quesnel, B, Le Carlier de Veslud, C., Boulvais, P, Gautier, P, Cathelineau, M, Drouillet, M (2017) 3D modeling of the laterites on top of the Koniambo Massif, New Caledonia: refinement of the per descensum lateritic model for nickel mineralization. Mineralium Deposita, doi:10.1007/s00126-017-0712-1, 2017, 18p.
N159b Beate Orberger, Michel Cathelineau Preface for thematic issue on “Supergene ore deposits Mineralium Deposita, October 2017, Volume 52, Issue 7, pp 943–944)
N166- Farrokhpay S., Cathelineau M., Blancher S., Laugier O., Filippov L. (2019) - Characterization of Weda Bay nickel laterite ore from Indonesia. J. Geochem Explor. 196, 270-281
N169- Myagkiy A., Golfier F., Truche L., Cathelineau M. (2019) - Reactive transport modeling applied to Ni laterite ore deposits in New Caledonia : role of hydrodynamic factors ans geological structures in Ni mineralization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 3, 1425-1440.
N171- Teitler Y., Cathelineau M., Ulrich M., Ambrosi J.P., Sevin B. (2019) - Petrology and geochemistry of scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co laterites. J. Geochemical Explor., 196, 131-155.
N172- Ulrich M., Cathelineau M., Munoz M., Boiron M.C., Karpoff A.M. (2019) - The relative distribution of critical (Sc, REE) and transition metals (Ni, Co, Cr, Mn, V) in some Ni-laterite deposits of New Caledonia. J. Geochem. Explor., 197, 93-113.
N173- Muñoz M., Ulrich M., Cathelineau M., Mathon O. (2019) Weathering processes and crystal chemistry of Ni-bearing minerals in saprock horizons of New Caledonia ophiolite. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 198, March 2019, Pages 82-99.
Chlorite, phyllosilicates-fluid interactions
C12 - Cathelineau M., Oliver R., Nieva D. Et Garfias A. (1985) Mineralogy and distribution of hydrothermal mineral zones in Los Azufres (Mexico) geothermal field. Geothermics, vol. 14, n° 1, 49-57.
C14 Cathelineau M. et Nieva D. (1985) A chlorite solid solution geothermometer. The Los Azufres (Mexico) geothermal system. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 91, 235-244.
C21 Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G. (1988) Temperature - composition relationships of authigenic micaceous minerals in the Los Azufres geothermal system. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 100, 418-428.
C25 Cathelineau M (1988) Cations site occupancy in chlorites and illites as a function of temperature.Clay Minerals, 23, 471-485.
C28 - Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G., Nieva D. (1989) Thermobarometry of hydrothermal alteration in the Los Azufres geothermal system : significance of fluid inclusion data. Proceedings of WRI-5 (Iceland). Chem. Geol., 76, 229-238
C36 Prieto A.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Rull F. (1990) Estudio y caracterizacion de cloritas trooctaedricas por espectrocopia Raman e infraroja. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Mineralogia, 13, 25-34.
C39- Prieto A.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M. (1991) Structure - composition relationships in trioctaedral chlorites : a vibrational spectroscopy study. Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol 39, n°5, 531-539.
C59 - Ruck-Mosser R., Cathelineau M., Baronnet A., Trouiller A. (1999) The hydrothermal reactivity of K-smectite at 300°C and 100 bars : evidence of non expandable deshydrated smectite formation, Clay Minerals, 34, 277-292.
C67 Cathelineau M. Ruck R. et Charpentier D. (2000) Evolution des arghiles en conditions de stockage. Proc. J. Sci ANDRA . Colloque Nancy 1999-35p
C71- Mosser-Ruck R., Pironon J., Cathelineau M., et Trouiller A. (2001) Experimental illitization of smectite in a K-rich solution. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 829-840, 2001.
C72- Charpentier D. , Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Bruno G. (2001) Evolution minéralogique des argilites en zone sous-saturée oxydée : exemple des parois du tunnel de Tournemire (Aveyron, France). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, 332, 601-607, 2001
C82- Charpentier D., Tessier D., Cathelineau M. (2003) Shale microstructure evolution due to tunnel excavation after 100 years and impact of tectonic paleo-fracturing Case of Tournemire, France. Engin. Geol, 70, 1-2, 55-69
C84- Guillaume D., Neaman A., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Peiffert C., Abdelmoula M., Dubessy J., Villiéras F., Baronnet A., Michau N. (2003) Experimental synthesis of chlorite from smectite at 300°C in the presence of metallic iron. Clay Minerals, 38, 3, 281-302
C85- Mosser-Ruck R., Pironon J., Guillaume D., Cathelineau M. (2003) Experimental alteration of Mg-vermiculite under hydrothermal conditions: formation of mixed-layered saponite-chlorite minerals, Clay Minerals, 38, 3, 303-314
C86- Prieto A.C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Lopez Garcia J., Garcia C. (2003) Rythmic changes in crystal chemistry of trioctahedral Cr-chlorites and Cr entrapment : a SEM, EM and Raman study. Clay minerals, 38, 341-354.
C91- Charpentier D., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Guillaume D. (2004) Oxidation of argillites in a tunnel (Tournemire, France) : consequences on mineralogy and crystal chemistry of clays. Clay Minerals, 39, 2, 135 – 149.
C92- Guillaume D., Neaman A., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Peiffert C., Abdelmoula M., Dubessy J., Villiéras F., Michau N.. (2004) Experimental study of the transformation of smectite at 80 and 300°C in the presence of Fe oxides. Clay Minerals, 39, 1, 17-34.
C93- Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M. (2004) Experimental transformation of Na,Ca-smectite under basic conditions at 150°C. Applied Clay Science, 26,1-4, 259-273.
C98- Mosser-Ruck R., Devineau K., Charpentier D., Cathelineau M. (2005) Effects of ethylene glycol saturation protocols on XRD patterns: a critical review and discussion. Clays and Clay Minerals, 53, 6, 631-638
C99- Charpentier D., Devineau K., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Viellieras F. (2006) Bentonite-iron interactions under alkaline condition: an experimental approach. Applied Clay Science, 32, 1-13.
C116- Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Guillaume D., Charpentier D., Rousset D., Barres O., Michau N. (2010) Effects of temperature, pH, and iron/clay and liquid/clay ratios on experimental conversion of dioctahedral smectite to berthierine, chlorite, vermiculite, or saponite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 58, 2, 280-291.
C118- Ferrage E., Vidal O., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Cuadros J. (2011) A reinvestigation of smectite illitization in experimental hydrothermal conditions : results from X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy.American Mineralogist, 96, 207-223.
C127- Pignatelli, I., Mugnaioli, E. Hybler, J. Mosser-Ruck, R. Cathelineau M.and Michau N. (2013) A multi-technique characterization of cronstedtite synthesized by iron–clay interaction in a step-by-step cooling procedure, Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 61, No. 4, 277–289, 2013
C134- Bourdelle F. and Cathelineau M. (2015) Low-temperature chlorite geothermometry: a graphical representation based on a T-R2+-Si diagram, European Journal of Mineralogy 27(5):617-626
C147- Mosser-Ruck, Régine; Pignatelli, Isabella; Bourdelle, Franck; Abdelmoula, Mustapha; Barres, Odile; Guillaume, Damien; Charpentier, Delphine; Rousset, Davy; Cathelineau, Michel; Michau, Nicolas 2016 Contribution of long-term hydrothermal experiments for understanding the smectite-to-chlorite conversion in geological environments. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology. Nov2016, Vol. 171 Issue 11, p1-21. 21p. DOI: 10.1007/s00410-016-1307-z
C174- Boulesteix T., Solé J., Pi T., Cathelineau M. (2019) Reappraisal of the GL‐O Reference Material for K‐Ar Dating: New Insight from Microanalysis, Single‐Grain and Milligram Ar Measurements, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44, 2, doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12306
C180- R.Mosser-Ruck, J.Sterpenich, N.Michau, M.-C.Jodin-Caumon, A.Randi, M.Abdelmoula, O.Barres, M.Cathelineau (2020) Serpentinization and H2 production during an iron-clay interaction experiment at 90C under low CO2 pressure Applied Clay Science191, 15 June 2020, 105609 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2020.105609
Communications à congrès
1985 1- CATHELINEAU M., LEROY J., NGUYEN-TRUNG C. Hydrothermal coffinite : mineralogy, geology, hydrothermal synthesis and thermodynamical conditions of deposition Int. Meeting on "Concentration mechanisms of uranium in geological environments", Nancy, 319-322. 2 - CATHELINEAU M. U-Th-REE mobility and mass transfer in granitoïds during subsolidus alteration. Int. Meeting on "Concentration mechanisms of uranium in geological environments", Nancy, 171-175. 3 - CATHELINEAU M., CHAROY B., CUNEY M., DUBESSY J.*, LEROY J., NGUYEN-TRUNG C., POTY B., RAMBOZ C. et WEISBROD A. Contrasting behaviour of U and Sn-W at the hydrothermal stage in the West-Hercynian chain : an intepretation in the light of mineralogy, fluid inclusion chemistry, solubility and speciation data. . Int. Meeting on "Concentrations mechanisms of uranium in geological environments", Nancy, 177-182. 1988 4 - CATHELINEAU M., BOIRON M.C., HOLLIGER P., MARION P. Gold-rich arsenopyrites : Crystal-chemistry, location and state of gold, and physical and chemical conditions of crystallization. Geol. Soc. Australia , n°22, 235-240. 5 - CATHELINEAU M., BOIRON M.C. Fluid-mineral equilibria in French hydrothermal Gold veins. Geol. Soc. Australia , n°23, vol. 2, 428-430 1989 6 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau, M Ore fluid rock interaction and mass transfer within Au-As-Sb shear zones : Characterization and modelling on the example of the Massif Central (France) deposits. Proceedings of the W.R.I. 6, Miles Ed., 103-106. 7 - Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Marignac C., Valori A., Gianelli G., Puxeddu M. Pressure-temperature-fluid composition changes from magmatic to present day stages in the Larderello geothermal field (Italy). Proceedings of the W.R.I. 6, Miles Ed., 137-140. 8 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M, Quartz dissolution in microfractured crystalline rocks : Physical and chemical conditions, Thermodynamical modelling of the process, and fluid migration reconstruction. Proceedings of the W.R.I. 6, Miles Ed., 133-136. 1991 9 - Alvarenga de C.J.S *, Cathelineau M., Dubessy J. Au-ore deposition - rock deformation - ore fluid chemistry relationship in quartz veins from Cuiaba, Brasil. Proceedings of Gold 91, Brazil, A. A. Balkema Pub.,335-338 10 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Essarraj S., Lespinasse M., Sellier E. Characterization of the relationships between deformation, fluid migration and Au deposition in quartz veins : methodology and modelling. Proceedings of Gold 91, Brazil, A. A. Balkema Pub., 637-643. 11 - Cathelineau M. Boiron M. C., Essarraj S., Lespinasse M., Sellier E. Fluid density changes and gold deposition in Au-quartz veins : the role of pressure fluctuations linked to multistage deformation. Proceedings 25th SGA aniversary meeting, Nancy, A. A. Balkema Pub.,653-656. 12 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Poty B. Hercynian gold bearing quartz veins from western Europe : The "shear zone model" revisited. Proceedings of Gold 91, Brazil, A. A. Balkema Pub., 115-119. 13 - LEROY J.*, FRITZ B., CATHELINEAU M., LESPINASSE M., Geochemical modelling of the two-mica granite alterations : Subsolidus changes related to dequartzification and clay alteration. Proceedings 25th SGA aniversary meeting, Nancy, A. A. Balkema Pub., 69-72. 14 - LESPINASSE, M.*, CATHELINEAU M., POTY B. Time / space reconstruction of fluid percolation in fault systems : The use of fluid Inclusion Planes (F.I.P.). Proceedings 25th SGA aniversary meeting, Nancy, A. A. Balkema Pub.,465-468. 15 - Marion P., Holliger P., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Wagner F.E New improvements in the characterization of refractory gold in pyrites : an electron microprobe, Mössbauer spectrometry and ion microprobe study. Proceedings of Gold 91, Brazil, A. A. Balkema Pub., 389-395. 16 - MARION P.*, MONROY M., HOLLIGER P., BOIRON M.C., CATHELINEAU M., WAGNER F.E., FRIELDL J., Gold bearing pyrites : a combined ion and Mössbauer spectrometry approach. Proceedings 25th SGA aniversary, Nancy meeting, A. A. Balkema Pub., 677-680. 17 - MEYER F.M., DRENAN G.*, ROBB L.J., CATHELINEAU M., DUBESSY J., LANDAIS P. Conditions of Au-U mineralizations in the Witwatersrand reefs. Proceedings 25th SGA aniversary meeting, Nancy, A. A. Balkema Pub., 681-684. 18 - Ramanaidou E., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Le Gleuher M., Trescases J.J., Gold mobility during hydrothermal and supergene alteration of BIF (itabirites) (Ouro fino syncline, Brazil). Proceedings of Gold 91, Brazil, A. A. Balkema Pub., 729-733. 1992 19 - Robb L.J.*, Lespinasse M., Ayt Ougougdal M., BoironM.C., Cathelineau M. Pironon J. Fluid inclusion studies in the Okiep Copper District, Namaqualand, South Africa. 24ème congrés of the Geological Society of South Africa, July 1992, 323-325. 1993 20 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., El Jarray A., Marignac C., Lespinasse M., Reconstruction of paleofluid migration in microfissured rocks. Geofluids '93, Torquay, England, May 1993, 162-165. 21 - Landais P*., Pironon J. Cathelineau M. Evidence for mineral-organic interactions occuring during oil genesis, hydrocarbon migration and ore formation. Geofluids 93, Parnell J. et al. eds, 431-434. 22 - Cathelineau M., Ruck R., Baronnet A. Hydrothermal reactivity of Ca, Na and K -smectite transformation. Proceedings of the 4th Intenational Symposium on Hydrothermal reactions, Nancy, 21-23 23 - Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Trouiller A. Experimental study of the thermal stability of natural clay sediments Proceedings of the 4th Intenational Symposium on Hydrothermal reactions, Nancy, 2209-211 24 - Boiron M.C.*, Essarraj S., Barakat A., Castroviejo R., Cathelineau M., Noronha F., Nogueira P., Yardley B., Banks D., Marignac C., Pereira E., Urbano R., Florido P., Garcia Palomero F., P-V-T-X changes throughout the formation of intragranitic Au concentrations in the Northwestern inberian massif (Spain-Portugal) : an integrated fluid inclusion study. Proceedings of the second biennial SGA meeting "Current reasearch in geology applied to ore deposits", Granada, 605-608. 25 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., Barakat A.,Garcia Palomero F., Urbano R., Toyos J.M., Florido P., Pereira E., MeireilesC., Ferreira N., Castro P., Noronha F., Doria A., Ribeiro M.A., Nogueira P., Barriga F., Mateus A., Yardley B., Banks D., Major structural factors of Au concentrations in the northwestern iberian massif (Spain-Portugal) : a multidisciplinary and multiscale study. Proceedings of the second biennial SGA meeting "Current reasearch in geology applied to ore deposits", Granada, 613-616. 26 - Banks D.*,Yardley B.W.D., Miller M.F., Sheperd T.J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Urbano R., Florido P., Garcia Palomero F., Pereira E., Noronha F., Barriga F., Fluid inclusion chemistry of hercynian granite hosted vein Au- mineralization. Proceedings of the second biennial SGA meeting "Current reasearch in geology applied to ore deposits", Granada, 403-406. 27 - Lopez J. A.*,Vindel E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M, Sierra J., Prieto C., W- polymetallic sulphide veins (spanish central system) : data from fluid inclusions and mineral geothermometers. Proceedings of the second biennial SGA meeting "Current reasearch in geology applied to ore deposits", Granada, 151-154. 28 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Gao Y., Holliger P.*, Marion P., New improvements in the in-situ analysis and mapping of combined gold in sulphides at the ppm level. Proceeding of the IX SIMS, Yokohama, Japon, 4 p. 1995 29 - Izquierdo G.*, Cathelineau M., Garcia Alfonso, Clay minerals, fluid inclusions and stabilized temperature estimation in two wells from Los Azufres geothermal field, Mexico. World Geothermal Congress, Florence, May 1995, 1083-1086. 30 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Yardley B., Gianelli G., Puxeddu M., Use of fluid inclusion for the discrimination of multi-source components and P-T-X reconstruction in geothermal systems : Application to Larderello. Proc. World Geothermal Congress, Florence, May 1995, 1093-1097. 31 - Cathelineau M., Guerci A., Ahamdach N., Cuney M., Mustin Ch., Milville G., Smectite-geothite-Fe, U, Ca and Ba sulfate assemblage resulting from bio-oxidation derived acid drainage in mine tailings : an analytical, experimental, and numerical approach. Proc. of the third biennal SGA meeting, Pasava J., Kribek B. & Zak K. eds, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 647-649. 32 - Boiron M.C.*, Barakat A., Cathelineau M., Durisova J., Moravek P., Microfissural ore fluid migration : The example of a granodiorite hosted gold deposit (Mokrsko, Bohemia). Proc. of the third biennal SGA meeting, Pasava J., Kribek B. & Zak K. eds, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 97-100. 33 - Quilez E.*, Morales S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., P-V-T-X-fO2-fS2-pH conditions of the W-sulphide deposition in a hydrothermal vein system : El Estepar (Spanish Central System). Proc. of the third biennal SGA meeting, Pasava J., Kribek B. & Zak K. eds, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 381-383. 34 - Noronha F.*, Doria A., Nogueira P., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., A comparative study of the fluid evolution in late-hercynian W (Sn-Cu) and Au (As) quartz veins in northern Portugal. Metallogenic implications. Memoria n° 4, Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Ciencias - Museu e Laboratorio Mineralogico e Geologico, 587-592. 1996 35 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Noronha F., Banks D.A., Vindel E., Lopez J.A., From retrograde hercynian metamorphism to granite related geothermal fields : A fluid chemistry and P-T-depth reconstruction based on fluid inclusions. Proc of the PACROFI VI, Brown and Hageman Ed., 18-20 36 - Boiron M.C.*, Banks D.A., Cathelineau M., Ramanaidou E., Contrasted fluid chemistry in quartz veins from the Ouro Fino syncline (Brazil) : A multidisciplinary chemical characterization of sulfate-volatile rich brines. Proc of the PACROFI VI, Brown and Hageman Ed., 15-17 (37) - Cathelineau M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Banks D.A., Boiron M.C., B. Poty., Fluid penetration and faulting in alpine granites (Mont Blanc and Aar massifs): A multidisciplinary study of the fluid inclusions and their chemistry. Proc of the PACROFI VI, Brown and Hageman Ed., 26-28 38 - Ruggieri G., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C. Gianelli G., P-T-X conditions of chlorite formation in the Larderello geothermal field : A mineralogical and fluid inclusion study. Proc of the PACROFI VI, Brown and Hageman Ed., 107-109 1999 39 - Naja G., Mustin, Peiffert, Cathelineau M., Sorption of U, REE, and metals on biomass,and iron hydroxides Proc of “ International Biometallurgy symposium ” Espagne, 343-350. 2000 40 - Mathieu R., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M. Evolution of P-T-X conditions around the Oklo reaction zones Geofluids, Barcellona 2001 41- Charpentier D. *, Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Bruno G. Oxidation of an argillaceous formation,mineralogical ,and geochemical evolutuion. Water-rock intercation WRI, Proc. R. Cidu (ed.) Blakema. Publ. 371-374. 42- Freiberger R.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., 2001, Late hercynian fluid circulation in the Charroux - Civray plutonic complex, NW Massif Central, France. Proc Water Rock interaction, R. Cidu Ed., Balkema Pub. 705-708. 43- Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Banks D.A. and Fourcade S. (2001) Au-As ore fluids in the variscan belt (French Massif Central, North Iberia and Bohemian Massif) a comparison of their fluid chemistry and their isotopic signature. Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 53-55. 44- Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Diagana B., Boiron M.C., Bands D.A., Fourcade S. and Martineau (2001) P-T-X fluid evolution during the deformation and the metamorphism of the South Iberian pyrite belt. Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 85-88. 45- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C. and Cathelineau M. (2001) Dilution of brines as a major mechanism for silver deposition at Imiter and Zgounder Ag deposits, Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 143-144. 46- Jeanningros A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C. and Ruggieri G. (2001) Fluid inclusions studies in the intermediate zone of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy). Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 221-223. 47- Vallance J.*, Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Shepherd T.J. and Naden J. (2001) Role of aplitic magmatism and C-rich rocks in the Castromil gold deposit (North Portugal). Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 443-446. 48- Montomoli C*., Ruggieri G., Cathelineau M. and Boiron M.C. (2001) P-T conditions during fluid migration in syntectonic veins of the Massa Unit of the Monti Pisani (Northern Apennines, Italy). Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 311-313. 2003 49- Cathelineau M., Chantal Peiffert , François Ruhlmann, Jacques Thiry and Valérie. Moulin (2003) Uranium adsorption on particles and natural phenomenon of accumulation: river and lake sediments of the North of Limousin. U geochemistry 2003 Nancy 50- Derome, D., Cathelineau, M., Cuney, M., Lhomme, T.: Fluid inclusion evidence of the differential migration of H2 and O2 in the McArthur River unconformity-type uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). Possible role on the host rock alteration. GEOFLUIDS VI. May 2003. Utrecht. J. of Expl. Geochem. 51- Derome, D., Cuney, M., Cathelineau, M., Fabre, C.: Reconstitution of the P, T, x properties of paleofluids in the McArthur River unconformity-type uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). . URANIUM 2003-April 2003. Nancy. 52- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Marignac C.,, 2003, The shift from “ mesothermal ” to “ epithermal ” conditions in orogenic gold: definition of a Variscan type of quartz lode gold deposits. SGA meeting, Athens, Aout 2003 53- Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S.,, 2003, Variscan lode gold deposits: the case for a crustal-scale hydrothermal system rooted in the middle crust (Saint-Yrieix district, Limousin, French Massif Central). SGA meeting, Athens, Aout 2003. 54- Gloaguen E., Chauvet A., Branquet Y., Gerbeaud O.,Bouchot V. , Lerouge C., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Pourraz N.,Fourcade S., Ponce de León M. I. 2003, Relations between Au / Sn-W mineralizations and late hercynian granite occurrences: preliminary results from the Schistose Domain of Galica-Trás-os-Montes Zone, Spain. SGA meeting, Athens, Aout 2003. 55- Cuney M., Brouand M,. Cathelineau M., Derome D., Freiberger R., Hecht L., Kister P., Lobaev V., Lorilleux G., Peiffert Ch., Bastoul A. (2003) - What parameters control the high grade - large tonnage of the Proterozoic unconformity related uranium deposits ? Uranium Geochemistry, Nancy, 123-126. 2005 55- Cathelineau M., Guillaume D., Mosser-Ruck R. Dubessy J. Charpentier D. Villiéras F. Michau N. (2005) - Dissolution – crystallization processes affecting di-octahedral smectite in presence of iron metal: Implication on mineral distribution in clay barriers. International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 35 56- Charpentier D., R., Devineau K., Cathelineau M., Rousset D. (2005) - Clay-iron interactions under high ph conditions: an experimental approach. International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement p. 361 57-Masrouri F., Cuisinier O., Abdallah A., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Peiffert C., Villieras F., Barnichon J.D. (2005) - Chemo-mechanical couplings in treated compacted argillite. International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, p. 751 58- Michel P. Nguyen-Trung C., Richard L., Cathelineau M., Michels R., Clauer N., Trouiller A. (2005) - Hydrous pyrolysis investigations on clay-organic interactions of standardized and natural mixtures. International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. p.97 59- Siebenaller L., Fourcade S., Techer I.,. Hibsch C, Cathelineau M. (2005) - Isotopic signatures (13C, 18O and 87Sr / 86Sr) of paleofluids related to different fracturing and diagenetic stages in the dogger limestones from Est 210 drilling. Comparisons with the isotopic signatures of the callovian-oxfordian clays from the Meuse/Hte Marne laboratory. International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, p. 425 2006 60- Yensepbayev T., Izart A., Joltaev G., Elie M., Cathelineau M. (2006) - Paleothermicity and hydrocarbons generation of the eastern part of the precaspian basin and pre-uralian basin (KAZAKHSTAN) "Latin American Association of Organic Geochemistry- ALAGO" 2007 61- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Vallance J., Banks D.A., Fourcade S. (2007) - Mesothermal gold deposits from the Variscan belt: A model for gold deposition based on fluid mixing during exhumation, SGA meeting, Dublin, Aout 2007. 62 Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C. (2007) - Present-day and paleo-geothermal fields related to granites: origin and composition of related fluids. Enhanced Geothermal Innovative network for Europe, « Exploring high temperature reservoirs: new challenges for geothermal energy » Workshop 2, Voltera, Avril 2007, p13-15. (O) 63- Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Boiron MC, Derome D., Fabre C., Richard A. (2007) - Fluid mixing and uranium deposition in unconformity type deposits (Saskatchewan, Canada, Northern Territories, Australia) SGA 2007 Dublin Aout. 64- Mosser-Ruck R., Richard L., Cathelineau M. (2007) - Hydrothermal alteration of Callovo-Oxfordian argillite from the paris basin by neutral and alkaline solutions at 150°C and 300°C and in the presence of iron metal. 3ème international meeting Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement – Lille 17 – 20 septembre 2007, 291. 65- Pozzi J.P., Aubourg C., Janots D., Cathelineau M., Clauer N., Rousset D., Ruck R., Liewig N., Techer I. (2007) - Magnetic and mineralogical alterations under thermal stress at 95°C of Callovo-Oxfordian claystones (Bure, France) and lower dogger Mont Terri claystones (Switzerland). 3ème international meeting Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement – Lille 17 – 20 septembre 2007, 89 2009 67- Cuney M., Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.-C., Derome D., Fabre C., 2009, Physical and chemical characteristics and of the fluids involved in the genesis of unconformity related uranium deposit and the dynamic of their circulation. Geofluids, Adelaïde 2010 68- Clauer N., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Blaise T. (2010) - Extensive mineral authigenesis in the Triassic sandstones cored by The Andra deep drilling in the eastern Paris basin : Which thermal and fluid flow ? 4th Internationnal meeting on Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. Nantes, P/GC/ET/10, p359-360. 69- Jodin-Caumon M.C., Mosser-Ruck R., Randi A., Cathelineau, M., Michau N. (2010) - Iron clay interactions under thermal gradient. Proc Intern. Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered barriers. Nantes 0/04/06, 103-104. 70- Jodin-Caumon M.C., Mosser-Ruck R., Randi, A., Cathelineau M., Michau N. (2010) Iron clay intrecations Under various H2 pressures. Proc Intern. Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered barriers. Nantes PAP/MET/02. 471-472. 2012 71- Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M (2011) Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits Goldschmidt 2011Prague 72 Richard A.(Keynote), Cauzid J., Cathelineau M., Boiron MC, Mercadier J and Cuney M. (2012) Synchotron-XRF and Xanes investigation of fluid inclusions from unconformity-related Uranium deposits. Geofluids, Paris, 6-8 juin 2012 73- T. Blaise, Cathelineau, M., A. Tarantola, M.C. Boiron, A. Izart, P. Boulvais, I. Techer (2012) Paleo-water circulation through an aquifer/aquitard system: a geochemical study of secondary minerals and fluid inclusions at the French prospective radioactive waste disposal site. Geofluids, Paris, 6-8 juin 2012 2013 74- Cathelineau, M., Jean-Yves Talbot, Marie-Christine Boiron, Nicolas Gaillard, Michel Cuney, Erkki Vanhanen, Terry Lees, Michael Hudson, Nick Cook, Etienne Deloule, Marc Brouand & Claude Caillat, The atypical Au-(U)-calc-silicate hosted mineralization of Rompas (Northern Finland): fluid-rock interactions and ore genesis. 12 SGA Biennial meeting, Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 75- Andrei Lecomte, Michel Cathelineau, Etienne Deloule, Marc Brouand, Kirsti Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, Esa Pohjolainen & Hannu Lahtinen, Uranium behaviour during metamorphism of black shales: evidencefrom the Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co deposit (Finland). Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 76- Andrei Lecomte, Michel Cathelineau, Raymond Michels & Marc Brouand, Uranium mineralization in the Alum Shale Formation (Sweden). Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 77- Richard, A., Michel Cathelineau, Marie-Christine Boiron, Michel Cuney, Julien Mercadier, Christophe Rozsypal, Jean Cauzid, David A. Banks, Philippe Boulvais, Mark A. Kendrick & Thomas Pettke, Unconformity-related U deposits: recent advances from fluid inclusions and their host minerals. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 2015 78- Boulesteix, T., Michel Cathelineau, Philippe Lach, Etienne Deloule, Marc Brouand, Nicolas Fiet, Hervé Toubon Ilmenite and their Alteration Products, Sinkholes for Uranium and Radium in Roll-Front Deposits after the Example of South Tortkuduk (Kazakhstan) 1781-1784 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France 79- Bourdelle, F., Mosser-Ruck, R., Truche, L., Pignatelli, I., Cathelineau, M., and Michau, N. (2015). A new view on iron-clay interactions by monitoring pH and H2 production. 6th international meeting Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactives Waste Confinement, Brussels, Belgium. (Poster) 80- Cathelineau, M. Benoît Quesnel, Pierre Gautier, Philippe Boulvais, Clément Couteau, Maxime Drouillet (2015) Nickel Dispersion at the Bottom of the Regolith: Formation of Pimelite Target-Like Ores in Rock Block Joints in Koniambo Ni Deposit (New Caledonia) 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France, 1157-1160 81 Hoummady, E., Golfier, F., Cathelineau, M., Truche, L., Durupt, N., Neto, J., Blanvillain, E. (2015). Characterisation of uranium-ore agglomerates before heap leaching. 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France. (poster)1365-1368 82- Martz, P., Mercadier, J., Cathelineau, M., Quirt, D., Doney, A., Gerbeaud, O. Structural framework of large scale percolations of basinal brines into the basement rocks at Cigar Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. 2015 SGA meeting, 24-27 juin 2015, Nancy, France 83- Quesnel, B., Philippe Boulvais, Pierre Gautier, Michel Cathelineau, Cédric M John, Malorie Dierick, Pierre Agrinier, Maxime Drouillet (2015) Formation of Silica and Magnesite Veins in the Massif of Peridotite of Koniambo: Geometric and Stable Isotopes Data, 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France. (poster)1189-1192 2017 84- Martz P., Mercadier J. Cathelineau M., et al. (2017) Multiple mineralizing events at the Cigar Lake deposit: an integrated-study of uranium oxide dating and geochemistry- SGA 2017- Quebec 20-23 Aout 2017. IV COMMUNICATIONS ET POSTERS A DES CONGRES OU REUNIONS SCIENTIFIQUES 1980 1 - CATHELINEAU M. Contrôle métallotectonique des gisements d'uranium liés aux leucogranites hercyniens de Vendée et Bretagne du Sud. 26ème Congrès Géologique International, Paris.(7-17 juillet) 1981 2 - CATHELINEAU M., LEROY J. Wall-rock mineralization reactions in uranium veins of Vendée and Limousin. Centième anniversaire de la "Mineralogical Society", Londres, "The geochemistry of naturally occurring radioelements (U, Th, K) in crystalline rocks".(16-17 janvier) 3 - CATHELINEAU M. The importance of K-montmorillonite and clay paragenesis in hydrothermal alteration. 7th Int. Clay Conf. AIPEA, Bologne et Pavie.(6-12 septembre) 1982 4 - CATHELINEAU M. Les gîtes uranifères de type silicofluoré. Gîtes filoniens Pb-Zn-F-Ba de basse température. BRGM Orléans. (21-22 avril). 5 - CATHELINEAU M. Na or K-metasomatism in hydrothermal processes involving U, Th, Si, Zr, P mobilization. Symposium "Phénomènes hydrothermaux associés aux granitoïdes d'Europe".Londres, (17-18 mai). 1983 6 - CATHELINEAU M., OLIVER R., NIEVA D. et GARFIAS A. Mineralogy and distribution of hydrothermal mineral zones in Los Azufres (Mexico) geothermal field. IXème International Workshop on Reservoir Engineering. San Francisco (Stanford Univ.) (3-15 décembre). 1984 7 - CATHELINEAU M. Uranium veins in Western France : Mineralogy and geochemistry of uranium deposition. 2nd Intern. Congress on Applied Mineralogy, Los Angeles.(23-25 février). 8 - CATHELINEAU M., NIEVA D. Active metamorphism in the Los Azufres geothermal field (Michoacan, Mexico). Mineralogy, Geochemistry and mineral equilibria. 27ème C.G.I., Moscou.(4-14 août). 9 - CATHELINEAU M., HOLLIGER P. Uranium deposits in Western Europe : The utility of geochronological data to discriminate different sources of uranium. 27ème C.G.I., Moscou.(4-14 août). 10 - CATHELINEAU M. Comportement des Terres Rares lors de l'altération hydrothermale d'une série volcanique calco-alcaline dans un champ géothermique actif (Los Azufrès, Mexique). Réunion spécialisée, SFMC, Décembre, Paris. 1985 11 - CATHELINEAU M, NIEVA D. Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements during alteration of a volcanic calcalkaline series (Los Azufrès geothermal system, Mexico). EUG III, Strasbourg. 12 - CATHELINEAU M. Quartz leaching and alkali metasomatism in U-Au-Sn-W reservoir rocks. EUG III, Strasbourg. 13 - CATHELINEAU M. et NIEVA D A chlorite solid solution geothermometer based on data from active geothermal system. AIPEA Meeting, Denver (Colorado, USA). 14 - IZQUIERDO G.*, CATHELINEAU M. Clay minerals and zeolites in the Los Azufres geothermal system : the alteration of a volcanic calc-alkaline series. AIPEA Meeting, Denver (Colorado, USA). 15 - LEROY J.*, FRITZ B., CATHELINEAU M. et NAHON D. Etudes naturelles et par modélisation d'équilibres roches - solutions aqueuses hydrothermales : Cas des altérations phylliteuses associées aux minéralisations uranifères intragranitiques du NW du Massif Central. Réunion spécialisée du groupe "Géochimie" SFMC : "Interaction fluides - minéraux, étude expérimentale, modélisation". 1986 16 - CATHELINEAU M. Mobilité hydrothermale de U, Th et des Terres Rares : le rôle primordial des solutions phosphatées. 11ème R.S.T. Clermont Ferrand, 25-27 mars) (résumé p. 32). 17 - LEROY J.*, FRITZ B., CATHELINEAU M. Les altérations phylliteuses dans les gisements d'uranium intragranitiques : analyse, modélisation et propagation des altérations.11ème R.S.T. Clermont Ferrand, 25-27 mars. (Résumé p. 112). 18- CATHELINEAU M., MARIGNAC C., PUXEDDU M. Early stage of hydrothermal metamorphism at temperatures of 325-600°C in the deepest part of the Larderello - geothermal field. 5th Int. Symposium on Water Rock Interaction. Reykjavik (Islande), abstract, p. 100-103. 19- CATHELINEAU M. et NIEVA D. Geothermometry of hydrothermal alteration in the Los Azufrès geothermal system : Significance of fluid inclusions. 5th Int. Symposium on Water Rock Interaction. Reykjavik (Islande), abstract, p. 104-107. 20 - BOIRON M.C.*, CATHELINEAU M. Les altérations hydrothermales et les minéralisations associées des tufs viséens du Bassin de Villeranges (Massif Central français) : Données géothermométriques déduites des inclusions fluides. Coll. PIRSEM, Montpellier (Septembre). 1987 21 - CATHELINEAU M. et POTY B. - U-Th-REE mobility in granitic environments at the hydrothermal stage. IAEA Vienne "Metallogenesis of Uranium deposits", 9-12 mars. 22 - POTY B., CATHELINEAU M., CUNEY M., NGUYEN-TRUNG C. Mineralizing fluids and uranium IAEA Vienne "Metallogenesis of uranium deposits", 9-12 mars. 23 - CATHELINEAU M., MARIGNAC C. et PUXEDDU M. P-T-X conditions of contact and thermal metamorphism in the Larderello geothermal field : the fluid inclusion data" EUG Strasbourg, 13-16 avril. 24 - LESPINASSE M.* et CATHELINEAU M Relations between microfissuration, fluid circulation and rock alteration in granitic environments. A tool for paleostress field chronology. EUG Strasbourg, 13-16 avril. 25 - BOIRON M.C.* et CATHELINEAU M. Geothermometry of hydrothermal alterations and associated mineralizations in tuffs of the Villeranges visean basin (Massif Central, France). EUG Strasbourg, 13-16 avril. 26 - HOLLIGER Ph. et CATHELINEAU M. Ion microprobe leads isotopic measurements on U-ore minerals : implication for in-situ determined Pb-Pb ages. EUG Strasbourg, 13-16 avril. 27 - TURPIN L.*, RESPAUT J.P., CATHELINEAU M. et LEROY J. Application of Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry to the study of granite related uranium deposits. EUG Strasbourg, 13-16 avril. 28 - CATHELINEAU M. The P-T-V-X conditions in an active geothermal field : a comparison between the present day and the fluid inclusion data. IX Symposium on fluid inclusions -Oporto, Portugal, 4-6 mai. 29 - MARIGNAC C.*, CATHELINEAU M., GIANELLI G. et PUXEDDU M. Recent to present day hydrothermal circulations in the geothermal system of Larderello (Italy), from fluid inclusion data. IX Symposium on fluid inclusions - Oporto, Portugal, 4-6 mai. 30 - BOIRON M.C. et CATHELINEAU M. The crystallization temperature of hydrothermal clay minerals : the data from fluid inclusions and clay geothermometers. Euroclay 87 - Seville - 7-10 septembre. 31- CATHELINEAU M. The Si-Al substitution in the tetrahedral site of chlorites and illites : thermodynamical and geothermometric indications. Euroclay 87 - Seville 7-10 septembre. 32 - CATHELINEAU M., DUBESSY J., MARIGNAC C., POTY B. et WEISBROD A. Fluids in granitic environments. Invited conference at SIMP meeting "Granites and their surroundings. Verbania, Italie, 29 sept. - 3 oct. 33 - BOIRON M.C.* et CATHELINEAU M. Contrasted behaviour of Au and U in granites at the hydrothermal stage : the role of fO2 and pH. SIMP meeting Verbania, Italie, 29 sept. - 3 oct. 34 - CATHELINEAU M. U-Th-REE mobility during subsolidus alteration of peraluminous granites. SIMP meeting "Granites and their surroundings. Verbania, Italie, 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 35 - CATHELINEAU M. La substitution Si-Al en site tétraédrique dans les chlorites et les illites : son utilisation comme géothermomètre. Colloque SFMC-GFA-PIRSEM "Minéraux argileux et géotherme". Paris, 17-19 novembre 36 - BOIRON M.C.*, CATHELINEAU M. et TRESCASES J.J. Géothermométrie comparée utilisant les compositions chimiques des minéraux argileux et les données des inclusions fluides : application au système fossile de Villeranges (Massif Central Français). Colloque SFMC-GFA-PIRSEM "Minéraux argileux et géothermie", Paris, 17-19 Novembre. 37 - CATHELINEAU M Existence de couples pression-température contrastés dans les champs géothermiques. Colloque SFMC-GFA-PIRSEM "Minéraux argileux et géothermie", Paris, 17-19 novembre. 1988 38 - BASTOUL A.*, CATHELINEAU M., CUNEY M. Les fluides métamorphiques et hydrothermaux associés au gisement uranifère des Bondons : caractéristiques P-T-X. 12e RST. Lille 27-29 avril. 39- BOIRON M.C.*, CATHELINEAU M. Modélisation des transferts d'éléments liés à deux stades d'altération hydrothermale : application aux altérations à chlorite puis à mica blanc de tufs rhyodacitiques. 12e RST Lille 27-29 avril. 40 - CATHELINEAU M. The chlorite and illite geothermometers : a tool for the thermal reconstructions of diagenetic or metamorphic processes. Meeting of the clay minerals group. "Clay diagenesis in hydrocarbon reservoirs and shales". Cambridge, 17-18 Mars 1988. 41 - CATHELINEAU M. The illite and chlorite geothermometers S22 ICGC Paris 29 août - 2 septembre. 42 - CATHELINEAU M., HOLLIGER Ph. Uranium mineralizations in western Europe : the witness of major geodynamic events from Devonian to Tertiary. S23 ICGC Paris 29 août - 2 sept. 43 - CATHELINEAU M., NIEDERKORN R. Simulation de l'évolution des caractéristiques minéralogiques et géochimiques des roches lors de l'altération hydrothermale : application aux granites déquartzifiés. 12e RST Lille 27-29 avril. 44 - CATHELINEAU M., BOIRON M.C.*, LESPINASSE M., CUNEY M. Variscan shear zones and Au-U hydrothermal deposition : genetic, geometric and chronological relationships. Intern. Conf. "Terranes in the Variscan belt of France and Western Europe". Montpellier, 26-31 août. 45 - CATHELINEAU M., VERGNEAUD M. U-Th-REE mobility and diffusion in Granitic Environments during U-ore alteration : a geochemical analogue to radioactive waste disposal. 12e Symposium Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management. Berlin - RFA, 10-13 octobre. 46 - CUNEY M.*,FRIEDRICH M., CATHELINEAU M., HOLLIGER P., LESPINASSE M. Uranium metallogenesis in the European part of the Variscan orogen. - Terranes in the Variscan belt of France and Western Europe . Montpellier.26-31 août 1988. 47 - HOLLIGER Ph., CATHELINEAU M. In situ U-Pb age determination by secondary ion mass spectrometry. ICGC(S20) Paris 29 août - 2 sept. 1989 48 - Boiron M.C.*, cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Bastoul A.M., Poty,B. Fluids in Au ore deposits from the Variscan Range, France. ECROFI X, Londres, Avril 89. 49 - BOIRON M.C., CATHELINEAU M., DUBESSY, J., KIBONZI B., TOLLON, F., NORMAND M. Physical and chemical conditions of gold deposition in quartz veins from the Montagne Noire 'Schistes X", Salsigne gold districts, France Gold 89 in Europe- Toulouse, Mai 1989. 50 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. Hydrothermal clay mineral alteration related to gold deposition : Mineralogy and physical chemical conditions. AIPEA, 9th International clay conference, Strasbourg, Août 1989. 51 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M. Comportement des terres rares dans les tufs rhyodacitiques soumis à une altération argileuse à K-micas. Table ronde SFMC 19 Octobre 1989. 52 - CATHELINEAU M., BASTOUL A.M., LESPINASSE M., BERNARD C., LEROY J. Fluid migration during contact metamorphism : the use of oriented fluid inclusion trails for a time/space reconstruction. ECROFI X, Londres, Avril 89. 53 - CATHELINEAU M., DUBESSY J., BASTOUL A.M. , BOIRON M.C.* Fluid-mineral equilibria in hydrothermal gold veins. "Gold 89 in Europe" Toulouse, Mai 1989. 54 - CATHELINEAU M., BOIRON M.C., HOLLIGER Ph., MARION Ph, M. DENIS Combined gold in arsenopyrites : location, state and genesis. "Gold 89 in Europe" Toulouse, Mai 1989. 55 - Cathelineau M., Izquierdo G. Clay and micaceous minerals in the Los Azufres geothermal system : Spatial distribution, temperature -composition relationships, physical chemical conditions of formation. AIPEA, 9th International clay conference, Strasbourg, Août 1989. 56 - Cathelineau M., Respaut J.P. L'altération hydrothermale de la monazite : conséquences géochimiques. Table ronde SFMC 19, Octobre 1989. 57 - De ALVARENGA C.J.S.*, CATHELINEAU M., DUBESSY J., TROMPETTE R. Microfracturing and associated N2-CH4 or CO2-rich fluids in barren and Au-bearing quartz veins from Cuiaba, Brazil. ECROFI X, Londres, Avril 89 58 - ROBB L.J., CATHELINEAU M., LANDAIS P., DUBESSY J., BAILLY L. The nature of late stage fluids affecting the Witwatersrand conglomerates : fluid inclusion and mineralogical data. "Gold 89 in Europe" Toulouse, Mai 1989. 1990 59 - Bastoul A.M.*, Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Bernard C., Leroy J., Migration de fluides et métamorphisme de contact : utilisation des trainées d'inclusions fluides pour une reconstitution spatio-temporelle. 13° RST, Grenoble, avril 1990, p 11. 60 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. , Essarraj S., Lespinasse M., Sellier E, Poty B.* Geometric and genetic relationships between cathodoluminescence microstructural markers in quartz and fluid inclusion trails. Application to the reconstruction of Au- ore fluid migration. PACROFI III, May, 1990, Toronto,p. 19. 61 - Boiron M. C.*, Cathelineau M., Dubessy J, Poty B, A P-T-fO2-fS2 reconstruction of gold quartz vein formation: The example of French Hercynian deposits. IAGOD 8, Ottawa, August, 12-18, 1990. 62 - Cathelineau M. Les concentrations naturelles de U, Th et terres rares : avantages et limitations à l'analogie avec le stockage de déchets nucléaires. 13° RST, Grenoble, avril 1990, p 28. 63 - Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Poty B. Time -space relationships between U, Au, Sn-W ore deposition and geodynamic events in the french part of the variscan orogen. IAGOD 8, Ottawa, August, 12-18, 1990. 64 - El Jarray A.*, Cathelineau M. Microfissuration et migration de radioéléments. 13° RST, Grenoble, avril 1990, p 44. 65 - Lespinasse M.*, Essarraj S., Cathelineau M. Microstructural context analysis and finite element modelling of gold quartz vein deformation : the example of the L'Auriéras ore deposit (NW french Massif Central). IAGOD 8, Ottawa, August, 12-18, 1990. 66 - Moissette A., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Ramanaidou E., Le Gleuher M. Fluids with high acidity evidenced by Raman micro-spectrometric analysis of sulfate and bisulfate ions in fluids from a gold showing (Brazil). IAGOD 8, Ottawa, August, 12-18, 1990. 1991 67 - AYT OUGOUGDAL M. , LESPINASSE M.*, CATHELINEAU M. Effects of penetrative deformation on the formation late discontinuities and physical properties of rock along shear zones. EUG VI, Strasbourg, Mars 1991. 68 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M. Fluid- rock interations associated to gold depostion in the Villeranges basin (NW Massif Central, France) 25th SGA aniversary, Nancy. 69 - CATHELINEAU M. RUCK R., BARONNET A., LANDAIS P. Experimental kinetics of Ca , Na, and K-smectite transformation under waste disposal conditions : a XRD, QEM, and TEM study. MRS - EMRS - CEA meeting, Strasbourg, Novembre 1991. 70 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., Lespinasse M., Sellier E. Fluid density changes in Au quartz veins : the role of pressure fluctuations and post trapping changes. ECROFI XI, Florence, avril 1991., Plinius 5, 38-39 71 - EL JARRAY A., CATHELINEAU M. U diffusion in paleo-open space around intragranitic natural analogues to radioactive waste disposal. EUG VI, Strasbourg, Mars 1991. 72 - EL JARRAY A., CATHELINEAU M., LESPINASSE M. U diffusion in paleo-open space around intragranitic natural analogues. MRS - EMRS - CEA meeting, Strasbourg, Novembre 1991. 73- ESSARRAJ S., LESPINASSE M., CATHELINEAU M. Fluid migration during gold quartz vein deformation : geometry and finite element modelling. EUG VI, Strasbourg, Mars 1991. 74 - IZQUIERDO G.*, CATHELINEAU M. Clay mineral in two mexican hydrothermal systems. MRS - EMRS - CEA meeting, Strasbourg, Novembre 1991. 75 - LESPINASSE M.*, ESSARRAJ E., CATHELINEAU M. Geometry and chronology of ore fluid migration in gold bearing quartz veins : a multidisciplinary approach. ECROFI XI, Florence, avril 1991.Plinius 5, 129-130. 76 - Quilez E.*, Vindel E., Sierra J., Dubessy J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. Fluid inclusion study of the Cabeza Lijar W-Mo deposit, spanish central system. ECROFI XI, Florence, avril 1991., Plinius, 5, 181. 77 - RUCK R.*, CATHELINEAU M., TROUILLER A., BARONNET A. Thermal stability of a natural clay sediments under waste disposal conditions : an experiental study. MRS - EMRS - CEA meeting, Strasbourg, Novembre 1991. 78 - VALORI A.*, CATHELINEAU M., MARIGNAC C. Early fluid migration in a deep part of the Larderello geothermal field : a fluid inclusion study of the granite from well Monteverdi 7. ECROFI XI, Florence, avril 1991., Plinius, 5, 233-234 1992 79 -Ayt Ougougdal M.*, Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Canals M. Interconnectivité microfissurale et écoulements fluides Journées de la société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie. Orléans, septembre 1992. 80 - Cathelineau M, Marignac C., Gianelli G., Puxeddu m. Magmatic fluid inputs in intracontinental geothermal fields : the fluid inclusions data from the Larderello deep wells (Italy). PACROFI IV, Lake Arrowhead, Californie, mai 1992. 81 - Cathelineau M.,El Jarray A., Lespinasse M. Microfissuration et écoulement fluides: Approche pluridisciplinaire et apport des plans d'inclusions fluides. Journées de la société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie. Orléans, septembre 1992. 82 - Cathelineau M., Garcia Palomero F., Urbano R., Florido P., Pereira E. S., Noronha F., Barriga F., Yardley B., Banks D. Mutidisciplinary studies of Au -veins formation. Commission of the European Communities, 4th Brite Euram conference, Séville, mai 1992 83 - Cathelineau M., Garcia Palomero F., Urbano R., Florido P., Pereira E. S., Noronha F., Barriga F., Yardley B., Banks D. Multidisciplinary studies of Au- vein formation : application to the western part of the hesperian massif (Spain - Portugal) Commission of the European Communities, Brite Euram programme, Seminar on Exploration Technology, Porto Carras, Grèce, Octobre 1992 84 - Cuney M.*, Aumaitre R., Cathelineau M., Leroy J., Nguyen Trung C., Pagel M., Poty B., Ruhlman F. Les grands gisements d'uranium, leur place dans le cycle géologique, leur distribution mondiale et leur importance économique. Colloque atome et Géologie, Paris, Novembre 1992 85 - El Jarray A.*, Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Phénomènes d'épisyénitisation : microfissuration et fluides associés 14° Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Toulouse, Avril 1992 86 - Essarraj S.*, Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Lespinasse M. Migration fluide, déformation et conditions de dépôt de l'or dans les veines de quartz aurifères : une approche méthodologique. 14° Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Toulouse, Avril 1992 87 - Izquierdo G.*, Cathelineau M. The use of fluid inclusion data in geothermal prospection : Intercomparaison and calibration of geothermometers. PACROFI IV, Lake Arrowhead, Californie, mai 1992. 88 - Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Poty B. Time space reconstruction of fluid migration in relation with rock deformation : The use of fluid inclusions planes. PACROFI IV, Lake Arrowhead, Californie, mai 1992. 89- Lespinasse M.*, Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Relations entre pression fluide et conditions de rupture . Exemple d'une veine de quartz aurifère du massif central français Journées de la société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie. Orléans, septembre 1992. 90 - Pagel M.*, Poty B., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Nguyen Trung C. Distribution des actinides naturels et de leurs descendants dans la planète Terre et ses conséquences sur l'environnement. Colloque atome et Géologie, Paris, Novembre 1992 1993 91 - Canals M*., Ayt Ougougdal M., Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Percolation theory for transport properties in fractured rocks. Approach and applications. EUG VII, Strasbourg, Avril 1993 92 - Cathelineau M., Garcia Palomero F., Urbano R., Florido P., Pereira E. S., Noronha F., Barriga F., Yardley B. Banks D. Multidisciplinary and multiscale studies of Au-veins formation (western part of the hesperian massif, Spain, Portugal) EUG VII, Strasbourg, Avril 1993 93 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C. Fluid migration in microfissured rocks. EUG VII, Strasbourg, Avril 1993 94 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Essarraj S., El Jarray A., Marignac C., Lespinasse M. Reconstruction of paleofluid migration in microfissured rocks. Geofluids '93, Torquay, England, May 1993. 95 - Vindel E.*, Lopez J. A;, Sierra J., Prieto C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. P-T-X conditions of ore fluid migration in W-polymetallic sulphide bearing veins (spanish central system) EUG VII, Strasbourg, Avril 1993 96 - Doria A.*, Noronha F., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fluid evolution in an auriferous district. The example of Vila Pouca de Aguiar (Northern Portugal). Proceeding of the ECROFI XII meeting, Archiwum Mineralogiczne, Tom XLIX, 59-61. 97 - Noronha F.*, Doria A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Geochemical characterization of the fluids from a gold bearing metamorphic area in north Portugal. Final Meeting of IGCP project n°291 "Metamorphic fluids and mineral deposits". Prague, 39-40. 98 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Essarraj S., Barakat A.,Castroviejo R., Noronha F., Nogueira P., Yardley B., Banks D., Marignac C., Pereira E., Urbano R., Florido P., Garcia Palomero F., Chemical evolution of the C-H-O-N fluids in gold deposits : the example of North-western iberian massif. Final Meeting of IGCP project n°291 "Metamorphic fluids and mineral deposits". Prague, 5-6. 99 - Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Geometric and geochemical reconstruction of C-H-O-N fluid migration in crystalline basements. Final Meeting of IGCP project n°291 "Metamorphic fluids and mineral deposits". Prague, 9-10 100 - Doria A.*, Noronha F., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Geochemical characterization of the fluids from a gold district. The example of Vila Pouca de Aguiar (Northen Portugal). II congresso de Geoquimica, Porto. 101 - Prieto A.C.*, Medina J., Calvo B., Alonso M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Estudio y caracterizacion preliminar de cromo-cloritas de Erzerum (Turquia). Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 16, 101-102. 102 - Prieto A.C.*, Medina J., Casado J.M., Rull F., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Estudio y caracterizacion vibracional de croma-chlorita de Erzerum (Turquia) madiante espectroscopia Raman, FT-Raman y FTIR. Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 16, 106-107. 1994 103 - Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Les gisements aurifères : théories anciennes et nouvelles, or visible et invisible. Colloque International, "L'or dans l'Antiquité, de la Mine à l'objet", Limoges, 2 p,. Conférence invitée. 104 - Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Poty B, Importance de la percolation des fluides dans les socles cristallins aux stades tardiorogéniques. 15° RST, Nancy, p. 51. 105 - Canals M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M. Application de la théorie de la percolation aux propriétés de transport des milieux fracturés. 15° RST, Nancy, 106 - Lespinasse M.*, Cathelineau M. Quantification des paléocontraintes à l'aide des plans de failles striés et des pressions fluides. 15ème RST, Nancy. 107 - Poty B.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Noronha F., Yardley B. Banks D., Late epigenetic Au mineralization in mesothermal quartz veins : evidence from fluid inclusion studies of hercynian deposits. PACROFI V conf., Cuernavaca, Mexico, p 76. 108 - Poty B.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Noronha F., Yardley B. Banks D., Fluid migration during retrograde metamorphism and uplift of the basement : an integrated fluid inclusion study. AGU conference, Spring meeting, Baltimore, p. 69. 109 - Quilez E.*, Vindel E., Sierra J., Lopez Garcia J.A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Characterization of hydrothermal process in tungsten ore deposits of the spanish central system. 16th General IMA meeting, Pisa, p 343. 110 - Quilez E.*, Vindel E., Sierra J., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Lopez Garcia J.A., Caracterizacion del proceso hidrothermal en la mineralizacion de W de El Estepar (Sistema Central Espanol). Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 17, 192-193. 1995 111 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Banks D., Noronha F., Yardley B., Fluid circulation during retrograde metamorphism and uplift : an integrated study of bulk and individual fluid inclusion chemistryof NW Iberian quartz veins. EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 112 - Barakat A.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Durisova J., Moravek P., Microfissure permeability and fluid migration in gold bearing Mokrsko granodiorite (Bohemia). EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 113 - Doria A.*, Noronha F., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fluid-rock interactions in C-rich units during ductile to brittle deformation related to regional metamorphism (Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Northern Portugal). EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 114 - Cathelineau M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Banks D., Boiron M.C.,Yardley B., Lespinasse M., Poty B., Fluid inputs and mass transfer during alpine brittle deformation of the Mont Blanc granite. EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 115 - Ayt Ougougdal M.*, Cathelineau M., Pironon J., Boiron M.C. Banks D.,Yardley B., Diagenetic salt-rich and organic-rich fluid migration in the Rhine graben triassic sandstones (Soultz deep drilling) EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 116 - Garcia E.*, Lopez Garcia J.A., Vindel E., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Reconstruction of paleofluid migration in microfissured granites : application to W-Sn veins of the Spanih Central system. EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 117 - Pironon J.*, Dubessy J., Jacolin E., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Potassium-ammonium exchange during experimental clay-water interactions. EUG VIII, Strasbourg, avril 1995, p. 104. 118 - Martin Romera C.*, Vindel E., Lopez Garcia J.A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Geometry of magmatic/metamorphic fluid migration related to miarolitic cavities and W-Mo concentrations (Spanih Central system). EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995. 119 - Yardley B.W.D.*, Meere P., Cathelineau M., Valley J.W., Are quartz veins forming under Strasbourg today ? A stable isotope study of vein quartz from Soultz sous Forets. EUG VIII, Strasbourg, Avril 1995, 120 - Elie M., Cathelineau M., Ruck R., Landais P.* Interactions between clay minerals and kerogen during confined pyrolysis : mineralogical and chemical evidences. A.C.S. Meeting, Geochemistry Division, Annaheim, 2-6 Avril 1995, Abst. 061. 121 - Ayt Ougougdal M.*, Cathelineau M., Pironon J., Boiron M.C., Banks D., Yardley B.W.D., Salt-rich and organic-rich fluid migration in the rhine graben triassic sandstones (soultz deep drilling). ECROFI XIII, Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 18-1, 13-14. 122 - Barakat A., Cathelineau M., Canals M., Boiron M.C., Durisova J., Banks D., 3D reconstruction and PVTX conditions of microfissural fluid migration and extensional vein formation : examples of Mokrsko (Bohemia) and Malpica -Tuy shear zone granites (Galicia). ECROFI XIII, Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 18-1, 22-23. 123 - Cathelineau M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Banks D., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., Poty B., Fluids inputs and mass transfer during alpine brittle deformation of the Mont-Blanc. ECROFI XIII, Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 18-1,34-35. 124 - Martin Romera C.*, Vindel E., Lopez J., Cathelineau M., Relationships between fluid migration and regional stress filed in mineralized pegmatites : an example from the Spanish Central System. ECROFI XIII, Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 18-1,135-136 125 - Noronha F.*, Vindel E., Lopez Garcia J.A., Doria A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fluid evolution associated with W- (Sn) - sulphide quartz veins in the Iberian Peninsula. ECROFI XIII, Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 18-1, 164-165 126 - Quilez E.*, Morales S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Fluid inclusion studies and geochemical features of the formation of W-Mo sulphides from Cabeza Lijar ore deposits (Spanish Central System). ECROFI XIII, Bol. Soc. Esp. Min., 18-1, 198-199. 127 - Blanc P.*, Fritz B., Duplay J., Cathelineau M., Ruck R. Thermodynamical modelisation of montmorillonite/solution interactions at elevated temperatures. Journées de Minéralogie, Strasbourg, Eur. J. Mineral., 7, compléments. 128 - Cathelineau M., Mustin C., Guerci A;, Peiffert C., Cuney M., Ruhlman F. Natural retardation of element release in mine wastes affected by bio-oxidation and acid drainage : An analytical experimental and numerical approach. Proc. “ Waste solidification - stabilization processes ”, Nancy, p14.. 129 - Kirkwood D., Boullier A.M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Cathelineau M., Gapais D., Geraud Y., Gratier J.P., Lespinasse M., Marquer D., Mullis J. Poty B. Chemical and physical effects of fluids in shear zones : example of the Aar Massif (Swiss Alps). Penrose Conference, Boston. 1996 130 - Essarraj S.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Pironon J., Chouhaidi M, Mellal A., El Boukhari A., Fluides associés aux minéralisations argentifères du gisement de zgounder, Anti-Atlas, Maroc. 16° Réunion des Scienes de la Terre, Soc. Geo. Fr. edit, p. 154. 131 - Bakker R.J.*, Boiron M.C., Thiery R., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Computerized clathrate stability model : Specification of metamorphic fluids in inclusions. Goldschmit Conference, Heidelberg, avril 1996. 132 - Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Fluid inclusion chronology in authigenic or microfissured minerals : The use of cathodoluminescence. Proc. of the International Conference on Cathodoluminescence and Related Techniques in Geosciences and Geomatérials, Nancy, 29-30. 1997 133 - Andre A.S.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Leroy J. L. Lespinasse M,. Fluid inclusion planes (FIP) geometry and P-T-X conditions of fluid migration in the St Sylvestre granite (NW French Massif Central). Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,6-7 134 - Ayt Ougougdal M.*, Cathelineau M., Banks D., Boiron M.C. Poty B., Fluid and mass transfer around alpine fissures : A comparison between the Mont Blanc granite and the Aar granodiorite. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,19-20. 135 - Ayt Ougougdal M.*, Cathelineau M., Elie M., Ruck R., Trouiller A., Low temperature diagenesis of Oxfordian shales in the Paris basin : A multidisciplinary study of fluid inclusions, organic matter and clays. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,21-22. 136 - Cathelineau M., Banks D., Ayt Ougougdal M., Banks D., PIRONON J., Boiron M.C. Dubessy J., Yardley B., Fluid mixing during brine and oil migration at the basement - sedimentary cover contact in the Rhine graben (Soultz deep drilling) : new fluid chemistry data. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 60-61. 137 - Essarraj S.*, Boiron M.C. Banks D., PIRONON J., El Boukhari A. Cathelineau M., Fluids associated to silver deposition in Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco. A comparison between Zgounder and Bou Azzer Silver deposits. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 100-101. 138 - Garcia E.*, Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Geometry of fluid migration in granites : the example of the Spanish Central system. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 117-118. 139 - Guerci A.*, Cathelineau M., Banks D., Komninou A., Ayt Ougougdal M.,. Poty B., Numerical modelling of fluid rock interaction using fluid inclusion composition : the example of the Alpine fissures. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,140-141. 140 - Izquierdo G., Arellano V., Cathelineau M., P-T-X conditions of formation of zeolites, clays and clays calc-silicates in the Los Azufres geothermal field Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,151-152. 141 - Lespinasse M,. Cathelineau M., Paleostress magnitude determination by using fault slip and fluid inclusion planes (FIP) data. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,178-179. 142 - Lespinasse M.*,. Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Leroy J. What is the usefulness of fluid inclusion planes (FIP) ? Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,180-181. 143 - Marignac C.*, Cathelineau M., Banks D., Boiron M.C. Ayt Ougougdal M., Argouarc’h Y., Poty B., Alpine fault sealing at the contact between a crystalline basement and its sedimentary cover : La Gardette (French Alps). Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 194-195. 144 - Mathieu R.*, Cuney M., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Pironon J., Boiron M.C., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Fluid movements in Franceville basin and around the Oklo nuclear reaction zones (Gabon) : Synthesis of the fluid inclusion data and new geochemical characteristics Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 200-201. 145 - Montomoli C.*, Ruggieri G., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Pressure temperature conditions during late extensional tectonic in the Northern Apennines : A fluid inclusion study in syntectonic veins of the Tuscan nappe. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,213-214. 146 - Moura A.J.*, Noronha F., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Fluids from the Neves-Corvo volcanic massive sulfide deposit, Portugal. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,213-214. 147 - Nivlet P.*, Nogueira P., Canals M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Cathelineau M., Statistic and fractal analysis of sets of fluid inclusion planes : implications for the reconstruction of paleopermeability tensors. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 220-221. 148 - Nogueira P.*, Noronha F., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Paleocirculation of gold mineralizing fluids in granitic rocks from NW Portugal. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds, 241-242. 149 - Noronha F.*, Vindel E., Lopez J.A., Doria A., Garcia E., Boiron M.C. Cathelineau M., Fluids related to tungsten mineralizations in Northern Portugal and Spanish Central system : a comparative study. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,245-246. 150 - Quilez E.*, Morales-Ruano S., Boiron M.C. Cathelineau M., The thermochemical evolution of complex-aqueous-carbonic fluid inclusions and their relation with the style of mineralization in W-Mo-sulphide deposits in the Spanish Central System. Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,280-281. 151 - Vallance J.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Fluid migration in granites associated to Au-W mineralizations : The example of the Blond granite (North West French Massif Central). Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,333-334. 152 - Villa I.M., Bakker R., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Ar isotope analysis and detailed analytical characterization of fluid inclusions from well Bruciano (Larderello geothermal field). Proc. ECROFI XIV, Nancy, Boiron and Pironon Eds,341-342. 153 - Ayt Ougougdal M.*, Canals M., Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M. Reconstitution des percolations des fluides associés à la formation des épisyénites de la Marche occidentale (NW du M.C.F.) “ Hydrodynamique et Interactions fluides -roches dans les roches poreuses et fracturées, Montpellier, avril 1997, 5-6 154 - Canals M.*, Ayt Ougougdal M., Cathelineau M., Analogues numériques pour l’étude des réseaux de fractures “ Hydrodynamique et Interactions fluides -roches dans les roches poreuses et fracturées, Montpellier, avril 1997, 45-46. 155 - Cathelineau M., Ayt Ougougdal M., Boiron M.C., Canals M., Ecoulements des fluides crustaux dansn les roches microfissurées : apport de l’approche multidiscplinaire des inclusions fluides “ Hydrodynamique et Interactions fluides -roches dans les roches poreuses et fracturées, Montpellier, avril 1997, Conférence invitée. 1998 156- Andre A.S.*, Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Leroy J., Evolution des circulations fluides et des régimes P-T dans le massif de St Sylvestre par l’utilisation des plans d’inclusions fluides. RST 98, Brest, p. 63. 157- Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Coulibaly Y., Boiron M.C., Ayt Ougougdal M., Paléopercolations dans les plutonites de Charroux-Civray. RST 98, Brest, p. 87. 158- Marignac C*, Vallance J., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Les fluides associés à la minéralisation Sn-W de Vaulry (Massif de Blond, Limousin). RST 98, Brest, p. 156. 159 - Boiron M.C., Barakat A, Cathelineau M., Banks D., Durisova J., Moravek P., 3 D geometry reconstruction and P-V-T-X conditions of microfissural ore fluids migration in crystalline rocks : The example of the Mokrsko Au- bearing granodiorite (Bohemian massif). Proc. of the PACROFI VII, Las Vegas, p. 17. 160 - Cathelineau M., Banks D., Boiron M.C., Ayt Ougougdal M., Yardley B., Chemistry of brines migrating at the basement -sedimentary cover contact : The example of Soultz (Rhine grabben). Proc. of the PACROFI VII, Las Vegas, p. 22. 161 - Cathelineau M., Guerci A., Banks D., Boiron M.C., Ayt Ougougdal M., Numerical modelling of water-rock interaction using reconstructed fluid composition : A muti-charactrization of alpine fissure fluids. Proc. of the PACROFI VII, Las Vegas, p. 23. 162 - Mosser-Ruck R.*, Cathelineau M. Evidence of dehydrated smectit layers in interstratified clays. Contribution of XRD, microprobe and TEM analysis. Colloque MAGI’50. Cinquantenaire de l’Ecole de Géologie de Nancy. 21 et 22 septembre 1998. 163 - Roubeuf V.*, Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Giffaut E. Réactivité de matériaux argileux soumis à des cycles d'humectation/dessication. Réunion spécialisée ASF-SGF “ argiles: sédimentologie, diagenèse, environnement”. 20 et 21 novembre 1998. Lille. 164 - Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Roubeuf V., Trouiller A. Cristallochimie détaillée des siltites du Gard et argilites de la Haute Marne: implications sur la diagénèse des sédiments. Réunion spécialisée ASF-SGF “ argiles: sédimentologie, diagenèse, environnement”. 20 et 21 novembre 1998. Lille. 165 - Mosser-Ruck R.*, Cathelineau M., Roubeuf V., Trouiller A. Stabilité thermique des sédiments callovo-oxfordiens de bassin de Paris: comportement des argiles. Réunion spécialisée ASF-SGF “ argiles: sédimentologie, diagenèse, environnement”. 20 et 21 novembre 1998. Lille. 166 - Mosser-Ruck R., V. Roubeuf, M. Elie, S. Buschaert, A. Trouiller, M. Cathelineau, Minéralogie des siltites du Gard et des argilites de la Haute Marne: Nature des argiles et des M.O. associées et implications sur la diagenèse des sédiments, Colloque ASF/SGF ‘Argiles’, Nov. 98, Lille. 1999 167 - Andre A.S.*, Lespinasse M., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Leroy J., Evidence of pale-geothermal conditions and extended fluid migration within the St Sylvestre granite (Razes-St Pardoux, NW French Massif Central). EUG, 28 march-1 april 1999, Strasbourg. 168 - Buschaert S.*, S. Fourcade, Cathelineau M., J. F. Aranyossy, V. Lavastre, M. Javoy, Colmatage de la porosité et des discontinuités dans les sédiments de la série mésozoïque du site de l’Est (Haute Marne, Meuse), Colloque GdR FORPRO (CNRS-ANDRA), Sept. 99, Montpellier, France. 169 - Buschaert S.*, S. Fourcade, M. Cathelineau, J. F. Aranyossy, V. Lavastre, M. Javoy, Colmatage de la porosité et des discontinuités dans les sédiments de la série mésozoïque du site de l’Est (Haute Marne, Meuse). Journées Scientifiques ANDRA, Déc. 99, Nancy, France. 170 - Buschaert S.*, V. Roubeuf, R. Mosser-Ruck, M. Cathelineau, J. Brulhet, J.F. Aragnossy, Néoformations argileuses anté-syn cimentation carbonatée dans les siltites Albiennes de Marcoule (Gard) Congrès de Sédimentologie, (ASF/SGF), Nov. 99, Nancy, France. 171 - Cathelineau M., Freiberger R., Boiron M.C., Ayt Ougougdal M., Cuney M., Coulibaly Y., Banks D., Aranyossy J.F., Virlogeux D., Leutch Y., Reconstruction of paleofluid percolation in the Vienne granites : evidence of fluid circulation restricted to major geodynamic events. ECROFI XV, 21-24 june 1999, Potsdam, Germany. 172 - Cathelineau M., Lespinasse M., Boiron M.C., Fluid inclusion planes : a geochemical and structural tool for the reconstruction of paleofluid migration. Fluids and fractures in the lithosphere, 26-27 mars 1999, Nancy. 173 - Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Elie M., Landais P., Roubeau V., Buschaert S., Trouiller A., Vigneron G. Origine sédimentologique des transitions minéralogiques et géochimiques observées dans les argilites callovo-oxfordiennes du Bassin de Paris. 7ième Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Nancy, 15-17 novembre 1999. 174 - Cathelineau M., S. Buschaert, M.C. Boiron, N. Clauer, D. Rousset, S. Fourcade, A. Meunier, J. Lancelot, M. Javoy, J.F. Aranyossy, Paléopercolations polyphasées dans les fractures des plutonites de la Vienne : exemple des gouges argileuses), Colloque GdR FORPRO (CNRS-ANDRA), Sept. 99, Montpellier, France. 175 - Diagana B., Marignac C.*, Banks D., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Deschamps Y., Marcoux E. Metamorphic reworking of the "stockwork" ores in the VMS deposits of the South Iberian Pyrite Belt : a fluid inclusion and d180 study at the Tharsis deposit. ECROFI XV, 21-24 june 1999, Potsdam, Germany. 176 - Diagana B.*, Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Marcoux E., Deschamps Y., Cathelineau M., The effects of Hercynian metamorphism on "Stockwork" ores in VMS deposits (La Zarza, Tharsis) of the south Iberic pyritous belt : mineralogical and fluid inclusion data. Fluids and fractures in the lithosphere, 26-27 mars 1999, Nancy. 177 - Diagana B.*, Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Marcoux E., Deschamps Y., Cathelineau M., The effect of hercynian metamorphism on "Stockwork" ores in VMS deposits (La Zarza, Tharsis) of the South Iberic pyritous belt : mineralogical and fluid inclusion data. EUG, 25 march-1 april 1999, Strasbourg. 178 - Essarraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Silver transport and deposition at Zgounder and Bou Azzer deposits, Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco. EUG, 28 march-1 april 1999, Strasbourg. 179 - Essarraj S., Hibti M., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Hercynian metamorphism of the Hajar Pb-Zn-Cu massive sulfide deposit, Guemassa, Morocco : Preliminary results from fluid inclusion study. ECROFI XV, 21-24 june 1999, Potsdam, Germany. 180 - Fabre C.*, Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Analysis of fluid inclusions by laser ablation - optical emission spectroscopy, microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy : a reconstruction of the composition and temperature of trapped fluids. ECROFI XV, 21-24 june 1999, Potsdam, Germany. 181 - Fabre C.*, Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Analyses d’inclusions fluides par ablation lase-spectrométrie d’émission optique: reconstitution de la compostion ionique des paléofluides et implications géothermométriques. Réunion de la Société française de Minéralogie et de cristallographie, “Interactions fluides- minéraux dans la croûte”, publié dans le bulletin de liason de la SFMC, Paris, 14-15 octobre 1999, 75-76 182 - Fourcade S., S. Buschaert, M. Cathelineau, F. Martineau, J.L. Michelot, J.F. Aranyossy, Origine des fluides circulant dans le socle de la Vienne: Etude isotopique des quartz des fractures et des calcites diagénétiques). Colloque GdR FORPRO (CNRS-ANDRA), Sept. 99, Montpellier, France. 183 - Mosser-Ruck R.*, Pironon J., Cathelineau M., Trouiller A. Simulation expérimentale de la transformation smectite-illite : contribution de l’analyse des solutions à l’équilibre à l’interprétation des mécanismes de transformation. 7ième Congrès Français de Sédimentologie. Nancy. 15-17 novembre 1999. 184 - Roubeuf V.*, Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Giffaut E. Réactivité de matériaux argileux soumis à des cycles d'humectation/dessication. Réunion SFMC “ Interactions fluides-minéraux dans la croûte ”. Paris. 14-15 octobre 1999. 185 - Roubeuf V.*, R. Mosser-Ruck, M. Cathelineau, S. Buschaert, M.C. Boiron, L. Griffaut, G. Vigneron, Caractéristiques minéralogiques et cristallochimiques des argilites callovo-oxfordiennes de la Haute-Marne, 7ième Congrès Français de Sédimentologie. Nancy. 15-17 novembre 1999. 186 - Vallance J.*, Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Fluid migration in granites associated with W-Sn-(Au) ores : the example of the Vaulry deposit in the Blond rare metal granite (NW French Massif Central). Fluids and fractures in the lithosphere, 26-27 mars 1999, Nancy. 187 - Vallance J.*, Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Fluid migration in granites associated with W-Sn-(Au) ores : the example of the Vaulry deposit in the Blond rare metal granite (NW French Massif Central). EUG, 28 march-1 april 1999, Strasbourg. 2000 188-Boiron M.C. *, Cathelineau M., Banks D., Vallance J., Fourcade S., Marignac Ch., Behaviour of fluid in variscan crust during late carboniferous : uplifting and fluid mixing, and their consequences on metal transfer and deposition. A geode-geofrance 3D workshop on orogenic gold deposits in Europe with emphasis on the variscides. Documents du BRGM 297, 56-57. 7-8 novembre 2000, BRGM, Orléans. 189-Fourcade S.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Guerrot C., Lerouge C., Marignac Ch., Martineau F., Vallance J., Fluids and late carboniferous variscan gold mineralizations in the French Massif Central. The bearing of stable isotopes. A geode-geofrance 3D workshop on orogenic gold deposits in Europe with emphasis on the variscides. Documents du BRGM 297, 58-59. 7-8 novembre 2000, BRGM, Orléans. 190-Vallance J. *, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Marignac Ch. Fluid migration and alteration in the granite hosting the Moulin de Cheni gold mineralization (Saint-Yrieix district, Limousin, France). A geode-geofrance 3D workshop on orogenic gold deposits in Europe with emphasis on the variscides. Documents du BRGM 297, 73-74. 7-8 novembre 2000, BRGM, Orléans. 191-Marignac Ch. *, Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Vallance J., Souhassou M. The Q-Au lodes of W Europe : towards the definition of a variscan-type of shear-zone hosted gold deposits. A geode-geofrance 3D workshop on orogenic gold deposits in Europe with emphasis on the variscides. Documents du BRGM 297,82-85. 7-8 novembre 2000, BRGM, Orléans. 192-Shepherd T.J.*, Badenhorst C., Cathelineau M., Naden J., Vallance J. Vacikov-petrackova hora revisited : a classic, arsenic-deficient bohemian gold deposit. A geode-geofrance 3D workshop on orogenic gold deposits in Europe with emphasis on the variscides. Documents du BRGM 297, 102. 7-8 novembre 2000, BRGM, Orléans. 193-Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Barakat A., Banks D.A., Durisova J., Moravek P. Microfissuration and ore fluid migration in granodiorite hosted gold deposit (Mokrsko, Bohemia). A geode-geofrance 3D workshop on orogenic gold deposits in Europe with emphasis on the variscides. Documents du BRGM 297, 103. 7-8 novembre 2000, BRGM, Orléans. 2001 194- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Essarraj S., Fourcade S., Marignac C.* Souhassou M., Vallance J. The Q-Au lodes of western europe : fluid mixing and gold deposition during the late carboniferous uplift of the variscan belt. Strasbourg, 8-12 avril 2001, EUG XI, 273. 195- Boiron M.C.*, Cathelineau M., Banks D.A. and Fourcade S. Au-As ore fluids in the variscan belt (French Massif Central, North Iberia and Bohemian Massif) a comparison of their fluid chemistry and their isotopic signature. Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 53-55. 196- Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Diagana B., Boiron M.C., Bands D.A., Fourcade S. and Martineau P-T-X fluid evolution during the deformation and the metamorphism of the South Iberian pyrite belt. Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 85-88. 197- Essarraj S., Boiron M.C. and Cathelineau M. Dilution of brines as a major mechanism for silver deposition at Imiter and Zgounder Ag deposits, Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 143-144. 198- Jeanningros A.*, Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C. and Ruggieri G. Fluid inclusions studies in the intermediate zone of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy). Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 221-223. 199- Montomoli C.*, Ruggieri G., Cathelineau M. and Boiron M.C. P-T conditions during fluid migration in syntectonic veins of the Massa Unit of the Monti Pisani (Northern Apennines, Italy). Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 311-313. 200- Vallance J.*, Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Shepherd T.J. and Naden J. Role of aplitic magmatism and C-rich rocks in the Castromil gold deposit (North Portugal). Porto, Portugal, 2-4 mai 2001, ECROFI XVI, 443-446. 201- Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Buschaert S. Systèmes eaux -fractures en domaine granitique et argileux. GdR FORPRO Colloque 2001, LaGrande-Motte, 17-18-19 septembre. 2002 202- Jeanningros A.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Ruggieri G. (2002) - Composition chimique des paléofluides du champ géothermique de Larderello (Italie). 19ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 9-12 avril 2002, Nantes, 145. 203- Le Hébel F.*, Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Fourcade S., Gapais D., Capdevila R. (2002) - Déformation continentale et histoire des fluides. 19ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 9-12 avril 2002, Nantes, 160. 204- Guillaume D, Pironon J, Charpentier D, Ghanbaja J, Abdelmoula M, Cathelineau M & Mosser-Ruck R. Valence of iron in smectites and redox conditions. Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Reims, December 9-12, 2002. 205- Guillaume D, Neaman A, Cathelineau M, Mosser-Ruck R, Dubessy J, Villiéras F, Michau N. Smectite- iron interactions at 80 and 300°C. Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Reims, December 9-12, 2002. 206- Guillaume D, Cathelineau M, Mosser-Ruck R & Dubessy J. Experimental study of the smectite to chlorite transition at 300°C in the presence of metallic iron. 18th general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. Edinburgh, September 1-6, 2002. 207- D. Guillaume, A. Neaman, M. Cathelineau, R. Mosser-Ruck, J. Dubessy, F. Villiéras, N. Michau Smectite-iron interactions at 80 and 300°C. Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 208- D. Guillaume, J. Pironon, D. Charpentier, J. Ghanbaja, M. Abdelmoula, M. Cathelineau, R. Mosser-Ruck Valence in smectites and redox conditions. Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 209- M. Cathelineau, Ch. Peiffert, D. Charpentier, R. Ruck, M.C Boiron, D. Banks Interstitial fluids in clay rich sediments : lixiviation methods and application to three clay study sites (Monterri, tournemire, bure). Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 210- Pironon Jacques, mosser-ruck Régine Nitrogen accumulation in clays: solid-solution equilibrium and risk of gas generation. Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 211- R. Mosser-Ruck, V. Huault, M. Elie Clay mineralogy changes at the callovian-oxfordian boundary of the paris basin : a signal for paleo-environmental modifications ? Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 212- R. Mosser-Ruck, M. Elie, V. Roubeuf, M. Cathelineau, P. Landais Thermal stability of the callovian-oxfordian sediments of the paris basin : study of the clays and organic matter reactivities. Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 213- R. Mosser-Ruck, M. Cathelineau, M. Boutiche Experimental transformation of smectite under basic conditions : simulation of cement pore fluid-bentonite interactions.Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for radioactive Waste confinement, REIMS December 9-12, 2002 International Meeting. 214- Derome, D., Cuney, M., Cathelineau, M., Fabre, C., Lhomme, T. Reconstitution of the composition of individual fluid inclusion using microthermometry, Raman microspectroscopy and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Application to the Shea Creek uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). GACMAC 2002. Saskatoon. Abstact volume 27, p27. 215- Derome, D., Cuney, M., Cathelineau, M., Fabre, C., Lhomme, T., Banks, D.: Reconstitution de la chimie des paleofluides à l’interface socle-couverture gréseuse. Application à la genèse des gisements d'uranium de type discordance. RST 2002-Nantes. 216- Peiffert, C. M. Cathelineau, F. Ruhlmann, J. Thiry and V. Moulin. (2002) Speciation and Transport of uranium at low concentration in rivers : application to a study case (The La Crouzille uranium district, Northern Limousin, France.“ Mobility in Biosphere of Iodine, Technetium, Selenium and Uranium ” International Worshop Andra IUR Nancy 2002 217- Cathelineau M. et Peiffert C. (2002) Spéciation et transport de l’uranium à faible concentration dans les rivières : exemple de l’aval du site minier de la Crouzille. RST 2002 Nantes 218- Peiffert C. et Cathelineau M. (2002) Adsorption de l’uranium sur les particules et phénomène d’accumulation naturelle : sédiments de rivières et de lac du nord du Limousin. RST 2002 Nantes 2003 219- Jeanningros A. Boiron M.-C., Vanderhaeghe O., Teyssier Ch., Cathelineau. M., 2003, Fluid-rock interaction during the formation of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex in the Canadian cordillera. EUG, Nice, Avril 2003. 220- Cathelineau M. Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Marignac C., 2003, Heat and mass transfers in the Late Variscan crust : evidence from gold deposits (on the example of the French Massif Central). EUG, Nice, Avril 2003. 221- Cathelineau M., Chantal Peiffert , François Ruhlmann, Jacques Thiry and Valérie. Moulin (2003) Uranium adsorption on particles and natural phenomenon of accumulation: river and lake sediments of the North of Limousin. U geochemistry 2003 Nancy 222- Derome, D., Cathelineau, M., Cuney, M., Lhomme, T.: Fluid inclusion evidence of the differential migration of H2 and O2 in the McArthur River unconformity-type uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). Possible role on the host rock alteration. GEOFLUIDS VI. May 2003. Utrecht. 223- Derome, D., Cuney, M., Cathelineau, M., Fabre, C.: Reconstitution of the P, T, x properties of paleofluids in the McArthur River unconformity-type uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada). . URANIUM 2003-April 2003. Nancy. 224- Cuney M., Brouand M,. Cathelineau M., Derome D., Freiberger R., Hecht L., Kister P., Lobaev V., Lorilleux G., Peiffert Ch., Bastoul A. (2003) - What parameters control the high grade - large tonnage of the Proterozoic unconformity related uranium deposits ? Uranium Geochemistry, Nancy, 123-126. 225- Faure P., Peiffert C., Mansuy-Huault L., Su X., Cathelineau M. (2003) - Microscopic, elemental and molecular characterisation of polluted soil and correlation with potential sources. Congrès Soil of Urban, Industrial, Traffic ands Mining Areas, Nancy, France. 2004 226- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Banks D.A., Fourcade S. (2004) - Detailed paleofluid chemistry in hercynian gold bearing quartz veins: a multi-technique study from fluid inclusions and isotopic geochemistry. RST 20-25 septembre 2004, Strasbourg, RSTGV-A-00293 227- Charpentier D., Devineau K., Mosser-Ruck R., Cathelineau M., Villiéras F., Michau N. (2004) - Smectite-iron interaction under alkaline conditions: an experimental approach RST 20-25 septembre 2004, Strasbourg, RSTGV-A-00113 228- Derome D., Cuney M., Cathelineau M. (2004) - Etude des paleofluides associes au gisement d’uranium de Rabbit Lake (Saskatchewan, Canada): chronologie et composition. RST 20-25 septembre 2004, Strasbourg, RSTGV-A-00602 229- Gloaguen É., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Marignac C. (2004) - Late-hercynian gold mineralisation (Brués, Galicia, NW Spain): p-t-x conditions from fluid inclusion studies. RST 20-25 septembre 2004, Strasbourg RSTGV-A-00246 230- Peiffert C., Bouichet G., Traore D., Cathelineau M., Colin F. (2004) - Ni, Cr, and Co transfer during the erosion of laterites developed on ultrabasic formations (Rivière des Pirogues area, New Caledonia). RST 20-25 septembre 2004, Strasbourg, RSTGV-A-00405 2005 231- Barakat A., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (2005) - Geology and fluid characteristics of the Ourika and Bleida gold mineralizations (Morocco) ECROFI XVIII – Siena 6 - 9 July 2005 232- Boiron M.C., Boulvais P., Cathelineau M., Banks D., Calvayrac N., Hubert G. (2005) - Fluid circulation at the origin of the Trimouns talc deposit (Pyrenees, France) ECROFI XVIII – Siena 6 - 9 July 2005 233- Cathelineau M., Guillaume D., Mosser-Ruck R. Dubessy J. Charpentier D. Villiéras F. Michau N. (2005) - Dissolution – crystallization processes affecting di-octahedral smectite in presence of iron metal: Implication on mineral distribution in clay barriers. International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 35 234- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Jeanningros A., Ruggieri G. (2005)-Production of CO2 and CH4 during thermo-metamorphism and P-T-x conditions in the biotite zone of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) ECROFI XVIII – Siena 6 - 9 July 2005 235- Cathelineau M., Boiron MC, Derome D., Cuney M., Fabre C., Banks D. (2005)- Source and nature of brines in proterozoic basins (Saskatchewan (Canada) and northern territories (Australia)) ECROFI XVIII – Siena 6 - 9 July 2005 236- Charpentier D., R., Devineau K., Cathelineau M., Rousset D. (2005) - Clay-iron interactions under high ph conditions: an experimental approach. International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement p. 361 238-Masrouri F., Cuisinier O., Abdallah A., Cathelineau M., Mosser-Ruck R., Peiffert C., Villieras F., Barnichon J.D. (2005) - Chemo-mechanical couplings in treated compacted argillite. International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, p. 751 239- Michel P. Nguyen-Trung C., Richard L., Cathelineau M., Michels R., Clauer N., Trouiller A. (2005) - Hydrous pyrolysis investigations on clay-organic interactions of standardized and natural mixtures. International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. p.97 240-Salze D., Boiron M.C., Richard L., Cathelineau M., Siozac N., Dubessy J. (2005) - A fluid inclusion and geochemical modelling study of fluid-rock interactions in the Kalgoorlie gold deposits, Yilgarn Craton, western Australia ECROFI XVIII – Siena 6 - 9 July 2005 245- Siebenaller L., Fourcade S., Techer I.,. Hibsch C, Cathelineau M. (2005) - Isotopic signatures (13C, 18O and 87Sr / 86Sr) of paleofluids related to different fracturing and diagenetic stages in the dogger limestones from Est 210 drilling. Comparisons with the isotopic signatures of the callovian-oxfordian clays from the Meuse/Hte Marne laboratory. International Meeting, March 14-18, 2005, Tours, France Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, p. 425 2006 246- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Salze D., Siozac N. , Richard L. , Dubessy J. (2006) -. Redox processes and gold deposition : A comparison between Archean and Hercynian deposits based on inclusion fluid chemistry and geochemical modelling. Bilan et perspectives du GDR Transmet, Nancy, 102-104 247- Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Fabre C., Cathelineau M., Sausse J., Vanderhaeghe O.,Bourlange S., (2006) - Circulations de fluides crustaux et transfert de matière. Journées Scientifiques de la Fédération EST, Pont à Mousson, Janvier 2006. (O) 248- Cuney M., Cathelineau M., Fabre C., Derome D., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., 2006. Origin and role of brines in the transport of metals: Analytical advances and application to the conceptual odels for the genesis of uranium deposits. Bilan et perspectives du GDR Transmet, Nancy, 143-145. (O) 249- Gloaguen E., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Lerouge C., Fourcade S.; Branquet Y., Chauvet A., Bouchot V., Le Goff E. (2006) - Compared model of formation of Au, Sn-W and ta-Nb-Li-Sn ore deposits within the Tras-Os Montes domain of the Hercynian orogen (NW Spain); The role of intrusion on the mineralogical and fluid inclusion. Bilan et perspectives du GDR Transmet, Nancy, 115-119, (O) 250-Salze D., Boiron M.C., Richard L., Cathelineau M., Siozac N., Dubessy J. (2006) - A fluid inclusion and geochemical modelling study of fluid rock interactions in the Kalgoorlie gold deposits, Yilgarn craton, western Australia. Bilan et perspectives du GDR Transmet, Nancy, p 139. (P) 251- Yensepbayev T., Izart A., Joltaev G., Elie M., Cathelineau M. (2006) - Paleothermicity and hydrocarbons generation of the eastern part of the precaspian basin and pre-uralian basin (KAZAKHSTAN) "Latin American Association of Organic Geochemistry- ALAGO" 2007 252- Barakat A., Marignac C., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (2007) - Deciphering superinposed Panafrican and Variscan hydrothermal events through a fluid inclusion study in relation with deformation : the gold occurrence of Ourika (Western High Atals, Morocco). ECROFI XIX, Bern, juillet 2007. P56, 244 253- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Vallance J., Banks D.A., Fourcade S. (2007) - Mesothermal gold deposits from the Variscan belt: A model for gold deposition based on fluid mixing during exhumation, SGA meeting, Dublin, Aout 2007. 254- Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C. (2007) - Present-day and paleo-geothermal fields related to granites: origin and composition of related fluids. Enhanced Geothermal Innovative network for Europe, « Exploring high temperature reservoirs: new challenges for geothermal energy » Workshop 2, Voltera, Avril 2007, p13-15. (O) 255- Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Boiron MC, Derome D., Fabre C., Richard A. (2007) - Fluid mixing and uranium deposition in unconformity type deposits (Saskatchewan, Canada, Northern Territories, Australia) SGA 2007 Dublin Aout. 256- Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Dubessy J., Fabre C., Boulvais P., Banks D.A. (2007) - Na-Ca-Mg rich brines and talc formation in the giant talc deposit of Trimouns (Pyrenees) : Fluid inclusion chemistry and stable isotope study. ECROFI XIX, Bern, juillet 2007. 036, 90 257- Mosser-Ruck R., Richard L., Cathelineau M. (2007) - Hydrothermal alteration of Callovo-Oxfordian argillite from the paris basin by neutral and alkaline solutions at 150°C and 300°C and in the presence of iron metal. 3ème international meeting Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement – Lille 17 – 20 septembre 2007, 291. 258- Pozzi J.P., Aubourg C., Janots D., Cathelineau M., Clauer N., Rousset D., Ruck R., Liewig N., Techer I. (2007) - Magnetic and mineralogical alterations under thermal stress at 95°C of Callovo-Oxfordian claystones (Bure, France) and lower dogger Mont Terri claystones (Switzerland). 3ème international meeting Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement – Lille 17 – 20 septembre 2007, 89 259- Pierron O., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Fourcade S., Richard L. (2007) - Drastic changes in fluid nature and source during late diagenesis (celestite-quartz veins) of the eastern part of the Paris basin : evidence from Raman spectroscopy and isotope geochemistry. ECROFI XIX, Bern, juillet 2007. O53, 124 260- Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Banks D.A., Mercadier J., Cuney M. (2007) - Fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence for percolation of basinal brines in the Athabasca Basement around the Rabbit Lake, Eagle Point, P-Patch and Millenium unconformity-related uranium deposits, Canada. ECROFI XIX, Bern, juillet 2007, O38, 94 2008 261- Richard A., Boiron M.-C., Cathelineau M., Derome D., Pettke T., Banks D.A., Mercadier J., Cuney M., 2008, Détermination des concentrations en uranium dans les fluides minéralisateurs par abalation laser couplée à l’ICPMS sur inclusions fluides individuelles : le cas des gisements d’uranium de type discordance. RST, 3ème colloque De Launay, Nancy. 262- Belcourt O., Cathelineau M., Peiffert C., France-Lanord C., Buschaert S. (2008) Impact de l’excavation d’une galerie sur la chimie de l’eau en contact avec la roche encaissante: cas des argilites du Laboratoire souterrain de Meuse/Haute-Marne. 22ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, session 17. 263- Ferrage E., Vidal O., Mosser-Ruck R., Fiore S., Martin F., Cathelineau M., Cuadros J. (2008) - Experimental illitization of smectite in hydrothermal conditions: Reappraisal of X-ray diffraction data using profile fitting. 6ème Colloque GFA, Nancy, 21 24 avril 2008. 264- Richard A., Boiron M.-C., Cathelineau M., Derome D., Pettke T., Banks D., Mercadier J., Cuney M., 2008, U concentrations in ore fluids: A LA-ICP-MS investigation of fluids associated with unconformity-related uranium deposits.GAC-MAC, Québec. 265- Belcourt O., Cathelineau M., Peiffert C., France-Lanord C., Buschaert S. (2008) - Impact de l’excavation d’une galerie sur la chimie de l’eau en contact avec la roche encaissante: cas des argilites du Laboratoire souterrain de Meuse/Haute-Marne. 22ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 21-24 Avril 2008, Nancy. 266- Ferrage E., Vidal O., Mosser-Ruck R., Fiore S., Martin F., Cathelineau M., Cuadros J. (2008) - Experimental illitization of smectite in hydrothermal conditions: Reappraisal of X-ray diffraction data using profile fitting. 6ème Colloque GFA, Nancy, 21 - 24 avril 2008. 267- Hibsch C., Siebenaller L., Cathelineau M., Andre G., Fourcade S., Vennin E., Techer I., Deschamps P. (2008) - Histoire du site Meuse Haute Marne et conséquences sur les propriétés des argilites. Paléocirculations de fluides et cimentation. Journée GdR Forpro "Bilans du groupement Forpro I", Orsay. 268- Jodin-Caumon M.C., Rousset D., Mosser-Ruck R., Pierron O., Cathelineau M. (2008) - Interactions fer-argile sous l’action d’un gradient thermique, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre et 6ème Colloque du GFA, Nancy, Avril 2008. 2009 269- Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Banks D.A., Boulvais P., France-Lanord C., Pettke T., 2009. Origin of U-mineralizing brines in the Athabasca basin, Canada. Goldschmidt conference Davos. 270- Dyja V., Hibsch C., Boiron M.C., Carpentier C., Siebenaller L., Cathelineau M., Carillo Rosua J., Morales Ruano S., 2009, Fluids and M.C.C. exhumation, synsedimentary tectonics and metallogenesis along the Palomares fault system (Betics, Spain). XX ECROFI Meeting, Granada, 73-74. 271- Mercadier J., Cathelineau M., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Milesi J.P., 2009, Migration de saumures dans le socle du bassin d'Athabasca, altération et échanges fluide-roche associés. Réunion de la Société Géologique de France, Géochimie et géologie de l’uranium, Orsay, 2009. 272- Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Cuney M., Mercadier J., Milesi J.P., 2009, Origine et composition des fluides minéralisateurs dans le bassin de l'Athabasca, Canada. Réunion de la Société Géologique de France, Géochimie et géologie de l’uranium, Orsay. 273- Richard A., Cathelineau M., Cuney M., Boiron M.-C., Derome D., Fabre C., 2009,Timing, chemistry, and implication of fluids in Canadian and Australian unconformity-related uranium deposits. IAGS, Fredericton 274- Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Derome D., Pettke T., Banks D.A, Mercadier J., Cuney M. (2008) - U concentrations in ore fluids: A LA-ICP-MS investigation of fluids associated with unconformity-related uranium deposits, GAC-MAC meeting, Québec (Canada). 275- Pierron O., Mosser-Ruck R., Caumon M.C., Cathelineau M., Michau N. (2009) - Étude expérimentale des interactions fer-argilite à 90°C et 300°C: influence des rapports Liquide/Roche, Fe/Argilite et de la température sur la nature des phases néoformées. 7ème colloque du GFA, Toulouse 14-16 avril 2009. 276- Cuney M., Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.-C., Derome D., Fabre C., 2009, Physical and chemical characteristics and of the fluids involved in the genesis of unconformity related uranium deposit and the dynamic of their circulation. Geofluids, Adelaïde 2010 277- Clauer N., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Blaise T. (2010) - Extensive mineral authigenesis in the Triassic sandstones cored by The Andra deep drilling in the eastern Paris basin : Which thermal and fluid flow ? 4th Internationnal meeting on Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. Nantes, P/GC/ET/10, p359-360. 278- Jodin-Caumon M.C., Mosser-Ruck R., Randi A., Cathelineau, M., Michau N. (2010) - Iron clay interactions under thermal gradient. Proc Intern. Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered barriers. Nantes 0/04/06, 103-104. 279- Jodin-Caumon M.C., Mosser-Ruck R., Randi, A., Cathelineau M., Michau N. (2010) Iron clay intrecations Under various H2 pressures. Proc Intern. Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered barriers. Nantes PAP/MET/02. 471-472. 280- Mercadier J., Cuney M., Cathelineau M. (2010) - Roll front type U-ore redistribution in unconformity related deposits, A699. 14-18 Juin 2010: Goldschmidt Conference, Knoxville, USA 281- Amisse L., Bergé J., Boulvais Ph., Cathelineau M., Dublet G., Fritsch E., Cluzel D., Fandeur D., Juillot F. (2010) - Compositions isotopiques en O et H des veines de garniérite de Nouvelle-Calédonie. 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 25-29 Octobre 2010, Bordeaux 282- Blaise T., Izart A., Cathelineau M., Michels R., Suarez-Ruiz I., Martinez L. (2010) - Paléo-thermicité des formations mésozoïques de la bordure Est du bassin de Paris: géochimie organique, inclusions fluides et modélisation thermique 1D du forage profond EST 433. Congrès Forpro. 8-9 septembre, Nancy. 283- Richard A., Rozsypal C., Mercadier J., Banks D.A., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (2010) - Les concentrations en uranium dans les fluides minéralisateurs du bassin de l’Athabasca: approche analytique et expérimentale. 29-30 Novembre 2010 : Réunion Spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France,Orsay, France. 284- Jaguin, J., Boulvais, P., Poujol, M. , Boiron, M.C. et Cathelineau, M. (2010). Stable isotope composition of quartz-calcite veins in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Implication for basin-scale fluid circulation. 23eme RST, Bordeaux, 25-29 Octobre 2010. 2011 285- Richard A., Rozsypal C., Mercadier J., Banks D.A., Cuney M., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. (2011) - Conditions for uranium transport in unconformity-related U deposits. Goldschmidt Conference Prague, août 2011, p. 1718. 286- Carpentier C., Hibsch C., Blaise T., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., D'Amato J., Magott R., Villard S. (2011) - Chronologie relative des fluorines, des calcites de blocage et des épisodes de fracturation des carbonates bajociens à barrémiens de l'Est du Bassin de Paris (France). 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Dijon, 14-16 novembre 2011. 287- Blaise T., Cathelineau M., Izart A., Landrein Ph., Boulvais Ph., Clauer N., Techer I., Boiron M.C. (2011) - Diagenèse et transferts dans les formations de l'Est de la France : approche comparative des données thermométriques et source des fluides à l'origine des ciments de la porosité matricielle et fissurale. 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Dijon, 14-16 novembre 2011. 288- Dyja V., Hibsch A., Tarantola M., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Bartier D., Palhol F., Marignac C., Carillo-Rosua J., Morales Ruano S., Augier R., Jolivet L., Boulvais P., Deloule E., Vigier N., Carpentier C. (2011) - Fluides et minéralisations néogènes : marqueurs de l'exhumation et de la transition extension ductile - décrochement lithosphérique dans les Cordillères bétiques internes (Espagne). Ecole Thématique Ressources Minérales : Nouvelles frontières, Orléans, 9 au 11 février 2011. 289- Cathelineau, M., A. Richard, J. Mercadier, M-C. Boiron, M. Cuney, Les gisements d’uranium sous discordance : analogies avec les gisements F-Ba-Pb-Zn(Ag) de type « basin hosted »? Réunion SGF-GUTEC, Orsay, 29-30 Nov. 2011 290- Jaguin, J., Boulvais, P., Poujol, M. , Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M. (2011) stable isotope composition of quartz-calcite veins in the Witwatersrand basin. 23rd CAG, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud (8-14/01/2011). 2012 291- Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M (2011) Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits Goldschmidt 2011Prague 292- Blaise, T. , Clauer, N. Cathelineau, M. Boulvais, P. Boiron,MC , Techer,I. Tarantola, A. et Landrein P. (2012) Dating fluid flow events in a shallow sedimentary basin: the key contribution of K-Ar geochronology of authigenic illite. Goldschmidt conf. 24-29 juin, Montreal, Canada, 293-Richard,A, . Kendrick,M.A., Cathelineau M. (2012) The origin of mineralising brines in unconformity-related U deposits: Insights from noble gases and halogens in fl uid inclusions Goldschmidt conf. 24-29 juin, Montreal, Canada, 294-Mercadier, J., Richard, A., Cathelineau, M., Boiron, M-C. and Cuney, M. (2012) From sources to deposits: recent advances on the u-mineralizing brines in the Athabasca basin (Saskatchewan, Canada) GAC-MAC-St John’s Canada, 27-29 Mai 2012 295- Richard A.(Keynote), Cauzid J., Cathelineau M., Boiron MC, Mercadier J and Cuney M. (2012) Synchotron-XRF and Xanes investigation of fluid inclusions from unconformity-related Uranium deposits. Geofluids, Paris, 6-8 juin 2012 296- T. Blaise, Cathelineau, M., A. Tarantola, M.C. Boiron, A. Izart, P. Boulvais, I. Techer (2012) Paleo-water circulation through an aquifer/aquitard system: a geochemical study of secondary minerals and fluid inclusions at the French prospective radioactive waste disposal site. Geofluids, Paris, 6-8 juin 2012 297- Benoît Quesnel, Philippe Boulvais, Pierre Gautier, Michel Cathelineau, Pierre Maurizot, Dominique Cluzel, Marc Ulrich, Stéphane Guillot, Stéphane Lesimple, Clément Couteau, 2012, Structural characterization of the serpentine sole of the New Caledonia ophiolite, 3rd edition of Serpentine Days 2013 298- Cathelineau, M., Jean-Yves Talbot, Marie-Christine Boiron, Nicolas Gaillard, Michel Cuney, Erkki Vanhanen, Terry Lees, Michael Hudson, Nick Cook, Etienne Deloule, Marc Brouand & Claude Caillat, The atypical Au-(U)-calc-silicate hosted mineralization of Rompas (Northern Finland): fluid-rock interactions and ore genesis. 12 SGA Biennial meeting, Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 299- Andrei Lecomte, Michel Cathelineau, Etienne Deloule, Marc Brouand, Kirsti Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, Esa Pohjolainen & Hannu Lahtinen, Uranium behaviour during metamorphism of black shales: evidencefrom the Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co deposit (Finland). Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 300- Andrei Lecomte, Michel Cathelineau, Raymond Michels & Marc Brouand, Uranium mineralization in the Alum Shale Formation (Sweden). Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 301-,Poujol M, Ballouard C, Boulvais P, Cuney M, Cathelineau M & Gapais D The Uranium Mineralization of Pen Ar Ran (Armorican Massif), France: An Atypical "Vein Type" Deposit, Goldschmidt 2013, Florence , Italie, 25-30 Août 2013 302- Pignatelli I, Mugnaioli E, Hybler J, Mosser-Ruck R & Cathelineau M Characterisation of Cronstedtite Synthesized by Iron Clay Interaction in a Cooling Procedure , Goldschmidt 2013, Florence , Italie, 25-30 Août 2013 303- Belissont R, Boiron M-C, Luais B & Cathelineau M, Ge, Related Trace Elements, and Ge Isotopes in Sphalerite from the Saint-Salvy Deposit (France) by LA-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS , Goldschmidt 2013, Florence , Italie, 25-30 Août 2013 304- Nos J, Boizard A, Peiffert C, Phrommavanh V, Cathelineau M & Descostes M; Geochemical Characterization of Uranium Mill Tailings , Goldschmidt 2013, Florence , Italie, 25-30 Août 2013 306- Keynote: Cathelineau M, Mosser-Ruck R, Pignatelli I, Caumon M-C & Truche L Fe-Serpentines to Fe-Chlorites Experimental Synthesis: An Iron Metal-Shale Interaction between 60 and 300°C , Goldschmidt 2013, Florence , Italie, 25-30 Août 2013 308- Benoît Quesnel, Philippe Boulvais, Pierre Gautier, Michel Cathelineau, Pierre Maurizot, Dominique Cluzel, Marc Ulrich, Stéphane Guillot, Stéphane Lesimple, Clément Couteau, 2013, Syn-tectonic, low-temperature meteoric water-derived carbonation of the New Caledonia Peridotite Nappe, Ecole thématique du CNRS : Ressources minérales. 309- Benoît Quesnel, Philippe Boulvais, Pierre Gautier, Michel Cathelineau, Pierre Maurizot, Dominique Cluzel, Marc Ulrich, Stéphane Guillot, Stéphane Lesimple, Clément Couteau, 2013, Syn-tectonic, meteoric water-derived carbonation of the New Caledonia Peridotite Nappe, GSA annual Meeting, Denver 310- Richard, A., Michel Cathelineau, Marie-Christine Boiron, Michel Cuney, Julien Mercadier, Christophe Rozsypal, Jean Cauzid, David A. Banks, Philippe Boulvais, Mark A. Kendrick & Thomas Pettke, Unconformity-related U deposits: recent advances from fluid inclusions and their host minerals. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Suède-12-15 Août 2013 311- Belissont R., Luais B., Boiron M.-C., Cathelineau M. (2013) – Ge isotopic tracing of sphalerite from the Noailhac – Saint-Salvy deposit (SW Massif Central, France): A MC-ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS study. EnvironMetal Isotope Conference, August 18–23, Ascona, Switzerland, p.44. 312- Cathelineau M., Mercadier J., Boiron M. C., Richard A., Cuney M., 2013, Métasomatisme magnésien et formations des minéralisations uranifères à la discordance socle couverture. Journée Uranium, Réunion de la Société geologiques de France, Orsay, Novembre 2013. 313- Dyja V., Tarantola A., Hibsch C., Cathelineau M., Boiron M. C., 2013, Evolution of fluid sources during the Neogene exhumation of the Almagrera MCC (Betic Cordillera, Spain). XXII ECROFI meeting, Antalya, Turquie, 4-9 Juin 2013 314- Poujol M, Ballouard C, Boulvais P, Cuney M, Cathelineau M & Gapais D The Uranium Mineralization of Pen Ar Ran (Armorican Massif), France: An Atypical "Vein Type" Deposit, Goldschmidt 2013, Florence , Italie, 25-30 Août 2013 2014 315- Mercadier, J., Richard, A., Cathelineau, M., Boiron, M-C., Boulvais, P. and Cuney, M., (2014) Mg-metasomatism caused by the circulations of evaporated seawater at the origin of the alteration halo in the unconformity-related U deposits. GAC-MAC, Fredricton, Canada, 3-7 Mai 2014 316- Cathelineau M. Caumon M.-C. * Massei F. Harlaux M. Brie D.A Raman Spectroscopy Study of the Ni-Mg Kerolite Solid Solution: Sensitivity of the O-H Stretching Vibrations to Ni-Mg Substitution. GeoRaman 2014, St Louis, USA, 317- C. Ballouard, M. Poujol, P. Boulvais1, M. Jolivet, R. Tartèse, J. Mercadier, M. Cathelineau, M. Cuney (2014). Histoire magmatique et mobilité élémentaire dans le leucogranite hercynien de Guérande, Massif Armoricain : implication sur la minéralisation en U. RST 2014, Pau, 27 au 31 Octobre 2014. 318- Mercadier, J., Richard, A., Cathelineau, M. Boiron, Mc., Annesley, I., Cuney, M. Recent advances about the unconformity-related U deposits. 7-10 Juin 2014 : URAM2014, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 319_ Mercadier J., Richard A., Cathelineau M., Boiron M.C., Annesley I.R., Cuney M. (2014). From sources to deposits: Recent advances about the unconformity-related U deposits. URAM, Vienna (oral). 2015 320- Boulesteix, T., Michel Cathelineau, Philippe Lach, Etienne Deloule, Marc Brouand, Nicolas Fiet, Hervé Toubon Ilmenite and their Alteration Products, Sinkholes for Uranium and Radium in Roll-Front Deposits after the Example of South Tortkuduk (Kazakhstan) 1781-1784 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France 321- Bourdelle, F., Mosser-Ruck, R., Truche, L., Pignatelli, I., Cathelineau, M., and Michau, N. (2015). A new view on iron-clay interactions by monitoring pH and H2 production. 6th international meeting Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactives Waste Confinement, Brussels, Belgium. (Poster) 322- Cathelineau, M. Benoît Quesnel, Pierre Gautier, Philippe Boulvais, Clément Couteau, Maxime Drouillet (2015) Nickel Dispersion at the Bottom of the Regolith: Formation of Pimelite Target-Like Ores in Rock Block Joints in Koniambo Ni Deposit (New Caledonia) 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France, 1157-1160 323-Essaraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Boulvais P. and Maacha L. Igoudrane Ag-Hg deposit – Morocco : mineralogy and Ag mineralizing fluid. 3MA, Agadir-Tatoudant, Maroc, 2-4.04. 324- Hoummady, E., Golfier, F., Cathelineau, M., Truche, L., Durupt, N., Neto, J., Blanvillain, E. (2015). Characterisation of uranium-ore agglomerates before heap leaching. 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France. (poster)1365-1368 325- Martz, P., Mercadier, J., Cathelineau, M., Quirt, D., Doney, A., Gerbeaud, O. Structural framework of large scale percolations of basinal brines into the basement rocks at Cigar Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. 2015 SGA meeting, 24-27 juin 2015, Nancy, France 326- Quesnel, B., Philippe Boulvais, Pierre Gautier, Michel Cathelineau, Cédric M John, Malorie Dierick, Pierre Agrinier, Maxime Drouillet (2015) Formation of Silica and Magnesite Veins in the Massif of Peridotite of Koniambo: Geometric and Stable Isotopes Data, 13th SGA biennal meeting, Nancy, France. (poster)1189-1192 2016 327- Boutin A, Michel De Saint Blanquat, Philippe De Parseval, Jean-François Robert, Abdeltif Lahfid, Michel Cathelineau, Philippe Boulvais, Marc PoujolLa formation du gisement de talc-chlorite de Trimouns: nouvelles contraintes pétrologiques, thermométriques et structurales RST Caen. 24-28 octobre. 328-Christophe Ballouard, Marc Poujol, Philippe Boulvais, Julien Mercadier, Romain Tartèse, Marc Jolivet, Torsten Vennemann, Armin Zeh, Etienne Deloule, Marie-Pierre Dabard, Michel Cathelineau, Michel CuneyComportement magmatique et hydrothermal de l’uraniu m dans les leucogranites peralumineux syntectoniques : le cas des leucogranites carbonifères fertiles en uranium du Massif Armoricain RST Caen. 24-28 octobre 329- Emerence Hoummady Fabrice Golfier Michel Cathelineau, Jeremy Neto Evolution of Structural and Physical Properties of Uranium-Ore Agglomerates During Heap Leaching, May 2016ALTA 2016, Perth Australia. 2017 330-Myagkiy, Andrey; Golfier, Fabrice; Truche, Laurent; Cathelineau, Michel (2017) Subsurface Reactive Transport Modelling of the Lateritic Ni mineralization in New Caledonia: A coupled Thermo-Hydro-Geochemical Approach 23-28 April, 2017 EUG Vienna, Austria., p.8841 331- Hoummady Emerence, Fabrice Golfier, Michel Cathelineau, Jeremy Neto (2017) Analyse multi-échelle de la lixiviation en tas d'agglomérats de minerais uranifère SFGP 2017, at Nancy (France) 332- Cathelineau M., Marignac C., Rolland J-M., Boiron M-C., Dejean M., Carocci E. (2017) Are we sure to know the fluids responsible for W mineralization at Panasqueira (Portugal) : the case for loss of information due to intense quartz recrystallization and FI natural decrepitation- S3.T16. ECROFI, Nancy 333- Martz P., Cathelineau M., Mercadier J., Boiron M-C., Tarantola A., Géraud Y., Quirt D., Gerbeaud O., Doney A., Ledru P. Multiple fluid flow events and localized circulation around majorgraphitic Hudsonian fault: a key for the formation of the Cigar Lake U deposit (Athabasca basin,Canada, S5.T02. ECROFI, Nancy 334- Marignac C., Plateau E., Cathelineau M. The Sierra de Lujar (Andalusia, Spain) fluorite deposit:a variety of brines in a post-metamorphic alpine deposit, insightfrom a fluid inclusion study, ECROFI, Nancy-poster 335- Quesnel B., Boiron M-C., Cathelineau M., Truche L., Boulvais P.,De Saint Blanquat M., Boutin A., DeParseval P., Banks D.,Gaucher E.C. (2017) Circulation of primary brines at the origin of the worldclass Trimouns talc - chlorite deposit (Pyrenees, France) , ECROFI, Nancy-poster 336- Martz P., Mercadier J. Cathelineau M., et al. (2017) Multiple mineralizing events at the Cigar Lake deposit: an integrated-study of uranium oxide dating and geochemistry- SGA 2017- Quebec 20-23 Aout 2017. 2018 337-Rallakis D., Cathelineau M, Michels R., Brouand M. and Parize O. (2018) Uranium-sulphides-organic matter-dolomite low temperature diagenetic interplay in Cretaceous continental unconsolidated sediments (Mongolia). Goldschmidt conf. Boston, Aout 2018 338- Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B (2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia, Goldschmidt conf. Boston, Aout 2018 339-Cathelineau M., Marignac C. Boiron M-C, , Carocci E., Rolland J-M, , Dejean M., Dour M., and Pinto F. (2018) Nouvelle approche du chemin P-T-t des fluides dans le gisement : a W-Sn-Cu de Panasqueira (Portugal) : persistence d'une anomalie thermique d'origine profonde en cours d'exhumation , RST Lille, Oct 2018. 340-Carocci E., Marignac C., Cathelineau M., Boiron M-C, et Pinto F. (2018) Le stade initial du dépôt de la wolframite dans le gisement à W-Sn-Cu de Panasqueira (Portugal) :caractérisation indirecte des fluides par l'étude des tourmalines précoces, RST Lille, Oct 2018 2019 341- Carocci E, Truche L, Cathelineau M, Caumon M-C & Bazarkina E, Tungsten (VI) Speciation in Hydrothermal Solutions up to 400℃Goldschmidt conf. Barcelona, Aout 2019 342- Cathelineau M. , Boiron MC 2019Brine-regolith interactions, a key for metal extraction and re-deposition near unconformitiesBasins and Resource Nancy Octobre 2019 343- Rallakis, D., Michels, R. Lorgeoux, C. Brouand, M. Parize, O. Paul Philp, R. Cathelineau, M. 2019The role of organic matter on uranium precipitation in the Cretaceous sand deposits of Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia 29th International Meeting 2020344- Dugamin E., Cathelineau M., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Despinois F. (2020, reporté 2021)Origine et évolution chimique des saumures enrichies en lithium dans les bassins sédimentaires. RST Lyon 2021345- Favier S., Teitler Y., Golfier F., Cathelineau M.- Reactive Transport Modelling applied to Ni laterite ore deposits in New Caledonia : Impact of discrete fractures on Ni mineralization- EGU HS8.1.5 346- Dugamin E., Cathelineau M., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Despinois F and Brisset A.Sedimentary formation waters as potential low-impact lithium resourcesGoldschmidt Conference.4-9 juillet.347- Favier S., Teitler Y., Cathelineau M., Golfier F. Multi-scale investigation applied to Ni laterite ore deposits : Impact of discrete fractures on Ni mineralization Goldschmidt Conference.4-9 juillet.
Encadrement de thèses
Liste des doctorants (avec co-encadrements, situation, et n° de publications référant à la liste donnée plus haut) ESSARRAJ Samira; Migration des fluides, microfissuration et conditions de dépôt de l'or dans les veines de quartz aurifères. ; 1992; MC. Boiron; 75; Professeur Univ. Marrakech; 41, 44, 55, 69AYT OUGOUGDAL Mohamed; Contrôles magmatiques, structuraux et hydrothermaux de la formation des épisyénites de la Marche Occidentale.; 1994; M. Lespinasse; 50; MdC Univ. Univ. Polydisciplianire Safi Maroc; 53, 54, 60BARAKAT Ahmed; Percolations de fluides et transferts de métaux : Les gisements d’or intragranitiques d’Europe de l’ouest (Corcoesto, Tomino(Gallice), Mokrsko (Rebublique Tcheque). ; 1995; MC Boiron; 50; MdC Univ. Université Sultan Moulay Slimane Beni Mellal, Maroc; 68GUERCI Alain; Modélisation thermodynamique des interactions fluides-roches : application au transport de l’uranium; 1998; 100; Ingénieur; Abstract étendu : 31DIAGANA Bocar; Comportement des métaux dans le métamorphisme retrograde; 2001; C. Marignac; 50; Professeur Canada; 81, Abstract étendu 44BUSCHAERT Stéphane; Origine et âge des circulations dans les fractures ; 2001; S. Fourcade; 50; Directeur régional BRGM-Auvergne-Rhone Alpes; 77, 78, 89, 90, 100, 103, 113, 133VALLANCE Jean; Comportement de l’or dans l’orogène varsique ; 2001; MC. Boiron; 50; Professeur Univ. Catholique Pontificale du Perou; 73, 79, 80, 81, 95,CHARPENTIER; Delphine Oxydation des argillites : simulation numérique ; 2001; R. Ruck; 50; MdC Univ.de Franche Comté; 67, 72, 82,91, 98, 99, 116, 147GUILLAUME Damien; Etude expérimentale du système fer-smectite en présence de solution à 80°C et 300°C; 2002; J. Dubessy; 50; Professeur Univ St Etienne; 84, 85, 91, 92, 116, 147JEANNINGROS Audrey; Nature et origine des fluides au sein de deux "metamorphic core complexes" (MCC) : les Apennins du Nord (Italie) et le Shuswap MCC (Canada); 2003; M.C. Boiron; 50; Chargée de communication; 104DEROME Donatienne; Evolution et origine des saumures dans les bassins protérozoi͏̈ques au voisinage de la discordance socle/; 2002; M. Cuney; 50; Ingénieur Areva ; 83, 97, 105, 115ABU FATIMA M.; Génèse et evolution tectonique des amas sulfurés et des gisements d'or (Red Sea Hills, Soudan); 2006; C. Marignac; 30; Directeur du service de recherches géologiques du Soudan ; 189YENSEPBAEV T.; Génèse des hydrocarbures de la série intrasalifère de la partie EST du Bassin Précaspien; 2007; A. Izart; 30; Directeur de l’Ecole de géologie du pétrole et du gaz - Almaty ; 56b ANDRE G.; Evolution structurale de l’Est du bassin de Paris et évolution des systèmes de circulation de fluides; 2007; C. Hibsch; 30; Ingénieur Areva; 88, 113BELCOURT O.; La perturbation chimico-minéralogique (H2O, Redox, eau, interstitielle) de la zone perturbée exclavée ; 2009; F. Villieras, R. Ruck; 30; MdC Ingénieur ; 123 résumés 262, 265RICHARD A.; Circulation des saumures à la discordance socle/couverture sédimentaire et formation des concentrations uranifères protérozoiques (bassin d'Athabasca, Canada).; 2009; M-C Boiron; 50; MdC GeoRessources; 111, 114, 115, 119, 121, 124, 125, 138, 139PIERRON O.; Les interactions eau-fer metal-argilite; 2011; R. Ruck; 50; Société ; Resumés 259, 268, 275,BLAISE T.; Paleocirculations fluides et thermicité des formations sédimentaires de l’est de la France; 2012; A. Izart; 50; MdC Univ Paris Sud; 120, 123b 126, 132, 133 137, 141MUNARA Askar; Formation des gisements d'uranium de type roll : approche minéralogique et géochimique du gisement uranifère de Muyunkum (Bassin de Chu-Sarysu, Kazakhstan); 2012; C. Carpentier; 50; Dir. Service Mines Astana;DYJA Vanessa; Interaction entre fluides de différents réservoirs lors de l’évolution d'un prisme orogénique en contexte de déformation partitionnée : les Cordillères bétiques internes (Espagne). ; 2014; C. Hibsch; 30; Post-doc CREGU puis Société; 140 270, 288, 313LECOMTE Andrei; Relations spatiales et génétiques entre uranium, sulfures et matières organiques : application aux shales et schistes noirs; 2014; R. Michels; 50; IE microscopie electronique Georessources; 129, 155 -178QUESNEL Benoit; Altération supergène, circulation des fluides et déformation interne du massif de Koniambo, Nouvelle-Calédonie: implication sur les gisements nickélifères latéritiques; 2015; P. Gauthier, P. Boulvais; Direction non formalisée; Post-doc UQAM, Quebec; 142, 143 148, 153, 154, 335BELISSONT Rémi; Cycle du Germanium et éléments accompagnateurs dans les concentrations métalliques : Traçage élementaire, isotopique et approche expérimentale; 2016; MC Boiron, B. Luais; 30; Post-doc Labex Ressources 21; 131MAMANE Marah; Les gisements d'uranium du Niger, synthèse métallogénique; 2016; M. Cathelineau; 100; Ing Areva; 145, 176MARTZ Pierre; Evolution spatio-temporelle des migrations de fluides et de la formation des minéralisation uranifères de Cigar Lake et de leurs extensions; Dec. 2017; J. Mercadier; 50; ; 159, 161,162MYAGKIY Andrey; Formation des minéralisations de Ni saprolitique en Nouvelle Calédonie : Minéralogie, séquence paragénétique et modélisation des interactions fluides roches et de la dynamique des transferts de métaux; Dec 2017; F. Golfier, L. Truche; 30; ; 149 , 154, 169HOUMMADY Emerence; Lixiviation en tas: problématiques posées par l’agglomération; Dec 2017; F. Golfier; 50; ; 151CARROCCI Eleonora; Transport et dépôt des métaux rares (Sn, W, Nb) dans les fluides : application à Panasqueira (Portugal) Dec 2018; L. Truche,30, C. Marignac; 30; 165, 183, 185, 189, 191RALLAKIS Dimitrios ; Minéralisations de type Roll front en Mongolie : relations matières organiques-uranium; 2018; R. Michels; 50; 170,179, 195- - ---------------------------- Masters---------- 1989Mohammed Ayt Ougoudgdal - DEA Nancy I, 1988-1989 Etude de la transition ductile - fragile le long d'une zone de cisaillement : l'exemple de la faille de la Marche (NW du Massif Central).Ali El Jarray - DEA Nancy I, 1988-1989 Etude de la redistribution de l'uranium autour de gisements intragranitiques : exemple de l'épisyénite de Peny 140 (Division de la Crouzille, Cogema Nord Limousin).Samira Essarraj. - DEA Nancy I, 1988-1989 Microfracturation et circulation fluide dans les filons de quartz aurifères : exemple du gisement de l'Auriéras 1992Ahmed Barakat - DEA Nancy I - 1991-1992 Reconstitution des conditions physico-chimiques de mise en place des filonnets de quartz à arsénopyrite dans la lame de granite de Corcoesto (Galice). 1993Emmanuelle Baud (DEA, INPL Nancy) 1992-1993 Interactions smectites-matière organiqueAlain Guerci (DEA, INPL Nancy) 1992-1993 Interactions smectites- solutions salines : Approche expérimentaleFabrice Labbé (DEA, Univ. Nancy I) 1992-1993 Spéciation de l'arsenic en solution : Implications environnementales 1997Jean Vallance J. (DEA, Univ. Nancy I) 1996-1997 (co-direction, M.C. Boiron et C. Marignac) Les circulations de fluides associées aux minéralisations à W-Sn(Au) de VaulryGuillaume Salviac (DEA Univ. Nancy I) 1996-1997 Phénomènes de rétention naturelle des éléments métalliques par des hydroxydes de fer dans les environnements miniersP Nivlet. (DEA INPL-Nancy) 1996-1997, (co-direction C. Marignac) Analyse statistique des réseaux de plans d’inclusions fluides : application à la reconstitution du tenseur de paléoperméabilité de Soultz-sous-Forêts 2000Audrey Jeanningros (DEA, Univ. Nancy I) 1999-2000, (co-direction M.C. Boiron)Circulations fluides dans les niveaux intermédiaires du champ géothemique de Larderello (Italie) 2004Gaëllle Bouichet Transfert et concentration des métaux dans différentes phases minérales au cours de l'altération des roches ultrabasiques. Exemple de la distribution des métaux dans les sédiments des rivières de la partie sud de la Nouvelle calédonie (Ch. Peiffert 50%, M. Cathelineau 50%)Fanny Trancart Caractérisation des modes de transport/dépôt de l'uranium dans le milieu naturel, en particulier dans les eaux de rivière (exemple de la Division de la Crouzille, Limousin). (Ch. Peiffert 50%, M. Cathelineau 50%) 2005 Olivier Belcourt : Origine et datation des fluides circulant aux interfaces socles cristallins - couverture sédimentaires : cas des percolations sous couverture post-émersion triasique de l'Ouest de la France) (M.C. Boiron 50%, M.Cathelineau 50%)David Salze : Etude pétrographique et thermodynamique des circulations fluides associées à la formation des gisements d'or d'âge archéen de la région de Kalgoorlie, Craton de Yilgarn, Australie) (M.C. Boiron 50%, M.Cathelineau 50%)Caroline Taillandier : Impact environnemental des rejets du site de Lodève sur la qualité des eaux et les sédiments de rivière(Ch. Peiffert 50%, M. Cathelineau 50%) 2006Olivier Pierron : Diagenèse des formations sédimentaires jurassiques de l’Est du bassin de Paris : origine des paragenèses à célestine, barytine, quartz et fluorine (M. Cathelineau (75%, L. Richard, 25%) 2008Aurélien Georgel : Modèle métallogénique du Gisement d’Imouraren : apport de l’étude des altérations diagénétiques et des fluides 2009Mark Mesure : Diagenèse et percolations de fluides dans le bassin de Tim Mersoï (Niger) : Reconstruction des données P-T-x par l’étude des inclusions fluides et des paragenèses d’altération 2010: Andrei Leconte : Processus d’oxydo-réduction dans les formations silico-clastiques et dépôt de l’uraniumJohan Bergé : Discrimination des processus à l'origine des enrichissements en Ni dans les latérites de Nouvelle Calédonie 2011Etienne Martin : Silicifications dans l’ophiolite de Nouvelle CalédonieMarah Mamane : Microdéformation et circulation des fluides dans les grès de Tamgak au voisinage de la faille d’Arlit (Niger)Christophe Bessin Diagenèse argileuse et minéralisation uranifère à Imouraren (Niger)Benjamin Fradet Etude Pétrographique des sédiments silicoclastiques des bassins uranifères du Kazakhstan 2012Mariette Aoua : U et terres rares dans les apatites et phosphatesNicolas Gaillard : Genèse de concentrations à Au-U dans le bouclier sveco-fennienMatthieu Harlaux : Chronologie relative de la formation des silicates des minerais saprolitiques de Nouvelle Calédonie 2013Frédéric Massei : Garnierite de Nouvelle Calédonie : étude de la substitution Ni-Mg dans les kérolites (talc-like) et les serpentines 2013Damien Jacquinet: Formation des minéralisations saprolitiques de Nouvelle-Calédonie : minéralogie et séquence paragénétiquePierre Martz (M. Cathelineau, M-C Boiron) Distribution des porteurs de Terres rares dans les minerais à eudyalite- Application au gisement de Norra Karr 2014Karim Moussa (M. Cathelineau, M. Mamane) Processus d’altération autour de la faille d’Arlit dans la formation permienne de l’Izégouande sur le secteur de Tamgak (Bassin de Tim Mersoï, Niger) 2015Lawall Aboubacar Comportement des argiles et des minéraux accessoires au voisinage de la discordance dans les roches du socle et les sédiments paléo-protérozoïques sus-jacents (Profil de régolithe- Proche de Cigar Lake)Quentin Deschamps (MC Boiron, M. Cathelineau) Éléments traces dans les silices, marqueurs des interactions fluides/roches et des trajets de percolation des fluides dans l'ophiolite de Nouvelle-Calédonie (géochimie, isotopie)Elian Plateau (C. Marignac, M. Cathelineau) Le gisement de fluorite de la Sierra de Lujar (Alpujarrides, Bétiques), succession paragénétique, circulations fluides et modèle métallogéniqueRémi Schmitt (M. Mamane, M. Cathelineau) Les minéralisations uranifères d'Imouraren (Niger) : lien génétique entre minéralisations réduites et oxydées.Magali Mathieu Les altérations argileuses au voisinage de la discordance dans les pegmatoïdes du socle (gisement de Cigar Lake). David Guillot (JY Talbot, M. Cathelineau) Pétrologie et conditions de formation des veines hydrothermales d’uranium dans les granites hercyniens Geoffrey Humbert (MC Boiron, M. Cathelineau) Signatures en terres rares des fluorines liées au circulations de saumures, gisements de l’Europe de l’Ouest. 2016Rémi Coltat (Martz Pierre, Cathelineau Michel) Impact de l’altération en relation avec la réactivation de structure ductile-cassante sur les propriétés pétrophysiques des roches hôtes des gisements d’Uranium de type discordance, exemple de Cigar Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada.Mickaël Demacon (Martz Pierre, Tarantola Alexandre, Cathelineau Michel)Traçage isotopique du CO2 (δ13C et δ18O) des inclusions fluides des roches du bassin d’Athabasca et de son socle au voisinage des gisements d’uranium.Jean-Marc Rolland (Cathelineau Michel, C. Marignac) Evolution des fluides et des paragenèses métalliques dans le gisement de Panasqueira (Portugal) 2017 Mélanie Dejean (M. Cathelineau, C. Marignac) Fluides minéralisateurs dans le gisement de Panasqueira: Reconstruction P-T-X. 2018Maxime Dour (en codir- MC Boiron) Evolution des conditions pression-température et composition des fluides dans les stades à topaze et quartz-apatite du gisement à W-Sn de Panasqueira (Portugal)Marina Kouadio (en codir- MC Boiron) Mécanismes de transfert des terres rares lors du métasomatisme magnésien : Exemple du gisement de talc de Trimouns, Pyrénées.Elisa Landais (en codir- MC Boiron) Fluorites roses et vertes dans le contexte des fentes alpines (massif du Mont Blanc) : Conditions de formation et signature en terres rares 2019Seny Keita (en codir MC Boiron, C. Marignac) Interactions fluides-roches et dépôt de la wolframite au sommet de la coupole granitique de Panasqueira (Portugal)Axel temperville (en codir MC Boiron,) Etude des minéralisations associées au stade terminal à cuivre (chalcopyrite, sidérite) de Panasqueira (Portugal) 2020Issoufou Gnieneman Yeo - Argiles et phillosilicates : intercalibration de l’analyse micro-xrf et approche multitechnique pour la caractérisation de minéraux pénalisants en ISR (in situ recovery) 2021Khouya Lahcen – Fluides fentes alpines à axinite (Oisans) : conditions de migration.