- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Maitre de conférences
- Tutelle de rattachement : Université de Lorraine
- Adresse professionnelle : ENSG - Bureau G208
- Email :
- Téléphone : 03 72 74 45 24
- Equipe : AXE GEOMODELES - Modèles géologiques et géochimiques
- Section CNU : 35
- Section CNRS : 18
Thématiques de recherche
- Simulation numérique de la propagation des ondes sismiques
- Homogénéisation de propriétés élastiques pour l’équation des ondes
- Théorie des corrélations de bruit sismique, de l’interférométrie sismique et du renversement temporel
- Tomographie sismique par inversion de formes d’onde complètes
Responsabilités scientifiques
- Member of the board of the RING-GOCAD consortium
- Member of the organization committee of the RING Annual Meetings
- Member of the organization committee of the 21st IAMG Annual Conference
- Scientific partner in the HIWAI ANR project (ANR-16-CE31-0022)
- Scientific partner in the DONUTS Géodénergie project
- Scientific manager of the Numerical Modeling platform of the GeoRessources Lab
- Member of the scientific committee of the Grand archeological site
- Member of the EXPLOR scientific committee (Université de Lorraine supercomputing facilities) from 2014 to 2021
- Member of the UL-CNRS-SAYENS Software Detection group from 2017 to 2019
- Examiner of Maria Saade’s PhD progress and Charline Julio’s PhD defense
Responsabilités pédagogiques
- Organization of the Applied Geophysics program for the 2nd-year ENSG students
- Organization of the GIS - Remote Sensing - Image Processing program for the 2nd-year ENSG students
- Organization of the Geophysics field camp for the 2nd-year ENSG students from 2012 to 2016
- Organization of geoscientific conferences for the 1st-year ENSG students from 2013 to 2015
Responsabilités administratives
- Member of the ENSG council from 2017 to 2021
- Member of the GeoRessources Lab council from 2013 to 2019
Voir la liste de mes publis dans HAL
Communications à congrès
Encadrement de thèses
- Marius Rapenne (2021-): Homogenization of quaternary basins for the simulation of lithological site effects
- Zoé Renat (2019-): Seismic event characterization using time-reversal
- Capucine Legentil (2019-): Local updating of geomodels
- Melchior Schuh-Senlis (2018-2021): Using Stokes flow equations for the geomechanical restoration of geological models
- Modeste Irakarama (2015-2019): Towards reducing structural interpretation uncertainties using seismic data
- Antoine Mazuyer (2014-2018): Stress estimation in reservoirs based on an inverse approach