- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Maitre de conférences HDR
- Tutelle de rattachement : Université de Lorraine
- Adresse professionnelle : FST - Bur A633
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- Téléphone : 03 72 74 55 67
- Equipe : AXE MATIERES PREMIERES - Ressources minérales
- Section CNU : 35
- Section CNRS : 18
Thématiques de recherche
- Propriétés, sources et transferts des fluides géologiques à l'échelle crustale
- Caractérisation des propriétés PVTX des fluides géologiques
- Déformation et modifications des inclusions fluides en domaine de déformation ductile
- Traçage des paléofluides et des interactions fluides-roches par isotopie stable (H, C, O)
- Pétrographie et composition des paléofluides dans les gisements métallifères en contexte métamorphique
Responsabilités scientifiques
Responsable scientifique plateforme Lithopréparation
Responsabilités pédagogiques
Responsable M1 STPE parcours STR (Système Terre Ressources)
Page Researchgate:
46. Zaheri Abdehvand N., Tarantola A., Rasa I., Hassanpour S. and Peiffert C. (2019) Metal content and P-T evolution of CO2-bearing ore-forming fluids of the Haftcheshmeh Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, NW Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 104166.
45. Mavrogonatos C., Voudouris P., Berndt J., Klemme S., Zaccarini F., Spry P.G., Melfos V., Tarantola A., Keith M., Klemd R. and Haase K. (2019) Trace elements in magnetite from the Pagoni Rachi porphyry prospect, NE Greece: Implications for ore genesis and exploration. Minerals 9, 725. doi:10.3390/min9120725
44. Padyar F., Rahgoshay M., Tarantola A., Caumon M.C. and Pourmoafi S.M. (2019) High fH2-fS2 conditions associated with sphalerite in Latala epithermal base and precious metal deposit, Central Iran: Implications for the composition and genesis conditions of sphalerite. Journal of Earth Science.
43. Cluzel D., Boulvais P., Iseppi M., Lahondère D., Lesimple S., Maurizot P., Paquette J.L., Tarantola A. and Ulrich M. (2019) Slab-derived origin of tremolite-antigorite veins in a supra-subduction ophiolite: the Peridotite Nappe (New-Caledonia) as a case study. International Journal of Earth Sciences
42. Le V.H., Caumon M.C., Tarantola A., Randi A., Robert P. and Mullis J. (2019) Quantitative measurements of composition, pressure and density of micro-volumes of CO2-N2 gas mixtures by Raman spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 91, 14359-14367.
41. Wang W., Caumon M.C., Tarantola A., Pironon J., Lu W., Huang Y. (2019) Raman spectroscopic densimeter for pure CO2 and CO2-H2O-NaCl fluid systems over a wide P-T range up to 360 °C and 50 MPa. Chemical Geology 528, 119281.
40. Voudouris P., Mavrogonatos C., Graham I., Giuliani G., Tarantola A., Melfos V., Karampelas S., Katerinopoulos A. and Magganas A. (2019) Gemstones of Greece: Geology and crystallizing environments. Minerals 9(8), 461.
39. Voudouris P., Mavrogonatos C., Melfos V., Spry P.G., Magganas A., Alfieris D., Soukis K., Tarantola A., Periferakis A., Kolodziejczyk J., *Scheffer C., Repstock A. and Zeug M. (2019) The geology and mineralogy of the Stypsi porphyry Cu-Mo-Au-Re prospect, Lesvos Island, Aegean Sea, Greece. Ore Geology Reviews 112, 103023.
38. Scheffer C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., Voudouris P., Rigaudier T., Spry P.G. and Photiades A. (in press) Fluids leading to the Lavrion Pb-Zn-Ag detachment related deposits (Greece): Involvement of evaporated seawater and meteoric fluids during post-orogenic collapse. Economic Geology 114(7), 1415-1442.
37. Tarantola A., Voudouris P., Eglinger A., Scheffer C., Trebus K., Bitte M., Rondeau B., Mavrogonatos C., Graham I., Etienne M. and Peiffert C. (2019) Metamorphic and metasomatic kyanite-bearing mineral assemblages of Thassos Island (Rhodope, Greece). Minerals 9(4), 252.
36. Caumon M.C., Tarantola A. and Wang W. (2019) Raman spectra of gas mixtures in fluid inclusions: effect of quartz birefringence on composition measurement. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy xx, xxx-xxx.
35. Voudouris P., Mavrogonatos C., Spry P.G., Baker T., Melfos V., Klemd R., Haase K., Repstock A., Djiba A., Bismayer U., Tarantola A., Scheffer C., Moritz R., Kouzmanov K., Alfieris D., Papavassiliou K., Schaarschmidt A., Galanopoulos E., Galanos E., Kolodziejczyk J., Papavassiliou K., Stergiou C. and Melfou M. (2019) Porphyry and epithermal deposits in Greece: an overview, new discoveries, and mineralogical constraints on their genesis. Ore Geology Reviews 107, 654-691.
34. Voudouris P., Mavrogonatos C., Graham I., Giuliani G., Melfos V., Karampelas S., Karantoni V., Wang K., Tarantola A., Zaw K., Meffre S., Klemme S., Berndt J., Heidrich S., Zaccarini F., Fallick A., Tsortanidis M. and Lampridis A. (2019) Gem corundum deposits of Greece: Geology, mineralogy and genesis. Minerals 9(1), 49.
33. Legros H., Richard A., Tarantola A., Kouzmanov K., Mercadier J., Vennemann T., Marignac C., Cuney M., Wang R.C., Charles N., Bailly L. and Lespinasse M.Y. (2019) Multiple fluids involved in granite-related W-Sn deposits from the world-class Jiangxi Province (China). Chemical Geology 508, 92-115.
32. Scheffer C., Voudouris P., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O. and Photiades A. (2018) The Geology of Thorikos Chapter 5 in book Exploring Thorikos, R. Docter and M. Webster ed., section of Mediterranean Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Ghent University, ISBN 978-94-929-4439-9, 72 pp.
31. Voudouris P., Mavrogonatos K., Rieck B., Kolitsch U., Spry P.G., Scheffer C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., Galanos E., Melfos V., Zaimis S., Soukis K. and Photiades A. (2018) The Gersdorffite-Bismuthinite-Native gold association and the skarn-porphyry mineralization in the Kamariza mining district, Lavrion, Greece. Minerals 8(11), 531.
30. Huang Y., Tarantola A., Wang W., Caumon M.C., Pironon J., Detian Y. Zhuang X. and Lu W. Charge history of CO2 in Lishui sag, East China Sea Basin: Evidence from quantitative Raman analysis of CO2-bearing fluid inclusions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 98, 50-65.
29. Voudouris P., Melfos V., Mavrogonatos C., Tarantola A., Gӧtze J., Alfieris D., Maneta V. and Psimis I. (2018) Amethyst occurrences in Tertiary volcanic rocks of Greece: Mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and oxygen isotope constraints on their genesis. Minerals 8(8), 324.
28. Dyja V., Tarantola A., Siebenaller L., Hibsch C., Richard A., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M. and Boulvais P. (2018) Metamorphic brines and no superficial fluids trapped in the detachment footwall of a Metamorphic Core Complex (Nevado-Filábride units, Betics, Spain). Tectonophysics 727, 56-72.
27. Martz P., Cathelineau M., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Jaguin J., Tarantola A., Demacon M., Gerbeaud O., Quirt D., Doney A. and Ledru P. (2017) CO2 infiltration and graphite precipitation along Hudsonian ductile-brittle shear zones : the result of fast exhumation of the Wollaston-Mudjatik transition zone (Cigar Lake U deposit, Canada). Lithos 294-295, 222-245.
26. Padyar F., Rahgoshay M., Alirezaei S., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O. and Caumon M.C. (2017) Evolution of the mineralizing fluids and possible genetic link between Miduk porphyry copper and Latala vein type deposits. Journal of the Geological Society of India 90, 558-568.
25. Scheffer C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., Photiades A., Morin D., Voudouris P., Rigaudier T and Alloucherie A. (2017) The Lavrion Pb-Zn-Fe-Cu-Ag detachment-related district (Attica, Greece): Structural control on hydrothermal flow and element transfer-deposition. Tectonophysics.
24. Essaraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M. and Boulvais P. (2017) Basinal brines at the origin of the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence from LA-ICP-MS data on fluid inclusions, halogen signatures and stable isotopes (H, C, O) - Reply to comments by Levresse et al. Economic Geology 112, 1269-1277.
23. Stünitz H., Thust A., Heilbronner R., Behrens H., Kilian R., Tarantola A. and Fitz Gerald J.D. (2017) Water redistribution in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals - Implications for H2O-weakening processes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth.
22. Scheffer C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., Rigaudier T. and Photiades A. (2016) CO2 flow during orogenic gravitational collapse: Syntectonic decarbonation and fluid mixing at the ductile-brittle transition (Lavrion, Greece). Chemical Geology 450, 248-263.
21. Essaraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M. and Hibti M. (2016) Mineralogy and ore-fluid chemistry of the Roc Blanc Ag deposit, Jebilet Hercynian Massif, Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences 127, 175-193.
20. Essaraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P. and Maacha L. (2016) Basinal brines at the origin of the Imiter Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Evidence from LA-ICP-MS data on fluid inclusions, halogen signatures and stable isotopes (H, C, O). Economic Geology 111(7), 1753-1781.
- 19. Morteani G., Eichinger F., Tarantola A., Müller A., Götze J., Sfragulla J.A. (2016) The synorogenic pegmatitic quartz veins of the Guacha Corral Shear zone (Sierra de Comechingones, Argentina): a textural, chemical, isotopic, cathodoluminescence and fluid inclusion study. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry DOI:10.1016/j.chemer.2015.09.001.
18. Scheffer C., Vanderhaeghe O., Lanari P., Tarantola A., Ponthus L., Photiades A. and France L. (2016) Syn- to post-orogenic exhumation of high-grade nappes: Structure and thermobarometry of the western Attic-Cycladic metamorphic complex (Lavrion, Greece). Journal of Geodynamics 96, 174-193.
17. Dyja V., Hibsch C., Tarantola A., Cathelineau C., Boiron M.C., Marignac C., Bartier D., Caumon M.C., Carillo-Rosua J. and Morales Ruano S. (in press) From deep to shallow fluid reservoirs: Evolution of fluid sources during the exhumation of the Sierra Almagrera (Betic Cordillera, Spain). Geofluids 16(1), 103-128.
16. Blaise T., Tarantola A., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Techer I., Boiron M.C. and Landrein P. (2015) Evolution of porewater composition through time: Salinity and D/H of fluid inclusion water in authigenic minerals (Jurassic limestones, eastern Paris Basin, France). Chemical Geology 417, 210-227.
15. Tarantola A. and Caumon M.C. (2015) Raman spectra of water in fluid inclusions: II. Effect of negative pressure on salinity measurement. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46(10), 977-982.
14. Caumon M.C., Tarantola A. and Mosser-Rück R. (2015) Raman spectra of water in fluid inclusions: I. Effect of host mineral birefringence on salinity measurement. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46(10), 969-976.
13. Diamond L.W. and Tarantola A. (2015) Interpretation of fluid inclusions in quartz deformed by weak ductile shearing: reconstruction of differential stress magnitudes and pre-deformation fluid properties. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 417, 107-119.
12. Eglinger A., Tarantola A., Durand C., Ferraina C., Vanderhaeghe O., André-Mayer A.S., Paquette J.L. and Deloule E. (2014) Uranium mobilization by fluids associated with Ca-Na metasomatism: a PTt record of fluid-rock interactions during Pan-African metamorphism (Western Zambian Copperbelt). Chemical Geology 386, 218-237.
11. Caumon M.C., Robert P., Laverret E., Tarantola A., Randi A., Pironon J., Dubessy J. and Girard J.P. (2014) Determination of methane content in aqueous fluid inclusions by Raman spectroscopy. Application to the external part of the Central Alps (Switzerland). Chemical Geology 378-379, 52-61.
10. Eglinger A., Ferraina C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., André-Mayer A.S., Boiron M.C., Dubessy J., Richard A. and Brouand M. (2014) Metamorphic evolution of U-bearing highly saline Ca-Na fluids in syntectonic Pan-African quartz veins in the Domes region (Lufilian belt, Zambia). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology DOI: 10.1007/s00410-014-0967-9.
9. Caumon M.C., Dubessy J., Robert P. and Tarantola A. (2013) Fused silica capillary capsules (FSCCs) as synthetic aqueous fluid inclusions to determine chlorinity by Raman spectroscopy. European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 755-763.
8. Morteani G., Eichinger F., Götze J., Tarantola A., and Müller A. (2012) Evaluation of the potential of the pegmatitic quartz veins of the Sierra de Comechigones (Argentina) as a source of high purity quartz by a combination of LA-ICP-MS, ICP, cathodoluminescence, gas chromatography, fluid inclusion analysis, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. Quartz: deposits, mineralogy and analytics in Springer Geology, 119-137.
7. Tarantola A., Diamond L.W., Stünitz H., Thust A. and Pec M. (2012) Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress III: Influence of principal stresses on inclusion density and orientation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 164 (3), 537-550.
6. de Haller A., Tarantola A., Mazurek M. and Spangenberg J. (2011) Fluid flow through the sedimentary cover in northern Switzerland recorded by calcite-celestite veins (Oftringen borehole, Olten). Swiss Journal of Geosciences 104 (3), 493-506.
5. Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. (2010) Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress I: Experimentally induced changes in inclusion shapes and microstructures. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 160 (6), 825-843.
4. Diamond L.W., Tarantola A. and Stünitz H. (2010) Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress II: Experimentally induced changes in inclusion volume and composition. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 160 (6), 845-864.
3. Tarantola A., Mullis J., Guillaume D., Dubessy J., de Capitani C. and Abdelmoula M. (2009) Oxidation of CH4 to CO2 and H2O by chloritization of detrital biotite at 270 ± 5 °C in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland. Lithos 112, 497-510.
2. Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., Dubessy J. and de Capitani C. (2007) Oxidation of methane at the CH4 / H2O-(CO2) transition zone in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland: Evidence from stable isotope investigations. Chemical Geology 237, 329-357.
1. Dubessy J., Tarantola A. and Sterpenich J. (2005) Liquid-vapour equilibria modelling in the H2O-CO2-NaCl and H2O-H2S-NaCl systems to 270 °C. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue de l'Institut français du pétrole 60 (2), 339-355.
Communications à congrès
- 79. (O) Tarantola A. and Morin D. Thorikos geology and mining archaeology. Belgian Archaeological Research in the Ancient Greek World 9, Brussels, Belgium, 20.12.
- 78. (KN) Choulet F. and Tarantola A. Linking tectonics, climate and supergene mineralization: the case of non-sulfide zinc deposits. TRIGGER 2, Tehran, Iran, 12-15.11.
- 77. (P) Zaheri Abdehvand N., Rasa I., Hassanpour S. and Tarantola A. CO2-rich magmatic hydrothermal fluid controlling Cu-Mo mineralization at Haftcheshmeh porphyry deposit, NW Iran. TRIGGER 2, Tehran, Iran, 12-15.11.
- 76. (O) Fabre C., Devismes D., Moncayo S., Pelascini F., Trichard F., Bousquet B., Tarantola A., Trebus K., Cauzid J. and Motto-Ros V. How LIBS imaging can increase our understanding of geological samples? SciX-LIBS, Atlanta, USA, 10.2018.
- 75. (O) *Wang W., Lu W., Caumon M.C., Tarantola A., Pironon J. and Huang Y. Raman analysis of molecular-dynamics in CO2-rich systems and its application in density and trapping pressure calculation of fluid inclusions. ACROFI VII, Beijing, China, 15-21.09.2018.
- 74. (P) Padyar F., Rahgoshay M., Tarantola A., Caumon M.C. and Pourmoafi M. Sphalerite composition and conditions of formation in Latala, epithermal base and precious metal deposit, Iran. ACROFI VII, Beijing, China, 11-17.09.
- 73. (P) Wang W., Caumon M.C. and Tarantola A. Raman spectra of gas-mixture in fluid inclusions: Effect of quartz birefringence on composition measurement. GeoRaman XIII, Catania, Italy, 10-14.06.
- 72. (O) Le V.H., Caumon M.C., Tarantola A., Robert P. and Randi A. Determination of composition and pression (or density) of CO2-N2 and CH4-N2 gas mixtures by Raman spectroscopy. GeoRaman XIII, Catania, Italy, 10-14.06.
- 71. (O) Padyar F., Rahgoshay M., Tarantola A., Alirezeai S., Vanderhaeghe O. and Caumon M.C. Evidences of boiling in fluid inclusions and distribution of metals during mineralization in Latala epithermal base and precious metal deposit, northern Miduk copper deposit, Iran. INFI 2, Zanjan, Iran, 16.11.
- 70. (O) Legros H., Richard A., Mercadier J., Tarantola A., Kouzmanov K., Vennemann T., Bailly L., Marignac C., Charles N., Wang R.C, Cuney M. and Lespinasse M.Y. Ore-forming fluids in the Maoping and Piaotang W-Sn deposits (Jiangxi, China). GOLDSCHMIDT 27, Paris, France, 13-18.08.
- 69. (O) Scheffer C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., Voudouris P., Rigaudier P and Photiades A. Magmatic to meteoric fluid reservoirs during exhumation of the Cyclades: Implications for the deposition of the Pb-Zn-Fe-Cu-Ag district (Lavrion, Greece). ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.
- 68. (P) Tarantola A., Scheffer C., Voudouris P., Vanderhaeghe O., Rakotomanga S. and Rigaudier T. Metamorphic and basin fluids trapped in Evia Island alpine quartz crystals during exhumation of the Attic-Cycladic Metamorphic Complex (Greece). ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.
- 67. (P) Mullis J. and Tarantola A. Pro- and retrograde fluid inclusions in the Central Alps, Switzerland. ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.
- 66. (P) Padyar F., Rahgoshay M., Tarantola A., Alirezaei S., Pourmoafi M., Vanderhaeghe O. and Caumon M.C. Fluid inclusions analyses on hydrothermal quartz in Latala epithermal base and precious metal deposit, Kerman copper belt, Central Iran. ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.
- 65. (P) Boulliung J., Caumon M.C., Tarantola A., Robert P. and Randi A. A new relation between CO2 density and Fermi diad Raman shift from experimental HPOC analyses. Application to natural CO2-H2O-NaCl fluid inclusions. ECROFI 24, Nancy, France 23-29.06.
- 64. (O) Legros H., Richard A., Mercadier J., Tarantola A., Kouzmanov K., Vennemann T., Bailly L., Marignac C., Charles N., Wang R.C, Cuney M. and Lespinasse M.Y. Origin and evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Maoping and Piaotang W-Sn deposits (Jiangxi, China). ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.
- 63. (O) Martz P., Cathelineau M., Mercadier J., Boiron M.C., Tarantola A., Géraud Y., Quirt D., Gerbeaud O., Doney A. and Ledru P. Multiple fluid flow events and localized drainage around major graphitic Hudsonian fault: a key for the formation of the Cigar Lake U deposit (Athabasca basin, Canada). ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.
- 62. (O) Araujo S., Delbreilh L., Antoine R., Pistre K., Tarantola A., Dargent E. and Fauchard C. Influence de l’hydratation et de traitements thermiques sur les propriétés électromagnétiques d’un granite. JCAT 48, Rueil-Malmaison, France, 29.05-01.06.
- 61. (O) Tarantola A., Scheffer C., Vanderhaeghe O., Voudouris P., Rigaudier T. and Photiades A. Geodynamics, ore deposits and fluid inclusions: Structural position and geochemistry of fluids associated with the Lavrion Pb-Zn-Fe-Ag district (Greece). TRIGGER 1, Tehran, Iran, 06-07.05.
- 60. (O) Legros H., Marignac C., Richard A., Mercadier J., Cuney M., Charles N., Kouzmanov K., Tarantola A., Vennemann T., Wang R.C. and Lespinasse M.Y. Insights on hydrothermal fluids form Li-mica compositions and fluide inclusions: case of the W-Sn Maoping and Piaotang deposits (Jiangxi, China). Recent advances in W-Sn and rare metal deposit metallogenesis, International workshop, Nancy, France, 30.11-01-12.
- 59. (P) Padyar F., Rahgoshai M., Alirezaei S., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O. and Caumon M.C. Evolution of the mineralizing fluids and possible genetic links between Miduk porphyry copper and Latala vein type deposits. ACROFI VI, Mumbai, India, 25-27.11.
- 58. (P) Essaraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Leisen M., Boulvais P. and Maacha L. The Igoudrane Ag-Hg deposit (Anti-Atlais, Morocco) : Mineralogy, stable isotope (O,H, C) and LA-ICP-MS data. GOLDSCHMIDT 26, Yokohama, Japan, 26.06-01.07.
- 57. (O) Caumon M.C., Tarantola A., Benaissa B. and Robert P. Quantification of gas concentration in fluid inclusions. GeoRaman 12, Novosibirsk, Russia, 9-15.06.
- 56. (O) Tarantola A. and Diamond L.W. Modification of fluid inclusions by weak ductile shearing. GEOFLUIDS 8, Wuhan, China, 23-25.06.
- 55. (O) *Scheffer C., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., Rigaudier T. and Photiades A. Production of CO2 by syntectonic decarbonation during orogenic gravitational collapse. GEOFLUIDS 8, Wuhan, China, 23-25.06.
- 54. (O) Scheffer C., Tarantola A. and Vanderhaeghe O. Positive feedback between strain localization and fluid flow at the ductile/brittle transition leading to Pb-Zn-Fe-Cu-Ag ore deposits in Lavrion (Greece). EGU, Vienna, Austria, 17-22.04.
- 53. (P) Scheffer C., Tarantola A. and Vanderhaeghe O. Evolution of the ductile-brittle transition during post-orogenice exhumation: Implications on the structural control of multi-level deposits of Pb-Zn-Fe-Cu-Ag ore (Lavrion, Greece). RIG, Montpellier, France, 03-06.04
- 52. (O) Stünitz H., Thust A., Kilian R., Heilbronner R., Behrens H., Tarantola A. and Fitz Gerald J. Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals. AGU, San Francisco, USA, 14-18.12.
- 51. (P) Padyar F., Rahgosha M., Alirezeai S., and Tarantola A. Geology and genesis of the Latala base metal deposit, North Miduk, Iran. SGA 13, Nancy, France, 24-27.08.
- 50. (O) Mullis J. and Tarantola A. PVTX evolution and reequilibration of prograde and retrograde fluid inclusions in diagenetic and metamorphic rocks, Central Alps, Switzerland. ECROFI 23, Leeds, UK, 27-29.06.
- 49. (O) Diamond L.W. and Tarantola A. What can we learn from fluid inclusions in ductilely deformed quartz? ECROFI 23, Leeds, UK, 27-29.06.
- 48. (O) Scheffer C., Vanderhaeghe O. and Tarantola A. Position structurale et chimie des minéralisations à Ag-Pb-Zn dans le monde Egéen. L’exemple de Thorikos (Laurion, Grèce). Journées de l’argent, Toulouse, 26-27.05.
- 47. (O) Padyar F., Rahgosha M., Alirezeai S., Pourmoafi M., Vanderhaeghe O., Tarantola A. and Caumon M.C. Distinguishing magmatic zircon from hydrothermal zircon bearing melt inclusion and fluid inclusion in Miduk porphyry and volcanic of Latala, north of Kerman, Iran. INFI 1, Zanjan, Iran, 29-30.04.
- 46. (O) Tarantola A. and Diamond L.W. Interpretation of fluid inclusions in quartz deformed by weak ductile shearing: reconstruction of differential stress magnitudes and pre-deformation fluid properties EGU, Vienna, Austria, 12-17.04.
- 45. (O) Scheffer C., Vanderhaeghe O., Tarantola A., Lanari P., Ponthus L., *France L. and Photiades A. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 12-17.04.
- 44. (O) Essaraj S., Boiron M.C., Cathelineau M., Tarantola A., Boulvais P. and Maacha L. Igoudrane Ag-Hg deposit – Morocco : mineralogy and Ag mineralizing fluid. 3MA, Agadir-Tatoudant, Maroc, 2-4.04.
- 43. (P) Guillerm E., Vanderhaeghe O., Scheffer C., Tarantola A. and France L. Burial and syn-orogenic exhumation in the Hellenides belt: structural and petrographic record in Southern Evia, Greece. RST 24, Pau, France, 27-31.10.
- 42. (P) Scheffer C., Tarantola A. and Vanderhaeghe O. Génération de fluides aquo-carboniques à la transition fragile-ductile durant l’extension post-orogénique de la ceinture des Hellénides (Laurion, Grèce). RST 24, Pau, France, 27-31.10.
- 41. (P) Scheffer C., Vanderhaeghe O., Tarantola A., Lanari P., Ponthus L., France L. and Photiades A. Transition entre accrétion tectonique et effondrement post-orogénique : Enregistrement métamorphique et structural des nappes du Laurion (Grèce). RST 24, Pau, France, 27-31.10.
- 40. (O) Dyja V., Carrillo-Rosua J., Morales Ruano S., Hibsch C., Tarantola A. Evolution of fluid sources during the neogene exhumation of the Sierra Almagrera (Betics, Spain). Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía XXXIV, Granada, Spain, 2-7.07.
- 39. (O) Caumon M.C. and Tarantola A. Raman spectra of aqueous fluid inclusions: Effect of mineral birefringence and metastability on salinity measurement. GeoRaman 11, Saint-Louis MO, USA, 15-19.06.
- 38. (O) Eglinger A., Tarantola A., André-Mayer A.-S., Vanderhaeghe O., Ferraina C., Cuney M., Richards M. and Brouand M. Genesis of synmetamorphic uranium mineralizations in the high-grade Neoproterozoic rocks of the Lufilian belt, Domes region (Zambia). SGF 5, Orsay, France, 25-26.09.
- 37. (O) Eglinger A., Tarantola A., Vanderhaeghe O., André-Mayer A.-S., Ferraina C., Cuney M., Richards M. and Brouand M. The synmetamorphic uranium deposits in high-grade Neoproterozoic rocks in the Lufilian belt, Domes region, Zambia. SGA 12, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15.08.
- 36. (O) Dyja V., Tarantola A., Hibsch C., Cathelineau M. and Boiron M.-C. Evolution of fluid sources during the Neogene exhumation of the Almagrera MCC (Betic cordillera, Spain). ECROFI 22, Antalya, Turkey, 07-09.06.
- 35. (O) Ferraina C., Eglinger A., Tarantola A., Dubessy J., André-Mayer A.S. and Vanderhaeghe O. Fluids related to the pan-african synmetamorphic uranium mineralizations in the Domes Region, Lufilian belt (Zambia). ECROFI 22, Antalya, Turkey, 07-09.06.
- 34. (O) Dyja V., Tarantola A., Hibsch C., Boiron M.-C. and Cathelineau M. Fluid mixing and ore deposition during the geodynamic evolution of the Sierra Almagrera (Betics, Spain). EGU, Vienna, Austria, 07-12.04.
- 33. (P) Ferraina C., Eglinger A., Tarantola A., André-Mayer A.S. and Vanderhaeghe O. Enregistrements d’évènements fluides distincts et porteurs d’uranium au cours de l’orogenèse Panafricaine (Zambie) : Evidences par la radiolyse ? Réunion du Groupe de Pétrologie Endogène SFMC, Nancy, France, 22-23.01.
- 32. (P) Blaise T., Clauer N., Cathelineau M., Boulvais P., Boiron M.-C., Techer I., Tarantola A. and Landrein P. Dating fluid flow events in a shallow sedimentary basin: the key contribution of K-Ar geochronology of authigenic illite. Goldschmidt 22, Montreal (Canada), 24-29.06.
- 31. (O) Blaise T., Cathelineau M., Boulvais M., Techer I., Boiron M.-C., Tarantola A., Izart A. and Landrein P. Paleowater circulation through an aquifer/aquitard system: a geochemical study of secondary minerals and fluid inclusions at the french prospective radioactive waste disposal site. GEOFLUIDS VII, Rueil-Malmaison (IFP Energies nouvelles), France, 6-8.06.
- 30. (O) Mullis J. and Tarantola A. PVTX evolution and reequlibratin of prograde and retrograde fluid inclusions in diagenetic and metamorphic rocks, Central Alps, Switzerland. SGM IX abstract p.17, Zurich, Switzerland, 11-13.11.
- 29. (O) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W., Stünitz H. and Thust A. Reequilibration of natural NaCl-H2O fluid inclusions under experimental deviatoric stress. ECROFI 21, Leoben, Austria, 9-11.08.
- 28. (O) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W., Herwegh M. and Stünitz H. Reequilibration of fluid inclusions under experimental deviatoric stress: The example of a quartz vein of the Grimsel Pass, Central Alps, Switzerland. ECROFI 21, Leoben, Austria, 9-11.08.
- 27. (O) Morteani G., Eichinger F., Götze J., Müller A. and Tarantola A. Characterisation and quantification of solid, liquid and gaseous impurities in quartz from potential high-purity resources. BHT, Freiberg, Germany, 17.06.
- 26. (O) Diamond L.W., Tarantola A. and Stünitz H. Effects of deviatoric stress on natural fluid inclusions in quartz: an experimental study. SGM VIII, Fribourg, Switzerland, 19-20.11.
- 25. (P) Thust A., Heilbronner R., Stünitz H., Tarantola A. and Behrens H. Influence of H2O rich fluid inclusions on quartz deformation. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 02-07.05.
- 24. (P) de Haller A., Tarantola A., Mazurek M. and Spangenberg J. Veins and related past fluid flow through the Mesozoic sedimentary cover in the Swiss Molasse Basin. Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement 4, ANDRA. Nantes, France, 29.03-01.04.
- 23. (O) Thust A., Heilbronner R., Stünitz H., Tarantola A. and Behrens H. Quartz deformation and the influence of H2O rich fluid inclusions. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Oslo, Norway, Geol. Soc. Norway ID1-03, 11-13.01.
- 22. (P) Thust A., Heilbronner R., Stünitz H., Tarantola A. and Behrens H. Interaction of H2O-rich fluid inclusions and natural quartz crystals in deformation experiments. SGM VII, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 20-21.11.
- 21. (P) de Haller A., Tarantola A., Mazurek M. and Spangenberg J. Calcite-celestite veins and related past fluid flow through the Mesozoic sedimentary cover at Oftringen, near Olten. SGM VII, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 20-21.11.
- 20. (P) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Modification of natural fluid inclusions by experimental plastic deformation of single quartz crystals. ECROFI 20, Granada, Spain, 21-30.09.
- 19. (P) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Fluid inclusion re-equilibration during experimental plastic deformation of natural quartz. Goldschmidt 19, Davos, Suisse, 21-26.06.
- 18. (O) Thust A., Tarantola A., Heilbronner R. and Stünitz H. Fluid inclusions and microstructures in experimentally deformed quartz single crystals. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 19-24.04.
- 17. (O) Stünitz H., Thust A., Tarantola A., Heilbronner R. H2O-weakening of quartz: a new look at an old problem. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Bergen, Norway, 13-15.01.
- 16. (P) Thust A., Tarantola A., Heilbronner R. and Stünitz H. The availability of H2O for deformation in natural quartz single crystal experiments. SGM VI, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-23.11.
- 15. (O) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Fluid inclusion re-equilibration during experimental plastic deformation of natural quartz. ACROFI II, Kharagpur, India, 12-14.11.
- 14. (O) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Experimental plastic deformation of natural quartz containing CO2-H2O-NaCl fluid inclusions. PACROFI IX, Reston, Virginia, United States, 02-05.06.
- 13. (P) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Plastic deformation of quartz and fluid inclusions: An experimental study. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 13-18.04.
- 12. (O) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Fluid inclusions during plastic deformation of quartz: An experimental study. SGM V, Genève, Suisse, 16-17.11. Abstract volume p. 55.
- 11. (P) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Experimental re-equilibration of quartz-hosted H2O-CO2-NaCl inclusions under differential stress using a Griggs apparatus. Goldschmidt 17, Cologne, Allemagne, 19-24.08. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71 (15), Supplement 1, pp. A1006.
- 10. (P) Mullis J. and Tarantola A. The application of fluid inclusions to fluid geochemistry and geothermobarometry in diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic rocks in the external parts of the Central Alps. ECROFI XIX, Bern, Suisse, 17-20.07. Abstract volume p. 172.
- 9. (O) Tarantola A., Diamond L.W. and Stünitz H. Effect of plastic deformation on fluid inclusions in quartz: an experimental study. ECROFI XIX, Bern, Suisse, 17-20.07. Abstract volume p. 46.
- 8. (P) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., Dubessy J. and de Capitani C. Redox reactions at the end of the CH4-zone in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland. SGM IV, Bern, Suisse, 24-25.11. Abstract volume p. 195.
- 7. (O) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., Dubessy J. and de Capitani C. Methane oxidation as inferred from stable isotope compositions of fluid inclusions at the CH4/H2O-(CO2) transition in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland. ECROFI XVIII, Sienne, Italie, 5-9.07. Abstract CD-ROM.
- 6. (O) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., de Capitani C., and Dubessy J. Stable isotope perspective to The CH4 / H2O-(CO2) transition zone study in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland. RST, Strasbourg, France, 20-25.09.
- 5. (P) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., de Capitani C., and Dubessy J. The CH4 / H2O-(CO2) transition zone in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland: Observations and hypotheses. SGM 1, Bâle, Suisse, 28-29.11. Abstract volume p. 108.
- 4. (O) Dubessy J. and Tarantola A. Modelling of liquid-vapour equilibria in the H2O-CO2-H2S-NaCl system. ECROFI XVII, Budapest, Hongrie, 4-9.06. Acta Mineralogica Acta, Abstract series, p. 57.
- 3. (O) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., de Capitani C., Lhomme T. and Dubessy J. The CH4 / H2O-(CO2) transition zone in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland: A low-grade metamorphic fluid evolution study. ECROFI XVII, Budapest, Hongrie, 4-9.06. Acta Mineralogica Acta, Abstract series, p. 208.
- 2. (O) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., de Capitani C. and Dubessy J. The CH4-H2O-(CO2) transition zone in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11.04. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 04963.
- 1. (P) Tarantola A., Mullis J., Vennemann T., de Capitani C. and Dubessy J. The CH4-H2O-(CO2) transition zone in the external part of the Central Alps – Preliminary results from a fluid inclusion study. SSPM 77 (Davos, Suisse, 19.09).