- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Maitre de conférences HDR
- Tutelle de rattachement : Université de Lorraine
- Adresse professionnelle : BAT E - Bur E017
- Email : fabrice.golfier@univ-lorraine.fr
- Téléphone : 03 83 59 63 44
- Equipe : AXE GEOMODELES - Hydrogéomécanique multi-échelle
- Section CNU : 60
Thématiques de recherche
Hydrogéomécanique multi-échelles
Responsabilités pédagogiques
- Responsable de l'UE Hydrodynamique Terrestre de 54h en première année ENSG.
- Responsable depuis 2012 du stage de terrain d’Hydrogéologie en deuxième année (deux semaines de terrain + 1 semaine de rendu de rapport). L’étude porte sur les sous-bassins versants de l’Orge et de l’Ormançon à proximité du site de Bure (Laboratoire souterrain de l’ANDRA).
- Responsable Pédagogique de l’épreuve écrite de Physiques du concours G2E depuis 2014.
Responsabilités administratives
- Membre élu du Conseil Scientifique et du Sénat académique de l’Université de Lorraine (collège B : 2012-2017)
- Membre élu du Conseil Scientifique de l’INPL (collège C : 2008-2011)
- Membre élu du Conseil de l’ENSG (2009-2013, 2013-2017)
- Co-responsable de l’équipe « Hydrogéomécanique Multi-échelle » au sein du Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Golfier, F., Lasseux, D. and Quintard, M. 2014, Investigation of the Effective Permeability of Vuggy or Fractured Porous Media from a Darcy Brinkman Approach, Comput. Geosciences (in press).
- Kone, T., Golfier, F., Orgogozo, L., Oltéan, C.,Lefevre, E., Block, J.C. and Buès, M.A. 2014, Impact of Biofilm-Induced Heterogeneities on Solute Transport in Porous Media, Water Resources Research (in press).
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A, Quintard, M. and Kone, T. 2013,A dual-porosity theory for solute transport in biofilm-coated porous media, Adv. Water Resour. –special issue in honor of Stephen Whitaker, 62(Part B), 266-279.
- Ebigbo, A., Golfier, F. and Quintard, M. 2013, A coupled, pore-scale model for methanogenic microbial activity in underground hydrogen storage, Adv. Water Resour., 61, 74-85.
- Oltéan, C., Golfier, F. and Buès, M.A. 2013, Numerical and experimental investigation of buoyancy-driven dissolution in vertical fracture, J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 118(5), 2038–2048, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50188.
- Mainhagu, J., Golfier, F., Oltéan, C. and Buès, M. 2012, Gravity-driven fingering in fractures: experimental investigation and dispersion analysis by moment method for a point-source injection, J. Contam. Hydrol.,132, 12-27. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.02.004
- Golfier, F., Wood, B. and Quintard, M. 2011, Comparison of theory and experiment for solute transport in weakly heterogeneous bimodal porous medium, Adv. Water Resour., 34(7), 899-914, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.04.019
- Wood, B., Golfier, F. and Quintard, M. 2011, Dispersive Transport in Porous Media with Biofilm: Local Mass Equilibrium in Simple Unit Cells, Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, 7(1-2), p. 24-48, doi: 10.1504/IJEWM.2011.037364.
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A, Quintard, M. 2010, Upscaling of Transport Processes in Porous Media with Biofilms in Non-Equilibrium Conditions, Adv. Water Resour., 33(5), 585-600.doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.03.004.
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F. and Buès, M.A. 2010, Modèles de transport d’espèces chimiques en solution dans des conduites colonisées par un biofilm : perspective d’applications en système d’eau potable, Europ. J. Water Qual., 41(2), p. 77. doi:10.1051/water/2010006.
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A. 2009,Upscaling of transport processes in porous media with biofilms in equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions, Applic. Anal.,88(10-11), 1579-1588.doi: 10.1080/00036810902913862.
- Golfier, F., Van de Steene, L., Salvador, S., Mermoud, F., Oltean, C. andBues, M.A. 2009, Impact of peripheral fragmentation on the steam gasification of an isolated wood charcoal particle in a diffusion-controlled regime, Fuel, 88(8), 1498-1503.
- Oltean, C., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A. 2009, The Permeability Contrast Influence on the Plume Propagation with Variable Physical Properties, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 13(4), 413-427doi:10.3166/ejece.13.413-427.
- Golfier, F., Wood, B., Orgogozo, L., Quintard, M. and Buès, M.A.2009,Biofilms in Porous Media: Development of Macroscopic Transport Equations via Volume Averaging with Closure for Local Mass Equilibrium Conditions, Adv. Water Resour., 32(3), 463-485.
- Oltean, C., Golfier, F. and Buès, M. 2008, Experimental and numerical study of the validity of Hele-Shaw cell as analogue model for variable-density flow in homogeneous porous media, Adv. Water Resour., 31(1), 82-95,doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2007.06.007.
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M., Cherblanc, F., Zinn, B. and Wood, B. 2007, Comparison of theory and experiment for solute transport in highly heterogeneous porous medium, Adv. Water Resour., 30(11), 2235-2261, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2007.05.004.
- Mainhagu, J., Oltéan, C., Golfier, F. and Buès, M. 2007, Measurement by Laser Induced Fluorescence on miscible density driven flows in a Hele-Shaw cell: settings and preliminary results,Comptes-RendusMécanique335(2), 105-112.
- Wood, B., Radakovich, K., and Golfier, F. 2007, Effective Reaction at a Fluid-Solid Interface: Applications to Biotransformation in Porous Media, Adv. Water Resour.,30(6-7), 1630-1647. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2006.05.032
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M., Bazin, B. and Lenormand, R. 2006, Core-Scale Description of Porous Media Dissolution During Acid Injection – Part II: Calculation of the Effective Properties, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 25(1), 55-78.
- Mermoud, F., Salvador, S., Van de Steene, L. and Golfier, F. 2006, Influence of the pyrolysis heating rate on the steam gasification rate of large wood char particles, Fuel, 85(10-11), 1473-1482.
- Mermoud, F., Golfier, F., Salvador, S. and Van de Steene, L.2006, Experimental and Numerical Study of steam gasification of a single charcoal particle, Combust. Flame, 145(1-2), 59-79.
- Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R. and Quintard, M. 2004, Core-Scale Description of Porous Media Dissolution During Acid Injection – Part I: Theoretical Development, Comp. and Appl. Math., special issue on Multiscale Phenomena, 23(2-3), 173-194.
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M., and Whitaker, S. 2002, Heat and Mass Transfer in Tubes: An Analysis Using the Method of Volume Averaging, Journal of Porous Media, 5, 169-185.
- Golfier, F., Zarcone, C., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R., Lasseux, D., and Quintard, M. 2002, Modelling of the dissolution in porous media at the Darcy-scale: On the ability of a Darcy-scale model to capture wormhole formation during the dissolution of a porous medium, J. Fluid Mechanics, 457, 213-254.
Ouvrages ou chapitres d’ouvrage : 3
- Kort, M., Golfier, F.,Oltean, C., Buès, M.A. 2013, Dissolution of an isolated fracture, in Mathematical Geosciences: Theory, Methods and Applications.Chapitre 10, 169-181.
- Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Lasseux, D., Lenormand, R. and Quintard, M. 2002, A discussion on Darcy-scale modeling of porous media dissolution in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems,in Developments in Water Science, 47, Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XIV), vol. 1, 615-622, edited by S.M. Hassanizadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Wood, B. D., Quintard, M., Golfier, F. and Whitaker, S., 2002, Biofilms in Porous Media: Development of Macroscopic Transport Equations via Volume Averaging with Closure, in Developments in Water Science, 47, Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XIV), vol. 2, 1195-1202, edited by S.M. Hassanizadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Communications à congrès
Congrès avec actes et comité de lecture : 26
- Faivre, M., Giot, R., Golfier, F. and Massin, P. 2014, A coupled XFEM-HM method for fracture dynamics and groundwater flow in geological porous media, EUROCK 2014, IRSM International Symposium, 27-29 may, Vigo, Spain (6 pages).
- Orgogozo, L., Martin, R.,Guibert,R.,Golfier, F.,Noiriel,C.,Debenest,G.andQuintard, M. 2013, Application of high performance computation methods to the study of transfer in porous media hosting biofilms, INTERPORE2013, 5th International Conference on Porous Media, 22-24 may, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Benioug, M., Golfier, F., Oltéan, C. and Buès, M.A. 2013, Modélisation 3D de l’écoulement et du transport dans des milieux poreux évolutifs par une méthode LBM-IBM, 21ème Congrès de Mécanique, Bordeaux, 26-30 août, 6 pages.
- Kone, T., Golfier, F., Oltean, C., Lefevre, E. and Bues, M., 2011, Experimental study of coupling between bacterial growth and solute transport in biofilm coated porous media, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8972, EGU General Assembly 2011.
- Golfier, F., 2010, Influence de la présence de biofilm sur les processus hydrodynamiques et géochimiques en milieu poreux, Colloque restitution EC2CO, 23-25 Novembre, Toulouse, poster (8 pages).
- Pujol, M., Bolton, G. and Golfier, F. 2010, Flow and heat modelling of a Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (HSA) explored for geothermal heat production in the Perth Urban Area, Western Australia (WA), Australian Geothermal Energy Conference 2010, November 17 - 19, Adelaide Convention Centre (6 pages).
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F.,Oltean, C.,Bues, M.,Quintard, M. 2010, A two equation model of biologically reactive solute transport in porous media,CMWR, XVIII Int. Conf. on Water Resour., Barcelona (8 pages).
- Trieuh, H.T., Oltean, C., Golfier, F.,Bues, M.,2010, Laboratory and Numerical Investigations of Variable Density-Flow and Transport in Hele-Shaw Cell, CMWR, XVIII Int. Conf. on Water Resour., Barcelona (8 pages).
- Kort, M., Golfier, F., Oltean, C., Buès, M.A. 2009, Dissolution of an isolated fracture, MatGeos’09, 2nd international workshop on mathematical geosciences, December 7-8, Freiberg , Germany (8 pages).
- Verdon, N., Golfier, F., Le Solleuz, A. 2009, A multilayer Saint Venant model with density variation effects applied to hyperpycnal currents, Coupled Problems 2009, June 8-10, Ischia Island, Italy (4 pages).
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F.,Oltean, C.,Bues, M., Wood, B.,Quintard, M. 2009, Numerical and experimental approach of bioreactive transport in porous medium including a biofilm phase, The Fourth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, June 8-10, Columbia University, New-York, USA (6 pages).
- Oltean, C., Golfier, F., Buès, M. 2008, The Permeability Contrast Influence on the Plume Propagation with Variable Physical Properties,XXIVemeRencontresUniversitaires de Génie Civil, June 4-6, Nancy, France (8 pages).
- Febvay, J.B., Oltean, C., Golfier, F., Fabriol, R., Buès, M. 2008, Hydrodynamic study of the long term evolution of a salt cavity following collapse, Post-Mining 2008, Feb. 6-8, Nancy, France (10 pages).
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Oltéan, C., Buès, M.A., Wood, B., Quintard, M. 2007, Modélisation du transport actif de soluté en milieu poreux en présence d’un biofilm, 18ème Congrès de Mécanique, 27-31 August, Grenoble (6 pages).
- Tagutchou J.P., Van de steene L., Salvador S., Golfier F., Martin E., Mermoud F. 2007, Fixed bed gasification of wood char: Thermal, chemical and mechanical characterisation, Eurotherm 81, Reactive Heat Transfer in Porous Media, June 4-6, Albi, France (7 pages).
- Febvay, J.B., Hamm, V., Oltean, C., Golfier, F., Fabriol, R., Buès, M. 2005, Hydrodynamic study of the long term evolution of a salt cavity after collapsing, Post-Mining 2005, Nov. 16-17, Nancy, France (10 pages).
- Wood, B. D., Golfier, F., Majors, P., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. 2004, Biofilms in porous media: Upscaling conservation equations and measurement of microbial distributions via NMR, International Water Association Conference on Biofilms, Las Vegas, NV., 24-26 Oct., 7 pages.
- Mermoud, F., Golfier, F., Van de Steene, L., Salvador, S. and Girard, P. 2004. Factors influencing wood char gasification at macro-particle size, Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion Conference, Vancouver island, Canada, 30 août.
- Golfier, F., Mermoud, F., Salvador, S., Dirion, J-L. and Van de Steene, L. 2004, Etude préliminaire à l’échelle du pore en vue du développement d’un modèle macroscopique d’un gazogène en lit fixe et comparaison avec les expériences, Congrès Français de Thermique SFT 2004, Giens, 25-28 Mai, 6 pages.
- Golfier, F., Mermoud, F., Salvador, S., Dirion, J-L. and Van de Steene, L. 2004, Modelling of char gasification at particle scale: how to select the best assumptions in the scope of fixed bed modelling, 2nd World Conference and Technology on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, Italy, 10-14 May, 4 pages.
- Mermoud, F., Van de Steene, L., Girard, P., Golfier, F. and Salvador, S. 2004, Factors influencing wood char gasification at macro-particle scale, 2nd World Conference and Technology on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, Italy, 10-14 May, 4 pages.
- Golfier, F., Zarcone, C., Lasseux, D., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R. and Quintard, M. 2001, Darcy-Scale and Core-Scale Modelling of Porous Media Dissolution, 3rd Int. Symp. onEnv. Hydraulics, Tempe (AZ), 6 pages.
- Pomés, V., Bazin, B., Golfier, F., Zarcone, C., Lenormand, R. and Quintard, M. 2001, On the Use of Upscaling Methods to Describe Acid Injection in Carbonates, SPE paper 71511, presented at New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 Sept.-3 Oct., 11 pages.
- Golfier, F., Lasseux, D., Zarcone, C., Lenormand, R., Bazin, B., and Quintard, M. 2001, Acidizing Carbonate Reservoirs: Numerical Modelling of Wormhole, SPE paper 68922, presented at the Eur. Form. Damage Conf. held in The Hague, 21-22 May, 11 pages.
- Golfier, F., Lasseux, D., Bazin, B., and Quintard, M. 2000, Micro-Scale Diffusion Controlled Dissolution – a Physical Analysis of Instability Based on Numerical Modelling of Dissolution Patterns, in Proceedings of the 7th Eur. Conf. on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Baveno (Italy), V28, 7 pages.
- Golfier, F., Lasseux, D., Quintard, M. 1999, Etude du Problème de Darcy-Brinkman dans une Structure Fluide / Poreux, 14ème Congrès de Mécanique, Toulouse, 6 pages.
Congrès sans actes ou sans comités de lecture: 37
- Paul, B., Faivre, M.,Massin, P.,Golfier, F., Giot, R. and Columbo, D. 2014, The eXtended Finite Element Method applied to porous saturated media, WCCM XI, XI World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 20-25 July, Barcelona, Spain.
- Benioug, M., Golfier, F., Oltéan, C. and Buès, M.A. 2014, A 3D ILBM-based model of biofilm growth in porous media, CMWR, XX Int. Conf. on Water Resour., 10-13th June, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Faivre, M., Paul, B., Giot, R., Golfier, F., Massin, P. and Columbo, D. 2014, A 3D coupled HM-XFEM model for application to hydraulic fracturing, CMWR, XX Int. Conf. on Water Resour., 10-13th June, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Martin, R., Orgogozo, L., Noiriel, C., Guibert, R., Golfier, F., Debenest, G. and Quintard, M. 2013, Complex three dimensional modelling of porous media using parallel and multi-scale incompressible approach, AGU Meeting of the Americas, 14-17 may, Cancun.
- Ebigbo, A., Golfier, F. and Quintard, M. 2012, Modélisation multi-échelle de l’activité biologique dans un reservoir souterrain d’hydrogène, 10ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Marseille, 8-9 octobre..
- Ebigbo, A.,Golfier, F. and Quintard, M. 2012, Pore-scale modelling of microbial activity in the underground storage of hydrogen,Flow & Transport in Permeable Media, Gordon Research Conference, June 24-29, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (poster).
- Kone, T., Golfier, F., , Orgogozo, L., Oltéan, C. and Buès, M. 2012, Experimental and numerical investigation of coupled processes affecting transport of an organic pollutant in biofilm-coated porous media, 7th International Conference “Interfaces against Pollution (IAP 2012)”, 11-14 June, Nancy, France.
- Golfier, F.,Kone, T., Orgogozo, L., Oltéan, C. and Buès, M. 2012, Experimental and numerical investigation of groundwater contaminant transport in the presence of biofilm, INTERPORE2012, 4th International Conference on Porous Media, 14-16 may, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA .
- Ebigbo, A., Golfier, F. and Quintard, M. 2012, Pore-scale modelling of biofilm activity in the underground storage of hydrogen, INTERPORE2012, 4th International Conference on Porous Media, 14-16 may, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA .
- Kone, T., Golfier, F., Oltean, C., Bues, M. and Lefevre, E. 2011, Experimental modelling of reactive transport of an organic solute in biofilm-coated porous media, INTERPORE2011, 3thd International Conference on Porous Media, 29-31 march, Bordeaux.
- Le Solleuz, A., Golfier, F., Verdon, N. 2010, A 2D numerical approach to predict sedimentary deposits of submarine gravity flow based on a Saint-Venant model with density variation effects. Example of Annot Basin (SE, France), Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco), 12-17 december.
- Orgogozo, L.,Golfier, F.,Buès, M.A., Quintard, M. 2010, Transport Biologiquement Actif en Milieu Poreux Colonisé par un Biofilm : Modèle à 2 Equations, 9ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Nancy, 20-21 octobre.
- Kort, M.,Golfier, F.,Oltéan, C., Buès, M.A. 2010, Dissolution d’une Fracture Isolée, 9ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Nancy, 20-21 octobre.
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A., 2009, Modèles de transport d’espèces chimiques en solution dans des conduites colonisées par un biofilm : perspective d’applications en système d’eau potable, Colloque ASEES : Interactions Eaux-Matériaux. Impacts Potentiels sur la Santé, Paris, 25-26 novembre (8 pages).
- Trieu, H.T., Mainhagu, J., Oltéan, C., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A. 2009, Transport de Polluants Inertes Miscibles à l’Eau et à Propriétés Physiques Variables, 8ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Paris, 21-22 octobre.
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M., Wood, B. 2009, Etude du Transport en Milieu Faiblement Hétérogène dans le cas d’une Injection Pulsée, 8ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Paris, 21-22 octobre.
- Verdon, N., Golfier, F., Le Solleuz, A. 2009, A multilayer Saint Venant model with density variation effects applied to 2D submarine flows,European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2009, 19 – 24 April, Vienna, Austria.
- Golfier, F., Wood, B., Quintard, M. 2008,Comparison of theory and experiment for solute transport in bimodal heterogeneous porous medium, Conference on Scaling Up and Modeling for Transport and Flow in Porous Media, October 13-16, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A., Wood, B., Quintard, M. 2008,Upscaling of transport Processes in porous media with biofilm in equilibrium and non equilibrium conditions, Conference on Scaling Up and Modeling for Transport and Flow in Porous Media, October 13-16, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Orgogozo, L., Golfier, F., Buès, M.A., Wood, B., Quintard, M. 2008,Modelling of reactive transport processes in porous media including a biofilm phase in non equilibrium conditions, Euromech Colloquium, Nonlinear Mechanics of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media, June 9-12, Nancy, France.
- Golfier, F., Cuny, J.,Oltean, C., Buès, M. 2007, Impact de la croissance de biofilm en milieu poreux sur les processus hydrodynamiques, 8ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Lyon, 24-25 octobre.
- Cohen, C., Ding, D., Bazin, B., Golfier, F., Quintard, M. 2007, Dissolution de milieux poreux: modélisation multi-échelle et instabilités,18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, conf. Invité, session Milieux Poreux, Couplages multiphysiques, 27-31 August, Grenoble.
- Mainhagu, J., Oltean, C., Golfier, F., Buès, M. 2005, Ecoulement gravitaire en milieu poreux : étude expérimentale, 7ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Bordeaux, 26-27 octobre.
- Febvay, J.B., Hamm, V., Oltean, C., Golfier, F., Fabriol, R., Buès, M. 2005, Evolution à long terme d'une cavité dans le sel après effondrement : aspect hydrodynamique, 7ème journée d’étude sur les milieux poreux, Bordeaux, 26-27 octobre.
- Wood, B., Quintard, M., Golfier, F., Tartakovski, A. and Whitaker, S. 2005, Upscaling Biofilm Processes in Porous Media, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Avignon
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M. 2004, Darcy-scale modelling of dissolution patterns in porous media, 16th ALERT – Geomaterials Workshop, Aussois, France, 11-13 Oct.
- Wood, B., Quintard, M., Golfier, F., Cherblanc, F., Harvey, C.F. 2004, A Volume Averaging Approach for Transport in Bimodal Heterogeneous Porous Media, The Gordon Research Conference on ‘Flow and Transport in Permeable Media’, Oxford, UK, 11-16 July.
- Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R. and Quintard, M. 2004, Dissolution in porous media: upscaling, instabilities, and heterogeneity effects, ICTAM 2004, Warsaw, Poland, 15-21 August.
- Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R. and Quintard, M. 2003, Problems in Upscaling Dissolution Processes in Porous Media, International Conference on Gas-Water-Rock Interactions Induced by Reservoir Exploitation, CO2 Sequestration, and other Geological Storage, November, Rueil-Malmaison, France.
- Golfier, F., Wood, B. and Cherblanc, F. 2003,Upscaling Transport in Two-region Bimodal Porous Media: Comparison of Theory and Experiment, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS03), Austin, Texas, 17-20 march.
- Wood, B., Golfier, F., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. 2002, Upscaling Biofilm Processes from the Pore-scale to the Darcy-scale: A report on continuing theoretical and experimental research, Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco).
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M. 2001, Porous Media Dissolution Patterns and Up-Scaling, Sixth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Boulder, USA
- Golfier, F., Quintard, M. and Whitaker, S. 2001, Mass Exchange Coefficients for Flow in Porous Media: Results for a Bundle of Capillary Tubes, AGU Spring Meeting, Boston. (conf. invited)
- Golfier, F., Zarcone, C., Bazin, B., and Quintard, M. 2000, Carbonate Dissolution: Numerical Modelling of Wormhole Propagation and Comparison to Experiments, Poster presented at the AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco).
- Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Zarcone, C., Lenormand, R., Lasseux, D., Quintard, M. 2000, Dissolution of porous media : Modelling the wormholing process. 2nd Int. Conf. On Computer Methods for Engineering in Porous Media, Besançon, Juillet.
- Lasseux, D., Golfier, F., Quintard, M., Bertin, H. 2000, On the determination of effective permeability of vuggy porous media. 2nd Int. Conf. On Computer Methods for Engineering in Porous Media, Besançon, Juillet.
- Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Zarcone, C., Lenormand, R., Lasseux, D., Quintard, M. 2000, Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling of Wormhole Formation in Porous Media, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 2, XXV EGS General Assembly.
Séminaires et journées d’étude
- Golfier, F. 2012, Impact de l’activité bactérienne sur les processus d’écoulement et de transport en milieu poreux, séminaire de Mécanique FAST-LIMSI (invité), Paris, 20 décembre.
- Ebigbo, A., Hazotte, A., Golfier, F., Jorand, F. and Quintard, M. 2012, Investigating microbial activity in the underground storage of hydrogen, Ateliers scientifiques – Institut Carnot ICEEL, Nancy, 10 may.
- Golfier, F. 2007, Transport enmilieux poreux en présence de biofilms : de l’échelle du pore à l’échelle macroscopique, séminaire interne CGS, Strasbourg, 16 octobre.
- Golfier, F. 2007, Biofilm en milieux poreux modélisation et changement d’échelle, séminaire interne LTHE, Grenoble, 8 juin.
- Golfier, F. 2007, Modélisation macroscopique du transport actif de soluté en milieu poreux en présence d’un biofilm, séminaire interne IMFT, Toulouse, 16 février.
- Commandre, J.M., Golfier, F., Mermoud, F., Dirion, J.L. and Salvador, S. 2005, Modelling of wood char gasification at particle scale and at fixed bed scale, Lift Off mid-term meeting, European commission, Brussels, Belgium, 15 mars.
- Quintard, M., Wood, B., Golfier, F. and Whitaker, S. 2004, Modélisation des Biofilms, Journée FERMAT (Fédération pour l’Etude des Réacteurs et la Maîtrise des Transferts), Toulouse.
- Golfier, F., Salavador, S. and Dirion, J.L. 2004, Gasification du char – modélisation à l’échelle de la particule et du réacteur, séminaire interne EMAC, Albi, 12 février.
- Golfier, F., Wood, B., Whitaker, S. and Quintard, M. 2004, Biofilms dans les milieux poreux – Développement des équations macroscopiques par changement d’échelle, Journée PNRH, Bordeaux, 20-21 janvier.
- Quintard, M.,Golfier, F., Bazin, B., Lenormand, R. and Lasseux, D. 2004, Instabilités de dissolution en milieux poreux, Journée PNRH, Bordeaux, 20-21 janvier.
- Golfier, F. 2003, Char Gasification III – Modelling approach, “Staged Gasification”, technical seminar, Albi, 15-16 septembre.
- Golfier, F., and Quintard, M. 2000, Dissolution in Porous Medium, Journée ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion), Toulouse, 14 april.