- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Professeur
- Tutelle de rattachement : Université de Lorraine
- Adresse professionnelle : ARTEM - Bur B112
- Email : judith.sausse@univ-lorraine.fr
- Téléphone : 03 55 66 26 43
- Equipes :
- AXE GEOMODELES - Modèles géologiques et géochimiques
- AXE GEOSYSTEMES - Stockages géologiques et géothermie
- AXE GEOSYSTEMES - Géomatériaux, ouvrages et risques
- Section CNU : 35
Thématiques de recherche
- Géothermie EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System)
- Caractérisation des milieux poreux et fracturés
- Géophysique et pétrophysique des réservoirs
- Modélisations 3D - gOcad
Responsabilités scientifiques
Membre du Conseil Scientifique Labex G-Eau-Thermie, Univ. Strasbourg, GEIE, Electricité de Strasbourg
Responsabilités pédagogiques
Directrice de la formation Ingénieur Civil des Mines, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy
Responsabilités administratives
Membre élue du Conseil de Laboratoire depuis janvier 2014
- Held S., Genter A., Kohl T., Kölbel, T., Sausse J., Schoenball M. Economic evaluation of geothermal reservoir performance through modeling the complexity of an operating EGS. Accepté, Geothermics, 51, 270-280, 2014.
- Bonneau, F. Henrion, V., Caumon G., Renard, P. and Sausse, J. A methodology for pseudo-genetic stochastic modeling of discrete fracture networks. Computers & Geosciences, 56 (12-22), 2013.
- André-Mayer A.S., Sausse, J. Fissural permeability in the Roşia Poieni copper deposit: Influence on ore repartition at the open pit scale, Romanian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 85, issue 1, p. 1-15, 2012.
- Radilla, G., Sausse, J., Sanjuan, B., Fourar, M. Interpreting tracer tests in the enhanced geothermal system (EGS) of Soultz-sous-Forêts, Geothermics (Solid Earth), 2012, 44, 43–51.
- Place J., Sausse J., Marthelot J.-M., Diraison M., Géraud Y. and Naville C. 3-D mapping of permeable structures affecting a deep granite basement using isotropic 3C VSP data, Geophysical Journal International, 2011, 186, 1, 245–263.
- Courjault, T., Grosheny, D., Ferry, S., Sausse, J. Detailed anatomy of a deep-water carbonate breccia lobe (Upper Jurassic, French subalpine basin), Sedimentary Geology, 2011, 238, 1-2, 156-171.
- Le Garzic, E., de L’Hamaide, T., Diraison, M., Géraud, Y., Sausse, J., de Urreiztieta, M., Hauville, B., Xavier, J.P., Champanhet, J. M., Scaling and geometric properties of fracture systems in the extensional Proterozoic basement of Yemen. Tectonic interpretation and fluid flow implications, Journal of Structural Geology, 2011, 33, 519-536.
- Sausse, J., Dezayes Ch., Dorbath L., Genter A., Place J. 3D model of fracture zones at Soultz based on geological data, image logs, induced microseismicity and vertical seismic profiles. Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 2010, 342 (7-8), 531-545.
- Caumon, G., Collon-Drouaillet, P., Le Carlier de Veslud, C., Viseur, S. Sausse, J. Teacher's aide : 3D modeling of geological structures. Mathematical Geosciences. 2009, 41, 927–945.
- Sterpenich, J., Sausse, J., Pironon, J., Géhin, A., Hubert, G., Perfetti, E., Grgic D. Ageing of oolitic limestones under CO2 storage conditions. Chemical Geology, 2009, 265, 99-12.
- Salim A., Fourar M., Pironon J., Sausse J. Oil-water two-phase flow in microchannels: flow patterns and pressure drop measurements. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 86,6, 978-988, 2008.
- Salim, A., Sausse J., Pironon, J., Fourar M., Le Carlier C., 3D Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy to quantify contact angles in natural oil-water mixtures. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Vol. 63 (2008), No. 5, pp. 645-655, 2008.
- André-Mayer, A. S. and Sausse, J., Thickness and spatial distribution of veins in a porphyry copper deposit, Rosia Poieni, Romania. Journal of Structural Geology 29 (2007) 1695-1708.
- Carpentier, C. Lathuilière, B, Ferry S and Sausse, J., Sequence stratigraphy and tectonosedimentary history of the Upper Jurassic of the Eastern Paris Basin (Lower and Middle Oxfordian, Northeastern France). Sedimentary Geology, 197, 235–266, 2007.
- Sausse, J., Fourar, M., Genter, A., Permeability and alteration within the Soultz granite inferred from geophysical and flow log analysis. Geothermics, special issue EGS, 35 (5-6), pp. 544-560, 2006.
- Cardon, O., André-Mayer, A S., Sausse, J., Milu, V., Chauvet, A., Leroy, J L., Lespinasse, M., Udubasa, S. Connexion Porphyre-Epithermal neutre: apport du couplage de l'analyse structurale et de la représentation 3D sur l'exemple du secteur de Bolcana, Monts Apuseni, Roumanie. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2. Sciences de la terre et des planètes, 337, 9, 824-831, 2005.
- Evans, K., Genter, A. and Sausse, J., Permeability creation and damage due to massive fluid injections into granite at 3.5 Km at Soultz: Part 1 - borehole observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B04203, 2005.
- Sausse, J. and Genter, A. Types of fracture permeability in granite. Special Publication of the Geological Society of London (Harvey, P. K., Brewer, T. S., Pezard, P. A. & Petrov, V. A. (eds), 240: 1-14, 2005.
- Evans, K.F., Moriya, H., Niitsuma, H., Jones, R.H., Phillips, W.S., Genter, A., Sausse, J.; Jung, R., Baria, R. Microseismicity and its relation to permeability enhancement of hydro-geologic structures in granite at 3 km depth at the Soultz HDR site. Geophysical Journal International, 160: 388-412, 2005.
- Hoxha, D., Lespinasse, M., Sausse, J. and Homand, F., Micro structural study of natural and damaged cracks in granite. Tectonophysics, 395: 99-112, 2005.