- Laboratoire GeoRessources
- Professeur
- Tutelle de rattachement : Université de Lorraine
- Adresse professionnelle : FST - Bur A627
- Email : jerome.sterpenich@univ-lorraine.fr
- Téléphone : 03 72 74 56 59
- Equipe : AXE GEOSYSTEMES - Stockages géologiques et géothermie
- Section CNU : 35
Thématiques de recherche
- Stockage géologique du CO2
- Expérimentation haute pression
- Altération des matrices vitreuses
- Interactions fluides/matériaux
- Tomographie X
Responsabilités scientifiques
- Responsable de l’équipe « Stockage géologique et Géothermie » du laboratoire GeoRessources (2013-2018)
- Membre du comité de Direction du laboratoire GeoRessources (2013-2018)
- Responsable du laboratoire d'expérimentation haute pression
- Responsable scientifique de la plate-forme de nano-tomographie X
- Membre du Comité d'Orientation Stratégique et Technique du GIS Géodénergies (depuis 2015)
- Porteur de projet et coordinateur national du projet ANR "Gaz Annexes" (2006-2011) : Rôle des gaz annexes sur l'injection du CO2: simulation des propriétés thermodynamiques des mélanges eau-gaz-sels en conditions de stockage géologique. IMAGES (INPL), BRGM, l'IFP et Ecole des Mines de Paris.
- Responsable scientifique pour Nancy Université du projet ANR Interface (2008-2011) : Comportement chimio-mécanique de l'interface ciment-couverture d'un puits en présence de (sc)CO2 et gaz annexes) sur le stockage et le captage du CO2 piloté par le BRGM (partenaires : UR Navier, Schlumberger, IFPEN)
- Responsable scientifique pour le CNRS du projet ANR CO2-DISSOLVED : Système d'injection et de stockage de CO2 sûr et optimisé pour la valorisation locale de l'énergie géothermale produite. Depuis janvier 2013 pour une durée de 3 ans. Pilotage BRGM. (partenaires BRGM, LEO, BGR, Geogreen)
- Coordinateur du projet Institut Carnot ICEEL Multigaz (2012-2013) : Acquisition de données thermodynamiques et cinétiques sur les systèmes eau/gaz/sels à haute pression et haute température. Etude expérimentale de systèmes contenant CO2, SO2, CO, H2, NO, CH4 et H2S et ajustement des équations d’état.
- Coordinateur du projet Trans fédérations Institut Carnot ICEEL SOHS (2013-2014) Etude thermodynamique et cinétique des systèmes soufrés en conditions de haute pression et de haute température : cas de SO2 et H2S. Collaboration LRGP (équipe ThermE).
- Responsable de contrats industriels :
- Total : étude des gaz co-injectés sur le site de Lacq (2006-2010)
- Arcelormittal : étude des grès du Trias dans le cadre de l’injection de CO2 en Lorraine (2010-2013).
- Total : étude de la lixiviation des « gas shales » (2013-2016)
Responsabilités pédagogiques
- Directeur de l'Ecole Doctorale SIReNa (Science et Ingénierie des Ressources Naturelles) (2018-2019)
- Responsable de la Licence Sciences de la Terre (2014-2018)
- Directeur adjoint du Département Géosciences (2014-2018)
Responsabilités administratives
- Porteur du Pôle Universitaire d'Innovation Polaris (2023->)
- Vice-Président Partenariats et Innovation - Université de Lorraine (2022->)
- Directeur général UL Propuls (2022->)
- Directeur du Carnot Icéel (2019->)
- Directeur de l'Ecole Doctorale SIReNa (Science et Ingénierie des Ressources Naturelles) (2018-2019)
- Conseils d’université
- 2008-2012 Membre élu du Conseil Scientifique de l’Université Henri Poincaré et membre élu du bureau du Conseil Scientifique
- 2013-2015 : Membre élu du Conseil Scientifique de l’Université de Lorraine et membre élu Comité Permanent du Conseil Scientifique
- 2013-2015 : Membre du Sénat Académique de l’Université de Lorraine
- 2013-2015: Membre nommé de la Commission Stratégie du Numérique de l’Université de Lorraine et du comité de pilotage NUMILAB
- 2018-2022: Membre élu du Conseil de Secteur PGCM (Physique, Géosciences, Chimie, Mécanique)
Lauréat du Prix Jean Goguel 2001 décerné par l'Association Internationale de Géologie de l'Ingénieur et de l'Environnement pour mon travail sur la cristallochimie des produits d'altération des vitraux médiévaux et son application au vieillissement des déchets vitrifiés.
- Saadallah, K., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Caumon, M. C., Randi, A., and Sterpenich, J. (2023) Solubility study of binary systems containing sulfur dioxide and water: A combination of Raman spectroscopy and Monte Carlo molecular simulation. Fluid Phase Equilib. 574, 113901.
- Bonnet, J., Mosser-Ruck, R., Sterpenich, J., Bourdelle, F. (2022) Chemical and mineralogical characterizations of a low-pH cementitious material designed for the disposal cell of the high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Cement and Concrete Research. 162, 107013.
- Strydom, J., Sterpenich, J., Grgic, G., Richard, A., Eggenkamp, H. GM, Agrinier, P., Louvat, P., Mosser-Ruck, R., Gaire, P., Gaucher, E.C. (2022) Experimental study of chemical evolution and isotope fractionation of Cl and Br in pore water expelled during strong clay compaction. Applied geochemistry. 140, 105274.
- Sterpenich, J., Caumon, M.-C., Lachet, V., Creton, B., El Jarmouni, M., Randi, A., and Robert, P., 2021. NO solubility in water and brine up to 60 MPa and 373 K by combining Raman spectroscopy and molecular simulation. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 53 (3), 645-653
Pignatelli, I., Mosser-Ruck, R., Mugnaioli, E., Sterpenich, J., and Gemmi, M., 2020. The Effect of the Starting Mineralogical Mixture on the Nature of Fe-Serpentines Obtained during Hydrothermal Synthesis AT 90° C. Clays Clay Miner., 1-19.
Mosser-Ruck, R., Sterpenich, J., Michau, N., Jodin-Caumon, M. C., Randi, A., Abdelmoula, M., Barres, O., and Cathelineau, M., 2020. Serpentinization and H2 production during an iron-clay interaction experiment at 90C under low CO2 pressure. App. Clay Sc. 191, 105609.
Verron, H., Sterpenich, J., Bonnet, J., Bourdelle, F., Mosser-Ruck, R., Lorgeoux, C., Randi, A., and Michau, N., 2019. Experimental Study of Pyrite Oxidation at 100°C: Implications for Deep Geological Radwaste Repository in Claystone. Minerals 9, 427.
Richard A., Morlot C., Créon L., Beaudoin N., Balistky V., Pentelei S., Dyja-Person V., Giuliani G., Pignatelli I., Legros H., Sterpenich J., Pironon J. (2019) Advances in 3D imaging and volumetric reconstruction of fluid and melt inclusions by high resolution X-ray computed tomography. Chemical Geology. 508, 3-14.
Renard, S., Pironon J., Sterpenich J., Carpentier C., Lescanne M., Gaucher E.C. (2019) Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: example of Rousse reservoir and caprock. Chemical Geology. 508, 30-56.
- Privalov, V., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., and Morlot, C. (2019). Structural Control of a Dissolution Network in a Limestone Reservoir Forced by Radial Injection of CO2 Saturated Solution: Experimental Results Coupled with X-ray Computed Tomography. Geosciences, 9, 33.
- Jobard E., Sterpenich J., Pironon J., Corvisier J., Randi A. (2018) Experimental modelling of the caprock/cement interface behaviour under CO2 storage conditions: effect of water and supercritical CO2 from a cathodoluminescence study. Geosciences, 8, 5.
- Lerat J., Sterpenich J., Mosser-Ruck R., Lorgeoux C., Bihannic I., Fialips C.I., Schovsbo N.H., Pironon J., Gaucher E.C. (2018) Metals and radionuclides (MaR) in the Alum Shale of Denmark: identification of MaR-the bearing phases for a the better management of the hydraulic fracturing waters. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 53, 139-152
- Eggenkamp, H., Agrinier, P., Coleman, M., Bonifacie, M., Ader, M., Strydom, J., Sterpenich, J., Gaucher, E., Louvat, P. (2018) Halogen Stable Isotope Studies in Formation Waters, a Comparison Between Their Chlorine and Bromine Isotope Systematics. Second EAGE Workshop on Geochemistry in Petroleum Operations and Production, October 2018, Muscat, Oman.
- Privalov, V.A., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, C., Pironon, J. (2018) Structural Control on Dissolution Arrays in Limestone Reservoir Forced by Radial CO2 Saturated Solution Injection. 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201801147
- Thiéry, D., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Kervévan, C., Pettenati, M. (2018) Numerical simulation of the injection of a CO2 saturated solution in a limestone sample. CMWR 2018, Saint-Malo, France
- Corvisier, J., Hajiw, M., Ahmar, E. E., Coquelet, C., Sterpenich, J., Privat, R., Jaubert, J.-N. l., Ballerat-Busserolles, K., Coxam, J.-Y., Cézac, P., Contamine, F., Serin, J.-P., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Parmentier, M., Tremosa, J., Blanc, P., André, L., de Lary, L., and Gaucher, E. C. (2017). Simulations of the Impact of Co-injected Gases on CO2 Storage, the SIGARRR Project: Processes and Geochemical Approaches for Gas-water-Salt Interactions Modeling. Energy Procedia, 114, 3322-3334.
- Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Thiéry, D., Kervévan, C., Pironon, J., and Morlot, C. (2017). Experimental and Numerical Simulation of the Injection of a CO2 Saturated Solution in a Carbonate Reservoir: Application to the CO2-DISSOLVED Concept Combining CO2 Geological Storage and Geothermal Heat Recovery. Energy Procedia, 114, 2942-2956.
- Kervévan, C., Beddelem, M. H., Galiègue, X., Le Gallo, Y., May, F., O'Neil, K., and Sterpenich, J. (2017). Main Results of the CO2-DISSOLVED Project: First Step toward a Future Industrial Pilot Combining Geological Storage of Dissolved CO2 and Geothermal Heat Recovery. Energy Procedia, 114, 4086-4098.
- Sterpenich, J., Gaucher, E. C., Schovsbo, N. H., Lerat, J. G., Mosser-Ruck, R., and Pironon, J. (2017). Geochemistry of Aquifer in Contact with Alum Shale: Evidence of Limited Contaminant Transfers. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 786-789.
- Caumon, M.-C., Sterpenich, J., Randi, A., Pironon, J. (2016) Measuring mutual solubility in the H2O-CO2 system up to 200 bar and 100°C by in situ Raman spectroscopy. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 47, 63-70.
- Belgodere C, J. Dubessy J, D. Vautrin D, M.-C. Caumon, J. Sterpenich, J. Pironon, P. Robert, A. Randi and J-P. Birat (2015) Experimental determination of CO2 diffusion coefficient in aqueous solutions under pressure at room temperature via Raman spectroscopy: impact of salinity (NaCl). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46 (10), 1025-1032, DOI 10.1002/jrs.4742.
- Corvisier, J., E. E. Ahmar, C. Coquelet, J. Sterpenich, R. Privat, J. N. Jaubert, K. Ballerat-Busserolles, J. Y. Coxam, P. Cézac, F. Contamine, J. P. Serin, V. Lachet, B. Creton, M. Parmentier, P. Blanc, L. André, L. de Lary, and E. C. Gaucher (2014) Simulations of the Impact of Co-injected Gases on CO2 Storage, the SIGARRR Project: First Results on Water-gas Interactions Modeling, Energy Procedia, 63, 3160-3171.
- Randi, A., J. Sterpenich, C. Morlot, J. Pironon, C. Kervévan, M. H. Beddelem, and C. Fléhoc (2014) CO2-DISSOLVED: a Novel Concept Coupling Geological Storage of Dissolved CO2 and Geothermal Heat Recovery - Part 3: Design of the MIRAGES-2 Experimental Device Dedicated to the Study of the Geochemical Water-Rock Interactions Triggered by CO2 Laden Brine Injection, Energy Procedia, 63, 4536-4547.
- Stevanovic, S., J. Sterpenich, J. Dubessy, M. Serres, M. C. Caumon, P. Robert, and A. Randi (2014) Study of SO2/water and NO/water/salt systems from 25 to 150°C using fused silica capillaries, batch autoclave and Raman microspectrometry, Energy Procedia, 63, 3775-3781.
- Renard, S., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Chiquet, P., Randi, A. (2014) Geochemical implication of an oxycombustion stream containing SO2 and O2 on carbonate rocks in the context of CO2 storage. Chemical Geology, 382, 140-152.
- Sterpenich, J., Jobard, E., El Hajj, H., Pironon, J., Randi, A. Caumon, M.-C. (2014) Experimental study of CO2 injection in a simulated injection well: the MIRAGES experiment. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 4, 210-224.
- Belgodere, C., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Jobard, E., Randi, A., and Birat, J.-P. (2013). CO2 Storage from Blast Furnace in the Triassic Sandstones of Lorraine, (Eastern Paris Basin, France): an experimental study. Energy Procedia 37, 5315-5322.
- Corvisier, J., Bonvalot, A.-F., Lagneau, V., Chiquet, P., Renard, S., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J. (2013). Impact of Co-injected Gases on CO2 Storage Sites: Geochemical Modeling of Experimental Results. Energy Procedia 37, 3699-3710.
- Pironon, J., Dubessy, J., Sterpenich, J., Robert, P., Parmentier, M., Lassin, A., Renard, S., Bouquet, S., Andjar, K., and Randi, A. (2013). Dehydration of Gypsum Under Dry CO2 Injection. Energy Procedia 37, 4575-4582.
- Sterpenich, J., Dubessy, J., Pironon, J., Renard, S., Caumon, M.-C., Randi, A., Jaubert, J.-N., Favre, E., Roizard, D., Parmentier, M., Azaroual, M., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Parra, T., Ahmar, E. E., Coquelet, C., Lagneau, V., Corvisier, J., Chiquet, P., (2013). Role of Impurities on CO2 Injection: Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Thermodynamic Properties of Water-salt-gas Mixtures (CO2 + Co-injected Gases) Under Geological Storage Conditions. Energy Procedia 37, 3638-3645.
- Jobard, E., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Corvisier, J., Jouanny, M. and Randi, A., (2013). Experimental simulation of the impact of a thermal gradient during geological sequestration of CO2: The COTAGES experiment. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12, 56-71.
- Libourel, G., Verney-Carron, A., Morlok, A., Gin, S., Sterpenich, J., Michelin, A., Neff, D., Dillmann, P. (2011). The use of natural and archeological analogues for understanding the long-term behavior of nuclear glasses. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 343, 237-245.
- De Donato, P., Pironon, J., Sterpenich, J., Laurent, A., Piedevache, M., Pokryszka, Z., Quisel, N., Barrès, O., Thomas, S., Rampnoux, N., (2011). CO2 flow baseline: Key factors of the geochemical monitoring program of future CO2 storage at Claye-Souilly (Paris basin). Energy Procedia 4, 5438-5446.
- Renard, S., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Chiquet, P., Lescanne, M., Randi, A. (2011). Geochemical study of the reactivity of a carbonate rock in a geological storage of CO2 : Implications of co-injected gases. Energy Procedia 4, 5364-5369.
- Valle, N. Verney-Carron, A., Sterpenich, J. Libourel, G. Deloule, E. Jollivet, P (2010). Elemental and isotopic (29Si and 18O) tracing of glass alteration mechanisms. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. , 74 (12) 3412-3431.
- Sterpenich, J., Sausse, J., Pironon, J., Géhin, A., Hubert, G., Perfetti, E.,Grgic, D., (2009) Experimental ageing of oolitic limestones under CO2 storage conditions: Petrographical and chemical evidence. Chemical Geology, 265(1-2): 99-112.
- Sterpenich J, (2008): Crystal-chemistry of alteration products of vitrified wastes: implications on the retention of polluting elements. Waste Management , 28, 120-132
- Sterpenich J., Libourel G. (2007) Evidence of water diffusion in silicate glasses under natural weathering conditions given by buried medieval stained-glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352, 5446-5451
- Dubessy J, Tarantola A., Sterpenich J. (2005). Modelling of liquid-vapour equilibria in the system H2O-CO2-NaCl and H2O-H2S-NaCl systems to 270°C. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 60(2): 339-355.
- Richard L, Neuville N, Sterpenich J, Perfetti E, Lacharpagne JC. (2005) Thermodynamic analysis of organic/inorganic reactions involving sulfur : implications for the sequestration of H2S in carbonate reservoirs. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 60(2), 275-285.
- Sterpenich J (2002) Cristallochimie des produits d'altération des vitraux médiévaux: application au vieillissement des déchets vitrifiés. Crystal chemistry of alteration products of medieval stained-glass windows: application to the ageing of vitrified wastes. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 61, 179-193 DOI 10.1007/s10064-001-0150-1
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G (2001) Using stained glass windows to understand the durability of toxic waste matrices. Chemical Geology, 174, 181-193.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G (1997) Les vitraux médiévaux: caractérisation physico-chimique de l'altération. Techne (Laboratoire de Recherche des Musées de France), 6, 70-78.
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Sterpenich, J, Elter, R., Mathieu, S., Bartier, D. Etude des tesselles de mosaïques et des verres plats issus du site archéologique de Umm el-‘Amr. Monographie en archéologie en cours d’édition.
- Renard, S. Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Randi, A. Chiquet, P. Lescanne, M. (2011). Impact of SO2 and NO on carbonated rocks submitted to a geological storage of CO2: an experimental study. In: Y.W.a.J.J. Carroll (Editor), Acid Gas Injection and Related Technologies. Advances in Natural Gas Engineering. 377-392. Scrivener publishing, Calgary AB Canada.
Revue de livre
- Sterpenich, J. (2019) Review of W. Heinrich and R. Abart (eds.) (2017): Mineral reaction kinetics: microstructures, textures, chemical and isotope signatures. EMU Notes in Mineralogy, 16, European Mineralogical Union and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland: London. ISBN 978-0903056-63-2, XV, 651 p., £ 55 (institutions), £ 40 (individuals).
Autres articles
- Sterpenich, J. (2019) Review of W. Heinrich and R. Abart (eds.) (2017): Mineral reaction kinetics: microstructures, textures, chemical and isotope signatures. EMU Notes in Mineralogy, 16, European Mineralogical Union and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland: London. ISBN 978-0903056-63-2, XV, 651 p.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G (2001) Mediaeval Stained Glass Windows: a Physical and Chemical Characterisation of Alteration. In: Sciences and technologies of the materials and the environment for the protection of stained-glass and stone monuments. Research report n°14, European Commission, Paris 7 –18 sept. 1998, Roger-Alexandre Lefèvre Ed.
- Libourel G, Sterpenich J, Barbey P, Chaussidon M (1998) La matériau vitreux: verre et vitraux. In: Cours Intensif Européen, Ravello, 28-30 avril 1995, Lefèvre R.A., Pallot-Frossard I. (eds), Edipuglia, Bari, 75-89.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G, Le Forestier L, (1994) Les vitraux médiévaux: un modèle pour le vieillissement des déchets vitrifiés, In: Décision Environnement, Cahier Technique, Septembre 94 (n°29), 5-6.
Communications à congrès
Résumés ayant fait l'objet d'une présentation orale (l’orateur est souligné):
Congrès internationaux:
- Sterpenich, J., Saadallah, K., Caumon, M. C., Lachet, V., Creton, B., and Randi, A. (2023) How to Acquire Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Hazardous Gases in Water Under PT Geological Conditions? Conference Proceedings 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers Vienna.
- Renard, S. Pironon, J., Sterpenich, J., Randi, A. (2021) Rock Reactivity under Acidic Atmosphere: Role of Coinjected Gases in CCS. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. MR55A-0011.
- Saadallah, K., Caumon, M-C., Sterpenich, J., Randi, A., Lachet, V., Creton, B. (2021) Thermodynamic behavior of SO2-NO-H2O systems at high pressure and temperature: an experimental Raman. 2nd Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference, Nov 2021, p.1 – 4.
- Pironon, J., Barres, O., de Donato, P., Faure, P., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J. (2021) Survey strategies around an industrial CCS demonstrator in France. Decarbonization in the European Union and New Paradigm for the Development of Fuel & Energy Complex in Russia.
- Randi, A., Kervévan, C., Pironon, J., Sterpenich, J., Privalov, V., Morlot, C. (2021) A new concept combining CO2 geological storage and geothermal heat recovery: results of experimental simulations. Decarbonization in the European Union and New Paradigm for the Development of Fuel & Energy Complex in Russia.
- Eggenkamp, H., Agrinier, P., Coleman, M., Bonifacie, M., Ader, M., Strydom, J., Sterpenich, J., Gaucher, E., Louvat, P. (2018) Halogen Stable Isotope Studies in Formation Waters, a Comparison Between Their Chlorine and Bromine Isotope Systematics. Second EAGE Workshop on Geochemistry in Petroleum Operations and Production, October 2018, Muscat, Oman.
- Thiéry, D., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Kervévan, C., Pettenati, M. (2018) Numerical simulation of the injection of a CO2 saturated solution in a limestone sample. CMWR 2018, COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN WATER RESOURCES, Saint-Malo, France.
- Kervévan, C., Beddelem, M.-H., Galiègue, X., Le Gallo, Y., May, F., O’Neil, K., Sterpenich, J. (2016). Main Results of the CO2-DISSOLVED Project: First Step toward a Future Industrial Pilot Combining Geological Storage of Dissolved CO2 and Geothermal Heat Recovery. GHGT13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne
- Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Thiéry, D., Kervévan, C., Pironon, J., Morlot, C. (2016) Experimental and numerical simulation of the injection of a CO2 saturated solution in a carbonate reservoir: application to the CO2-DISSOLVED concept combining CO2 geological storage and geothermal heat recovery. GHGT13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne.
- Jobard, E., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Randi, A., and Caumon, M.-C., (2013). Experimental study of the caprock / cement interface under CO2 geological storage conditions. EGU, Vienna.
- Kervévan, C., Bugarel, F., Galiègue, X., Le Gallo, Y., May, F., O’Neil, K., and Sterpenich, J., (2013). CO2-DISSOLVED: A Novel Approach to Combining CCS and Geothermal Heat Recovery. In: EAGE (Ed.), Sustainable Earth Sciences, Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Sub-surface, Pau, France.
- Pironon, J., De Donato, P., Sterpenich, J., and Faure, P., (2013). Six years of intensive research cooperation to the Lacq-Rousse pilot of TOTAL: the academic point of view from GeoRessources lab. In: EAGE (Ed.), Sustainable Earth Sciences, Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep Sub-surface, Pau, France.
- Corvisier J., Jobard, E., Randi, A., Lagneau V., Sterpenich J., Pironon J. (2010) Both experimental study and numerical modelling of the effect of temperature gradient on CO2 injection. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010.
- Renard, S. Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Randi, A. Chiquet, P. Lescanne, M. (2010). Impact of SO2 and NO on carbonated rocks submitted to a geological storage of CO2: an experimental study. International Acid Gas Injection Symposium AGIS 2010, Sept. 28-29th, 2010, Calgary AB Canada
- Sterpenich, J., (2010). Rôle des gaz annexes sur l'injection de CO2. In: ANR-BRGM (Editor), Colloque franco-espagnol et séminaire d’avancement ANR des projets sur le stockage géologique de CO2, 22-24 novembre 2010, Pau
- Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Sausse, J. and Randi, A. (2010) Experimental Simulation of Mass Transfer During Limestone Alteration Submitted to a Gradient of Temperature and a High CO2 Pressure: the COTAGES Experiment. World Geothermal Congress WGC 2010 Bali, Indonésie.
- Renard, S., Sterpenich, J.,Pironon, J. (2009). Reactivity of rock and well in a geological storage of CO2: role of co-injected gases. EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienne, pp. EGU2009-4859.
- Sterpenich, J., Favre, E., Roizard, D., Jaubert, J.-N., Mutelet, F., Pironon, J., Dubessy, J., Renard, S., Henriot, A.-L., Lagneau, V., Richon, D., El-Ahmar, E., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Azaroual, M., Parmentier, M., Lescanne, M.,Mouronval, G. (2009). Experimental and numerical simulation of thermodynamic properties of water-salt-gas mixtures (CO2 + co-contaminant) under geological storage conditions, Les rencontres scientifiques de l'IFP - Deep Saline aquifers for Geological Storage of CO2 and Energy, Rueil-Malmaison, France.
- Sterpenich J, Lagneau V., Lachet V., Lescanne M., Azaroual M (2007). Experimental and numerical simulation of thermodynamic properties of water-salt-gas mixture (CO2 + co-contaminant) under geological storage conditions. French-German symposium on Geological Storage of CO2, 21-22/6/07, Potsdam, DE
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G (1999) Kinetics of pollutant element release during glass alteration. EUG 10, Strasbourg, March 28th-April 1st, 1999, Terra Nova, 4 (1), p. 534.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G, Le Forestier L (1997) Characterisation of aqueous corrosion of glasses: implications on durability of vitrified wastes. EUG 9, Strasbourg, 23-27 March 1997, Terra Nova, suppl.1, p. 638.
- Le Forestier L, Libourel G, Sterpenich J. (1997) From household refuse to vitrified wastes. In : IXth Meeting of European Union of Geosciences (EUG 9), Strasbourg, 23-27 March 1997, Terra Nova, suppl.1, p. 287.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G, Le Forestier L (1997) Ion microprobe applications in trace element mobility during glass alteration. The example of medieval stained glasses. In : Colloque inaugural de la sonde ionique IMS 1270, Nancy, 27-28 Novembre 1997.
- Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G (1995) Ageing of vitrified wastes : an experimental and analogical approach. In : International Symposium on Environmental Technologies: Plasma Systems and Applications, Atlanta, USA, October 8-11, 1995, Georgia Institute of Technology, 173-181. Libourel G, Le Forestier L, Sterpenich J. (1995) Leaching experiments on ultimate waste glasses. In : International Symposium on Environmental Technologies - Plasma Systems, GEORGIA TECH, USA, October 8-11, 1995.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G (1995) Durability of vitrified wastes as deduced from the study of medieval stained glasses. In: Vth Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, 4-8 avril 1995.
- Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G (1995) Durability of vitrified wastes as deduced from an experimental and analogical approach. In: Congrès International des Procédés de Solidification et de Stabilisation des déchets, Nancy, 28 novembre-1 décembre 1995.
- Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G, Chaussidon M, Barbey P (1994) - Medieval stained glass: a model for leaching of vitrified wastes. In: VM Goldschmidt Conference, Edinburgh, 29 August-2 September 1994. Mineralogical Magazine, 58A, 877-878.
Congrès nationaux
- Sterpenich, J., Caumon, M.-C., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Randi, A., Robert, P. (2018) Solubilité de NO en solution aqueuse jusqu’à 600 bar déterminée par une approche couplée : microspectrométrie Raman et simulations moléculaires. RST 2018, Lille
- Randi, A., Privalov, V., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, C., Pironon, J. (2018) Influence des contraintes tectoniques régionales sur la morphologie d’un réseau de dissolution dans une roche calcaire soumise à l’injection d’une solution enrichie en CO2 dissous. RST 2018, Lille
- Bonnet, J., Verron, H., Mosser, R., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, C., Bourdelle, F., Michau, N., Bourbon, X. (2018) Monitoring by X-Ray Tomography of the 3D evolution, and multi-technique characterization of the mineralogical changes at the interface between a Low-pH cement and Steel. RST 2018, Lille
- Verron, H. Bonnet, J., Sterpenich, J., Michau, N. Michau. (2018) Etude expérimentale des interactions Fer ou acier/ciment bentonitique/argilites en conditions de stockage de déchets radioactifs. RST 2018, Lille.
- Richard, A., Morlot, C., Créon, L., Beuadoin, N., Dyja-Person, V., Giuliani, G., Pignatelli, I., Legros, H., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J. (2018) Advances in 3D imaging and volumetric reconstruction of fluid and melt inclusions by high resolution X-ray computed tomography. RST 2018, Lille
- Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, C., Pironon, J., Caumon, M.-C., Jobard, E. (2016) Etude expérimentale de la tenue de puits d’injection dans le cadre du stockage géologique de CO2. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur – Nancy 2016
- Bartier, D., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, C., Géraud, Y., Sausse, J., and Cathelineau, M. (2013). Etude des hétérogénéités sédimentaires dans les argilites - application aux argilites de Bure. Journées annuelles de NEEDS Milieux Poreux Paris.
- Jobard E., Sterpenich J., Pironon J., Corvisier J., Jouanny M., Randi A. (2011) Modélisation expérimentale des transferts de matières dans un calcaire oolithique soumis à un gradient de température et à une forte pression de CO2 : le modèle COTAGES. 13ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Dijon, France
- Sterpenich, J. (2007) GAZ-ANNEXES : Rôle des gaz annexes sur l’injection du CO2 : simulation des propriétés thermodynamiques des mélanges eau-gaz-sels en conditions de stockage géologique. Séminaire ANR Captage et stockage du CO2, Pau, Palais Beaumont 12-13 décembre 2007.
- Valle, N., Sterpenich, J., Deloule, E., Libourel, G. (2001) Traçage isotopique (29Si et 18O) des mécanismes de l'altération du verre de confinement des déchets nucléaires SON68. GdR Nomade, Méjannes-le-Clap, Octobre 2001.
- Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G (1996) Altération expérimentale de déchets ménagers vitrifiés et analogues naturels. 16e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Orléans, 10-12 Avril 1996, Abstracts, p. 172.
- Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G, Barbey P, Chaussidon M (1994) Altération des vitraux médiévaux: un modèle pour le vieillissement des verres d'inertage., 15e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Nancy, 26-28 avril 1994, Abs., p. 119.
Résumés ayant fait l'objet d'un poster
- Corvisier, J., El Ahmar, E., Coquelet, C., Sterpenich, J., Privat, R., Jaubert, J. N., Ballerat-Busserolles, K., Coxam, J. Y., Cézac, P., Contamine, F., Serin, J. P., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Parmentier, M., Blanc, P., André, L., de Lary, L., Gaucher, E. C. (2014) Simulations of the Impact of Co-injected Gases on CO2 Storage, the SIGARRR Project: First Results on Water-gas Interactions Modeling. Energy Procedia 63, 3160-3171.
- Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, C., Pironon, J., Kervévan, C., Beddelem, M. H., Fléhoc, C. (2014) CO2-DISSOLVED: a Novel Concept Coupling Geological Storage of Dissolved CO2 and Geothermal Heat Recovery - Part 3: Design of the MIRAGES-2 Experimental Device Dedicated to the Study of the Geochemical Water-Rock Interactions Triggered by CO2 Laden Brine Injection. Energy Procedia 63, 4536-4547.
- Stevanovic, S., Sterpenich, J., Dubessy, J., Serres, M., Caumon, M. C., Robert, P., Randi, A. (2014) Study of SO2/water and NO/water/salt systems from 25 to 150°C using fused silica capillaries, batch autoclave and Raman microspectrometry. Energy Procedia 63, 3775-3781.
- Belgodere, C., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Jobard, E., Randi, A., and Birat, J.-P. (2013). CO2 Storage from Blast Furnace in the Triassic Sandstones of Lorraine, (Eastern Paris Basin, France): an experimental study. Energy Procedia 37, 5315-5322.
- Corvisier, J., Bonvalot, A.-F., Lagneau, V., Chiquet, P., Renard, S., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J. (2013). Impact of Co-injected Gases on CO2 Storage Sites: Geochemical Modeling of Experimental Results. Energy Procedia 37, 3699-3710.
- Pironon, J., Dubessy, J., Sterpenich, J., Robert, P., Parmentier, M., Lassin, A., Renard, S., Bouquet, S., Andjar, K., and Randi, A. (2013). Dehydration of Gypsum Under Dry CO2 Injection. Energy Procedia 37, 4575-4582.
- Sterpenich, J., Dubessy, J., Pironon, J., Renard, S., Caumon, M.-C., Randi, A., Jaubert, J.-N., Favre, E., Roizard, D., Parmentier, M., Azaroual, M., Lachet, V., Creton, B., Parra, T., Ahmar, E. E., Coquelet, C., Lagneau, V., Corvisier, J., Chiquet, P., (2013). Role of Impurities on CO2 Injection: Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Thermodynamic Properties of Water-salt-gas Mixtures (CO2 + Co-injected Gases) Under Geological Storage Conditions. Energy Procedia 37, 3638-3645.
- Belgodere, C., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Randi, A., and Birat, J.-P., (2013). Experimental Study of CO2 Injection in the Triassic Sandstones of Lorraine (Eastern France) – Investigation of Injection Well Injectivity Impairment by Mineral Precipitations. In: Fabrizio, G. and Audigane, P. Eds.). Le Studium Conference. Geochemical reactivity in CO2 geological storage sites, Orléans, France.
- Jobard, E., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., and Randi, A., (2013). Experimental simulation of the impact of a thermal gradient on a clayey caprock under CO2 storage conditions. In: Fabrizio, G. and Audigane, P. Eds.). Le Studium Conference. Geochemical reactivity in CO2 geological storage sites, Orléans, France.
- Sterpenich, J., Jobard, E., El Hajj, H., Pironon, J., Randi, A., and Caumon, M.-C. (2013). Study of CO2 interaction with reservoir materials in a simulated injection well: the MIRAGES experiment. In: Fabrizio, G. and Audigane, P. Eds.). Le Studium Conference. Geochemical reactivity in CO2 geological storage sites, Orléans, France.
- Parmentier, M., Renard, S., Corvisier, J., Parra, T., Gaucher, E., Azaroual, M., and Sterpenich, J., (2013). Experimental and numerical study of sulphur dioxide reactivity on calcite. In: Fabrizio, G. and Audigane, P. Eds.). Le Studium Conference. Geochemical reactivity in CO2 geological storage sites, Orléans, France.
- Belgodere, C., Dubessy, J., Pironon, J., Sterpenich, J., Robert, P., and Randi, A. (2012). Experimental determination of CO2 diffusion coefficient in aqueous solutions under pressure via Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. . In: Dubessy, J. (Ed.), Georaman 10, Nancy, France.
- Caumon, M.-C., Sterpenich, J., Randi, A., and Pironon, J. (2012). Co-solubilities of H2O and CO2 determined by in situ Raman spectroscopy from 1 to 200 bar at 100 and 150°C. In: Dubessy, J. (Ed.), Georaman 10, Nancy, France.
- Mosser-Ruck, R., Jodin-Caumon, M. C., Randi, A., Abdelmoula, M., Barrès, O., Sterpenich, J., Cathelineau, M., and Michau, N. (2012). Impact of CO2 on iron-argillite experimental interactions at 90°C. In: Andra (Ed.), Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement - 5th International Meeting, Montpellier.
- Sterpenich, J. et al., (2010). Experimental and numerical simulation of thermodynamic properties of water-salt-gas mixtures (CO2 + co-contaminant) under geological storage conditions, GHGT10, RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 19th-23rd September 2010
- Corvisier, J., Jobard, E., Randi, A., Lagneau, V., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J. (2010). Both experimental study and numerical modelling of the effect of temperature gradient on CO2 injection. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010.
- Renard, S., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Chiquet, P., Lescanne, M., Randi, A., (2010). Geochemical study of the reactivity of a carbonate rock in a geological storage of CO2 : Implications of co-injected gases. GHGT10, RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 19th-23rd September 2010.
- de Donato, P., Pironon, J., Sterpenich, J., Laurent, A., Piedevache, M., Pokryszka, Z., Quisel, N., Barrès, O., Thomas, S., Rampnoux, N., (2010). CO2 flow baseline: Key factors of the geochemical monitoring program of future CO2 storage at Claye-Souilly (Paris basin). GHGT10, RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 19th-23rd September 2010
- Sterpenich, J., Lagneau, V., Lachet, V., Lescanne, M. and Azaroual, M. (2007). Experimental and numerical simulation of thermodynamic properties of water-salt-gas mixture (CO2 + co-contaminant) under geological storage conditions. In: L. Stroink (Editor), 1. French-German Symposium on Geological Storage of CO2. Science Report. Geotechnologien, Potsdam, pp. 189.
- Pironon J., Sterpenich J., Gehin A., Perfetti E., Hubert G., Sausse J. (2007) Oolithic calcareous ageing in batch reactor in various CO2 environments. French-German symposium on Geological Storage of CO2, 21-22/6/07, Potsdam, DE
- Gigleux L., Cleymand F., Mézin A., Testu S.; Sterpenich J., George M. (2007) Controlled crack propagation in soda-lime glass by 4-points bending and Brazilian test. ICG 2007, XXIst International Congress on Glass, 1-6 july 1007, Strasbourg.
- Sterpenich J., Renard S, Pironon J. (2006). Reactivity of French Triassic sandstones submitted to CO2 under deep geological storage conditions. 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies - GHGT8, Trondheim, Norway.
- Sterpenich J, Pironon J., Oukili J., Perfetti E., Richard L., Dubessy J., Malartre F., Fauvel P.J., Leroux J. (2005) CO2 sequestration in Lorraine : evaluation of the sequestration potential of regional aquifers. Séminaire "Stockage Géologique des Gaz Acides" Pau, CSTJF du Groupe TOTAL, 31 mai-1er juin 2005.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G. (1998) Crystal-chemistry of alteration products of medieval stained-glasses - In VM Goldschmidt Conference, Toulouse, August 30- September 3, 1998, Mineralogical Magazine; 62A; 1456-1457.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G, Le Forestier L (1996) Durability of vitrified wastes : an experimental approach in the leaching of glasses. In : "Geochemistry of crustal fluids", Symposium of the European Union, Seefeld, Austria, 6-11 December 1996.
- Sterpenich J, Libourel G (1995) Ageing of vitrified wastes as deduced from the study of medieval stained glasses. In : VM Goldschmidt Conference, University Park, PA, May 24-26, 1995.
- Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G, Chaussidon M (1995) The alteration of medieval stained glasses : a model for ageing of vitrified wastes. In : VIIIth Meeting of European Union of Geosciences (EUG 8), Strasbourg, 9-13 April 1995, Abstracts, p. 21.
Encadrement de thèses
Thèses :
- Comportement thermodynamique des systèmes soufrés et azotés à haute pression et haute température. Approche expérimentale et numérique. Application aux environnements terrestres. Thèse Khouloud Saadallah (2019-2023). Direction: J. Sterpenich (50%) et M.-C. Caumon (50%).
- Etude de la production d’eau douce à partir de formations argileuses dans les zones de foothills. Thèse Jessica Strydom, 2017-2022. (Direction : Jérôme Sterpenich 50%, Dragan Grgic 50%). Financement CREGU-Total.
- Comportement des matériaux de remplissage cimento-bentonitiques dans les alvéoles HA de stockage des déchets radioactifs : étude physico-chimique des interactions avec fer métal en cours de corrosion et argilite naturelle oxydée entre 25 et 90°C. Thèse Héloïse Verron, octobre 2016-2020 (Direction : Jérôme Sterpenich 50%, Franck Bourdelle (Univ Lille) 50%). Financement ANDRA.
- Modélisation de l’injection de saumures enrichies en CO2 dans un doublet géothermique. Étude de l’injectivité et des impacts géochimiques en proche puits. Thèse Aurélien Randi (2016-2021 mi-temps) Direction: J. Pironon (50%) et J. Sterpenich (50%). Financement ANR CO2-DISSOLVED.
- Modélisation expérimentale de l'altération du puits d'injection dans le cadre du stockage géologique du CO2 : étude du point triple réservoir/couverture/ciment. Thèse Emmanuel Jobard, octobre 2009-février 2013. Direction: J. Pironon (50%) et J. Sterpenich (50%). Financement Ministère et ANR Interface et Proche-Puits.
- Rôle des gaz annexes sur l'évolution géochimique d'un site de stockage de dioxyde de carbone. Application à la région de Lacq. Thèse Stéphane Renard, octobre 2006- juin 2010. Direction: Jacques Pironon (50%) et Jérôme Sterpenich (50%). Financement: ADEME et TOTAL.